22:20:22 <armax> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:20:23 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 28 22:20:22 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is armax. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:20:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:20:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:20:55 <HenryG> meetingbot please log me :) 22:21:26 <carl_baldwin> o/ 22:21:31 <armax> do we have quorum? kevinbenton, mestery, dougwig, amotoki, carl_baldwin, HenryG 22:21:34 <amuller> heya 22:21:44 <amotoki> o/ 22:22:06 <dougwig> oh, new time, not in my calendar yet. o/ 22:22:57 <armax> I updated the wiki page 22:23:02 <armax> to reflect the new change in time 22:23:22 <kevinbenton> Ya 22:23:24 <armax> even though the agenda is typically about triaged RFE bugs 22:23:49 <armax> I wanted to briefly go over the stuff that was approved and did not move an inch 22:23:57 <armax> so a bit of a change of plan 22:23:59 <armax> is that ok? 22:24:04 <dougwig> ok 22:24:11 <armax> so consider it a moment of reflection 22:24:24 <armax> :) 22:24:46 <dougwig> isn't it pubtime where you are? 22:25:02 * armax hides in shame 22:25:06 <armax> that’s why I was late 22:25:11 <armax> I had a pint too many 22:25:22 <amuller> a perfect time to make you commit to stupid things 22:25:33 <amotoki> :) 22:25:57 <armax> amuller: I commit stupid things all day long 22:26:02 <armax> anyhoo 22:26:04 <armax> let’s dive in 22:26:04 <HenryG> also a perfect time to kick some things to N, O, ... and never :) 22:26:08 <armax> enough with chitchat 22:26:09 <armax> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.tag=rfe-approved 22:26:11 <armax> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.tag=rfe-approved 22:26:16 <armax> this is the list of the stuff we approved 22:26:17 <armax> so far 22:26:24 <armax> an impressive list of 34 RFE's 22:26:32 <armax> what merged? 22:26:33 <armax> 0 22:26:38 <armax> isn’t that grand? 22:27:07 <dougwig> i can see 2 that have active reviews in gerrit. 22:27:17 <armax> oh, that changes everything! :) 22:27:25 <amuller> maybe this could be a retroactive stabilization cycle 22:28:04 <armax> let’s go in order these were submitted 22:28:09 <armax> #bug 1335640 22:28:11 <openstack> bug 1335640 in neutron "[RFE] Neutron support for OSprofiler" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1335640 - Assigned to Dina Belova (dbelova) 22:28:13 <armax> doh 22:28:57 <armax> I meant to check with johnthetubaguy whether this was going to slip Mitaka 22:29:22 <armax> I haven’t seen the Neutron patch, I don’t think this is even submitted 22:29:28 <regXboi> I know that dinabelova is working the patch set, but I've not see an early version yet 22:29:33 <regXboi> er not seen 22:29:41 <regXboi> so I'm doubtful this will make M 22:29:47 <armax> regXboi: do you still think that M3 is a reasonable deadline? 22:29:50 <armax> regXboi: aye 22:29:57 <armax> ok, let’s capture that 22:30:08 <armax> next 22:30:08 <regXboi> armax: it will be based on the nova patch, but that hasn't merged either... so 22:30:12 <regXboi> there you are 22:30:22 <armax> regXboi: I’ll sync with johnthetubaguy, I totally forgot 22:30:28 <armax> bug #1365473 22:30:29 <openstack> bug 1365473 in neutron "[RFE] Unable to create a router that's both HA and distributed" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1365473 - Assigned to Adolfo Duarte (adolfo-duarte) 22:30:33 <armax> this one is just teasing us 22:30:46 <regXboi> can we get that last patch set merged? 22:30:52 <armax> I have seen +2’s coming in several times, but apparently they don’t stick for very long 22:31:20 <armax> regXboi: I would be happy too..the plan is to get it merged so that we can unblock obondarev’s refactoring 22:31:36 <armax> the patch in question is 22:31:37 <regXboi> armax: that was a general grouse :/ 22:31:38 <armax> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/143169/ 22:32:27 <armax> does anyone have the latest on this one? 22:32:33 <armax> Swami, obondarev ^? 