16:00:36 <mestery> #startmeeting networking_policy 16:00:37 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 9 16:00:36 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mestery. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:38 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:40 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'networking_policy' 16:00:41 <mestery> Hi banix thinrichs 16:00:54 <mestery> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Neutron_Group_Policy Agenda 16:01:13 <mestery> So, we have a light agenda for today I believe, which will leave lots of time for questions/comments at the end. :) 16:01:28 <mestery> #topic PoC Discussion and Planning 16:01:45 <mestery> So, banix and I had an AI to start writing this up, which we've done. 16:01:59 <mestery> It's in very early stages, but covers the high level points banix s3wong and myself have been discussing this week. 16:02:13 <mestery> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/14UyvBkptmrxB9FsWEP8PEGv9kLqTQbsmlRxnqeF9Be8/edit?usp=sharing Group Policy PoC document 16:02:20 <alagalah> Morning 16:02:20 <mestery> s3wong: Hi! 16:02:24 <s3wong> Hello 16:02:25 <mestery> alagalah: Morning! 16:02:30 <alagalah> mestery: hi 16:02:43 <mestery> So, for those who just joined, were discussing the PoC document now, which is in it's early stages. 16:02:52 <mestery> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14UyvBkptmrxB9FsWEP8PEGv9kLqTQbsmlRxnqeF9Be8/edit?usp=sharing <--- Link to PoC document (also on Meeting page) 16:03:18 <nam_nguyen> Hi, I'm new here and listening first. 16:03:20 <mestery> banix s3wong and myself will finish fleshing this out the rest of this week. 16:03:31 <mestery> nam_nguyen: Welcome to the team! 16:03:35 <banix> welkome Nam 16:04:02 <songole> Hi all 16:04:03 <banix> I should introduce Nam, as one of my colleagues who will be joint us 16:04:03 <mestery> banix s3wong: Anything to add on PoC at this time? 16:04:13 <banix> joining us that is 16:04:18 <mestery> banix: Cool, glad to have more people joining the team! 16:04:21 <alagalah> nam_nguyen: welcome 16:04:31 <s3wong> name_nguyen: welcome to the team! 16:04:32 <nam_nguyen> thx! 16:04:32 <FlorianOtel> alagalah, mestery Hello boys 16:04:41 <FlorianOtel> and all :) 16:04:45 <mestery> FlorianOtel: Great to see you here my friend. :) 16:04:49 <prasadv> hi this is prasad 16:04:50 <banix> mestery: No, I think the main issue is how we go about starting the work 16:04:58 <alagalah> prasadv: hi 16:05:02 <mestery> banix: I agree. :) 16:05:08 <FlorianOtel> is this on IRC only, or you guys on hangout / smth else as well ? 16:05:11 <mestery> prasadv: Good morning! 16:05:23 <mestery> FlorianOtel: IRC only, we're not as advanced as the ODL stuff. ;) 16:05:25 * mestery ducks. 16:05:36 <FlorianOtel> ha ;) 16:06:08 <s3wong> mestery: the document captures in the high level what we need to do now 16:06:39 <s3wong> though once this is done we would like to test it against a use case, such as three-tier app using Heat template 16:06:46 <alagalah> Are we planning on assigning each of the 4 bullets out, do like a mini lead per bullet with teams? 16:07:03 <mestery> s3wong: Lets add the use case to the document, sound good? 16:07:33 <mestery> alagalah: We haven't decided on the division of labor yet, but if you want to help, that would be great! 16:07:40 <banix> s3wong: we need to also think about what we need to do on the Heat side; I presume it will be minimal at least to start with 16:07:44 <alagalah> mestery: yes I do 16:07:53 <thinrichs> I'm not super familiar with ML2. I have a question or two about the plans. 16:07:55 <prasadv> we internally built a heat template based on the discussions so far 16:08:05 <mestery> thinrichs: Shoot! 16:08:18 <mestery> prasadv: Awesome! We'll lean on you folks for that portion. Sound good banix? 16:08:23 <s3wong> mestery: banix: sure 16:08:23 <banix> prasadv: great; share when/if you can 16:08:38 <thinrichs> For the allow/drop case, I see how we can implement the policy via OVS. But when we start getting to QOS, or some of the other actions, how will that work? 16:08:39 <prasadv> ok will do. we can put it into poc document 16:08:40 <banix> mestery: agree 16:09:03 <thinrichs> Do we only select actions that are implementable in OVS? 16:09:11 <s3wong> prasadv: wow, that is great! 16:09:32 <mestery> thinrichs: For QoS in particular, we need to work with scal68 (Sean Collins) who is doing QoS support for ML2+OVS. 16:10:44 <alagalah> mestery: et al ... sorry , silly question but is OVS the initial use case with this to be extensible to other platforms later? Or limited? That will change the decisions 16:11:13 <thinrichs> alagalah: maybe I'm wondering the same kind of thing. 16:11:15 <banix> initial PoC 16:11:26 <s3wong> alagalah: ovs is selected as initial PoC ref. impl. 16:11:30 <mestery> Similar to how the existing Neutron APIs work in ML2, we'll want to make these new extension APIs work the same. 16:11:47 <alagalah> I think its ok to limit actions to OVS supported functions but to push features to rely on OVS would mean they would have to be written back in for other platforms 16:11:47 <mestery> e.g. if you look, they have pre/post methods for both so DB transactions are done in one place. 