22:00:22 <armax> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:00:23 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 11 22:00:22 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is armax. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:00:27 <armax> ihrachys: rock on 22:00:27 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:00:40 <ihrachys> sleeping for the most part 22:00:47 <armax> ihrachys: have a redbull 22:00:51 <mhickey> Hello 22:00:57 <armax> mhickey: hello 22:01:00 <armax> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers 22:01:14 <mestery> ihrachys: How can you sleep with excitement like this! 22:01:32 <armax> last two times we went over the list of approved RFE's 22:01:45 <armax> we completed the list 22:01:52 <armax> some are still in progress 22:01:56 <armax> some were turned incomplete 22:02:50 <armax> no completed nor released 22:04:01 <armax> as members of this team we have three lists of bugs to go through 22:04:10 <armax> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.tag=rfe 22:04:25 <armax> a list of RFE’s to get an initial screening and sanity check 22:04:39 <carl_baldwin> Empty now, right? 22:04:48 <armax> yes, I cleaned that up 22:04:51 <armax> once you think the RFE is not asking for insanity and it’s well formulated 22:04:55 <armax> then move the bug to CONFIRMED 22:05:06 <armax> the second list is 22:05:08 <armax> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.tag=rfe 22:05:27 <HenryG> I see 18 there 22:05:28 <armax> that’s a list of RFEs that need deeper screening, some prelimar discussion 22:05:31 <armax> yup 22:05:57 <armax> when we feel like it’s ready for discussion during the meeting 22:06:02 <armax> we can move those to TRIAGED 22:06:15 <armax> then there’s the final list 22:06:18 <armax> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.tag=rfe 22:06:32 <armax> the one we usually go through the meeting, bike shed and rant on 22:06:50 <armax> typically a bug can either go from rfe-approved or WONTFIX 22:07:53 * armax figured I’d remind my buddies of the redtape from time to time 22:08:10 <njohnston> I appreciate the review 22:08:22 <mhickey> me too 22:08:26 <armax> you guys with me or are you already bored out of your mind? 22:08:37 <ihrachys> I actually even learned something new 22:08:38 <carl_baldwin> With you. 22:08:40 <armax> njohnston, mhickey this stuff should be captured in here: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/neutron/policies/blueprints.html 22:08:52 <carl_baldwin> Just tweaking book marks and taking copious notes. 22:08:54 <mhickey> armax: ok, thanks 22:09:05 <armax> mhickey: it may not exactly match word by word 22:09:10 <armax> but mine is just the gist 22:09:24 <HenryG> I am looking starting with the oldest 22:09:33 <HenryG> bug 1370033 22:09:35 <openstack> bug 1370033 in neutron "Admin should be able to manually select the active instance of a HA router" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1370033 - Assigned to Hong Hui Xiao (xiaohhui) 22:09:36 <armax> yes, one more thing before we jump in 22:09:39 <armax> #undo 22:09:40 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Link object at 0x982eb50> 22:09:49 <mhickey> armax: fyi i have set some bugs to wishlist during the week 22:09:49 <armax> #redo 22:09:54 <armax> whatever 22:10:01 <armax> mhickey: ack 22:10:16 <mhickey> armax: I may have got it wrong! :) 22:10:18 <armax> there’s a list of pending specs 22:10:27 <armax> mhickey: that’s fine we’re here to help 22:10:30 <armax> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/neutron-specs,n,z 22:10:36 <armax> this list of the pending specs 22:10:44 <armax> some of these may be associated to blueprints or RFE's 22:10:55 <armax> as members of this team we’re tasked to move these along 22:11:18 <armax> just as we move and shake and twist and scrub and squash the other lists 22:11:34 <armax> you guys still with me? 22:11:43 * carl_baldwin is 22:11:51 * HenryG too 22:12:03 <armax> so, pretty please, take 30 to 60 mins out of working week to curate these lists 22:12:13 <armax> it’s your duty as a driver 22:12:15 <armax> if you can’t 22:12:18 * carl_baldwin was just pondering the difficulty in coordinating between launchpad and specs repo. 22:12:22 <armax> talk to me and we’ll figure something out 22:12:41 * carl_baldwin has added it to L3 meeting to help curate. 