15:30:29 <mestery> #startmeeting neutron-drivers 15:30:29 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 17 15:30:29 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mestery. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:30:31 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:30:33 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 15:30:41 <mestery> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers Agenda (same as every week) 15:30:53 <mestery> carl_baldwin: ping if you're here 15:31:13 <carl_baldwin> pong cuz I’m here 15:31:25 <mestery> awesome! 15:31:28 <mestery> OK lets get rolling 15:31:31 <mestery> #topic Spec Discussion 15:31:40 <mestery> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/184857/ 15:31:41 <mestery> "Get Me a Network" 15:31:56 <mestery> The plan with this one is to work the design out next week in Fort Collins, especially the concurrency issues 15:32:03 <mestery> And once we do that, find someone to implement it :) 15:32:10 <mestery> Any comments? 15:32:11 <mestery> Concerns? 15:32:31 <dougwig> no, that jives with what i thought would work best. 15:33:14 <mestery> cool 15:33:20 <mestery> Next up 15:33:24 <mestery> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169612 Availability zones 15:33:49 <mestery> amotoki had a lot of comments on revision 23 of htis one 15:33:55 <mestery> which need addressing, thanks for hte review amotoki 15:34:03 <amotoki_> AZ one generally looks good. i posted some clarifications. 15:34:23 <mestery> amotoki: Great! 15:34:33 <mestery> I think this is a nice one to get in for Liberty. carl_baldwin dougwig, have you had a chance to review? 15:34:46 <dougwig> i have not 15:34:54 <mestery> OK 15:35:04 <carl_baldwin> mestery: Not much review there. I can soon if needed. 15:35:23 <hichihara> amotoki: Thank you for your review! I will update tomorrow. 15:35:23 <mestery> carl_baldwin: No worries, I know russellb amotoki and I have reviewed, among others 15:35:24 <dougwig> hmm, i see one issue, though it's small. ignores services entirely. 15:35:32 <mestery> dougwig: Good catch! 15:35:40 <mestery> And worth a re-spin to accomodate that 15:35:47 <dougwig> i'll comment today 15:35:55 <amotoki_> dougwig: i noticed it too, but it can be deferred I think. 15:36:41 <amotoki_> but it is worth mentioned at least. 15:37:16 <dougwig> amotoki_: yes, it could, though i find it frustrating when features are supported piecemeal. 15:37:24 <mestery> Agreed 15:37:28 <amotoki_> agree. 15:37:49 <mestery> Next up 15:37:53 <mestery> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94612/ VLAN Aware VMs 15:38:04 <mestery> I know armax has been dilligently following up on this, and there was a meeitng yesterday on it 15:38:10 <mestery> armax: Can you summarize if you're around? :) 15:38:53 <mestery> And if armax is busy, the tl;dr is that some progress was made on this one 15:38:54 <armax> mestery: I think we agreed to choose first class citizen for trunk port resource 15:38:59 <mestery> armax: Thanks :) 15:39:07 <armax> they’d need to extend the port resource to track subports 15:39:20 <armax> they’ll respin the patch and hopefully we’ll start seeing some code 15:39:23 <mestery> #info trunk ports will be a first class citizen but subports will be an extension of ports 15:39:26 <mestery> awesome 15:39:28 <mestery> thanks armax! 15:39:30 <mestery> Questions? 15:39:32 <armax> and we’ll take it from there 15:40:15 <amotoki_> there is another spin of the spec, and we can check it. 15:40:23 <mestery> amotoki_: Yes 15:40:35 <dougwig> i think kevinbenton had some issues with subports. was he at the meeting? else just flag him to review. 15:40:44 <mestery> He was not there sadly 15:41:01 <armax> dougwig: no he wasn't 15:41:12 <armax> amotoki was there though 15:41:29 <armax> dougwig: we’ll ping him 15:41:39 <amotoki_> armax: ah.... you're right. 15:41:50 <dougwig> cool. i do want to see trunk ports happen. 