14:00:10 <haleyb> #startmeeting networking
14:00:10 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Feb 18 14:00:10 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is haleyb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:10 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:10 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'networking'
14:00:12 <haleyb> Ping list: bcafarel, elvira, frickler, mlavalle, mtomaska, obondarev, slaweq, tobias-urdin, ykarel, lajoskatona, jlibosva, averdagu, haleyb, ralonsoh
14:00:13 <mlavalle> \o
14:00:17 <elvira> o/
14:00:18 <cbuggy> o/
14:00:21 <ykarel> o/
14:00:23 <ralonsoh> hello
14:00:23 <obondarev> o/
14:00:26 <rubasov> o/
14:00:33 <bcafarel> o/
14:01:01 <haleyb> #announcements
14:01:03 <haleyb> hi everyone
14:01:12 <haleyb> We are in week R-6 of Epoxy
14:01:20 <haleyb> E-3 milestone at week R-5 (Feb 24) - next week
14:01:30 <haleyb> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html
14:01:31 <lajoskatona> o/
14:02:25 <haleyb> The nomination period for the OpenStack PTL+TC elections closes on 2025-02-19 at 23:45 UTC
14:02:31 <mblue_> o/
14:02:44 <haleyb> there was an email sent to the list with more details
14:03:13 <haleyb> The TC did define the testing runtimes for 2025.2
14:03:29 <haleyb> "This will be a non-SLURP release and we are expanding
14:03:29 <haleyb> testing with Python 3.13 while simultaneously dropping support for
14:03:29 <haleyb> Python 3.9"
14:04:01 <slaweq> o/ (sorry, I am in a different meeting and just lurking here)
14:04:08 <haleyb> Hopefully besides all the job updates there isn't any changes with py3.13
14:04:21 <ralonsoh> if I'm not wrong, 3.13 is not compatible with eventlet
14:04:25 <haleyb> slaweq: hi, no problem
14:04:36 <haleyb> oh great :(
14:04:53 <lajoskatona> ralonsoh: that was fixed, or just for py312?
14:04:54 <haleyb> or i guess good since we should have it removed by then :)
14:05:15 <ralonsoh> now I'm in doubt... I think it was only for 3.13
14:05:40 <ralonsoh> in any case, that will be a community decision to add these jobs as non-voting for now
14:05:52 <ralonsoh> I won't worry about this right now
14:06:04 <ykarel> from Herve email:- Eventlet is now in version 0.39.0 and is compatible and ready to be used with Python 3.13, meaning that we are ready for an upgrade of our runtimes within the coming series.
14:06:06 <haleyb> from the meeting write-up it didn't seem like a must, anyways...
14:06:11 <lajoskatona> https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/blob/master/pyproject.toml#L35 it says py313, of course have to check and refresh my memories about the mails which notified about it
14:06:21 <lajoskatona> but anyway we have to work on removing eventlet
14:06:34 <ralonsoh> ykarel, cool! I was looking for that
14:06:40 <lajoskatona> ykarel: cool, thanks, I can't find the mails today....
14:06:58 <haleyb> and the last item from the TC meeting was
14:07:01 <haleyb> "Finally, the TC expressed support for the proposal to move the
14:07:01 <haleyb> OpenInfra Foundation under the Linux Foundation. This conversation is
14:07:01 <haleyb> ongoing, and several important concerns have been raised and answered"
14:07:23 <haleyb> again, there was a ML thread about this if you want more information
14:08:47 <haleyb> Last week we were also able to merge the removal of the dibbler IPv6 PD driver, so a large amount of code has been removed this cycle
14:09:33 <lajoskatona> less  cde less issue
14:09:33 <haleyb> we just have some cleanup of linuxbridge items to get through now
14:10:16 <haleyb> lajoskatona: hopefully
14:10:36 <haleyb> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22remove-linuxbridge-agent%22
14:11:05 <haleyb> hopefully we can get through those items soon
14:11:33 <haleyb> that was all announcements i had, any others
14:11:35 <haleyb> ?
14:12:06 <haleyb> ok, moving on
14:12:10 <haleyb> #topic bugs
14:12:23 <haleyb> elvira was the deputy this week, her report is at
14:12:32 <haleyb> #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/AVKUV7QIZNWZMV53RQI5Y4CVY24D5AAM/
14:13:06 <haleyb> the one critical was from ralonsoh
14:13:09 <haleyb> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/941511
14:13:18 <haleyb> oops
14:13:34 <ralonsoh> yeah, one comment
14:13:43 <haleyb> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2098109
14:13:46 <ralonsoh> as commented in the bug, there are 2 errors:
14:14:09 <ralonsoh> the issue in the old API (external_gateway_info) and the new one (external_gateways)
14:14:16 <ralonsoh> the first one is solved here
14:14:28 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-lib/+/941631
14:14:33 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/941689
14:14:48 <ralonsoh> the second one is taking more time, progress in https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/2098109%22
14:14:51 <ralonsoh> that's all
14:15:36 <ralonsoh> (note: if you use ml2/ovn, the new API is enabled by default, you'll need to manually remove the new api from the l3 extensions list to test it)
14:15:52 <haleyb> ack, thanks ralonsoh for finding and working on that
14:16:04 <ralonsoh> that was noonedeadpunk who found it
14:16:11 <noonedeadpunk> o/
14:16:25 <noonedeadpunk> but thanks for working on it!