22:12:49 <armax> carl_baldwin: thanks 22:13:02 * carl_baldwin saying everything on his mind so armax knows he's here 22:13:15 <armax> so this is the part where I either here: ‘lets’ blow the drivers team up’ or ‘armax I promise I’ll do better' 22:13:18 * ihrachys populates his calendar with recurring todo entries 22:13:21 <armax> *hear 22:13:39 <ihrachys> blowing things is a always a great idea 22:13:46 <armax> or the usual silence is the 3rd option :) 22:13:55 <armax> I was not looking forward to 22:14:01 <armax> aaaaanyhow 22:14:46 <njohnston> I'm auditing the class, and my history is short, so I don't feel qualified to give an opinion. 22:15:02 <njohnston> (just breaking the silence) 22:15:10 <armax> njohnston: thanks, I appreciate it 22:15:27 <armax> ok, let’s dive in then 22:15:29 <armax> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.tag=rfe 22:16:59 <HenryG> why is bug 1370033 stalled? 22:17:01 <openstack> bug 1370033 in neutron "Admin should be able to manually select the active instance of a HA router" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1370033 - Assigned to Hong Hui Xiao (xiaohhui) 22:17:22 <armax> HenryG: it seems we’re unable to reach a consensus 22:17:30 <carl_baldwin> +1 22:17:31 <armax> I recall amuller rejected the design proposal 22:17:58 <armax> and albeit suboptimal, this use case can be tackled with external orchetration 22:18:05 <armax> so it turned out to be deprioritieze 22:18:14 <carl_baldwin> Yes, he questioned the need and that there were other, more user friendly, ways to accomplish what we needed. 22:18:14 <armax> deprioritazed 22:18:41 <carl_baldwin> *deprioritized 22:18:43 <carl_baldwin> :) 22:18:45 <HenryG> OK, so at this point in the cycle we say "punted to N" and move on to the next? 22:18:47 <armax> carl_baldwin: thanks! 22:19:01 <carl_baldwin> Are any of these up for Mitaka? 22:19:05 <armax> HenryG: well, I’d argue this should be canned at this point 22:19:19 <HenryG> carl_baldwin: that was my question too 22:19:48 <armax> if we don’t seem to agree or have the desire to reach closure, it’s best to mark it wontfix until priorities change 22:19:58 <armax> at that point the RFE can be resubmitted 22:20:12 <armax> and we can reassess should a strong operator push come from the field 22:20:13 <HenryG> armax: ok, I think you, carl_baldwin and amuller are better to make that decision 22:20:25 <carl_baldwin> armax: I agree. Won't fix. 22:20:28 <armax> I am ready to finalize this 22:20:36 <armax> this has been in the queue for a while 22:20:44 <armax> next one 22:20:51 <armax> bug 1507499 22:20:51 <openstack> bug 1507499 in neutron "Centralized Management System for testing the environment" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507499 22:21:01 <armax> this has showed up in various shapes or forms 22:21:08 <armax> there was another one that popped up recently 22:21:12 <HenryG> That one is ongoing and it keeps getting bigger and bigger 22:21:16 <armax> bug #1537686 22:21:16 <openstack> bug 1507499 in neutron "duplicate for #1537686 Centralized Management System for testing the environment" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507499 22:21:24 <armax> so I decided to put it on the mid-cycle agenda 22:21:39 <armax> perhaps the f2f discussion may help us to get to the bottom of this 22:21:45 <armax> we can’t afford to ignore this for much longer 22:21:50 <armax> something has to be done 22:22:16 <armax> but at the same time we need to be realistic of what we can achieve given the circumstances 22:23:30 <carl_baldwin> Do we have people who want to work on this? 22:23:55 <ihrachys> carl_baldwin: we have one in our team who is looking closely at the use case 22:24:03 <armax> carl_baldwin: not sure yet, I recall assaf wanted to work on this area 22:24:05 <ihrachys> carl_baldwin: our team == RH team 22:24:08 <armax> not him directly 22:24:23 <armax> but before we find volunteer we need to agree on a direction to be taken 22:24:28 <armax> we can’t wind people around 22:25:16 <carl_baldwin> Right, we don't yet seem to agree on the direction. 22:25:37 <carl_baldwin> Do we need a spec? 22:25:48 <ihrachys> I think yes 22:26:45 <armax> we’d need someone leading this obviously 22:27:21 <armax> but at least we’d need some degree of consensus amongst ourselves that we have an handle on this 22:27:29 <armax> before we set someone off the wrong path 22:28:31 <HenryG> There is a very long list of varying wishes in all the bugs that are duped to that. 22:28:58 * carl_baldwin noticing the same thing 22:29:17 <armax> so formalizing that would be the first step 22:29:27 <armax> and I think only a seasoned dude can do that 22:30:02 <carl_baldwin> Worth discussing at the mid-cycle? 