14:02:05 #startmeeting neutron_ci 14:02:05 Meeting started Mon Oct 7 14:02:05 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:05 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:05 The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_ci' 14:02:13 Ping list: bcafarel, lajoskatona, slawek, mlavalle, mtomaska, ralonsoh, ykarel, jlibosva, elvira 14:02:18 hello! 14:02:22 IRC today, right? 14:03:09 yeap 14:03:12 hi 14:06:17 k i think we can start, low on attendance today 14:06:27 #topic Actions from previous meetings 14:06:37 ralonsoh to check failure with fips job in 2023.1 and zed 14:06:41 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bug/2083482%22 14:07:20 thx ralonsoh 14:07:29 slaweq to check UT failure 2081868 14:07:37 I did patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/931036 14:08:07 hopefully if same issue will happen next time, it will tell us more about real error returned from the server 14:08:40 k merged already, thx slaweq 14:08:52 ykarel checking with #rdo for 2024.2 centos 9-stream failures 14:09:05 a WIP patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/930913 is there 14:09:53 also RDO about to be released in coming days that should also resolve this 14:09:54 #topic Stable branches 14:10:07 no much activity on stable this week 14:10:33 there were failures in periodic failures but those are known ones 14:10:48 #topic Stadium projects 14:10:54 all green in periodics 14:11:23 lajoskatona seems not around, if we have any other update for stadiums 14:11:54 #topic Rechecks 14:12:29 not bad, we had 6/38 bare rechecks 14:12:39 2 of these were mine in a test patch :( 14:12:43 hehehe 14:13:03 #topic fullstack/functional 14:13:18 fullstack MismatchError: 2 != 1: More than one active HA routers https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083609 14:13:28 we have seen couple of failures for this 14:13:54 I can try to take a look if I will have some time 14:14:01 yeah, I'll try to check it this week 14:14:06 ralonsoh do you recall this? i recall u mentioned you seen that in some of your test patch? 14:14:18 yes, in the WSGI one 14:14:37 (hmmm maybe no..., I need to check that) 14:14:44 I'll debug it this week 14:14:54 ok so whom should i assign this, 2 volunteers :) 14:15:15 sorry, I didn't see slaweq comment! 14:15:34 my bad (replying in other window in another chat) 14:16:03 please assign to my as ralonsoh already have a lot of things on his plate 14:16:30 k thx 14:16:32 #action slawek to check https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083609 14:16:41 thx 14:16:46 functional Too many open files https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2080199 14:16:54 we still hitting this 14:17:13 there was patch from ralonsoh I think to close ovsdb connections in tests, no? 14:17:15 ralonsoh, i commented on your patch , can you confirm that 14:17:27 shouldn't it help maybe for this? 14:17:46 yes but this is not enough 14:17:56 it reduces the number of files, but not all 14:18:02 we should increase the limit 14:18:06 k thx for confirming, as i saw multiple failures in test patches 14:18:54 ok so should we revise https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/928759 and get that in? 14:19:05 i commented what worked for increasing ulimit persistantly 14:20:05 cool 14:20:29 k then will update that patch 14:20:39 rebase on top of master 14:20:41 to have mine too 14:20:45 ++ 14:21:01 #topic Tempest/Scenario 14:21:10 neutron api fail while creating resources devstack setup https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083570 14:21:18 tempest failure deleting router port https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2083287 14:21:40 these also seen multiple times, and with timing seems related to wsgi switch patches 14:21:51 but would need to be confirmed 14:21:56 seen only in master as of now 14:22:51 we have migrated only the OVS jobs 14:23:18 the OVN patch is still in gerrit (and every time I recheck there is a new failure, not only in master) 14:23:19 o/ 14:23:41 mmm but i have seen some ovn parent jobs modified 14:23:49 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/924317 14:24:21 right, in Neutron, but most of the jobs are in the n-t-p patch 14:24:29 but yes, we have some OVN jobs 14:24:37 and the above failures are seen only on those modified jobs 14:24:51 so that's a big problem... 14:25:04 we need wsgi API working fine 14:25:21 yes 14:26:53 k thx it could be related than to the switch 14:27:16 so we could revert that for time being to unblock gate 14:28:15 ok ? or you see it could be fixed easily? 14:28:30 tomorrow morning I'll debug it and ping you 14:28:41 I'll take this as high priority 14:28:55 thx ralonsoh 14:29:08 #action ralonsoh to check for issues triggered by wsgi switch 14:29:26 #topic Grafana 14:29:34 https://grafana.opendev.org/d/f913631585/neutron-failure-rate 14:29:40 let's also have quick look here 14:31:55 the unit test graph seems quite empty, perhaps because it waits for py311, and now we have py312? 14:32:08 gate queue has few spikes and all those mentioned above, basically fullstack, functional and those api calls 14:33:27 do we need to update the dashboard? jobs have changed a bit recently (and some still in progress) 14:35:13 lajoskatona, haleyb yeap right, the dashboard needs update 14:35:24 As I see yes: https://opendev.org/openstack/project-config/src/branch/master/grafana/neutron.yaml 14:36:33 anyone would like to push the update to ^ ? 14:36:49 i can take that 14:36:53 thx haleyb 14:36:57 I can change that, but on the dev-list there was a mail to perhaps have more py jobs between py39 and py312 14:37:16 so perhaps it will change in the coming weeks :-) 14:37:19 #action haleyb to update grafana dashboard 14:37:46 #topic On Demand 14:37:58 anything you would like to raise now? 14:38:05 no thanks 14:38:16 nothing from me 14:38:27 k i have a one 14:38:47 it's regarding postgres testing 14:38:57 ironic team planning to drop it https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/MVHR5WZFEDOZA4ESBN5764EVP67GKOS5/ 14:39:02 I saw it 14:39:19 And, to be honest, I support dropping it 14:39:21 so wanted to check if we have some case for this to keep it running? 14:39:42 we have many problems related to postgre and, to be honest, I don't know if that really works 14:39:53 because I know there are some projects that doesn't work with this DB 14:40:24 according to https://www.openstack.org/analytics/ it is used by around 5% of users 14:41:00 but IMO we can maybe deprecate/remove support for it too 14:41:08 I'll check it but I remember at least 4 issues related with this DB in the last 6 months 14:41:37 maybe this should be email to the ML to ask other projects about the same and in general what community things about such move 14:41:39 yeap multiple issues but all related to neutron changes 14:42:02 also we can have this topic in PTG 14:42:19 may be for TC ? 14:42:29 yes, most of the times because posgre is more strict in the sql parsing 14:42:38 but this should be probably topic for some session with operators, to listen their feedback about it, no? 14:44:01 yes that would be better place, need to check where/when that session is 14:44:39 agree with creating an operators feedback session 14:44:45 haleyb, ^ 14:45:03 +1 14:45:16 should that be created by TC? because this is a generic topic 14:45:20 not only Neutron related 14:45:33 just to open the audience target 14:46:06 I don't know if there is session like that already scheduled 14:46:18 but if there will be, we should add this topic there 14:46:27 adding to etherpad 14:46:30 perfect! 14:46:40 thx haleyb 14:47:06 i think that's it for today, thx everyone for joining 14:47:18 #endmeeting