14:16:35 <haleyb> ah, ok
14:17:05 <noonedeadpunk> (and reporting the bug for me :D)
14:17:15 <haleyb> that's what threw me off
14:17:29 <haleyb> next one
14:17:33 <haleyb> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2098085
14:17:38 * noonedeadpunk tried to debug on themself but failed and asked for help
14:17:39 <haleyb> SRIOV mechanism driver may attach to the wrong segment where a host has access to multiple segments of the same network
14:18:01 <haleyb> andrew did  mention a patch in the description so bug was assigned to him
14:18:31 <noonedeadpunk> andrewbonney: courtesy ping
14:18:52 <andrewbonney> noonedeadpunk: ta
14:19:06 <andrewbonney> The patch is in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/941345
14:20:09 <haleyb> andrewbonney: ok, i hadn't made the connection somehow - can you put a "Closes-bug: #2098085" in the commit message?
14:20:24 <andrewbonney> Oh, sorry thought I had done
14:20:29 <haleyb> that was the bot will link it into the bug
14:20:36 <haleyb> np
14:20:51 <ralonsoh> andrewbonney, did you test that manually?
14:21:03 <ralonsoh> because I don't know what info is provided via RPC to the sriov agent
14:21:18 <ralonsoh> in particular I don't know if segment info is passed
14:21:30 <opendevreview> Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: wip: Drop remaining test code for linuxbridge machanism driver  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-fwaas/+/942106
14:22:11 <andrewbonney> We have it deployed in one cloud at present. It's working alongside a Nova patch I haven't submitted yet as that needs more work
14:22:37 <opendevreview> Andrew Bonney proposed openstack/neutron master: ml2/sriov: bind port on segment that subnet belongs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/941345
14:23:19 <haleyb> ok, we can ask more questions in the review, thanks
14:23:22 <haleyb> next bug
14:23:34 <haleyb> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2097747
14:23:36 <haleyb> neutron not update ovn routers
14:23:48 <haleyb> as this was seen on wallaby, asked for newer reproducer
14:23:55 <ralonsoh> I don't see this error in master branch
14:24:05 <ralonsoh> I would like a reproducer (some CLI commands)
14:24:19 <haleyb> right, we can wait for response or launchpad will timeout as incomplete
14:25:14 <haleyb> last bug is
14:25:17 <haleyb> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2098621
14:25:24 <haleyb> ports can attempt to bind to the wrong segment
14:25:48 <haleyb> more info in
14:25:53 <haleyb> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cardoe-l2vni-segment-bug
14:26:15 <ralonsoh> I talked to cardoe about this one
14:26:26 <ralonsoh> I would need the chassis mapping
14:26:29 <haleyb> i thought i rmembered it
14:26:45 <ralonsoh> and some logs of the L3 ovn scheduler
14:27:01 <ralonsoh> some extra logs (manually added in between the code) could be helpful
14:27:22 <ralonsoh> just to know why the chassis are discarded and no gateway_chassis is created for the LRP
14:27:44 <haleyb> ack, i'll start watching as well
14:27:53 <haleyb> any other bugs to discuss?
14:28:07 <opendevreview> Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: wip: Drop remaining test code for linuxbridge machanism driver  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-fwaas/+/942106
14:28:08 <elvira> I was unsure if that last one was high severity, or maybe wishlist
14:28:32 <elvira> Since I'm not sure of how frequent that scenario is
14:29:08 <ralonsoh> which one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2098621?
14:29:21 <haleyb> yes, that one
14:29:23 <elvira> yes
14:29:36 <ralonsoh> right now we need more info
14:29:44 <ralonsoh> I'll mark it as incomplete
14:30:22 <haleyb> thanks
14:30:25 <elvira> Ok! They also mentioned the way we assigned segments to ports might be wrong, but I wonder if there's a reason why we don't have them directly as a property as they suggest
14:30:33 <elvira> anyway, let's see what they say, thanks everyone :)
14:31:05 <haleyb> this week slaweq is the bug deputy, next week is me
14:31:13 <haleyb> is that good for you slaweq ?
14:31:58 <haleyb> i know he's in another meeting...
14:32:06 <ralonsoh> (slaweq nods from the distance)
14:32:10 <ralonsoh> I'll ping him later
14:32:14 <haleyb> ok, moving on from bugs
14:32:21 <slaweq> yes, I will do it
14:32:30 <haleyb> ack, thanks!
