22:00:42 <kevinbenton> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:00:43 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 25 22:00:42 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kevinbenton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:44 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:00:45 <ihrachys> o/ 22:00:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:01:44 <bzhao_> o/ 22:01:57 <kevinbenton> does anyone have anything they would like to discuss with ongoing blueprint issues before we take a look at a couple of RFEs? 22:02:45 <ihrachys> no 22:02:54 <armax> none from me 22:03:06 <mlavalle> i'm good 22:03:17 <kevinbenton> ok 22:03:19 <kevinbenton> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.tag=rfe 22:03:38 <kevinbenton> i'm going to go out of order initially because there are a few that we've discussed before and we should be able to quickly approve 22:03:51 <kevinbenton> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1673142 22:03:53 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1673142 in neutron "[RFE][ML2] Enforce extension semantics" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:03:53 <armax> ok 22:04:07 <kevinbenton> this was discussed at the PTG and I don't think anyone had any issues with it 22:04:27 <kevinbenton> it's also needed to cleanup some custom validation logic that is getting sprinkled everywhere for QoS and now SG logging 22:04:32 <ihrachys> authors lined to pull it? 22:05:01 <armax> no, I think this makes sense 22:05:14 <kevinbenton> I think Bob said he has some time to work on it 22:05:15 <armax> not sure if there’s any sane implementation 22:05:32 <ihrachys> good. if we have Bob committed, this should def go in 22:06:07 <kevinbenton> I think we can move to approved and if Bob can't get it done this cycle it can defer later 22:06:18 <armax> aye 22:06:32 <ihrachys> + 22:06:32 <mlavalle> ++ 22:07:57 <kevinbenton> actually that might have been the only one i needed to do out of order 22:08:33 <kevinbenton> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1042049 22:08:34 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1042049 in neutron "[RFE] auto-associate floating ips" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:08:53 <mlavalle> we lost this one almost 5 years... 22:08:57 <armax> this was brought up at the summit 22:08:57 <kevinbenton> this thing is a little old :) 22:09:01 <armax> in the forum 22:09:09 <armax> discussion about get-me-a-network 22:09:12 <ihrachys> heh 22:09:14 <armax> I ended up fishing through the pile 22:09:16 <armax> :) 22:09:20 <ihrachys> yeah, it will fit auto-allocated-net 22:09:39 <kevinbenton> armax, do you have the bandwidth to work on this one? 22:09:41 <ihrachys> so operators feel like wasting fips? 22:09:51 <kevinbenton> ihrachys: yep 22:10:48 <kevinbenton> we would obviously need to figure out how discoverability of this behavior and whatnot will work 22:11:08 <clarkb> fwiw this is shades default behavior when creating an instance unless you tell it to do something different 22:11:50 <kevinbenton> and it's also how EC2 works IIRC 22:11:58 <kevinbenton> or how it did many a year ago :) 22:12:15 <ihrachys> hm, I think elastic ip should be explicitly assigned there, but... doesn't matter 22:12:58 <kevinbenton> i think i see two components here 22:13:26 <kevinbenton> one is a flag that can be set on a network that causes any ports to get a floating IP that are created on that network 22:13:52 <kevinbenton> the other is adjusting the auto allocated topology to set that flag 22:14:17 <kevinbenton> armax: there? 22:15:45 <mlavalle> we lost him 22:16:01 <mlavalle> i'm afraid 22:16:03 <kevinbenton> yeah 22:16:06 <kevinbenton> looks that way 22:16:47 <mlavalle> but the network flag could me used independently of auto allocated topology, right? 