15:42:26 <armax> we all do 15:42:40 <mestery> OK, last one 15:42:46 <mestery> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172244/ Routed Networks 15:42:48 <mestery> carl_baldwin: This is your baby :) 15:43:03 <mestery> The good news is Kris from godaddy is hopefully going to make the mid-cyclen ext week to discuss this with us 15:43:16 <mestery> And how it can (hopefully) be evolved to address the segment support those folks want 15:43:21 <carl_baldwin> mestery: That is good news. I look forward to the discussion. 15:43:54 <dougwig> should we put this spec review on hold until the mid-cycle, then? 15:44:19 <carl_baldwin> dougwig: +1 15:44:21 <mestery> dougwig: +1 15:44:27 <carl_baldwin> It could use just a bit more definition. 15:44:40 <amotoki_> +1 15:44:56 <carl_baldwin> … and some validation from others that my ideas are sane would be good. 15:45:02 <dougwig> carl_baldwin: ha, your specs are usually among the most detailed already. :) 15:45:14 * carl_baldwin blushes 15:45:26 <mestery> carl_baldwin: I know regXoi wants to discuss this in your L3 meeting tomorrow, look for him there 15:45:32 <mestery> He reached out to me this morning on this one 15:45:45 <carl_baldwin> mestery: Thanks, I will look for him. 15:46:19 <mestery> OK, does anyone want to bringup any other particular spec? 15:46:37 <amotoki_> question: are there any important specs in *aaS areas? 15:47:06 <HenryG> Bug #1464465 15:47:06 <openstack> bug 1464465 in neutron "binding_type improvements to simplify Nova interactions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464465 15:47:34 <dougwig> amotoki_: for lbaas, the big items are l7 redirection, horizon, and octavia. l7 was a backlog from kilo, octavia is happening in a different repo, but we do need to talk at some point about how to get horizon support in for lbaas v2. 15:47:52 <dougwig> for fwaas, i think xgerman is putting together use cases in prep for taking a look at maybe a v2 api 15:47:53 <mestery> dougwig: So, lbaas is covered 15:48:01 <mestery> For fwaas, we're in the process of rebooting it a bit, so nothing at this time. 15:48:03 <dougwig> i'm not sure about vpn. 15:48:10 <mestery> dougwig: ++ 15:48:18 <mestery> I need to talk to pc_m about vpn today 15:48:27 <amotoki_> dougwig: for horizon support, I can help all efforst and I can discuss offline 15:48:27 <HenryG> Sorry are we not at RFEs yet? 15:48:29 <mestery> It's on my list, it's just not burning me enough to get my attention yet :) 15:48:31 <mestery> HenryG: Not yet 15:48:32 <mestery> :) 15:48:40 <mestery> amotoki_: Awesome, thank you! 15:48:52 <dougwig> amotoki_: ok, let's do that. i'm also interested in if we can do that panel in-repo, instead of having it all in horizon (like the devstack model) 15:48:54 <amotoki_> for vpnaas, I need to clarify what are prioritized. 15:49:30 <amotoki_> dougwig: horizon team are exploring how to scale dahsborad efforts. 15:49:44 <dougwig> amotoki_: ok, we'll take our cue on how to proceed from you, then. 15:49:56 <mestery> Great! 15:50:04 <mestery> Any other specs before we move to RFEs? 15:50:09 <amotoki_> dougwig: I will share efforts in horizon later. 15:50:33 <amotoki_> for vpnaas, I will talk paul what should be prioritized. 15:50:45 <amotoki_> ah... i wrote already.. 15:50:58 <mestery> :) 15:51:02 <mestery> OK, lets move to RFEs then 15:51:04 <mestery> #topic RFEs 15:51:11 <mestery> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.tag=rfe RFE bug link 15:51:48 <mestery> HenryG: You had one for us? 15:51:54 <mestery> We can start with yours :) 15:51:59 <HenryG> Bug #1464465 15:52:00 <openstack> bug 1464465 in neutron "binding_type improvements to simplify Nova interactions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464465 15:52:11 <HenryG> It's from ijw 15:52:16 <dougwig> better query: 15:52:17 <dougwig> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.structural_subscriber=&field.tag=rfe&field.tags_combinator=ANY&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&fi 15:52:17 <dougwig> eld.affects_me.