16:00:51 <mestery> #startmeeting networking_policy 16:00:53 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 2 16:00:51 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mestery. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'networking_policy' 16:01:01 <mestery> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Neutron_Group_Policy Agenda 16:01:08 <mestery> s3wong: Happy New Year! 16:01:21 <mestery> Light agenda today, I'm still unburrying from email. :) 16:01:25 <s3wong> mestery: Happy New Year to you too! 16:02:19 <ashaikh> hey guys 16:02:29 <s3wong> mestery: so (at least) I have updated the document according to the previous meeting's acton items 16:02:30 <mestery> So, the first item is to go over the action items from last week. 16:02:32 <mestery> s3wong, do you see those? 16:02:36 <mestery> s3wong: cool! 16:03:30 <mestery> s3wong: I have that on my agenda to review today, thanks for the updates. 16:03:37 <banix> s3wong: Thanks. going through the google doc. 16:04:00 <mestery> Given I just got back this morning from a long PTO, I don't have anything else on today's agenda right now. 16:04:06 <mestery> Anyone else have anything to discuss today? 16:04:13 <s3wong> mestery: yes - (1) action is no longer Neutron objects, (2) 'security' being the only required action, and (3) in case of conflict (in security action), allow over deny 16:05:07 <mestery> s3wong: That sounds good, and from my memory, was what we had all discussed prior to the holidays. Thanks! 16:05:17 <s3wong> mestery: during the last meeting, banix wants to start discussion on PoC 16:05:27 * mestery nods. 16:05:37 <s3wong> banix: do you want to talk about this during this meeting? or wait until next week? 16:05:51 <mestery> So, as long as we agree on the scope of the PoC, I am in favor of doing that, with the intent of showing progress and an eye towards getting this accepted for the "J" release. 16:06:26 <banix> Should we talk about the basic approach for Poc now or next week? 16:06:58 <banix> I mean a more concrete discussion as to where this is implemented, etc. We can discuss now or next week. 16:06:58 <mestery> From a high level, I think the PoC should be based on ML2+OVS. 16:07:08 <s3wong> mestery: agreed 16:07:10 <mestery> banix: Do you have some concrete thoughts on this now? 16:07:15 <mestery> I just have some high-level ones. :) 16:07:34 <mestery> banix: You could take an action item to write up some thoughts for next week in the doc. Sound good? 16:07:47 <banix> mestery: sounds good. 16:08:00 <mestery> #action banix and mestery to writeup PoC in Google Doc for discussion next week. 16:08:05 <ashaikh> banix: suggest to drive the PoC discussion from a couple of use cases that might be common 16:08:06 <mestery> banix: I'll help with that as well. 16:08:21 <mestery> ashaikh: That's a good idea! 16:08:30 <banix> I would also make a couple of comments on the doc wrt new updates from s3wong and we can discuss there or on ML. 16:08:40 <banix> sounds good. 16:08:48 <mestery> banix: Ok, good. Thanks! 16:08:49 <s3wong> banix: mestery: I would also like to help out with the PoC writeup and actual work as well 16:08:58 <mestery> s3wong: Great! Thank you! 16:09:32 <mestery> OK, if there's nothing else, lets call this one early and focus on writing up the PoC details in the document for discussion next week. 16:09:34 <mestery> Sound good? 16:09:41 <banix> yes 16:09:46 <s3wong> Great 16:10:11 <mestery> OK, thanks folks! 16:10:17 <mestery> Welcome back to those who were on vacation. :) 16:10:29 <ashaikh> thanks :-) 16:10:32 <mestery> Looking forward to a great 2014 in Neutron! Collaboration is #ftw! :) 16:10:35 <mestery> #endmeeting