22:32:45 <Swami> armax: hi 22:33:21 <Swami> obondarev: amuller: feels that the scheduler patch should go in first before the DVR HA goes in. 22:33:37 <armax> are we still set on making 143169 go in before obondarev’s changes? 22:33:46 <amuller> I'm not insisting. obondarev may be in the best position to decide. 22:33:47 <regXboi> armax: it doesn't look like it 22:34:01 <armax> what happened that the change course of action? 22:34:06 <dougwig> 2000 lines and look at that reviewer list. 22:34:16 <dougwig> that's gonna merge in M-76. 22:34:22 <Swami> obondarev: has also added some new comments in the HA patch, so let us wait till obondarev's patch merge. 22:34:38 <armax> Swami: ok, then 22:34:44 <armax> so if I understood correctly 22:34:55 <regXboi> armax: here's the quote from the patch review 22:35:09 <regXboi> obondarev: "@Swami, frankly I'm not sure what benefits we gain by merging something which should be reworked (even partially) right away. I didn't want to block this one when dvr scheduling refactoring was not ready, but now I think it makes sense to base this one on it. It will delay this patch a bit but merging these two is something we can't avoid anyway.." 22:35:17 <armax> fix for bug #1365473 is going to go after blueprint improve-dvr-l3-agent-binding 22:35:18 <openstack> bug 1365473 in neutron "[RFE] Unable to create a router that's both HA and distributed" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1365473 - Assigned to Adolfo Duarte (adolfo-duarte) 22:35:22 <armax> correct? 22:35:59 <armax> I am assuming my understanding is correct if no-one contradicts me 22:36:09 <regXboi> armax, that's how I read the tealeaves 22:36:35 <armax> regXboi: it really feels like we’re left to the Gods’ will 22:36:38 <armax> bah 22:36:40 <armax> anyhow 22:36:43 <armax> let’s move on 22:36:49 <regXboi> armax: that bp only has one patch left to merge 22:36:54 <Swami> armax: that's my understanding too. 22:36:55 <regXboi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/254837/ 22:37:01 <armax> bug # 22:37:05 <armax> bug 1457556 22:37:06 <openstack> bug 1457556 in neutron "[RFE] [LBaaS] ssh connection timeout" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1457556 - Assigned to Reedip (reedip-banerjee) 22:37:31 <armax> this one has lots of talking and no beef 22:37:54 <armax> this is another great success story 22:38:17 <armax> dougwig: care to chime in? 22:38:46 <dougwig> yep, was reading the comments. afaik, no one is working on this. i haven't seen any code. 22:39:40 <armax> dougwig: ok, I’ll add it to the list of the ones to be gassed 22:39:52 * armax feels evil tonight 22:40:01 <armax> must be the jetlag 22:40:14 <armax> next one 22:40:16 <armax> bug #1458890 22:40:17 <openstack> bug 1458890 in neutron "Add segment support to Neutron" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1458890 - Assigned to Carl Baldwin (carl-baldwin) 22:40:31 <armax> even though this one hasn’t got any code to it 22:40:40 <armax> we’ve been iterating on spec 22:40:54 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/225384/ 22:41:03 <armax> I feel like we’ve come a long way on this one 22:41:14 <carl_baldwin> No way its making Mitaka but the spec hopefully will merge soon. I plan a big update to the spec tomorrow now that I've resolved a few things in the Nova side. 22:41:17 <armax> and we have a good conversation at the nova mid-cycle to integrate with some of jaypipes work 22:41:25 <armax> carl_baldwin: indeed 22:41:51 <carl_baldwin> armax: I wrote that stuff up here: https://review.openstack.org/263898 22:41:53 <armax> hopefully with the spec merged we’re gonna move the bikeshedding over to code reviews 22:42:08 <armax> sweet 22:42:20 <armax> we should add a partial-bug to the commit message 22:42:26 <armax> sorry 22:42:29 <armax> related-bug 22:42:34 <armax> so that we can link the RFE 22:42:40 <carl_baldwin> I will 22:43:00 <armax> danke 22:43:04 <armax> bug #1460720 22:43:05 <openstack> bug 1460720 in neutron "[RFE] Add API to set ipv6 gateway" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1460720 - Assigned to Abishek Subramanian (absubram) 22:43:16 <armax> anyone has any idea where this is at? 22:43:27 <armax> anyone? 