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_branches.used=&field.has_branches=on&field.has_no_branches.used=&field.has_no_branches=on&field.has_blueprints.used=&field.has_blueprints=on&field.has_no_blueprints.used=&field.has_no_blueprints=on&search=Search 15:52:23 <dougwig> man, let me shorten that 15:52:32 <mestery> dougwig: rookie mistake! :) 15:52:44 <dougwig> https://goo.gl/dfUdUf 15:52:52 <dougwig> only new and triaged RFE's. ^^ 15:52:59 <mestery> cool 15:53:37 <HenryG> Why not "confirmed"? 15:54:07 <dougwig> my understanding is that 'confirmed' is 'approved by the drivers/LT'. do i need to go read that process doc again? sec. 15:54:22 * HenryG may have wongly set the RFE to confirmed 15:54:29 <mestery> :) 15:54:50 <dougwig> ahh, triaged means approved. 15:54:52 <dougwig> one sec. 15:55:33 <dougwig> https://goo.gl/xtBJkU 15:55:49 <mestery> HenryG: Seems as if the binding RFE proposed by ijw is dependent on a nova spec, true? 15:56:02 <HenryG> mestery: yes 15:56:32 <HenryG> I think he is asking for approval to work on the Neutron side if that goes ahead 15:56:56 <armax> confirmed means they have been acked as RFE bugs 15:56:57 <amotoki_> it seems we need to consider it along with the nova vif script spec. 15:57:19 <armax> triaged means someone from the drivers team has seen them and started working on them 15:57:38 <armax> as in talking and chatting and fighting 15:57:44 <armax> insulting…you name it 15:57:54 <armax> in progress 15:58:26 <armax> is when someone hopelessly start coding believing that the rfe will be made available only to realize that a final -2 will put his/her hopes in tatters 15:58:26 <mestery> rofl 15:58:30 <dougwig> https://goo.gl/xtBJkU <-- new + confirmed RFE's 15:58:39 <HenryG> I think binding improvements to match Nova is a reasonable request, hence I marked it as confirmed 15:58:44 <mestery> dougwig: How many more URLs will you generate for us? 15:59:01 <mestery> HenryG: cool 15:59:07 <dougwig> mestery: gonna start being some ascii goats soon. 15:59:10 <HenryG> I have no idea if I have the authority to mark as confirmed ;) 15:59:23 <mestery> HenryG: We'll slap you on the wrist if you do something wrong, don't worry 15:59:57 <mestery> I removed the RFE tag from this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1464190 15:59:58 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1464190 in neutron "Fujitsu Neutron ML2 Mechanism Driver for ISM" [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to Yushiro FURUKAWA (y-furukawa-2) 16:00:27 <mestery> This one needs an update from the proposer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1457034 16:00:27 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1457034 in neutron "BGPVPN extension" [Undecided,New] 16:00:50 <mestery> We may as well just mark this as triaged: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1458890 16:00:51 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1458890 in neutron "Add segment support to Neutron" [Undecided,Confirmed] 16:00:57 <mestery> Because it's gonna happen, so many operators need this one 16:01:14 <amotoki_> For such cases, do we set the status to Imcomplete? or keep it New? 16:01:38 <amotoki_> i am talking about BGPVPN one. 16:01:40 <mestery> amotoki_: We set it to "Triaged" 16:01:52 <mestery> amotoki_: Lets leave it as "Confirmed" since we've alreayd looked at it 16:02:10 <mestery> Thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1460720 ??? 16:02:11 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1460720 in neutron "Add API to set ipv6 gateway" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Abishek Subramanian (absubram) 16:02:18 <dougwig> we need a wiki page or doc cheat sheet. "rfe bug states for dummies" 16:02:21 <dougwig> <-- the dummy 16:02:35 <mestery> #action dougwig to write "RFE for dummies" page 16:02:40 <mestery> dougwig: Sound good? ;) 16:02:42 <mestery> You see what I did there? 