15:01:13 #startmeeting neutron_ci 15:01:13 Meeting started Tue Jul 16 15:01:13 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:13 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:13 The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_ci' 15:01:19 Ping list: bcafarel, lajoskatona, mlavalle, mtomaska, ralonsoh, ykarel, jlibosva, elvira 15:01:35 o/ 15:01:54 \o 15:02:05 o/ 15:03:12 o/ 15:04:32 hello everyone, let's start with topics 15:04:38 #topic Actions from previous meetings 15:04:45 lajoskatona to check timeout increase for test_configurations_are_synced_towards_placement 15:05:03 I checked it uickly, but tottell the truth just quickly 15:06:00 I hadn't seens another occurance (last week was when I checked), and the fake placement was the source of the issue (timeout in response) 15:06:25 so just following the issue if it becomes more frequent I would suggest 15:07:32 lajoskatona, ack. thx for checking 15:07:45 ykarel to check lp 2072567 15:08:00 rodolfo picked it up and pushed some test patches 15:08:19 once we have the ci issue cleared can recheck this one 15:08:30 mlavalle to check failures in test_router_interface_status 15:08:37 I did check it 15:09:15 the test case creates a router and then adds an interface to it, which fails to become active. The port stays down and the test case time out 15:09:43 I only saw one ocurrence of this issue, but the job, neutron-tempest-plugin-openvswitch-enforce-scope-old-defaults, fails frequently 15:10:05 I'm looking if there are any relationships with other failures in the same job 15:10:11 I'll keep you posted 15:11:28 mlavalle, the current failures are due to the gate issue pointed above 15:11:55 ok, i'll still chack the situation once the ci problem is fixed 15:11:58 test_router_interface_status happened last week so i think current that should be different but ok can check post gate fixes 15:12:03 thx mlavalle 15:12:20 slaweq to report bug for designate failures 15:12:33 slaweq reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/2072627 15:12:57 The revert to address that has merged 15:13:04 yes, and I think that the problematic oslo.log change is now reverted 15:13:06 or revert is in the gate maybe 15:13:06 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.log/+/923961 15:13:11 thx johnsom so we also had that released? 15:13:19 thx johnsom 15:13:27 I am not sure if it released yet 15:13:50 I don't think so 15:14:16 hmm no release patch yet https://review.opendev.org/q/file:deliverables/dalmatian/oslo.log.yaml 15:14:51 would be good to get that up too 15:15:45 once it will be released we may make designate job voting again 15:15:58 +1 15:16:00 +1 anyone pushing up that release patch? 15:16:35 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/924235 15:16:43 are you talking about https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/924235 ? 15:16:44 yeah 15:16:59 yeah that was too quick :) 15:17:04 thanks tkajinam 15:17:12 we also downgrade oslo.log in u-c so I guess jobs are all green if they follow u-c https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/924053 15:17:24 s/downgrade/downgraded/ 15:17:50 k then jobs should be already green 15:18:08 tkajinam +1 15:18:15 I indeed saw today our designate job green on one or two patches but I though it may just be luck 15:18:17 :) 15:18:38 thx tkajinam for lowering it in u-c 15:18:59 ;-) 15:19:36 k let's move to next 15:19:38 #topic Stable branches 15:19:48 all good, except periodic postgres job broken by recent change https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2072567 15:19:58 bcafarel, anything to add? 15:20:20 thanks ykarel, I was behind on my checks - from what I checked all good 15:20:45 thx bcafarel 15:20:54 #topic Stadium projects 15:21:04 sfc still broken https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2068727 15:21:09 all green except sfc, and I had no time to check that 15:22:14 perhaps next week or end of this week I will have some time to check again sfc, but not sure about it 15:22:25 lajoskatona, so https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/networking-sfc/+/921514 attempt to fix it, right? 15:22:56 yes, but that is not enough 15:23:08 or perhaps just jumped on a red hering 15:23:15 k thx for the updates 15:23:29 #topic Rechecks 15:23:45 we have couple of rechecks due to recent gate failures 15:23:58 bare recheck wise it was quite good 0/21 rechecks 15:24:11 so let's keep checking ci failures before any rechecks 15:24:22 #topic Tempest/Scenario 15:24:36 for this we have two patches up 15:24:38 - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/924213 15:24:38 - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/924124 15:24:56 still in ci, let's see how that goes 15:25:34 if these are green, let's get these in 15:26:25 that's it in failures, periodics also hitting these so fully red 15:26:36 🤞 15:26:47 #topic Grafana 15:26:54 https://grafana.opendev.org/d/f913631585/neutron-failure-rate 15:27:01 let's have a quick look here too 15:28:09 looks quite slow for me 15:29:36 :-) 15:29:58 our neutron-tempest-plugin jobs seems to be very unstable but it was already mentioned above that there are proposed fixes for it 15:30:02 except tempest which you mentioned things look quite normal as I see 15:30:06 k took some time, apart from the ovs failures we already checked above, looks good 15:30:34 #topic On Demand 15:30:43 anything you would like to raise here? 15:30:49 not from me 15:30:57 nothing from me 15:31:38 nothing from me 15:32:08 k thx everyone for joining 15:32:13 #endmeeting