14:00:23 #startmeeting networking 14:00:23 Meeting started Tue Oct 8 14:00:23 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is haleyb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:23 The meeting name has been set to 'networking' 14:00:25 Ping list: bcafarel, elvira, frickler, mlavalle, mtomaska, obondarev, slaweq, tobias-urdin, ykarel, lajoskatona, jlibosva, averdagu, amotoki, haleyb, ralonsoh 14:00:25 \o 14:00:33 hi everyone 14:00:34 hello 14:00:51 o/ 14:01:06 o/ 14:01:25 o/ 14:01:55 alright, will get started 14:01:58 #topic announcements 14:02:02 o/ 14:02:13 Dalmatian has been released, long live Dalmatian! 14:02:24 o/ 14:02:30 congrats everyone 14:02:44 thanks for everyone's work over the past 6 months to get that out 14:02:51 +1 14:02:54 o/ 14:03:27 and no sooner do we get one done than have to plan the next 14:03:31 Epoxy cycle PTG sessions (October 21-25) 14:03:40 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2024-ptg-neutron 14:04:00 Please add topics, i will fill-in ones we've discussed in last few meetings 14:04:08 Have Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri (if needed) timeslots 14:04:27 and Ironic and Nova interlocks 14:04:47 cool, thanks 14:05:15 #link https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html has the calendar with rooms and times 14:06:42 13:00-17:00 UTC were the times, same as last cycle, if there is an issue with the later ones let me know 14:07:21 we have not needed all 4 days in the past few cycles 14:08:13 Monday at the PTG there are TC timeslots, assuming some might want to attend them 14:09:11 actually, i now see two timeslots on Wednesday for eventlet-removal, so will try and work around those as well 14:10:22 any other questions about the PTG? this is not anyone's first rodeo :) 14:10:57 ok 14:11:01 Reminder: If you have a topic for the drivers meeting on Friday, please add it to the wiki @ https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers 14:11:28 we did not have quorom last week, so i plan on having one this week 14:11:36 ack 14:11:50 sure 14:12:16 ack 14:12:23 just one item at the moment regarding floating IP NAT behavior 14:12:39 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083214 14:13:43 Let's continue to use the priorities dashboard for patches in the "ready to merge" state. This could be older changes as well as new ones 14:14:09 #link https://tinyurl.com/59ubjsv5 14:14:34 full link in the wiki, but too long for pasting 14:15:14 i had no other topics, anything I missed? 14:16:39 #topic bugs 14:16:48 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/6QCFKHHXGKQZVY3I6YTZR7R7NC3JZ4RV/ 14:16:57 ralonsoh was the deputy last week 14:17:09 there were a lot of bugs 14:17:28 (I should be paid more!) 14:18:22 I can pay in beer when we see each other in person :) 14:18:35 sorry, should I present the bug list? 14:18:54 i can if you like, up to you, at least the unassigned ones 14:19:02 there some, yes 14:19:13 actually some of them are assigned now 14:19:23 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083609 14:19:32 if I'm not wrong, slaweq is working on this one 14:19:46 yes, I'll check the assignee 14:20:00 the next one 14:20:02 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083682 14:20:17 This is related to a feature already commented 14:20:28 I pushed an improvement: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/929967 14:20:47 but this seems not to be enough for the Nova API with too many VMs 14:20:59 I'll take it because is related to a feature I implemented 14:21:01 right. can we just suggest to use the neutron api to get neutron SGs? 14:21:13 I need to reproduce the Nova call 14:21:25 just to know what API call are we issuing 14:21:39 thanks for taking it 14:21:41 if the neutron client takes so little time, maybe we can improve that 14:22:04 next one 14:22:06 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083570 14:22:17 ah no, I'm investigating this one right now 14:22:30 this is happening in the tempest ipv6 jobs 14:22:35 since the wsgi migration 14:22:58 to be honest, I don't know yet what is happening there, but I'll continue working on it 14:23:07 there are 2 bugs to be discussed 14:23:15 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083527 14:23:21 [OVN] dnat_and_snat rules are setting GATEWAY_PORT when LR pinned to chassis 14:23:40 this is related to the nested routing feature 14:24:03 but in this case there are two routers with GWs, and the inner router has an external network and FIP 14:24:16 so the point is if we want to support this architecture 14:25:03 I really don't know if we want to have an external network connected to another router as an internal interface, and this router to have another GW network 14:25:10 I'll add this to the drivers meeting 14:25:17 do you agree? 