16:02:45 <HenryG> lol 16:02:47 <dougwig> lol, fine. :) 16:02:51 <amotoki_> :-) 16:03:18 <HenryG> mestery: that RFE can at least be marked confirmed 16:03:29 <mestery> HenryG: done 16:03:52 <mestery> HenryG: It's an API change, but it seems sensible to me. 16:04:03 <HenryG> It was discussed but I have not seen any work started yet 16:04:15 <HenryG> (in the L3 meeting) 16:04:15 <mestery> HenryG: I am fine moving this to triaged and allowing work to proceed 16:04:19 <mestery> anyone have any issues there? 16:04:22 <mestery> going once 16:04:24 <mestery> going twice 16:04:27 * mestery waits for 30 seconds 16:04:32 <carl_baldwin> +1 16:04:40 <HenryG> Thanks carl_baldwin 16:04:42 <mestery> sold to carl_baldwin ! :) 16:04:42 <carl_baldwin> We came up with a good plan, I think. 16:04:45 <mestery> triaged it is! 16:04:52 <HenryG> yay 16:05:04 <mestery> Now on to armax's favorite RFE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1461133 16:05:05 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1461133 in neutron "Supporting multiple L3 backends" [Undecided,Confirmed] 16:05:12 <carl_baldwin> Just as long as sold to doesn’t mean assigned to 16:05:19 <mestery> carl_baldwin: lol 16:05:22 <HenryG> heh 16:06:10 <mestery> I think everyone thinks we need ML3 16:06:16 <amotoki_> It is actually ML3 work. it sounds reasonable 16:06:18 <mestery> And I think the way forward is to use flavors (where's dougwig and my flavors update) 16:06:27 <mestery> amotoki_: Lets move this one to Triaged then and be done with it 16:06:32 <mestery> We can iterate more on the code and devref 16:06:43 <amotoki_> mestery: agree. 16:06:57 <mestery> cool, done! 16:06:58 <mestery> next up 16:07:04 <mestery> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1463594 16:07:05 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1463594 in neutron "LBaaS drivers can be queried to determine whether they support a feature the API exposes" [Undecided,Confirmed] 16:07:08 <mestery> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1463594 16:07:16 <mestery> I discussed this with blogan and dougwig yesterday I believe 16:07:28 <mestery> The result is mentioned in comment #4 16:07:34 <mestery> blogan will write a spec with specific use cases 16:07:40 <mestery> Because an RFE for this one wasn't enough 16:07:43 <mestery> dougwig: Did I capture that accurately>? 16:07:49 <dougwig> yes, we can punt this until we see a spec. 16:08:06 <mestery> cool 16:08:19 <mestery> OK, next up: 16:08:21 <mestery> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1464361 16:08:22 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1464361 in neutron "Support for multiple gateways in Neutron subnets" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Shraddha Pandhe (shraddha-pandhe) 16:08:33 <mestery> carl_baldwin: I think you'd want to review this one 16:08:50 <kevinbenton> i'm leaning towards -1 16:08:54 <kevinbenton> requires data model changes 16:08:58 <kevinbenton> and dhcp agent changes 16:09:00 <mestery> kevinbenton: Was thinking the same 16:09:10 <mestery> kevinbenton: Ignore the implmentation details for a minute 16:09:15 <mestery> THe use case seems valid to me 16:09:18 <mestery> Agree? 16:09:49 <kevinbenton> maybe 16:09:56 <mestery> carl_baldwin: your thoughts on the use case? 16:09:56 <amotoki_> use cases looks valid 16:09:58 <mestery> maybe? 16:10:02 <kevinbenton> is it common to give servers different gateways in the same subnets? 16:10:09 <amotoki_> but i am not sure the approach looks good or not. 16:10:40 <mestery> kevinbenton: Lets comment on the bug, if the use case is valid, we can then work a solution 16:10:43 <carl_baldwin> I’m not sure how common this is. I’ve never seen it but that does mean much. 16:10:45 <mestery> Thus, the RFE process in action! 