22:43:38 <HenryG> No idea, but I can ping the assignee 22:43:41 * carl_baldwin has no clue 22:43:53 <armax> come on guys you know we can do better than this 22:43:54 <armax> :) 22:44:05 <armax> ok, let’s gas this one up too 22:44:16 * dougwig casts "Summon IPV6 guru" -- hey, sc68cal 22:44:25 <sc68cal> whuh 22:44:38 <regXboi> wow... that worked!?!?! 22:44:41 <dougwig> status on "[RFE] Add API to set ipv6 gateway" ? 22:44:53 <sc68cal> honestly I don't remember who absubram is 22:45:05 <armax> I’ll try to put some life back into these 22:45:13 <armax> but I don’t feel optmistic 22:46:10 <armax> bug #1461000 22:46:11 <openstack> bug 1461000 in neutron "[rfe] openvswitch based firewall driver" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461000 - Assigned to Jakub Libosvar (libosvar) 22:46:23 <armax> amuller: you know I’ve been bugging you on this one 22:46:53 <amuller> I talked to Jakub today, it's making progress. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/266423/ enables us to test the OVS firewall at the gate, and today it went green for the first time 22:46:57 <armax> how far are we you reckon? 22:47:04 <armax> amuller: woot? 22:47:20 <regXboi> can we get 266243 tagged to the RFE? 22:47:33 <amuller> the patch after that is the actual code that implements the feature. it's making progress every day. 22:47:34 <armax> regXboi: we shall 22:47:45 <amuller> I think M will happen 22:47:54 <armax> amuller: cool, let’s keep this hot 22:48:09 <armax> amuller: an amazon gift card for both of you if it does 22:48:23 <dougwig> armax: you promise a lot of those. i've never seen one. 22:48:27 <regXboi> bribery? 22:48:31 <armax> dougwig: that’s because you don’t deliver 22:48:32 <regXboi> virtual bribery? 22:48:45 <armax> ouch 22:48:51 <armax> regXboi: that’s called incentive 22:48:51 <dougwig> you promised one for bug deputy. it's in thel ogs. 22:48:56 <amuller> armax: I just took a mandatory course in Red Hat about bribery and what to look out for. You can't fool me! 22:49:17 <armax> dougwig: bug deputy is your job as anyone else 22:49:25 <armax> gift cards are for exception behavior 22:49:25 <kevinbenton> Bribery is legal in the US unless the govt is involved 22:49:31 <armax> anyhoo :) 22:49:34 <armax> next one 22:49:35 <dougwig> oh i see, the rules change! 22:49:42 <armax> dougwig: of course, it’s neutron we’re talking about here! 22:49:45 <armax> hello? 22:49:55 <armax> bug #1461133 22:49:56 <openstack> bug 1461133 in neutron "[RFE] Supporting multiple L3 backends" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461133 - Assigned to Kevin Benton (kevinbenton) 22:50:05 <dougwig> ML3? 22:50:11 * dougwig hides. 22:50:13 <armax> dougwig: go away 22:50:16 <armax> I am in constant communication with kevinbenton 22:50:21 <armax> this is about to give birth 22:50:39 <armax> so we all hope it’s a boy 22:51:03 <armax> it might not make entirely mitaka at this point, I don’t think, but at least we should be able to have a bite on it 22:51:06 <regXboi> there are patch sets? 22:51:07 <armax> kevinbenton: care to chime in? 22:51:19 <kevinbenton> No 22:51:28 <armax> kevinbenton: come on, you know you want to 22:51:28 <kevinbenton> You covered it 22:51:30 <dougwig> he's busy serializing all tenant network packets onto the rabbit bus. 22:51:33 <armax> kevinbenton: I did 22:51:37 <armax> ? 