16:12:05 <ijw> #startmeeting networking-vpp 16:12:06 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Oct 16 16:12:05 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ijw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:12:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:12:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'networking_vpp' 16:12:11 <ijw> I'm here, just late 16:13:34 <ijw> OK, we sorted out the unit test issues for the most part, but L3 tests are still disabled right now due to Pike/Queens compatibility issues. I've asked for some help on that but I don't seem to have found any yet 16:14:27 <ijw> najoy, I think you're testing your L3 work on a slightly different version of OpenStack, so when you push your changes, if you push the patches to the 'suspended' L3 test file, then we can bring it back online when we get that dealt with 16:15:03 <ijw> Other than that, the etcd code is ready and needs a good reviewing. I think the structural issues (commit message, unit test passes) are now completed. 16:15:14 <ijw> L3 - not sure yet. 16:15:49 <ijw> And I removed the 'maketap' backend plugging type because we don't use it, and I think we should commit that patch before release just so that we're not carrying around ancient history (it shouldn't have any effect on functionality). 16:17:18 <ijw> I'll be fixing the ML2 config patch up this week. It's a better reworking of the config fix I put in to get unit test compatibility with Queens, and it draws a cleaner line between the etcd code (which I'm trying to make re-useable so that we can have a bgpvpn API in the future). 16:21:15 <ijw> Anyway, that'll do for this week 16:21:18 <ijw> #endmeeting