16:12:00 <mestery> I've commented and marked it confirmed 16:12:12 <mestery> Last one 16:12:13 <mestery> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1464793 16:12:14 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1464793 in neutron "Add a driver for isc-dhcpd" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Shraddha Pandhe (shraddha-pandhe) 16:12:34 <kevinbenton> +1 16:12:39 <kevinbenton> only question is where it should live 16:12:55 <mestery> right 16:12:59 <mestery> you mean, in it's own repo? 16:13:15 <kevinbenton> yeah, or do we just pull it into neutron? 16:14:04 <mestery> I would not like to pull this in, if we do the reference split (still on the table), it could go in that repo 16:14:25 <amotoki_> I am not sure the current neutron driver impl can support proper driver mechanism 16:14:34 <mestery> amotoki_: There's also that :) 16:14:35 <amotoki_> after ref split, we can do it in that repo. 16:15:01 <dougwig> i think it's a no brainer to confirm this one, though. 16:15:03 <amotoki_> yeah, we have, but we only support dnsmasq at now. 16:15:24 <kevinbenton> i guess it can just go in wherever the reference lives for now 16:15:25 <mestery> dougwig: Already confirmed 16:15:31 <mestery> and commented based on this discussion 16:15:57 <mestery> That was the last RFE 16:16:00 <mestery> #topic Open Discussion 16:16:08 <mestery> Anything else or shall we close this meeting? 16:16:37 <kevinbenton> shall we discuss the deadlock issue really quick? 16:16:45 <mestery> kevinbenton: Please, go ahead! 16:16:56 <mestery> I know carl_baldwin is here and you have been discussing that with him on the ML, so yes, makes sense 16:17:12 <kevinbenton> it has come to my attention that with galera multi-master, any random thing can deadlock to test a programmers patience 16:17:40 <kevinbenton> should we just jam the retry mechanism high up in the API layer for every operation and call it a day? 16:18:11 <mestery> I'd be curious what jaypipes has to say about that given his DB experience kevinbenton. 16:18:21 <mestery> Have you run that by him by chance? 16:18:26 <dougwig> what's the root of the issue? crazy txn nesting? not locking tables in a defined order? 16:18:28 <carl_baldwin> mestery: +1 16:18:30 <kevinbenton> i will in my secret meeting with him in 10 minutes 16:18:34 <mestery> rofl 16:18:40 <kevinbenton> and have him reply to the ML 16:18:44 <mestery> OK, let us know how it goes, his guidance is apprecaited 16:18:46 <mestery> cool 16:18:50 <HenryG> We should also make sure keep zzzeek in the loop 16:18:54 <mestery> +1 16:19:02 <kevinbenton> dougwig: transactions are verified after they are committed 16:19:03 <carl_baldwin> dougwig: There is a thread you should catch up on. 16:19:22 <dougwig> how did i miss this thread? ok, i'll go look. 16:19:29 <kevinbenton> dougwig: so once galera realizes it regrets it commitment, it throws a deadlock 16:19:58 * mestery points dougwig at this thread: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-June/067059.html 16:19:58 <HenryG> dougwig: the thread is titled "quota enforcement" to throw you off the trail 16:20:00 <mestery> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-June/067059.html 16:20:04 <mestery> kevinbenton carl_baldwin: That's the one, right? 16:20:16 <kevinbenton> mestery: yeah 16:20:20 <mestery> cool 16:20:26 <carl_baldwin> HenryG: Thanks for beating me to getting the link 16:20:28 <kevinbenton> it led to that topic because the discussion of locks came up 16:20:33 <carl_baldwin> er, mestery 16:20:43 <mestery> ??? 16:20:50 <dougwig> ty 16:20:54 <kevinbenton> mestery: stop beating carl_baldwin 16:20:55 <carl_baldwin> Thanks mestery for getting the link. 16:21:10 <mestery> rofl 16:21:13 <mestery> OK, lets close this thing down. 16:21:26 <mestery> Thanks for all your hard work and guidance folks! 16:21:28 <mestery> #endmeeting