22:16:52 <kevinbenton> yes 22:16:53 <mlavalle> be used^^^ 22:16:56 <kevinbenton> I think so 22:17:14 <armax> sorry 22:17:26 <kevinbenton> I believe we will need to track when floating IPs are auto allocated as well and auto release them 22:17:28 <ihrachys> so on router attach, it will assign a fip per tenant port? 22:18:14 <kevinbenton> ihrachys: good question. not sure if it should affect existing ports or if we should even allow the flag to be set without a router already attached 22:18:16 <ihrachys> we'll need to allocate a bunch of fips at once. 22:18:29 <armax> I am back 22:18:38 <mlavalle> I think kevinbenton's approach is safer 22:18:59 <kevinbenton> armax: do you have bandwidth to work on this feature? 22:19:15 <ihrachys> anyhoo, I think we can leave it to drafter to write it up, and then we can beat it to death. assuming we have a drafter. 22:19:18 <armax> kevinbenton: this work is independent from the auto-allocated-topology effort 22:19:25 <armax> to start with anyway 22:19:36 <armax> kevinbenton: I can try and put some cycles for a spec 22:19:40 <armax> as I feel it’s needed 22:19:42 <kevinbenton> armax: yeah, did you see my messagers early up? 22:19:48 <kevinbenton> messages* 22:19:49 <armax> I am scrolling up 22:20:06 <kevinbenton> the flag on the network that controls auto allocation is the biggest component 22:20:16 <kevinbenton> and is orthoganal to get-me-a-network 22:20:22 <kevinbenton> ok 22:20:26 <kevinbenton> well if you can write a spec 22:20:27 <armax> OK, let me flush out a spec and associated it to this 22:20:29 <kevinbenton> lets approve 22:20:39 <armax> I think this makes sense 22:20:39 <ihrachys> + 22:20:50 <armax> not sure why it got buried in the pile 22:20:53 <mlavalle> ++, will make Dan's dream reality after 5 years 22:20:58 <armax> and why it was never considered a nova-net feature parity gap 22:21:22 <ihrachys> first rule of neutron club - never talk about new parity gaps 22:21:35 <mlavalle> ihrachys: you got it! 22:21:40 <kevinbenton> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1505627 22:21:42 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1505627 in neutron "[RFE] QoS Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Support" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Reedip (reedip-banerjee) 22:21:55 <kevinbenton> mlavalle: did the qos team chat about this? 22:22:09 <mlavalle> I brought this up during the meeting on Tuesday 22:22:23 <mlavalle> ralonsoh said he was going to connect tonight 22:22:38 <mlavalle> but I don't see him around 22:22:47 <ihrachys> what was the general feeling? or there was no actual discussion? 22:23:00 <mlavalle> he mostly said it was reedip's stuff 22:23:18 <mlavalle> and reedip inidcated he wants to pursue it 22:23:52 <mlavalle> not something that the entire QoS jumped and supported enthusiastically 22:23:56 <ihrachys> people indicate a lot of things :) 22:24:01 <ihrachys> just sayin 22:24:06 <mlavalle> agree 22:24:15 <kevinbenton> maybe we should allow reedip to write a spec so we can get all of the implementation questions answered? 22:24:18 <mlavalle> doesn't seem high in their priorities 22:24:33 <kevinbenton> or just defer 22:24:37 <kevinbenton> until next cycle 22:24:45 <mlavalle> kevinbenton: let's give reedip the opportunity 22:24:55 <kevinbenton> ok 22:25:05 <ihrachys> I would rather not spend time (and I won't). I don't see it is critical for reedip either. 22:25:10 <ihrachys> anyhoo, you are free to 22:25:54 <mlavalle> well, let's mark it deferred and let reedip come back to us if it is that important 22:26:13 <kevinbenton> mlavalle: ok 22:27:10 <kevinbenton> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1506076 22:27:11 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1506076 in neutron "Allow connection tracking to be disabled per-port" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:28:33 <armax> this to me sounds like it requires no user facing changes 22:28:43 <armax> I wonder if it can be treated as a regular bug 22:28:46 <kevinbenton> yes 22:28:49 <kevinbenton> armax: i agree 22:29:07 <kevinbenton> this is about figuring how how to tell the firewalls not to conntrack a security disabled port 22:30:06 <ihrachys> so just a terminating iptables rule? yes, it's a performance optimization, nothing to RFE 22:30:29 <kevinbenton> yep, and changing the CT action rules in ovs native firewall if necessary 22:31:01 <ihrachys> + on moving from RFE to bug 22:31:19 <kevinbenton> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1518392 22:31:21 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1518392 in neutron "[RFE] Enable arp_responder without l2pop" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Kevin Benton (kevinbenton) 22:31:58 <armax> kevinbenton: I assigned this to you 22:32:06 <kevinbenton> so this is referring to one of the many roles of l2pop 22:32:09 <armax> yea 22:32:28 <kevinbenton> right now in addition to populating forwarding entries for tunnels 22:32:42 <kevinbenton> it's messages are also used to setup ARP responder entries 22:33:15 <kevinbenton> However, we can setup ARP responder entries using just the existing port update messages that go to the l2 agent 22:33:38 <ihrachys> vif_details included? 22:33:48 <kevinbenton> ihrachys: what do you mean? 22:34:03 <ihrachys> sorry, mixed things, thought about tunnels. 22:34:10 <ihrachys> yeah right, you have mac addr there 22:34:53 <kevinbenton> So I would like to approve this, but I won't be able to work on it right away and it might slip to next cycle 22:35:03 <kevinbenton> depending on how the push notifications stuff goes 22:35:06 <ihrachys> that's ok I believe 22:35:11 <mlavalle> yeah 22:35:14 <kevinbenton> i still need to get SGs fixed up for push notifications 22:35:24 <ihrachys> well ovs piece is in gate 22:35:33 <mlavalle> yeap 22:35:41 <kevinbenton> ihrachys: that's only for basic l2 things 22:35:50 <kevinbenton> ihrachys: i have an abandoned patch i need to restore for the SG component 22:36:04 <ihrachys> what else do you need for arp responder? 22:36:11 <kevinbenton> nothing else 22:36:18 <kevinbenton> just bandwidth to actually implement it :) 22:36:27 <ihrachys> ok ok, I am just saying no dep 22:36:30 <ihrachys> anymore 22:36:31 <kevinbenton> yep 22:36:32 <kevinbenton> no deps 22:37:07 <ihrachys> + let's approve 22:37:18 <kevinbenton> cool 22:37:20 <kevinbenton> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1640956 22:37:22 <mlavalle> ++ 22:37:23 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1640956 in neutron "RFE: Extension for improving Nova-Neutron callflow to cache port data" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:38:09 <ihrachys> was there ever a write-up for neutron side? 22:38:28 <kevinbenton> I don't think so 22:38:33 <ihrachys> or alternatively, was Ian at PTG and assured he will pull it? 22:38:49 <kevinbenton> Ian was at the PTG and he said he had resources for this 22:39:07 <kevinbenton> I'm okay with the high-level of having an API call for all things related to a port 22:39:11 <kevinbenton> it's floating ips 22:39:19 <kevinbenton> its subnets, networks, etc 22:39:22 <ihrachys> trunks 22:39:25 <kevinbenton> ++ 22:39:30 <ihrachys> yes I think I agree with the general idea 22:39:32 <kevinbenton> so i'm thinking we can just approve this and wait for the spec 22:39:44 <mlavalle> ok 22:40:18 <armax> kevinbenton: or do we want to wait for the spea 22:40:20 <armax> spec 22:40:26 <armax> before approval? 22:40:40 <kevinbenton> no 22:40:50 <kevinbenton> i want to say the enhancement i agree with 22:41:01 <kevinbenton> the rest is implementation details 22:41:30 <armax> ok 22:42:02 <ihrachys> you're the boss, go for it 22:42:09 <kevinbenton> in my mind 'rfe-approved' == valid use case we can address 22:42:26 <armax> well 22:42:27 <mlavalle> so spec is next step? 22:42:32 <kevinbenton> mlavalle: yep 22:42:36 <armax> rfe-approved meant more than that 22:43:01 <armax> it means it makes sense, we have a chance to make it happen 22:43:16 <kevinbenton> that's what i just said :) 22:43:17 <armax> in terms of resources both dev and review 22:43:20 <kevinbenton> oh 22:43:23 <kevinbenton> i see 22:43:34 <kevinbenton> i think those should be separate 22:43:44 <kevinbenton> and tracked via the corresponding blueprint and milestone tracking 22:43:59 <ihrachys> it's actually captured in devref, so maybe kevinbenton you can start with posting a patch for the docs? because it's not the first time confusion re process arises. 