14:00:38 <haleyb> #startmeeting networking
14:00:38 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Feb 11 14:00:38 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is haleyb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:38 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:38 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'networking'
14:00:40 <haleyb> Ping list: bcafarel, elvira, frickler, mlavalle, mtomaska, obondarev, slaweq, tobias-urdin, ykarel, lajoskatona, jlibosva, averdagu, haleyb, ralonsoh
14:00:43 <mlavalle> \o
14:00:46 <obondarev> o/
14:00:52 <ralonsoh_> hello
14:00:53 <ykarel> o/
14:00:56 <mblue_> o/
14:01:14 <bcafarel> o/
14:01:23 <sahid> o/
14:01:26 <elvira> o/
14:01:36 <haleyb> #announcements
14:01:37 <opendevreview> Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [L3] Do not track the fixed IP / FIPs in the keepalived configuration  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/941247
14:01:42 <haleyb> We are in week R-7 of Epoxy
14:01:49 <frickler> o/
14:01:52 <haleyb> E-3 milestone at week R-5 (Feb 24)
14:02:00 <lajoskatona> o/
14:02:05 <haleyb> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html
14:02:16 <haleyb> So about 2 weeks until feature freeze
14:03:05 <haleyb> Reminder: If you have a topic for the drivers meeting on Friday, please add it to the wiki @ https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers
14:03:14 <haleyb> And of course a reminder to use the priorities dashboard for patches in the "ready to merge" state
14:03:27 <haleyb> Please put reviews there or ping people here
14:04:40 <haleyb> We previously merged change to remove linuxbridge driver, i've been trying to merge the dibbler removal patch this week but so far the gate has said 'no', will try again after meeting
14:05:23 <haleyb> was there any progress fixing things that broke due to linuxbridge?
14:05:55 <haleyb> i also proposed n-t-p and devstack changes yesterday
14:06:11 <lajoskatona> som with bagpipe
14:06:14 <haleyb> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22remove-linuxbridge-agent%22
14:06:35 <lajoskatona> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/networking-bagpipe/+/940765
14:06:57 <lajoskatona> I will change the topic to have all under the same
14:06:59 <haleyb> lajoskatona: thanks, i see that is needed for mine
14:07:33 <lajoskatona> I pushed another one to make the job non-voting temporary
14:07:57 <haleyb> +1
14:08:01 <lajoskatona> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/941218
14:08:56 <haleyb> last announcement is it's PTL/TC election season for 2025.2 cycle, please read the ML email for further information
14:09:58 <haleyb> i have no other announcements, anyone else?
14:10:22 <lajoskatona> today will be a meeting with TC and foundation I suppose
14:10:35 <lajoskatona> https://lists.openinfra.org/archives/list/foundation@lists.openinfra.org/thread/3B7OWPRXB4KD2DVX7SYYSHYYRNCKVV46/
14:10:40 <lajoskatona> https://board.openinfra.org/strategic-consideration
14:10:50 <lajoskatona> about merging to/with Linuxfoundation
14:11:12 <lajoskatona> there will be another one this week for other timezones, today is 1600UTC
14:11:21 <haleyb> oh, yes, right after this meeting, so i will make sure to end on-time
14:12:19 <haleyb> hopefully everyone saw that email and responses
14:12:47 <haleyb> moving on
14:12:51 <haleyb> #topic bugs
14:13:01 <haleyb> bcafarel was the deputy last week, his report is at
14:13:08 <haleyb> #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/ST54KVP3RCC5XOZSWBHJ65M3Y3EZFME4/
14:13:44 <haleyb> the two critical have patches proposed/merged, thanks for that
14:14:00 <haleyb> as do the two high ones
14:14:39 <haleyb> and 2/3 of medium have patches as well
14:15:17 <cardoe> I was hoping I could get a +1 for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-openstackclient/+/940595 which is a fix for routers.
14:15:28 <haleyb> and ralonsoh picked-up the eventlet-removal one, thanks
14:15:34 <haleyb> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2097257
14:15:40 <haleyb> [eventlet-removal] Use ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` for ``periodics.PeriodicWorker``
14:15:51 <ralonsoh> ^ proposed by otherwiseguy
14:16:27 <lajoskatona> cardoe: will check it, thanks
14:16:34 <otherwiseguy> ralonsoh: on that one, I don't know if we need it or not. things seemed to work without it after not monkey patching
14:16:35 <haleyb> ack, it didn't have a patch linked in it but i do remember one now that you mention it
14:17:17 <ralonsoh> otherwiseguy, we'll see that in  the CI, checking the periodicity of the method call
14:17:20 <ralonsoh> as you did before
14:18:06 <otherwiseguy> not sure why the patch changed the frequency of periodic calls while eventlet was still monkeypatching--but only when the api was active. was weird.
