18:00:36 <SumitNaiksatam> #startmeeting networking_policy 18:00:37 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 26 18:00:36 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SumitNaiksatam. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:38 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:00:40 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'networking_policy' 18:02:00 <SumitNaiksatam> just noticed that the NSX patch was updated 18:02:37 <SumitNaiksatam> rkukura: anything you wanted to discuss today? 18:02:39 <rkukura> SumitNaiksatam: is it out of WIP? 18:02:56 <rkukura> SumitNaiksatam: Nothing from me 18:03:04 <SumitNaiksatam> yeah its out WIP 18:03:08 <SumitNaiksatam> rkukura: okay 18:03:38 <SumitNaiksatam> nothing from me 18:03:45 <rkukura> update to the validation patch will include CLI and addition of validate_state() methiods to GBP plugin and PD APIs 18:03:54 <SumitNaiksatam> rkukura: okay thanks 18:04:03 <SumitNaiksatam> you are planning to update the gate job? 18:04:18 <rkukura> So we’ll be setup to share the validation of GBP->Neutron mapping across various PDs 18:04:30 <SumitNaiksatam> rkukura: thats nice 18:04:32 <SumitNaiksatam> annakk: hi 18:04:41 <annakk> Hi 18:04:41 <SumitNaiksatam> noticed your updated driver patch 18:04:59 <annakk> yes, I wanted to say its ready for review 18:05:03 <rkukura> Right now, default implementation in the BD base class just returns VALIDATION_PASSED 18:05:28 <SumitNaiksatam> annakk: okay 18:05:31 <SumitNaiksatam> rkukura: okay 18:05:36 <rkukura> annakk: I will take a look as soon as I get a chance 18:05:51 <SumitNaiksatam> annakk: anything you wanted to discuss regarding that? 18:06:33 <annakk> not much, the backend model changed (changed are listed in commit message), so the patch aligns with the changes 18:06:48 <SumitNaiksatam> annakk: okay 18:07:16 <SumitNaiksatam> if nothing else, then we can wrap up 18:07:23 <annakk> nsx job is expected to fail in other patches until this one is merged 18:07:26 <SumitNaiksatam> rkukura: annakk: thanks for joining 18:07:33 <SumitNaiksatam> annakk: okay good to know 18:07:38 <SumitNaiksatam> but it will pass on this patch? 18:07:45 <annakk> yes 18:07:47 <SumitNaiksatam> in pike i guess 18:07:55 <annakk> its green (in pike) 18:08:04 <SumitNaiksatam> right 18:08:07 <SumitNaiksatam> saw it 18:08:08 <SumitNaiksatam> thanks 18:08:14 <annakk> thanks! 18:08:23 <SumitNaiksatam> see you next time, bye! 18:08:26 <SumitNaiksatam> #endmeeting