22:00:19 <armax> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:00:20 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 31 22:00:19 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is armax. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:00:23 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:00:44 <armax> welcome to this exciting episode of neutron drivers, Newton Series 22:00:45 <kevinbenton> hi 22:00:48 <haleyb> hi 22:00:51 <sidk> hi 22:01:04 <armax> you ready for some action? 22:01:10 <HenryG> no 22:01:20 <dougwig> get off my lawn. 22:01:31 <Sukhdev> HenryG : :-) 22:01:31 <armax> whose lawn? yours? 22:01:32 <armax> pff 22:01:40 <kevinbenton> remember to register for the austin party! 22:01:46 <dougwig> link? 22:01:46 <armax> whose party? 22:01:48 <armax> yours? 22:01:49 <armax> pff 22:02:04 <kevinbenton> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stackcity-austin-a-community-festival-for-stackers-tickets-24174378216 22:02:21 <armax> #action kevinbenton to buy beer to anyone who register to this party 22:03:03 <armax> ok, let’s dive in, but before we do that, I’d like to share a few reminders 22:03:46 <armax> Reviewing neutron-specs changes is just as important as reviewing neutron ones 22:04:06 <armax> don’t forget that as drivers members you’re the custiodian of the +A 22:04:16 <armax> without that, specs stall 22:04:22 <armax> and no-one wants that 22:05:02 <armax> so please take the time out of your busy schedule to spare sometime going over the backlog and nudge contributors, review, approve and pending changes in that repo 22:05:28 <carl_baldwin> Not a long list 22:05:28 <armax> the backlog is rather small now, so it’s pretty easy to clear 22:05:29 <carl_baldwin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/neutron-specs 22:05:31 <dougwig> oh boy, stackalytics /90 on that repo is grim. 22:05:45 <armax> carl_baldwin: thanks you beat me to it 22:05:57 <armax> carl_baldwin: there’s a link on the drivers page for your convenience 22:06:02 <armax> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers 22:06:19 <kevinbenton> well i personally de-prioritized all spec reviews during the last part of the cycle to work on stability and bugs 22:06:34 <armax> kevinbenton: fair enough, but now it’s time to switch gear again 22:06:36 <armax> hence the reminder 22:06:49 <armax> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/286413/ needs some love 22:07:02 * amuller slotting spec/RFE reviews in to his calendar 22:07:03 <armax> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/286413/ is close 22:07:14 <armax> sorry 22:07:16 <armax> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/225384/ 22:07:24 <armax> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/190285/ 22:07:40 <armax> as for the latter, we’d need to nudge the submitter to respin 22:07:55 <armax> bear in mind that we need to repurpose specs for Newton 22:08:17 <armax> #link https://github.com/openstack/neutron-specs/tree/master/specs/backlog/mitaka 22:08:49 <armax> during the next team meeting we’ll go over N-1/Mitaka backlog and remind people to nudge these to the right release 22:09:12 <armax> but if you’re proactive (for the stuff you’re approver of) then, we might save a day or two 22:09:16 <dougwig> armax: are we fast-tracking missed and backlog specs again, or do they need to go through this meeting? 22:09:33 <armax> they can be fast-tracked 22:09:56 <armax> no need to go back to the end of the queue, but it’d be good to understand if they need new owners/approvers 22:10:12 <armax> hence I’d like to have a recorded conversation 22:10:33 <armax> dougwig: does that answer your question? 22:10:36 <dougwig> yep 22:11:03 <dougwig> well, no. 22:11:08 <dougwig> your answers are kind of contradictory. :) 22:11:24 <armax> so are yours :) 22:11:32 <armax> ok 22:11:36 <armax> let me give you an example 22:11:44 <armax> vlan-aware-vms 22:11:50 <armax> the spec is in the backlog 22:12:10 <armax> it need to be resubmitted to Newton 22:12:33 <armax> that doesn’t require a full blown spec approval process 22:12:59 <armax> but I’d like to understand if the original approvers/owners assigned in Mitaka intend to continue to work in Netwon 22:13:09 <armax> if not, then before fast tracking we’d need to find new owners 22:13:18 <armax> otherwise what’s the point in fast tracking? 