============================== #openstack-neutron: neutron_ci ============================== Meeting started by ykarel at 15:00:46 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/neutron_ci/2024/neutron_ci.2024-05-21-15.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Actions from previous meetings (ykarel, 15:04:02) * ACTION: ykarel to check failure in test_virtual_port_host_update_upon_failover functional test (ykarel, 15:08:23) * Stable branches (ykarel, 15:08:29) * Stadium projects (ykarel, 15:09:32) * Rechecks (ykarel, 15:13:39) * Unit tests/pep8 (ykarel, 15:15:28) * fullstack/functional (ykarel, 15:17:27) * grenade (ykarel, 15:19:45) * Periodic (ykarel, 15:20:15) * LINK: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=neutron-ovn-grenade-multinode-skip-level&job_name=neutron-ovs-grenade-multinode-skip-level&project=openstack%2Fneutron&branch=master&skip=0 (ykarel, 15:20:22) * Grafana (ykarel, 15:21:40) * LINK: https://grafana.opendev.org/d/f913631585/neutron-failure-rate (ykarel, 15:21:46) * On Demand (ykarel, 15:26:21) Meeting ended at 15:38:04 UTC. Action items, by person ----------------------- * ykarel * ykarel to check failure in test_virtual_port_host_update_upon_failover functional test People present (lines said) --------------------------- * ykarel (69) * lajoskatona (17) * mlavalle (14) * opendevmeet (3) * opendevreview (3) * haleyb (2) * slaweq (1) * ihrachys (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4