16:11:47 <banix> alagalah: thinrichs: Just a PoC; would like to see it used by others 16:12:30 <alagalah> mestery: thanks, that helps... so it will be more extensible that way 16:12:48 <thinrichs> What if we don't actually have OVS underneath the hood, and instead we are using something that doesn't support QOS? Is the policy just not enforceable? 16:13:11 <s3wong> alagalah: yes - even the APIs and optional action types will be expanded in the future, I am sure 16:13:17 <mestery> thinrichs: I think we decided that each MechanismDriver can fail the calls, similar to how it works today in ML2 for existing API calls. 16:13:42 <alagalah> thinrichs: That was my understanding. Thanks mestery 16:13:47 <banix> thinrichs: depends on the mechanism driver; can "not" support 16:13:50 <alagalah> s3wong: thanks 16:14:06 <thinrichs> And I'm not concerned so much about the PoC--it's that we're defining the language to have actions that are known to not be supported for some technology. 16:14:44 <thinrichs> But I suppose that some underlying architectures can simply render some policies unenforceable and so the users ought to know not to write those policies. Is that right? 16:14:48 <s3wong> thinrichs: ha - we talked about that. We will add an API for users to query a set of action capabilities that is supported by a particular plugin 16:15:10 <alagalah> That was my understanding s3wong 16:15:18 * mestery nods in agreement. 16:15:24 <thinrichs> s3wong: but do we expect Heat to utilize that API before writing policy statements? 16:15:28 <banix> thinrichs: for QoS we haven't really worked out specifics; can discuss in parallel 16:15:53 <thinrichs> banix: the details of QoS aren't so important--it's just an example of something that isn't so easy to implement. 16:15:55 <s3wong> thinrichs: interesting question - how dynamic can a Heat template be? 16:15:56 <banix> I think we want the infrastructure setup first 16:16:13 <prasadv> thinrichs: Heat can call and do validation of a template if there is such a call 16:16:27 <thinrichs> Would Heat change the templates it accepts based on whether or not Neutron accepts Qos policies? 16:16:28 <s3wong> prasadv: Thank You! 16:16:29 <prasadv> wherein the plugin cannot support 16:17:40 <thinrichs> So before Heat (or whatever) even generates a UI to accept a template, it calls out to Neutron to figure out what policies it accepts and then customizes the UI so the user doesn't specify things that aren't implementable? 16:17:48 <prasadv> thinrichs: Instead of changing templates, wouldnt it be better to return error 16:18:05 * alagalah nods 16:18:07 <banix> I think Heat as is today won't change things dynamically 16:18:15 <prasadv> thinrichs:THat was original thought to have an query api 16:18:25 <alagalah> I think the application should re-request 16:18:25 <thinrichs> prasadv: But suppose the user spends a bunch of time writing a template, and then just gets an error in response? Wouldn't that irritate her? 16:18:29 <alagalah> Send back an error 16:18:47 <banix> There is talk of extending Heat to do a lot more but as is it simply tries to create resources specified in template through calls to underlying services 16:19:00 <s3wong> thinrichs: the user should then consider having a different plugin 16:19:22 <alagalah> Well we talked about an API to query capabilities, so they should use that to make a template and if a template comes in that cant be fulfilled, we should return error 16:19:29 <thinrichs> s3wong: the user here doesn't get to change how the cloud is set up--they're just describing an app template. 16:19:38 <mestery> s3wong: In the case of a public cloud, the user doesn't have control over the plugins. 16:20:00 <prasadv> thinrichs: I think plugin can also document what it supports right? though this requires the person to know which plugin is being used. 16:20:16 <s3wong> in that case, it is up to the cloud provider to publish what it can support 16:20:26 <ashaikh> thinrichs: i don't think there is an expectation today that every template would just work -- e.g., the public cloud would make clear what it can/can't do 16:21:12 <thinrichs> s3wong/ashaikh: but there must be UIs for creating templates, right? So suppose the UI tells you you've got 10 different actions you can use but in actuality, there is only allow/drop. 16:21:34 <alagalah> thinrichs: Teh capability API should handle that shouldn't it ? 16:21:47 <alagalah> A UI should use that shouldn't it ? Or am I missing something ? 16:22:34 <mestery> thinrichs: Would it really be hard for the UI to query the plugin and ghost out which ones aren't supported by the underlying plugin? 16:23:20 <thinrichs> Maybe I'm wondering whether the right interface for Heat is to just say "and give me a policy using actions 1,2,3,4". 16:23:26 <s3wong> thinrichs: can you apply a Heat template in Horizon today? If so, if there is something within the Heat template that is not supported, would an error show up on Horizon? 