22:01:57 <armax> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:01:58 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 4 22:01:57 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is armax. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:01:59 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:02:01 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:02:18 <armax> kevinbenton, mestery, dougwig, HenryG, carl_baldwin, amotoki 22:02:20 <armax> ping 22:02:25 <HenryG> o/ 22:02:28 <carl_baldwin> pong 22:02:29 * mestery waves 22:02:42 <armax> hi folks 22:02:46 <longstaff> hi 22:02:48 <kevinbenton> hi 22:03:02 <armax> akihiro might be a little late I guess 22:03:07 <armax> anyhoo 22:03:19 <armax> if you guys recall last week we took a pause 22:03:37 <armax> and chose to go over the list of rfe approved bugs to assess where they are 22:03:43 <armax> we didn’t finish the whole list 22:04:09 <armax> I’d say let’s keep on going 22:04:26 <armax> as I am sure some stuff we’ll have to be pruned 22:04:37 <armax> bug 1476527 22:04:39 <openstack> bug 1476527 in neutron "RFE - Add common classifier resource" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1476527 22:04:55 <armax> I recall sc68cal was driving this initiative 22:05:26 <armax> not sure what the latest is 22:05:30 <sc68cal> hello 22:05:47 <armax> there is a a bunch of code landed 22:05:47 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/neutron-classifier 22:05:49 <sc68cal> It's in progress - we have code up and are working on it - so really I think that bug can be set to "fix committed" 22:06:28 <armax> sc68cal: ok, so the code is not ready to be used across the various neutron initiatives 22:06:28 <HenryG> I don't think we use that state any longer? 22:06:53 <sc68cal> armax: no not yet 22:06:57 <sc68cal> so ... in progress? 22:06:59 <armax> sc68cal: but it’s moving? 22:07:21 <sc68cal> yep - have a patch for fwaas v2 that uses it 22:07:27 <armax> sc68cal: any chance you could provide a status update on teh bug report when you get a minute? 22:07:30 <armax> sc68cal: nice 22:07:32 <sc68cal> armax: will do 22:07:37 <armax> thanks pal 22:07:45 <armax> bug 1480979 22:07:47 <openstack> bug 1480979 in neutron "[RFE] Adding macvtap ml2 driver and agent" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1480979 - Assigned to Andreas Scheuring (andreas-scheuring) 22:08:25 <armax> is anyone around who can provide a gist on this one? 22:09:17 <armax> this doesn’t look any closer to the target 22:09:21 <sc68cal> I probably can comment a little - I saw that some changes to the Linux Bridge agent landed that lay the groundwork 22:09:27 <HenryG> I can sync up with Andreas tomorrow and we can update the bug 22:09:37 <armax> that would be great 22:09:44 <armax> right now this isn’t on the M3 dashboard 22:09:53 <armax> it’s unclear if we have 1 or 10 patches more to go 22:10:12 <HenryG> I will ask those questions 22:10:19 <armax> bear in mind that this relates to blueprint modular-l2-agent 22:10:54 <armax> mostly it’s reshuffling of code but I can’t see any feature getting close to completion 22:10:54 <HenryG> yep 22:11:06 <armax> bug 1483480 22:11:07 <openstack> bug 1483480 in neutron "[RFE] Allow annotations on Neutron resources" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1483480 - Assigned to James Dempsey (jamespd) 22:11:39 <armax> ok, code is up 22:11:42 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/269887/ 22:11:53 <armax> a core will have to review it 22:12:03 <armax> one of these should be kevinbenton I believe 22:12:26 <armax> but the guy didn’t use the standardattribute table 22:12:36 <armax> not sure if he was talked out of it 22:12:51 <armax> or he blatantly ignored comment #6 22:13:59 <kevinbenton> well to be fair none of the other descriptions are in standard attr 22:13:59 <armax> anyone? 