22:13:22 <armax> you with me now? 22:13:47 <dougwig> so, simple +2/+A, but bring it up briefly in the meeting to verify owner/approver before the +A? 22:13:53 <armax> correct 22:13:57 <dougwig> with you 22:13:57 <Sukhdev> armax : good explanation - reasonably clear now 22:14:10 <amotoki> sounds fair 22:14:13 <armax> dougwig, Sukhdev sorry I wasn’t crystal clear 22:14:15 <carl_baldwin> armax: speaking of vlan-aware-vms, does it currently have an active approver? 22:14:37 <armax> rossella_s was in charge of it 22:14:46 <armax> we’d need to check with her if her priorities have changed 22:15:07 <armax> bence too, I haven’t seen him being super active on its patch 22:15:09 <armax> his 22:15:38 <armax> last spin of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273954/ is as old as Feb 2 22:15:42 <armax> *sigh 22:15:50 <Sukhdev> armax : Ironic needs it as well - if no one comes forward, I will try to find a taker for this 22:15:54 * armax hurts himself 22:16:12 <armax> Sukhdev: I am sure we have many people interested 22:16:16 <kevinbenton> whoever takes over this really needs to understand the l2 agent well for the implementation 22:16:19 <armax> but no-one with the right endurance :) 22:16:27 <kevinbenton> otherwise it will stall 22:16:33 <armax> kevinbenton: exactly 22:16:41 <armax> but this isn’t just l2 agent alone 22:16:46 <armax> pitfalls may be all over the place 22:16:51 <dougwig> and all of those people committed themselves. 22:16:59 <armax> anyhow we’ll discuss about this in the right venue 22:17:07 <armax> dougwig: to a mental institution? 22:17:20 <HenryG> lol 22:17:26 * armax is unclear 22:17:26 <Sukhdev> :-) 22:17:38 <armax> I am funny aren’t I? 22:17:40 <armax> anyhoo 22:17:45 * kevinbenton thinkgs dougwig is the active peanut gallery 22:17:50 <armax> if there’s nothing else, shall we dive in? 22:17:58 <HenryG> I'd like to quickly revisit an RFE from last week: bug 1560003 22:18:00 <openstack> bug 1560003 in neutron "[RFE] Creating a new stadium project for BGP Dynamic Routing effort" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560003 - Assigned to vikram.choudhary (vikschw) 22:18:10 <armax> HenryG: you bully 22:18:12 <HenryG> It was pointed out to me that there is an exist repo, networking-bgpvpn 22:18:15 <armax> HenryG: go ahead 22:18:22 <armax> HenryG: aye 22:18:25 <HenryG> Do we want a different repo for BGP dynamic routing? 22:19:07 <armax> it’s my udnerstanding that the two are not quite the same 22:19:11 <HenryG> Some in the team indicated that they do want it separate 22:19:15 <mickeys> There are two different architectures. Many discussions in the past about the differences and the need for both, which has always resulted in both moving ahead so far 22:19:35 <dougwig> i wouldn't think they are the same. 22:19:44 <kevinbenton> bgpvpn is closer related to vpnaas than it is to the BGP dynamic routing that recently merged 22:19:47 <armax> but to be fair, I did make the point repeately that neutron-bgp is probably not appropriate as a name 22:19:58 <dougwig> i assumed it'd be networking-bgp 22:20:26 <HenryG> That's all I wanted cleared up 22:20:26 <armax> HenryG: actually I just reviewed both bug and patch from vikram 22:20:31 <armax> HenryG: thanks boos 22:20:32 <armax> boss 22:20:44 <armax> let’s keep an eye on this 22:20:45 <HenryG> The naming can be discussed in the bug 22:21:05 <dougwig> the ultimate bikeshed topic. 22:21:12 <armax> HenryG, dougwig: ack 22:21:20 <dougwig> openstack/networking-BigGreenPenis 22:21:25 * salv-orlando did anyone say bikeshedding? 22:21:45 <armax> oh my, the painter awoke 22:21:46 <dougwig> ok, too many chocolate covered espresso beans. 22:21:50 <armax> salv-orlando: go back to bed 22:21:58 * kevinbenton awkward silence 22:22:02 <armax> :) 22:22:04 <armax> ok 22:22:05 <armax> bug 1507499 22:22:06 <openstack> bug 1507499 in neutron "[RFE] Centralized Management System for testing the environment" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507499 22:22:35 <armax> this is not going away easily 22:22:41 <kevinbenton> seems to be disagreement on what people want from this 22:22:42 <armax> we had a new related proposal on bug 1563538 22:22:44 <openstack> bug 1507499 in neutron "duplicate for #1563538 [RFE] Centralized Management System for testing the environment" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507499 22:23:08 <armax> we punted to the mid-cycle, we’re close enough to the summit that we could punt there easily 22:23:33 <dougwig> extension or separate command-line tool, this could proceed in a separate repo, to see if it goes anywhere. 