18:01:22 <Sukhdev> #startmeeting networking_l2gw
18:01:23 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jan 19 18:01:22 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is Sukhdev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:01:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
18:01:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'networking_l2gw'
18:01:34 <Sukhdev> #topic: Agenda
18:01:42 <Sukhdev> #link: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/L2Gateway#Agenda
18:01:54 <Sukhdev> #topic: Announcements:
18:02:26 <Sukhdev> I thought I ask armax to give an overview update
18:02:44 <armax> Sukhdev: sure, from my end I have been looking at the code under review
18:03:08 <armax> since the last time we spoke, we have another couple of rounds on the API blueprint proposal
18:03:19 <yamahata> hello
18:03:53 <Sukhdev> Link to API proposal spec is here - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/144173/
18:03:55 <armax> there were some comments from a few folks interested in the project that a wiki would be useful to pinpoint use cases
18:04:08 <armax> we are or are not interested in
18:04:16 <armax> in the short and/or medium term
18:04:48 <armax> Sukhdev and ijw were tasked to come up with it, so Sukhdev perhaps you can give us an update on that
18:05:04 <armax> having said that, the code has started
18:05:24 <armax> pouring in so we need reviewers to help us fleshing out as many issues as we can
18:05:41 <Sukhdev> armax: yes, I was suppose to kick start the wiki - I have not been able to make much progress on it -
18:06:08 <Sukhdev> armax: few critical customer issues popped up and consumed most of time - but, will get it going soon
18:06:22 <armax> the initial implementation is targeting hardware vtep schema running on external elements, like switches, however we’d want to address the pure software play too
18:06:50 <armax> and for that we need volunteers, see Sukhdev I jumped all the way to the end of the agenda :)
18:07:02 <Sukhdev> armax: I noticed :-)
18:07:28 <Sukhdev> But, we will go through it item by item anyways
18:07:35 <armax> sorry for the brief detour, let’s go back…that’s it from me…I’ll keep on reviewing the code
18:07:52 <Sukhdev> #topic: Patches under review
18:08:07 <Sukhdev> #link: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:stackforge/networking-l2gw,n,z
18:08:17 <Sukhdev> we have many additional patches -
18:08:39 <Sukhdev> This is great news - I noticed this morning that we have a patch for the tests as well
18:09:12 <Sukhdev> we all need to jump in help with the reviews
18:09:28 <maruti> Alok has started CI setup as well.
18:09:39 <Sukhdev> any questions from the team on the patches
18:09:49 <Sukhdev> maruti: cool - that will be nice
18:09:58 <Sukhdev> Is Alok here?
18:09:59 <songole> Sukhdev: does the patch program vtep schema?
18:10:00 <alokmaurya> we  are planning  CI  setup .... initially  we'll  have  ovsdb server
18:10:02 <selvakumar> May be Alok can chime in the CI overall overview to armax and Sukdev
18:10:29 <Sukhdev> alokmaurya: thanks for joining us
18:10:29 <songole> Last time I looked at the code it was stubbed out
18:10:34 <alokmaurya> all vadildation will be done at  ovsdb  server  level
18:10:54 <Sukhdev> alokmaurya: are you using zuul for the CI setup?
18:11:44 <Sukhdev> songole: there is tremendous progress on the patches- you may want to review the updated versions
18:12:03 <songole> Sukhdev: ok, thanks
18:12:24 <Sukhdev> armax: Do we need any CI coordination with the neutron side as well?
18:12:32 <alokmaurya> @sukhdev yesy it  will be zuul+jenkins  server ....
18:12:55 <armax> the coordination required should be limited to getting the CI to validate Neutron changes as well
18:13:08 <armax> to avoid the chance of breakage caused by changes to the core framework
18:13:21 <Sukhdev> alokmaurya: If you need any help, please let us know - we have some experiance with CI - Do not struggle alone
18:13:25 <armax> one aspect we nee to get sorted is the integration with the core plugin
18:13:55 <armax> l2gw, or any other service built on top of the core like fw, vpn or lb, need to be aware or core events like port creation etc
18:14:19 <Sukhdev> armax: that is what I meant by the coordination with neutron side - I am hoping CI should test that part as well
18:14:37 <armax> the wsgi refactoring and the v3 plugin API work that’s ongoing in Neutron is supposed to give us the hooks necessary to get these services fully decoupled from the core
18:15:11 <armax> I am watching the space but nothing major has happened so far…I am thinking of a contingency plan in case things don’t work out as they should
18:15:18 <armax> but there’s still a bit of time
18:15:41 <Sukhdev> armax: understood - we should keep an eye on it
18:15:53 <Sukhdev> Anything else on the patches?
18:16:16 <Sukhdev> Any questions - we have authors here
18:16:32 <Sukhdev> Ok - lets move on
18:16:41 <Sukhdev> #topic: Functional Testing
18:17:06 <Sukhdev> I saw a patch for the tests this morning - have not had a chance to review it
18:17:09 <selvakumar> Sukhdev - just we need your blessings for review the patchset that is related to l2gateway
18:17:48 <Sukhdev> selvakumar: I am on it - will get the reviews going shortly
18:18:22 <Sukhdev> I have another person from Arista who is also reviewing the code/patches
18:18:28 <selvakumar> Sukhdev: sure thanks.