22:14:14 <armax> kevinbenton: ok 22:14:54 <armax> kevinbenton: I am fine to have this on security groups only 22:15:32 <armax> but I don’t recall other resources having a description field 22:16:02 <armax> bug 1489291 22:16:03 <openstack> bug 1489291 in neutron "[RFE] Add tags to neutron resources" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489291 - Assigned to Gal Sagie (gal-sagie) 22:16:45 <armax> there’s code here: 22:16:46 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273881/ 22:16:56 <armax> this will also need eys 22:16:57 <armax> eyes 22:17:35 <armax> the bp is assigned to amotoki 22:17:47 <armax> but he hasn’t looked at it yet 22:17:54 <armax> I’ll reach out to both of them offline 22:18:01 <armax> anyone else has anything to add? 22:18:35 <armax> folks, it’s the middle of the afternoon….you no longer have the excuse of caffeine deprivation 22:18:47 <mestery> armax: Your typed words are lulling us all to sleep 22:18:49 <kevinbenton> well do you want us all to say "no" when you ask that? 22:18:50 <armax> stay with me will ya? 22:19:05 * carl_baldwin here with you 22:19:08 <armax> kevinbenton: anything other that utter silence 22:19:15 <armax> :) 22:19:18 <armax> anyhooooo 22:19:28 <armax> bug 1492714 22:19:29 <openstack> bug 1492714 in neutron "RFE: Pure Python driven Linux network configuration" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1492714 - Assigned to Li Ma (nick-ma-z) 22:19:46 <kevinbenton> depends on privsep 22:19:53 <armax> I am pretty sure this is stuck behind privsep 22:19:54 <armax> yup 22:20:08 <armax> so it’ll be pulled out of M 22:20:25 <armax> bug 1496802 22:20:26 <openstack> bug 1496802 in neutron "[RFE] Stop duplicating schema for common attributes" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1496802 - Assigned to Kevin Benton (kevinbenton) 22:20:39 <kevinbenton> what is this crap? 22:20:48 <armax> is related to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/add-timestamp-attr 22:21:15 <armax> kevinbenton: have you been looking at the patches from the owner? 22:21:26 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:zhaobo6%2540huawei.com+status:open 22:21:28 <kevinbenton> i mean isn't the that bug sort of done? 22:21:34 <kevinbenton> yes, i've been reviewing the timestamp patches 22:21:43 <kevinbenton> over the last two days we've made good progress 22:21:44 <armax> kevinbenton: how are they like? 22:21:48 <kevinbenton> simplifying them quite a bit still 22:21:58 <kevinbenton> but they should be pretty nicely done using 'modern neutron' 22:22:03 <kevinbenton> callbacks and the standard attr 22:22:03 <armax> kevinbenton: do you have confidence this can stay on the M3 dashboard? 22:22:11 <kevinbenton> armax: yes 22:22:14 <armax> kevinbenton: nice 22:22:15 <armax> ok 22:22:19 <kevinbenton> armax: i'm working with the owner to move it along 22:22:33 <armax> kevinbenton: aren’t you a start 22:22:34 <armax> star 22:22:48 <armax> bug 1500012 22:22:49 <openstack> bug 1500012 in neutron "[RFE] QoS driver for LinuxBridge Agent" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1500012 - Assigned to Slawek Kaplonski (slaweq) 22:23:47 <armax> both patches in conflict 22:23:48 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:slawek%2540kaplonski.pl+status:open,n,z 22:24:25 <armax> bug 1502297 22:24:26 <openstack> bug 1502297 in neutron "[RFE] Improve SG performance as VMs/containers scale on compute node" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1502297 - Assigned to Kevin Benton (kevinbenton) 22:24:42 <armax> kevinbenton: this looks like case closed? 22:25:03 <kevinbenton> armax: i was hoping from some more operator feedback 22:25:11 <kevinbenton> armax: because there is one more optimization i can make if necessary 22:25:30 <kevinbenton> armax: i'd say mark as closed and see if anyone complains about liberty performance 22:25:46 <armax> kevinbenton: sounds good 22:26:04 <armax> kevinbenton: perhaps document on the bug the other optmization you have in mind? 22:26:11 <armax> if you get a minute? 22:26:22 <armax> bug 1504039 22:26:23 <openstack> bug 1504039 in neutron "[RFE] Linuxbridge DVR" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1504039 - Assigned to Hirofumi Ichihara (ichihara-hirofumi) 22:26:58 <armax> this hasn’t had any meaningful review on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/255174/ 22:26:59 <carl_baldwin> Who is approver on this one? 22:27:12 <armax> is there anyone outta there who cares on linuxbridge? 