14:18:12 <otherwiseguy> probably a red herring
14:19:19 <haleyb> ok, i will let you two decide on the fate of any change there after testing
14:20:10 <haleyb> last one was on an older release
14:20:15 <haleyb> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2097610
14:20:54 <haleyb> i will add a note about reproducing on somethine 2023.2 or later
14:22:04 <haleyb> any other bugs to discuss?
14:22:40 <haleyb> deputy this week is elvira, next week is slaweq - that good with both of you?
14:22:48 <elvira> sure!
14:22:49 <ralonsoh> slaweq, is on PTO
14:22:56 <ralonsoh> I'll ping him next day
14:23:28 <haleyb> ack, thanks
14:24:00 <haleyb> #topic community goals
14:24:23 <haleyb> lajoskatona: neutronclient update update
14:24:29 <haleyb> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/1999774%22+status:open
14:24:55 <lajoskatona> no news this week
14:25:27 <lajoskatona> the patches from last week under review, but I had no time to work on this
14:25:55 <haleyb> ack, they all at least seem to be green and have reviews
14:26:18 <lajoskatona> yes quite good attention from Horizon team
14:26:49 <haleyb> and last is eventlet
14:26:58 <ralonsoh> yes I have a list of patches
14:26:59 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/c/x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin/+/941224
14:26:59 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/941212
14:26:59 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/941211
14:26:59 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/941202
14:26:59 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/940707
14:27:13 <ralonsoh> that should be enough to remove eventlet from the API
14:27:15 <ralonsoh> NOTE:
14:27:50 <lajoskatona> sahid also works on ovs-agent patches: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/2087939%22
14:28:02 <ralonsoh> I'm removing logger from the ML2/OVN jobs because (1) this is calling monkey_patch(), (2) this is a testing mech driver class, (3) this is not used in the jobs and (4) no user will call it in a production env
14:28:03 <lajoskatona> I try to follow these and help where I can
14:28:19 <ralonsoh> yes, OVS patches are the second part
14:28:40 <ralonsoh> but is there a CI job running without eventlet?
14:29:08 <sahid> ralonsoh: yes
14:29:12 <sahid> the last patch
14:29:20 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/937765
14:29:30 <sahid> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/937765
14:29:36 <sahid> yes
14:29:39 <ralonsoh> the CI is not passing
14:29:45 <sahid> still working on it
14:29:51 <sahid> all the previous are passing
14:29:57 <ralonsoh> ok, maybe we can merge the os-ken ones
14:30:02 <ralonsoh> and release a new version
14:30:22 <sahid> i think that will help to make progress
14:30:49 <ralonsoh> ok, let's focus on them. If there are further errors, we can release minor versions
14:31:01 <haleyb> ok, so start at this one
14:31:05 <haleyb> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-ken/+/938326
14:31:10 <lajoskatona> +1
14:31:11 <sahid> thank you
14:31:15 <haleyb> there is a relation change there
14:31:52 <haleyb> sahid: when those are done can you propose os-ken release? or ping me if you need any help
14:32:21 <sahid> sure I will
14:32:28 <sahid> and if needed will ping you aswell
14:32:33 <sahid> thank you
14:33:06 <haleyb> ack, thanks for all your work (and rodolfo and everyone else)
14:33:47 <haleyb> #topic on-demand
14:33:51 <haleyb> any other topics?
14:34:07 <haleyb> nothing on the wiki
14:34:21 <lajoskatona> nothing from me
14:35:21 <haleyb> ok, if nothing else have a good week, lets get some of these eventlet changes merged :)
14:35:21 <mlavalle> not from me either
14:35:26 <MengyangZhang[m]> I just a quick question, would the neutron community be interested in supporting applying QoS changes live to VMs
14:35:42 <ralonsoh> this is already supported
14:35:59 <ralonsoh> you can change the QoS settings of a port that is attached
14:36:42 <cardoe> I did have some questions.