18:18:48 <Sukhdev> Here is the link for the tests - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/148188/
18:19:17 <Sukhdev> We need volunteers for functional tests and reviews
18:19:50 <Sukhdev> Any takers?
18:20:13 <ashishg_> we will add more functional test moving forward for l2 gateway
18:20:18 <Sukhdev> Folks who are listening on this channel, this is your opportunity to join us and make contribution to this program
18:20:58 <Sukhdev> ashishg_: I will review the patch and provide feedback as to what other tests we should include
18:21:13 <ashishg_> i am currently  writing test based on the tempest framework  for api testing
18:21:35 <Sukhdev> ashishg_: that is a perfect starting point
18:21:46 <armax> yes, in Neutron we’re really close to moving the API tests out of neutron
18:21:50 <ashishg_> the current patch set is according to the tempest framework for basic rest api testing
18:21:53 <armax> sorry I meant Tempest
18:21:56 <armax> out of Tempest
18:22:24 <Sukhdev> Anything else on the tests?
18:22:39 <alokmaurya> Sukhdev : should  be add  functionality tests with  does validation in ovsdb server   and  tunnel  formation  is smae  place ?
18:23:25 <Sukhdev> alokmaurya: you mean  end-to-end tests.
18:23:31 <alokmaurya> yes
18:23:40 <Sukhdev> Yes, that we the ultimate goal
18:23:50 <Sukhdev> will
18:24:09 <Sukhdev> Anything else on test?
18:24:12 * Sukhdev waiting
18:24:31 <Sukhdev> #topic: Action Item from previous week
18:24:49 <Sukhdev> I provided the status on the wiki - will get it going soon
18:25:06 <maruti> Alok can add CI information to the wiki after it is available.
18:25:24 <Sukhdev> maruti: yes, that will be good
18:25:35 <alokmaurya> maruti : sure
18:25:54 <Sukhdev> In fact, you can create a separate wiki for it and we can add a link to the main wiki
18:26:10 <maruti> sounds good
18:26:54 <Sukhdev> alokmaurya: Here is an example of wiki for CI that I put together - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Arista-third-party-testing
18:27:05 <Sukhdev> alokmaurya: perhaps you can use this as a sample
18:27:26 <alokmaurya> Sukhdev :  sure i'll have a look at it ....
18:27:47 <Sukhdev> #topic: Virtual Gateway Implementation
18:28:20 <Sukhdev> As armax mentioned present implementation is for HW based devices
18:28:38 <Sukhdev> We need to extend it to virtual devices
18:28:57 <Sukhdev> Is there anybody out there who has a use case for the virtual devices?
18:29:12 <Sukhdev> We will need volunteers for that part
18:29:37 <yamahata> I'm interested in it.
18:29:48 <Sukhdev> yamahata: great
18:29:52 <yamahata> But no plan at the moment. give me a while
18:30:19 <Sukhdev> yamahata: Please review the patches and understand the code and then feel free to jump in when you feel it is appropriate
18:30:49 <yamahata> Sukhdev: sure.
18:31:01 <Sukhdev> #topic: Open Discussion
18:31:22 <Sukhdev> Any body has anything to discuss related to L2GW?
18:31:32 <Sukhdev> This is great opportunity to bring it up
18:31:50 * Sukhdev waiting
18:31:57 <songole> Sukhdev: Is there a plan to support Logical_Router in hardware vtep?
18:32:16 <songole> In the first release target?
18:32:36 <armax> songole: not in the first release target
18:32:58 <songole> armax: ok, thanks
18:33:08 <Sukhdev> songole: first release is very limited scope
18:33:29 <armax> songole but we can put it on the radar and talk about it for sure
18:33:59 <songole> ok. Is there a doc on how is it supposed to ok
18:34:05 <Sukhdev> songole: just to understand, you mean to have logical router running on HW device, right?
18:34:14 <songole> Sukhdev: yes
18:34:53 <Sukhdev> songole: We support that in Arista HW - you could today have neutron routers running on Arista HW
18:35:17 <Sukhdev> I implemented the L3 Router Service plugin on Arista HW
18:35:49 <songole> Is there a plugin I could use for reference?
18:35:54 <Sukhdev> It uses Neutron Router API - the actual router functionality is implemented in the Hardware
18:36:07 <Sukhdev> songole: yes
18:36:22 * Sukhdev looking
18:36:40 <songole> Sukhdev: thanks
18:36:57 <Sukhdev> https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/services/l3_router/l3_arista.py
18:37:13 <songole> Sukhdev: thanks
18:37:32 <Sukhdev> BTW, there are other implentations as well - Brocade and APIC
18:38:07 <Sukhdev> Anything else?
18:38:14 <songole> Does it use vtep schema or Arista EOS calls?
18:38:44 <Sukhdev> No - not presently - we use SVIs
18:39:24 <Sukhdev> Once we have L2GW functionality implemented - we may consolidate
18:39:50 <songole> Sukhdev: got it.
18:39:58 <Sukhdev> Well, folks, thanks for joining us today
18:40:16 <Sukhdev> If you have any feedback, please send us a ping
18:40:27 <Sukhdev> #endmeeting