22:23:41 <kevinbenton> yeah, maybe a session on what kind of debugging we want built in 22:23:47 <amuller> or a friday session 22:24:17 <armax> I still think that we’d need to augument our API to report more sophisiticated health information on a resource basis 22:24:22 <armax> to start off 22:24:37 <armax> then we can worry about how we provide the toolkit to implement remedy actions 22:25:09 <salv-orlando> I think both armax and dougwig provided good arguments to close the discussion on this rfe 22:25:09 <boden> I added some notes to #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-troubleshooting 22:25:16 <amuller> as long as we actually come to an agreement for this cycle I'm game 22:25:23 <armax> I’ll make the point on the bug report again, see if I can find proselytes 22:25:32 * salv-orlando on this node goes back to this sleep 22:25:36 <armax> amuller: follow me and I’ll show you the light 22:25:50 <armax> salv-orlando: have a good one, we love you 22:26:08 <armax> bug 1520719 22:26:09 <openstack> bug 1520719 in neutron "[RFE] Use the new enginefacade from oslo_db" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1520719 - Assigned to Ann Kamyshnikova (akamyshnikova) 22:26:20 <armax> HenryG: I look at you to get this resolved 22:26:33 <HenryG> Approve it and it shall be done 22:26:40 <dougwig> yep 22:26:45 <armax> HenryG: I’d like to see a plan first 22:26:47 <armax> but aye 22:27:06 <armax> like what to expect in the course of the release 22:27:12 <armax> but thanks for taking ownership 22:27:16 <armax> you shall be rewarded 22:27:23 <armax> bug 1530331 22:27:24 <openstack> bug 1530331 in neutron "[RFE] [ipv6] Advertise tenant prefixes from router to outside" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1530331 22:28:36 <carl_baldwin> Hi 22:28:37 <armax> shall we consider something within the scope? 22:28:57 <carl_baldwin> It would be a third way to get IPv6 routes back in to tenant networks. 22:29:07 <carl_baldwin> It could be the simplest way though. 22:29:29 <haleyb> yes, if you could stuff a /128 in there 22:29:54 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: I wasn't even thinking about host routes yet. 22:30:00 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: That would take some more thinking. 22:30:05 <armax> to be honest, I’d rather choose a single way to address the specific use case 22:30:47 <haleyb> oh, the CVR doing this 22:31:26 <carl_baldwin> The thing is, I haven't heard much demand for this. 22:31:33 <carl_baldwin> Maybe asking operators would be good. 22:31:37 <armax> carl_baldwin, haleyb do I read that this needs more baking until it formalized into an actionable proposal? 22:31:55 <carl_baldwin> armax: I think so. 22:32:06 <armax> carl_baldwin: most likely we’ll have an operators sponspored session at the summit 22:32:13 <haleyb> yes, more baking 22:32:15 <armax> carl_baldwin: let’s make sure we get the time to talk about this 22:32:22 <carl_baldwin> armax: ++ 22:32:28 <armax> haleyb: you can’t leave the cake in the oven unattended 22:32:30 <armax> it’ll burn! 22:32:42 <armax> haleyb: can I trust you and carl_baldwin will see through this? 22:32:44 <carl_baldwin> armax: set a timer. ;) 22:32:44 * haleyb is already hungry and that didn't help 22:32:55 <armax> haleyb: but it’s gonna burn 22:33:01 <armax> it’s not gonna taste good 22:33:07 <armax> bug 1552631 22:33:09 <openstack> bug 1552631 in neutron "[RFE] Bulk Floating IP allocation" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1552631 22:33:13 <carl_baldwin> armax: I'll take it. 22:33:22 <armax> carl_baldwin: don’t oversubscribe 22:33:26 <armax> I hear haleyb is a slacker 22:33:39 * armax spreads false rumors 22:33:40 <haleyb> i can help too, only one RFE on my plate 22:33:50 <dougwig> honestly, i think this is a horizon rfe, and not appropriate for neutron api 22:33:52 * carl_baldwin passes it on to haleyb 22:34:14 <carl_baldwin> I added one comment to this one about contiguous fip allocations. 