14:25:44 +1, perhaps we can invite the the guys owned that feature originally 14:25:47 i haven't gone through all the bug comments yet, but i don't think we want that 14:25:52 for sure, I'll comment that in the bug 14:26:33 haleyb, we'll have time next friday. The point is that with this architecture, we should also snat traffic from this in-the-middle external network 14:26:42 and that's not possible for resources outside neutron 14:26:56 anyway, this one for the drivers meeting 14:27:04 sure 14:27:07 next one 14:27:09 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083760 14:27:20 this is related to a mail chain create by Takashi 14:27:37 I replied on monday but I realized that he is expecting more, for example the caller ID 14:27:46 not the caller, the call ID 14:27:58 that actually is NOT printed in the wsgi module 14:28:13 so he is proposing to have a common module that prints this information 14:28:30 please check mail "[neutron][nova][oslo][all] Common middleware to log requests" 14:28:37 yes, see ML thread now 14:29:14 I think this is interesting and something needed. Maybe we need to wait for this middleware 14:29:26 and that's all 14:30:24 alright, thanks for all the info 14:30:35 any other bugs people want to discuss? 14:31:03 This week lajoskatona is the bug deputy, next week will be ykarel 14:31:09 does that work for both of you? 14:31:17 I am on it 14:31:32 great, thanks 14:31:36 and I hope ralonsoh emptied the bug cache last week :-) 14:31:37 if some can switch with me it would be better 14:31:51 i will be out atleast 2 days next week 14:31:55 tue/wed 14:31:58 ykarel, no problem, I'll do it 14:32:12 thx ralonsoh , i can do next to next week 14:32:27 you were doing it last week so maybe I can switch with ykarel 14:32:30 I can do it too if you did it this week ralonsoh 14:32:43 we'll sync offline 14:32:51 ++ 14:33:46 ok, update the schedule on the wiki if you need to 14:34:19 Bug count is currently at 731, down 3 from last week 14:34:53 #topic community-goals 14:34:59 eventlet deprecation 14:35:08 there was a ML thread this past week 14:36:11 yes, let me finish the document internally and then I'll share it with you 14:36:28 we should have a PTG topic to check the working items 14:36:33 see how to address them 14:36:42 and assign the tasks 14:36:48 ralonsoh: ok, thanks, i'm trying to find the other ML thread from Steven? 14:36:54 or is it related? 14:37:20 I'm talking about Herve's mail 14:37:32 in any case, I'll add this info in the PTG etherpad 14:37:34 ah yes, that one 14:37:47 i knew it was someone from RH 14:37:58 because we need to provide feedback to the TC and the community 14:38:06 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/YAX2X7C6FCDDNN4SBFN7BNSUA44Z6VXA/ 14:39:37 other community goal was neutronclient deprecation 14:39:46 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/1999774%22 14:39:47 do we have some neutron specific bug or similar to track this progress? 14:40:00 lajoskatona: related to eventlet? 14:40:00 I mean for eventlet removal? 14:40:02 lajoskatona, the eventlet deprecation 14:40:04 yes, one sec 14:40:27 https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2069831 14:40:33 this should be the main one 14:40:56 any patch should have a related-bug reference to this LP bug 14:41:01 thanks, I save it 14:41:32 back to the SDK / remove neutronclient work I still have no time to go back to it 14:42:12 I even have a Wip one for nova: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/928022 14:42:26 lajoskatona: ack, i looked at the failures but it wasn't obvious how to fix it :( 14:42:38 in the horizon patch 14:43:07 in its current state I was able to boot a VM, but much more work is necessary on it, yes I suppose a lot of things are broken when you touch the depths of nova, and that's why nobody dares to do it :-) 14:44:10 lajoskatona: i only looked at the horizon patch, will start following the nova one 14:44:57 haleyb: it is really wip, so I just started to work on it and pushed to gerrit as a PoC that it is possible but just the 1st step of a longer journey :-) 14:45:27 that's it from me for this topic 14:45:59 lajoskatona: thanks, wish we had more horizon devs 14:46:36 #topic neutron-lib 14:47:17 not exactly neutron-lib, more improvements and refactoring, but ihrachys started pushing some mypy patches 14:47:21 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/929864 14:48:50 and on that topic we've been having a discussion about abc.ABC classes 14:48:54 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/931533 14:49:47 if anyone wants to add to the discussion to help move it forward, i don't want to seem like the ogre 14:50:33 #topic on-demand 14:50:50 i did not see anything on the wiki, but if you have any topics... 14:51:30 ok, thanks for attending, and don't forget to add topics to the PTG etherpad! 14:51:33 #endmeeting