22:30:31 <armax> I would think so 22:30:39 <ihrachys> will there be any online access for mid-cycle discussions? 22:31:09 <armax> ihrachys: most of us will be on irc and we’ll have etherpads 22:31:18 <ihrachys> ok, that's at least something 22:31:22 <armax> we should be able to relay this stuff online 22:32:23 <armax> ok, let’s defer this to the mid-cycle with the objective to get closure on it at least from a direction point of view 22:32:55 <armax> dougwig, mestery: what do you reckon? 22:33:39 <mestery> That's a pretty big thing, do we really want to spend time on it at the mid-cycle? Or is it just making a decision on whether to move forward with it or not? 22:33:57 <mestery> But yes 22:34:12 <mestery> F2F would likely be the best way to move it forward as long as you have someone lined up for it armax 22:34:19 <armax> we can carve out some time out of the agenda 22:34:25 <mestery> ++ 22:34:27 <carl_baldwin> How much time could we box it with at the mid-cycle? 22:34:41 <armax> if we do some homework ahead of time 22:35:01 <armax> a couple of hours should be enough to have at least something solid to present to the rest of the folks 22:35:06 <armax> via ML or bug report or whatever 22:35:11 <HenryG> it needs a passionate owner 22:35:19 <mestery> HenryG: ++ 22:35:48 <ihrachys> HenryG: owner == implementer? 22:35:49 <armax> HenryG: they don’t come that easily these days 22:35:59 <armax> ihrachys: not necesserily 22:36:03 <HenryG> armax: I know :( 22:36:21 <armax> ihrachys: a capable implemeter and a wise advisor 22:36:28 <armax> two owners 22:36:40 <armax> anyhoo, time check 22:36:46 <armax> bug 1521194 22:36:47 <openstack> bug 1521194 in neutron "Qos Aggregated Bandwidth Rate Limiting" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521194 22:37:38 <armax> I think this turned out to be a nonissue 22:37:42 <ihrachys> IIRC it's a feature that depends on nova scheduler work 22:37:59 <ihrachys> and the premise that qos currently misbehaves is wrong 22:38:17 <ihrachys> so I would say, nothing we can do with it right now 22:38:28 <armax> yes, that’s one way to put it 22:38:35 <ihrachys> blocked by nova, and the new scheduler probably won't happen in a day 22:39:05 <armax> I suppose the resource allocation effort in Nova may help at some point 22:39:22 <ihrachys> there's a hope, yes. 22:39:26 <armax> to allow for a fairer b/w allocation, fairer as assumed by the submitter 22:39:44 <armax> but as of now, we may just have to document the side effect of the existing implementation 22:39:55 <ihrachys> for now, we should table the proposal. on QoS front, we have a lot of passionate proposals but few passionate implementers. it may wait. 22:40:02 <armax> or take this bug as a witness of that documentaiton 22:40:21 <armax> bug 1523222 22:40:22 <openstack> bug 1523222 in neutron "[RFE] Add LBaaSv2 TLS re-encryption to backend members" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1523222 - Assigned to Kobi Samoray (ksamoray) 22:40:28 <armax> this may need dougwig guidance 22:40:37 <armax> but it doesn’t look like dougwig is listening 22:41:14 <armax> the submitter is also MIA on other RFE's 22:41:25 <armax> I’d mark incomple a move on 22:41:36 <armax> if and when they want to revive they can do so 22:41:39 <HenryG> sounds good to me 22:41:47 <armax> too bad, but meh 22:42:18 <ihrachys> relax, you ain't a magician to make everything happen :) 22:42:56 <armax> ihrachys: I am super relaxed 22:42:58 <armax> :) 22:43:53 <armax> bug 1525059 22:43:54 <openstack> bug 1525059 in neutron "Add support for external vxlan encapsulation to neutron router" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1525059 22:45:18 <dougwig> shit, calendar mismatch again. 22:45:31 <armax> dougwig: here you are! 22:45:33 <dougwig> 1523222 can be kicked out of mitaka. 22:45:48 <armax> ack 22:46:05 <armax> as for 1525059 it looks like the submitter has got an handle on things 22:46:12 <armax> mestery: these guys work for you, correct? 22:46:17 <carl_baldwin> Sounds like we want 1525059 we just need to know the details of how to make it happen. 22:46:30 <ihrachys> re bug *059: makes sense. needs a spec. we seem to have a candidate for implementation in the comments. 