22:34:21 <armax> carl_baldwin: ack 22:34:29 <carl_baldwin> But, that might be a different request altogether. 22:34:31 <armax> talking about FIPs 22:35:08 <armax> and contiguous space 22:35:23 <armax> I wonder if we 22:35:37 <armax> will end up causing users to stamped on each other 22:36:23 <armax> I appreciate some customers may indeed ask for this, but at the same time, I think it’s right to say no if that means taking the rope away from users 22:36:24 <carl_baldwin> armax: In what way? 22:36:58 <armax> if you have concurrent requests asking for the same contiguous space 22:37:02 <dougwig> if there's a contiguous fip rfe, we should deal with that separately. if this is really just the horizon use case, the ui should be driving the api. 22:37:18 <armax> dougwig: fair point 22:37:25 <carl_baldwin> dougwig: +1 I fear I've expanded the scope of this rfe with my comment. 22:37:44 <armax> carl_baldwin: but that’s an important aspect nonetheless 22:38:01 <armax> amotoki: what do you reckon? 22:38:12 <armax> you’re the resident Horizon SME 22:38:14 <amotoki> I think we call multiple APIs as they want. 22:38:57 <armax> meaning we can provide a client side binding that accepts # of FIPs 22:38:57 <amotoki> if someone wants 2 FIPs in GUI, it is more tough compared to running CLI two times... 22:38:58 <armax> ? 22:39:19 <armax> and return a list of FIPs? 22:39:28 <haleyb> armax: i just added a comment there as well, i'm remembering a customer wanting say a /28 contiguous, so they had one SG rule. I think they were using the IPs on their end as well so it impacted their VPN config 22:39:39 <dougwig> amotoki: django does two api calls instead of one, in that case, i think, right? 22:39:41 <amotoki> there are two caniddate to implement it. horizon API wrappers or neutron client library. 22:39:54 <amotoki> dougwig: yes 22:39:55 <armax> haleyb: ok 22:40:16 <armax> amotoki: I can see value in having the client library binding 22:40:22 <haleyb> we wrote a "trawler" to scoop up all the blocks and keep them just for them 22:40:49 <dougwig> armax: you hate orchestration, but you're in favor of a binding that a simple for loop can handle? 22:40:52 <amotoki> armax: agree to some extent. 22:41:18 <armax> dougwig I do hate orchestration server side 22:41:18 <amotoki> if we support in in the client library, how about openstacksdk side? do we need to support it in openstacksdk? 22:41:39 <armax> dougwig: but not all orchestration 22:41:45 <armax> if I can’t live without 22:41:48 <dougwig> i'm opposed to an api change, mildly opposed to a client orchestration, but will lose sleep over neither. 22:42:24 <armax> dougwig: good, then we’re on the same page 22:42:34 <armax> bug 1552680 22:42:35 <openstack> bug 1552680 in neutron "[RFE] Add support for DLM" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1552680 - Assigned to John Schwarz (jschwarz) 22:42:44 <armax> see if you lose sleep over this one 22:42:51 * jschwarz ^_^ 22:43:55 <dougwig> this could either be awesome or a disastrous nightmare of epic proportions. i don't think it has a middle ground. 22:44:27 <armax> I wonder if this an opportunity for us to take and experiment with this for ‘new’ stuff and leave stuff we built up until now alone 22:44:32 <kevinbenton> without adopting it in every place that touches an object protected by a lock, it's not buying us much 22:44:42 <jschwarz> if it does end up being a disastrous nightmare as dougwig says, we can easily revert back 22:44:43 <armax> at least until we’ve given ourselves enough time to master the space 22:45:36 <jschwarz> I agree with kevinbenton - the key is identifying specific places that can benefit from it greatly. 22:45:39 <armax> so I wodner if we can make a recommendation that for new work items this be considered 22:46:17 <armax> potentially overlapping with the ovo work that ihar, rossella et al are working on 22:46:36 <armax> not sure if I am making any sense 22:46:47 <amuller> armax: you want to lock an object every time it's mutated, at the OVO layer? 22:46:52 <armax> I’ll need to give some more thought 22:47:47 <armax> amuller: I am saying that I am not sure I am prepered to warrant refactoring to adopt DLM 22:47:51 <amuller> kevinbenton: Did you give any thought to locking at what low of a layer vs locking at higher layers like jschwarz's PoC? 22:47:55 <amuller> at that* 22:48:06 <dougwig> aside from our ability to make use of this well, is tooz stable enough to wrap our stuff around? 