14:36:45 <MengyangZhang[m]> okk, is there a doc for this, want to learn more about it
14:36:55 <cardoe> I'm an operator looking to use Neutron for managing our bare metal infra.
14:37:00 <cardoe> And specifically networking.
14:37:02 <ralonsoh> MengyangZhang[m], the Neutron API, let me find that
14:37:26 <ralonsoh> MengyangZhang[m], https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/network/v2/index.html#quality-of-service
14:37:33 <cardoe> You guys have https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/5SX35AQZ65G6HWQ7WARLJTJK3ASAOWNU/ on your wiki which is what I'm looking to follow up on.
14:39:19 <cardoe> I'm specifically using L2VNI. There's been some out of tree tweaks around that by Juniper and others. There's also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ovn-bgp-agent/+bug/2017890
14:39:47 <cardoe> I'm just wondering how to best engage on my use case. I'd like to contribute it upstream as best as possible.
14:41:00 <ralonsoh> To be honest, I think Julia has a better perspective of this topic. I think you should first sync with Julia about what is the Ironic's plan about "decoupling" certain areas from Neutron
14:41:27 <haleyb> yes, i would agree was just trying to read that and look at wiki
14:41:46 <ralonsoh> the ovn-bgp-agent is for OVN only, I don't think that suits your requirements
14:42:07 <cardoe> I've been speaking with Julia about it.
14:42:26 <cardoe> I'm encouraging less of a decoupling and more of a lean in harder. :D
14:43:54 <haleyb> are there specific neutron changes for this effort?
14:44:15 <cardoe> Well just usage behaviors and maybe I'm understanding the features wrong.
14:44:40 <cardoe> So I've got a VXLAN fabric with leafs and edges. But some of my servers can sit on two separate fabrics.
14:45:13 <cardoe> Previously when we used VLAN, I could use physical_network as the fabric / separation. But VXLAN explicitly disallows physical_network.
14:47:02 <cardoe> With L2VNI, we'll have a VLAN mapped to that VXLAN on that switch pair serving the physical server for example as well. It would seem like the segments feature would work to create VLAN segment on a VXLAN network. But things feel more L3VNI. I'm not sure if it'll be a blocker.
14:47:41 <haleyb> so if there is a change required in neutron, it needs to be proposed via our RFE process, I have not seen any request in this area yet
14:47:48 <cardoe> I'm interested in using OVN with this as well and have it either join the fabric with something like... https://github.com/toreanderson/evpn_agent/
14:48:11 <cardoe> I'll happily write them up. I just wanted to first ask if this use case was something that would be acceptable.
14:48:18 <haleyb> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers
14:49:55 <haleyb> i am just not super familiar with this effort
14:50:41 <cardoe> In some cases there would just be neutron and nothing else. e.g. the BMC / iLO / iDRAC (whatever ya wanna call it) network.
14:51:00 <cardoe> I'll do a better job of writing this up and explaining it in the future.
14:51:20 <cardoe> I just was more curious around the acceptability of neutron as a data center network manager.
14:52:12 <haleyb> hmm, i guess i would not try and stretch neutron that far
14:52:40 <haleyb> but would have to see a proposal
14:53:30 <cardoe> okay. So basically Ironic runs its own DHCP server for certain cases still. I've been asking why not just use a neutron network with neutron supplied DHCP for the BMC network.
14:53:44 <cardoe> As one example.
14:54:05 <cardoe> I'll refine it better before I bring it up again. Sorry.
14:54:26 <cardoe> TheJulia: btw ^
14:55:02 <haleyb> we only have a few minutes left, want to give people time if they wish to attend TC meeting
14:55:50 <frickler> 1600 UTC is 1h away fwiw
14:56:12 <haleyb> oh, i saw 10am ET
14:56:18 <haleyb> i have a hard stop either way
14:57:18 <haleyb> cardoe: thanks for bringing it up, please loop-back once you have more info from ironic team
14:57:43 <spatel> Folks, I have question related OVN chassis priority. I want to change chassis priority so my external port for SRIOV get schedule on specified chassis - https://paste.opendev.org/show/by6LCZQ8jSCAwlDeWv4K/
14:58:05 <ralonsoh> spatel, we can talk after the meeting
14:58:07 <spatel> I have vlan tenant based networking I am not running any L3 vRouter
14:58:10 <haleyb> #endmeeting