22:46:32 <armax> carl_baldwin: that’s right 22:46:34 <mestery> armax: Aye 22:46:46 <armax> we need to figure out how l3 and l3 get tied togetehr though 22:46:56 <armax> so perhaps a full blown spec is indeed necessary 22:46:57 <ihrachys> not sure I like the idea of l2 agent wiring interfaces for routers, but I may miss something. could be discussed in spec. 22:47:07 <armax> ihrachys: that’s my concern 22:47:09 <carl_baldwin> armax: Maybe a light spec will suffice 22:47:16 <armax> carl_baldwin: indeed 22:47:23 <mestery> Mostly I think the limitation of external networks requiring VLAN seems unnecessary 22:47:34 <armax> we need to make sure that, at least from a modelling point of view, this can work with or withour agents 22:47:45 <carl_baldwin> armax: ++ 22:47:58 <armax> mestery: would your dudes still push for the agent-based solutions? 22:48:06 <armax> or have they abandoned that route? 22:48:10 <mestery> armax: For the L3 agent? We'd have to, right? 22:48:21 <armax> mestery: ack 22:48:36 <armax> ok, let’s get this nudged in 22:48:48 <armax> all in favor? 22:48:49 <mestery> coolio 22:48:50 <mestery> ++ 22:48:52 <ihrachys> + 22:49:04 <armax> bug 1527671 22:49:05 <openstack> bug 1527671 in neutron "[RFE]Neutron QoS Priority Queuing rule" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1527671 22:49:32 <armax> has anyone given this any thought? 22:49:38 <armax> ihrachys, ajo perhaps? 22:49:47 <njohnston> I am not really clear on how this differs from the Assured Forwarding use case built in to DSCP 22:49:47 <armax> or shall this bake a teeny tad longer? 22:49:55 <njohnston> I will ask davidsha tomorrow 22:49:58 <armax> njohnston: that’s a good point 22:50:05 <armax> you should do so on teh bug report 22:50:11 <njohnston> will do 22:50:15 <armax> njohnston: thanks 22:50:27 <armax> bug 1529109 22:50:29 <openstack> bug 1529109 in neutron "[RFE] Security groups resources are not extendable" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1529109 - Assigned to Roey Chen (roeyc) 22:50:45 <armax> the fix for this looks incredibly trivial 22:50:54 <armax> but the implications are nonetheless remarkable 22:51:20 <armax> sc68cal, kevinbenton and I had reserves on how the proposal was made 22:52:00 <armax> the implication is that, if we allow this in, we can extend the secgroup extension freely 22:52:28 <armax> and that’s been an area of contention and lack of consensus ever since the inception of this work 22:53:16 <dougwig> why would we not want to allow it to be extended? 22:53:40 <armax> because pontentially vendors can come in and add properties to the API to do security stuff their own way without following the path of fwaas or a more community driven approach 22:54:09 <dougwig> ahh, so it's about common abstraction across backends? 22:54:12 <armax> on the other end, secgroups has always been an amazon thing which we wanted to stay as close as possible 22:54:19 <armax> dougwig: yup 22:54:23 <armax> having said that 22:54:40 <ihrachys> armax: but we allow it for other resource types? 22:54:41 <armax> if we do prevent such extension mechanism to go in 22:54:46 <armax> ihrachys: yes we do 22:55:44 <armax> then we’d have difficulty having a consistent experience for things like tags or timestamps or notational attributes that should apply to all resourecs 22:56:08 <armax> these overlay pretty orthogonally on the API and are innocuous because are really backend agnostic 22:56:28 <armax> my suggestion would be to figure out a way to allow this in a controlled fashion 22:56:38 <armax> thoughts? 22:57:00 <ihrachys> I believe since we already have extensions for all resources, we should at least be consistent in having them for all resources. 22:57:40 <armax> I’ll leave you guys a few minutes to formulate your opinion 22:57:48 <ihrachys> not that I like extensions too much, but hey, closing a single hole in your API consistency does not help if you have a hundred others. 22:57:49 <armax> perhaps you can express it on the bug reprt 22:58:00 <armax> ihrachys: I hear you 22:58:05 <armax> last one in the list 22:58:11 <armax> bug 1539717 22:58:12 <openstack> bug 1539717 in neutron "Add F5 plugin driver to neutron-lbaas" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1539717 - Assigned to Jeffrey Longstaff (j-longstaff) 22:58:21 <armax> this seems straightforward enough 22:58:43 <dougwig> has to reference an open source package, have a third party ci, and be a shim. should be straightforward. 22:58:59 <armax> dougwig: cool 22:59:15 <armax> so it’s a matter to provide design guidelines 22:59:33 <armax> to how to contribute the code 22:59:33 <armax> but it’s ready to roll 22:59:33 <armax> ok! 22:59:46 <armax> I’ll clean this list according to this discussion 23:00:01 <armax> please help feeding the triaged list for next week’s discusision 23:00:04 <armax> #endmeeting