14:32:31 <slaweq> I forgot but I will check it starting today :)
14:32:38 <slaweq> thx for the reminder
14:32:52 <haleyb> #topic community goals
14:33:15 <haleyb> lajoskatona: not sure if anything merged in neutronclient horizon changes ?
14:33:27 <haleyb> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/1999774%22+status:open
14:33:40 <lajoskatona> not this week
14:33:49 <lajoskatona> at least I had no time for it
14:34:14 <lajoskatona> I will push the horizon folks for review perhaps
14:34:34 <haleyb> sounds good, thanks
14:34:59 <haleyb> and finally eventlet
14:35:04 <ralonsoh> nothing this week
14:35:15 <ralonsoh> a couple of patches in ovn-octavia-provider
14:35:20 <ralonsoh> but currently blocked
14:35:23 <ralonsoh> that's all
14:35:24 <sahid> well i have a serie of patches waiting in my side :-)
14:35:33 <ralonsoh> yes, and the OVS series
14:35:38 <ralonsoh> that was the second part
14:35:51 <ralonsoh> we have the os-ken release
14:35:57 <ralonsoh> and the neutron patches
14:36:19 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/2087939%22
14:36:35 <lajoskatona> release patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/941356
14:36:45 <haleyb> ok, so os-ken moved forward in u-c so it's tested in patches now i'm guessing
14:36:56 <haleyb> oh, maybe now
14:36:59 <haleyb> s/not
14:38:01 <haleyb> ah, i see there was a question over version numbering
14:38:23 <ralonsoh> btw, there is a possible bug related to https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/937843
14:38:32 <ralonsoh> commeted yesterday in the CI meeting
14:38:36 <ralonsoh> there are some logs here
14:38:42 <ralonsoh> https://storage.bhs.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_23d/881535/26/gate/neutron-fullstack/23d2ace/testr_results.html
14:38:42 <ralonsoh> https://storage.bhs.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_1b5/941202/5/gate/neutron-fullstack/1b521df/testr_results.html
14:38:42 <ralonsoh> https://d7dc64ccb2654383b602-73af3e7fb0ca2f6ff45efb1cdea09ef7.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/941459/1/gate/neutron-fullstack/50b4a4c/testr_results.html
14:38:44 <ralonsoh> https://976a3edcf9324139a8b3-fa6f666e57ae0d1edfa1989f297705d7.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/941459/1/gate/neutron-fullstack/8f05a73/testr_results.html
14:39:16 <sahid> i will have a look for sure
14:39:19 <sahid> thank you
14:40:34 <frickler> if you stick to the 3.0.0 os-ken version number, I could approve the release now?
14:40:52 <ralonsoh> +1 from me, as discussed during the last meeting
14:41:04 <haleyb> yes, +1 from me as well
14:41:34 <haleyb> #topic on-demand
14:42:01 <haleyb> forgot during announcements, but i was going to cancel drivers meeting as i am out friday
14:42:22 <frickler> ok, approved, sorry I'm lagging a bit on release reviews. feel free to ping me if something is blocking you
14:42:25 <ralonsoh> same as Red Hat folks
14:42:33 <haleyb> and don't forget to look at the priorities dashboard
14:42:37 <haleyb> #link https://review.opendev.org/dashboard/?title=Neutron+Priorities+Dashboard&foreach=(project:openstack/neutron+OR+project:openstack/neutron-lib+OR+project:openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin+OR+project:openstack/python-neutronclient+OR+project:openstack/neutron-specs+OR+project:openstack/networking-bagpipe+OR+project:openstack/networking-bgpvpn+OR+project:openstack/networking-odl+OR+project:openstack/networking-ovn+OR+project:openstack
14:42:37 <haleyb> /networking-sfc+OR+project:openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing+OR+project:openstack/neutron-fwaas+OR+project:openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard+OR+project:openstack/neutron-vpnaas+OR+project:openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard+OR+project:openstack/os-ken+OR+project:openstack/ovsdbapp)+status:open&High+Priority+Changes=label:Review-Priority=2&Priority+Changes=label:Review-Priority=1&Blocked+Reviews=label:Review-Priority=-1
14:42:44 <sahid> great thank you frickler
14:42:47 <haleyb> oof, just look at the wiki
14:42:56 <lajoskatona> :-)
14:42:56 <haleyb> ralonsoh: RH folks out friday?
14:43:01 <ralonsoh> yes
14:43:12 <ralonsoh> "recharge day" == PTO for free
14:43:28 <haleyb> nice short week
14:43:41 <haleyb> alright, anyone have another topic?
14:44:16 <haleyb> ok, thanks for attending, have a good week!
14:44:18 <haleyb> #endmeeting