22:51:46 <kevinbenton> Yes 22:51:48 <armax> kevinbenton: it’s not because there’s something bothering you? 22:51:58 <kevinbenton> No 22:52:00 <armax> ok 22:52:02 <armax> next one 22:52:04 <armax> bug #1463202 22:52:05 <openstack> bug 1463202 in neutron "[RFE] Create a full load balancing configuration with one API call" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463202 - Assigned to Brandon Logan (brandon-logan) 22:52:07 <dougwig> kevinbenton: don't mind him, he's been to the pub. 22:52:18 <armax> this is on the verge of pissing me off 22:52:28 <dougwig> that one has the code in gerrit, and the lbaas-dashboard project is planning to use. 22:52:39 <armax> dougwig: I only had a pint 22:52:48 <armax> dougwig: how close is it to merging? 22:52:55 <dougwig> blogan: you around? 22:53:05 <blogan> yes 22:53:07 <armax> the picture on gerrit is not pretty 22:53:11 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:%22Brandon+Logan+%253Cbrandon.logan%2540rackspace.com%253E%22+status:open 22:53:37 <dougwig> blogan: status of get me an lb? 22:54:07 <blogan> yeah i need to fix some of the merge conflicts in octavia but octavia is pretty solid, but the neutron-lbaas side needs to be done with the extension 22:54:42 <blogan> i just need to spend a good weekend on it, i'd say within the next 2 weeks 22:55:01 <dougwig> armax is super unhappy with the notion of any kind of orchestration, so he's being surprisingly quiet. 22:55:07 <armax> blogan: ok 22:55:21 <armax> dougwig: I ran to the pharmacy to buy anti-acids 22:55:27 <armax> I am back now 22:55:31 <blogan> well i don't think there will be much orchestration since all the drivers i've spoken to accept the tree in one call 22:55:54 <armax> blogan: cool 22:56:02 <armax> next one 22:56:04 <armax> bug #1468803 22:56:05 <openstack> bug 1468803 in neutron "[RFE] Create a modular L2 agent framework for linuxbridge, sriov and macvtap agents" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1468803 - Assigned to Andreas Scheuring (andreas-scheuring) 22:56:31 <armax> this one is moving forward I think, and it was covered at the last neutron meeting if I am not mistaken 22:57:20 <HenryG> It's not targeted for M-3? 22:57:24 <armax> let’s do that 22:57:47 <armax> HenryG: it’s a glitch 22:57:53 <armax> as the associated bp is 22:58:13 <armax> I removed it for a moment 22:58:22 <armax> as the patch got stale for a while 22:58:36 <armax> bug #1475717 22:58:37 <openstack> bug 1475717 in neutron "RFE: Security Rules should support VRRP protocol" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1475717 - Assigned to Sreekumar S (sreesiv) 22:58:39 <armax> seems to have code to it 22:58:45 <armax> it looks like it’s moving forward 22:58:54 <armax> bug #1475736 22:58:55 <openstack> bug 1475736 in neutron "[RFE] Add instrumentation to Neutron" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1475736 - Assigned to Ryan Moats (rmoats) 22:59:00 <regXboi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213474/ wants reviews 22:59:10 <armax> regXboi: ok, let’s bug peple then 22:59:13 <regXboi> that will be the collector side 22:59:27 <regXboi> the storage and NB pieces are stretches for M though 22:59:33 <armax> regXboi: agreed 23:00:00 <regXboi> I'll heckle mestery as approver tomorrow - he's travelling right now 23:00:04 <armax> regXboi: btw I was talking to some monasca people and they didn’t seem overly happy with the approach taken here 23:00:20 <armax> we can take this offline though 23:00:29 <regXboi> armax: ack 23:00:30 <armax> last but not least 23:00:31 <armax> bug #1475792 23:00:33 <openstack> bug 1475792 in neutron "[RFE] Get me a network" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1475792 - Assigned to Brian Haley (brian-haley) 23:00:45 <armax> we make good progress on this one during the mid-cycle 23:00:56 <kevinbenton> Meetings over 23:01:02 <armax> oops 23:01:07 <armax> #endmeeting