22:48:07 <armax> but I am definitely open to seeing how this may play out in the context of a new effort 22:48:16 <amotoki> we have the real first need in L3 area? if so, we can try PoC without overlapping efforts 22:48:27 <amuller> jschwarz: are you aware of any users of tooz's DLM API? 22:48:30 <kevinbenton> amuller: locking that low won't help when it's related objects (e.g. router and it's HA network) 22:48:41 <amuller> kevinbenton: aye 22:48:48 <jschwarz> amuller, dougwig, ceilometer uses it 22:49:11 <amuller> jschwarz: the locking API or grouping API? 22:49:29 <jschwarz> amuller, grouping iirc 22:49:56 <jschwarz> amuller, https://github.com/openstack/ceilometer/blob/master/ceilometer/coordination.py 22:50:21 <amuller> so we'd probably be adding tooz and contributing to it in parallel 22:50:38 <armax> let’s keep brainstorming on this one 22:51:16 <amuller> dougwig: So I don't know if anyone can make that determination at this point 22:51:40 <armax> bug 1554869 22:51:42 <openstack> bug 1554869 in neutron "[RFE] Make API errors conform to API working group schema" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1554869 - Assigned to xiexs (xiexs) 22:51:50 <jschwarz> dougwig, I think that part of the stability of tooz is the stability of the backend we choose 22:51:55 <dougwig> that means the answer is unknown, so no. i personally don't want to risk neutron's adoption momentum for something like that, and if we do it, i'd want to see it behind a config/enable toggle. 22:52:50 <dougwig> are these api error changes additive, or will we be breaking backwards compat to switch? 22:53:00 <armax> dougwig: taht’s what I am questioning too 22:53:27 <armax> from the specs proposal it looks like they are non bw compat 22:54:25 <armax> has anyone given this any thought? 22:54:49 <dougwig> just my opinion, but i'm in favor of applying those standards to additions and any new v3 api, but not to potentially breaking users. 22:55:15 <carl_baldwin> +1 22:55:19 <armax> yes, but before doing that we’d nee to see what that v3 api looks like and who is interested in working on one 22:55:20 <armax> :) 22:55:25 <amotoki> v3 or versioned API 22:55:38 <dougwig> "next major rev, if", then. :) 22:55:58 <armax> amotoki: rather the latter I’d say, but a bump needs to happen nonetheless 22:56:11 <armax> bug 1557290 22:56:12 <openstack> bug 1557290 in neutron "[RFE]DVR FIP agent gateway does not pass traffic directed at fixed IP" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557290 22:56:26 <armax> I agree with carl_baldwin that this should be treated as a regular bug 22:56:33 <carl_baldwin> +1 22:57:01 <armax> carl_baldwin: do you see many architectural changes involved? 22:57:22 <carl_baldwin> armax: I don't think so. 22:57:26 <armax> ok 22:57:29 <armax> good to know 22:57:38 <armax> bug 1558812 22:57:39 <openstack> bug 1558812 in neutron "[RFE] Enable adoption of an existing subnet into a subnetpool" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1558812 22:58:18 <armax> this is interesting, and I think it makes sense, how that is going to end materializing I am not quite sure, so I’d advice us to iterate on a spec 22:58:29 <dougwig> goes against pets vs cattle, but i guess this is the real world we're living in. 22:58:38 <carl_baldwin> My biggest concern here is how to make an API that ensures consistency on a network. 22:59:14 <armax> perhaps iterating on a spec may help us shed some lights on these types of issues 22:59:19 <carl_baldwin> dougwig: Imagine an external network with lots of things on it. You want to tear them all down? You can't kill your whole herd. 22:59:36 <armax> too bad we had one bug left from the lot 22:59:47 <armax> not sure if we can cover it in the last few seconds left 22:59:49 <armax> bug 1563069 22:59:50 <openstack> bug 1563069 in neutron "[RFE] Centralize Configuration Options" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563069 23:00:14 <armax> I see no point in rushing on this, but right now I have a kneejerk reaction to say ‘go away' 23:00:19 <armax> and on that note 23:00:22 <armax> thank you all 23:00:22 <dougwig> carl_baldwin: there's a place for herds of pets. 23:00:24 <armax> #endmeeting