22:27:36 <armax> carl_baldwin: this doesn’t have a blueprint associated with it 22:27:46 <armax> carl_baldwin: so techincally speaking it has no approver 22:27:57 <armax> but we should all collectively chime in 22:28:11 <armax> I have been meaning to look at it..but my linuxbridge skills are slim 22:28:26 * sc68cal looks 22:28:41 <carl_baldwin> armax: Fell off my radar. I can bring it up with the other DVR guys. 22:28:50 <armax> carl_baldwin: that would be good 22:29:03 <armax> I need to get a sense of who is actively looking into maintaining linuxbridge these days 22:29:13 <armax> we can’t rely on super sc68cal alone 22:29:25 <armax> bug 1508155 22:29:26 <openstack> bug 1508155 in neutron "[RFE] NFTables Firewall Driver" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508155 22:29:26 <kevinbenton> i keep an eye on bugs related to it as well 22:29:34 <kevinbenton> just haven't been working on features 22:29:59 <armax> kevinbenton: thanks, it seems the gate is relatively unrested these days 22:30:11 <armax> you may want to have a peep into https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1523638 22:30:12 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1523638 in tempest "tempest fails with No IPv4 addresses found" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Andreas Scheuring (andreas-scheuring) 22:30:20 <kevinbenton> ack 22:30:21 <armax> I was going to look into it later 22:30:30 <sc68cal> yeah I hit a wall on that one 22:30:32 <armax> we’ll have fun triaging this together 22:30:45 <sc68cal> it left me scratching my head 22:30:49 <armax> as for the nftable bug 22:30:55 <armax> this hasn’t got an owner 22:31:07 <kevinbenton> kick out of M 22:31:15 <armax> so most likely it’ll have to be nuked 22:31:16 <kevinbenton> but i would like to look at it for N 22:31:21 <armax> bug 1511574 22:31:22 <openstack> bug 1511574 in neutron "[RFE] Support cleanup of all resources associated with a given tenant" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511574 - Assigned to John Davidge (john-davidge) 22:31:42 <armax> some code popped up 22:31:43 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275460/ 22:31:49 <armax> amuller is not around 22:33:31 <HenryG> Hard to say if it will make M. It needs more pieces? 22:33:36 <armax> clearly the submitter forgot to notice https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1511574/comments/18 22:33:37 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1511574 in neutron "[RFE] Support cleanup of all resources associated with a given tenant" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to John Davidge (john-davidge) 22:33:42 <armax> and went on a tangent 22:33:44 <armax> how lovely 22:33:57 <HenryG> No 22:34:07 <HenryG> It moved from neutron to client 22:34:08 <armax> this is nuts 22:34:12 <armax> it did? 22:34:14 <armax> where’s the code? 22:34:29 <HenryG> The server side was "abandoned" 22:34:43 <HenryG> "We don't do orchestration" :) 22:34:56 <armax> HenryG: no it wasn’t 22:34:57 <armax> HenryG: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275460/1 22:35:15 <armax> anyhoo 22:35:23 <armax> bug 1512587 22:35:25 <openstack> bug 1512587 in neutron "[RFE] Role-based Access Control for QoS policies" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512587 - Assigned to Haim Daniel (hdaniel) 22:36:22 <armax> this doesn’t look anywhere near to merge 22:36:54 <armax> bug 1512666 22:36:55 <openstack> bug 1512666 in neutron "[RFE] Allow for per-subnet/network dhcp options" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512666 - Assigned to Sam Betts (sambetts) 22:37:09 <armax> the owner came out of the shadows recently afaik 22:37:26 <HenryG> armax: regarding cleanup, see bug 1541527 22:37:27 <openstack> bug 1541527 in python-neutronclient "[RFE] Support cleanup of all resources associated with a given tenant" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1541527 - Assigned to John Davidge (john-davidge) 22:37:50 <armax> that’s silly 22:37:53 <armax> we don’t need a separate bug 22:37:55 <armax> bah 22:37:58 <armax> this is ludicrous 22:40:07 <armax> bug 1516156 22:40:08 <openstack> bug 1516156 in neutron "[RFE] IPAM migration from non-pluggable to pluggable" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1516156 - Assigned to Pavel Bondar (pasha117) 22:40:25 <armax> carl_baldwin: you’ve been keeping an eye on this one? 22:40:49 <carl_baldwin> armax: yes. There is one open question on the ML toady. 22:40:51 <carl_baldwin> today 22:41:21 <armax> ok 22:41:26 <armax> link to ml? 22:41:26 <carl_baldwin> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-February/085767.html 22:41:32 <armax> carl_baldwin: read my mind 22:41:45 <carl_baldwin> After that is decided, I think it can be wrapped up quickly. 