16:24:02 <mestery> thinrichs: Since there is no requirement to use cinder, for example, what if cinder isn't running and the user tries to create volumes in a Heat template? What happens in that case now? 16:24:15 <mestery> Because there is no "official" definition of what OpenStack is. 16:24:16 <songole> s3wong: it does. stack creation fails 16:24:17 <thinrichs> I'm wondering if we would want to hide the details of the actions within higher-level concepts, and those concepts would be hard to define if the set of available actions were different for each plugin. 16:24:26 <mestery> I think we're solving a problem which is not just related to policy actions IMHO. 16:24:29 <mestery> OR rather, trying to solve. 16:24:41 <banix> As prasadv shares with us what they have done on the Heat front, we can discuss further 16:25:12 <s3wong> songole: Thanks! so for thinrichs: it would just fails as you apply the template from get-go 16:25:17 <thinrichs> Maybe this is all okay. I'll think more and see if anything pops to mind. 16:25:28 <mestery> thinrichs banix: Sounds good. 16:25:30 <banix> mestery: agree. For now the Heat extension for us would be simply capable of creating newly defined Neutron objects 16:25:38 <mestery> But good to bring these points up thinrichs! 16:25:40 <prasadv> i agree with mestery. Policy is provding a query api and that help it quite a bit 16:25:54 * alagalah agrees with mestery 16:26:40 <s3wong> prasadv: Good to have you here to give us actual API consumer to come up with the required APIs 16:26:43 <mestery> OK, anything else related to the PoC to discuss right now? 16:26:48 <mestery> Let me assign a few actions: 16:26:56 <mestery> #action prasadv to add heat details to the PoC document 16:27:01 <s3wong> mestery: so who is doing what? 16:27:17 <mestery> #action mestery s3wong banix to flesh out more details in the document and assign tasks to interested parties 16:27:22 <mestery> s3wong: Just added that. :) 16:27:30 <s3wong> mestery: cool :-) 16:27:51 <mestery> If nothing else on PoC, I'll move the topic to Open Discussion in a minute. 16:27:59 <banix> Sounds good 16:28:09 <s3wong> mestery: sure 16:28:34 <mestery> #topic Open Discussion 16:28:38 <alagalah> Hi guys, just a nit, but a change was made to the taxonomy document to reflect "1 or more" when it accurately reflected that with a "+" as per the key 16:28:43 <banix> I will cleanup the original design doc this week. 16:28:50 <mestery> alagalah: Thanks for the update! 16:28:55 <mestery> banix: Thank you! 16:29:01 <alagalah> For classifiers 16:29:03 <s3wong> alaglah: Thanks! 16:29:11 <alagalah> Well actually..... 16:29:23 <alagalah> The update made was wrong... it should be put back to a "+" 16:29:25 <banix> Won't make any changes as such just a cleanup. 16:29:44 <alagalah> Any objections to me changing it back? 16:30:28 <prasadv> I still have an issue with classifiers for cases like L2 firewall not including IP addresses 16:31:16 <mestery> prasadv: Dually noted, should we flesh that out during the PoC? 16:31:16 <prasadv> mismith had issues with including them last time. How should we resolve that 16:31:20 <alagalah> prasadv: Mine was more a cosmetic thing. the taxonom originally had + between policy rule and classifiers which means "1 or more" and it was changed to "1" to reflect "1 or more" 16:31:26 <s3wong> prasadv: sure, that was never finalized 16:31:26 <mestery> michsmit: You here? 16:31:30 <michsmit> yes 16:31:41 <prasadv> i am fine with that. we can resolve during PoC 16:31:43 <mestery> michsmit: Hi. See prasadv comment ^^^^ 16:31:51 <mestery> michsmit prasadv: OK, cool. 16:31:56 <michsmit> my assumption was that IP addresses would be limited to external networks 16:32:18 <s3wong> alagalah: there should only be one classifier per policy-rule, so the '1' looks good 16:32:25 <michsmit> meaning that policies between groups should avoid IP addresses if at all possible 16:32:26 <alagalah> Oh! 16:32:35 <alagalah> s3wong: Thanks! 16:32:50 <alagalah> s3wong: Is it 0 or 1 ??? 16:33:04 <alagalah> s3wong: In that case it should be a "?" as per the key 16:33:06 <s3wong> alagalah: has to be 1, can't be 0 16:33:07 <banix> michsmith: agree 16:33:18 <alagalah> In that case I apologize and I will leave it 16:33:28 <alagalah> Thank you all for the clarification 16:33:33 <s3wong> michsmith: agree - never a fan in adding IP address in classifier 16:33:38 <prasadv> michsmit: I want to see if L2 scenario can be supported with you are saying and get back on that 16:33:50 <mestery> prasadv: Sounds good! 16:33:52 <michsmit> prasadv: sure 16:34:12 <mestery> OK, anything else to discuss here? 16:34:29 <s3wong> wow, short meeting :-) 16:34:35 <mestery> Yay to short meetings! 16:34:48 <michsmit> +1 to that 16:34:50 * alagalah cheers 16:34:55 <prasadv> +1 to that 16:35:00 <banix> Thanks everyone 16:35:00 <thinrichs> +1 16:35:07 <mestery> OK, thanks everyone! Looking forward to seeing some PoC action now! :) 16:35:08 <s3wong> Thanks! 16:35:10 <mestery> #endmeeting