22:41:49 <armax> sweet 22:41:58 <carl_baldwin> There is code up that does it with an alembic migration. 22:41:59 <armax> do you need my opinion? 22:42:17 <carl_baldwin> Wouldn't mind yours and Salv's. 22:42:21 <armax> carl_baldwin: ok, noted 22:42:25 <armax> salv-orl_: ping ping 22:42:29 <armax> ^^ 22:43:05 * carl_baldwin wasn't sure salv-orl_ would be around still. 22:43:06 <armax> bug 1516195 22:43:07 <openstack> bug 1516195 in neutron "[RFE] Push all object information in AMQP notifications" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1516195 - Assigned to Kevin Benton (kevinbenton) 22:43:29 <armax> kevinbenton: we’re waiting for a respin here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/225995/ 22:43:46 <armax> and maybe some PoC? 22:44:01 <kevinbenton> ok 22:44:32 <armax> kevinbenton: anything else to add? 22:44:50 <kevinbenton> no 22:44:53 <armax> bug 1517903 22:44:54 <openstack> bug 1517903 in neutron "[RFE] Add agent specific API for l2 agent extensions" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1517903 - Assigned to David Shaughnessy (david-shaughnessy) 22:45:04 <armax> this needs a blessing here: 22:45:08 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/263819/ 22:45:28 <armax> someone kind enough just do a sanity check and we’ll get that off on its way 22:45:42 <armax> code should be relatively trivial afaik 22:45:47 <armax> but that’s only the tip of the iceberg 22:45:50 <salv-orl_> I am around, but in another meeting 22:45:58 <salv-orl_> anything I might still help with? 22:46:15 <armax> salv-orl_: there’s a ML thread you’ve been summoned to respond to 22:46:23 <armax> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-February/085767.html 22:46:34 <armax> bug 1521291 22:46:35 <openstack> bug 1521291 in neutron "[RFE] Transition neutron CLI from python-neutronclient to python-openstackclient" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521291 - Assigned to Richard Theis (rtheis) 22:46:57 <armax> I am sure this won’t be wrapped in time for mitaka, but I believe the effort is ongoing 22:46:59 <salv-orl_> armax: I will unleash my bike shedding skills on it 22:47:07 <armax> salv-orl_: we all love you for them 22:47:15 <armax> unleash away 22:47:22 <armax> rtheis: ping 22:47:29 <rtheis> hi 22:47:48 <armax> can you provide a status update on bug 1521291? 22:47:49 <openstack> bug 1521291 in neutron "[RFE] Transition neutron CLI from python-neutronclient to python-openstackclient" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521291 - Assigned to Richard Theis (rtheis) 22:47:54 <armax> even on the bug report page is fine 22:48:06 <rtheis> sure 22:48:09 <armax> and you and I can talk offline on what’s needed to support you 22:48:13 <armax> rtheis: thanks! 22:48:18 <armax> bug 1523219 22:48:18 <rtheis> yw 22:48:19 <openstack> bug 1523219 in neutron "[RFE] Add support X-Forwarded-For header in LBaaSv2" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1523219 - Assigned to Kobi Samoray (ksamoray) 22:48:33 <armax> dougwig: is this close 22:48:34 <armax> ? 22:49:27 <armax> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/neutron-lbaas+owner:ksamoray%2540vmware.com+status:open 22:49:44 <armax> might be EOD 22:50:06 <armax> thumbleweeds 22:50:28 <armax> bug 1523231 22:50:29 <openstack> bug 1523231 in neutron "[RFE] Add string/pattern checks to LBaaSv2 HTTP/HTTPS health monitors" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1523231 - Assigned to Kobi Samoray (ksamoray) 22:50:31 <armax> may share the same fate 22:50:37 <armax> that’s easy enough 22:51:00 <armax> bug 1537971 I suspect is somewhat duplicate of 1496802 22:51:01 <openstack> bug 1537971 in neutron "[RFE] Add timestamp to neutron resources" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1537971 - Assigned to zhaobo (zhaobo6) 22:51:12 <armax> that’s another example of how screwed up we are when we report stuff 22:51:17 <armax> all right 22:51:42 <armax> anyone has anything to add in the next 9 minutes of your hour? 22:52:10 <armax> not everybody at once 22:52:12 <carl_baldwin> armax: Nice job! Got through the list. 22:52:17 <armax> ok 22:52:30 <HenryG> armax is the best! 22:52:32 <armax> thanks for joining and keep up the good work 22:52:33 <armax> not 22:52:34 <armax> :) 22:52:38 <armax> #endmeeting