22:44:07 <armax> otherwise we can have a bunch of rfe approved and respective blueprints which we track but never go anywhere 22:44:35 <ihrachys> I lean to armax vision in that resources should be lined up prior to approval 22:44:36 <kevinbenton> armax: which is fine IMO because it shows where we need more resources 22:44:47 <armax> the idea behind the rfe process is that we can coordinate the effort in a way that we the team can have a sense of what is actually going to be delivered 22:44:48 <kevinbenton> i disagree 22:45:12 <kevinbenton> because it makes it hard for people that have the power to provide resources 22:45:19 <armax> otherwise, approve it all! and we can save an hour a week 22:45:28 <kevinbenton> to tell if there are legitimate features that aren't getting implemented because of a resource shortage 22:45:41 <kevinbenton> or if features are just being rejected because they dont' fit the proejct 22:45:44 <armax> right, that’s a problem we’re experiencing only recently 22:46:47 <armax> rfe’s don’t disappear 22:47:02 <armax> and we don’t need to reject them 22:47:16 <armax> so far we have been marking some incomplete 22:47:20 <armax> for one reason or another 22:47:29 <kevinbenton> ok, i'll file a devref change 22:47:29 <armax> at the end of each cycle we look at the rfe graveyard 22:47:33 <armax> wait 22:47:33 <ihrachys> in my experience, powers usually come to the table with their own features, it's not like there is spare pool of talent that sits there waiting for RFE to move to -approved. 22:47:36 <armax> I disagree with you 22:47:39 <armax> :) 22:47:54 <armax> I think you’re breaking the only thing that might work in this RFE process 22:48:18 <ihrachys> armax, you can still disagree in gerrit 22:48:19 <armax> we can take this on your devref change though 22:48:21 <armax> yeah 22:48:22 <armax> that’s fine 22:48:35 <armax> -2 coming right up 22:48:38 <armax> :) 22:49:01 <kevinbenton> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1640960 22:49:02 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1640960 in neutron "RFE: VIF plugging negotiation between Nova and Neutron" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:49:33 <mlavalle> kevinbenton: i think I recall that we were going to discuss some of trevormc rfe's today 22:49:40 <mlavalle> per last meeting 22:49:58 <trevormc> sorry to interrupt, any chance we can get to at least this one (of three) https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1693240 ? 22:49:58 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1693240 in neutron "[RFE] Support SRIOV VF VLAN Filtering" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:50:57 <kevinbenton> trevormc: it's still not clear to me if you're requesting a Neutron API change here 22:51:12 <ihrachys> is it just sriov driver for trunks? 22:51:16 <kevinbenton> right 22:51:19 <trevormc> no api change should be required. 22:51:24 <kevinbenton> trevormc: ok 22:51:27 <kevinbenton> then I'm good with this 22:51:28 <ihrachys> if so, just post one as a bug no? 22:51:38 <kevinbenton> it's just a feature implementation gap in SR-IOV 22:51:52 <trevormc> we can query trunk ports to make a list and then use VFd to configure the nic. 22:52:03 <kevinbenton> ok 22:52:14 <trevormc> thanks, thats the only one i wanted reviewed 22:52:21 <kevinbenton> so this can just be treated as a regular bug like ihrachys said 22:52:31 <trevormc> ok 22:52:50 <ihrachys> remove rfe-* flags, it's not needed. leave Wishlist. no BP or spec. 22:53:00 <trevormc> got it 22:53:14 <kevinbenton> trevormc: and assign to yourself assuming you're writing the code :) 22:53:28 <trevormc> yep :) 22:53:31 <kevinbenton> ok 22:53:35 <mlavalle> we will come after you trevormc ;-) 22:53:40 <kevinbenton> let's see if we can cover https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1640960 22:53:41 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1640960 in neutron "RFE: VIF plugging negotiation between Nova and Neutron" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:54:19 <kevinbenton> this is another Ian said he had resources for and was pitching at the PTG 22:54:58 <ihrachys> I think the main question to answer here is how does it fit multiple port bindings plans, and whether we squash them into the same extension. or we want to deal with 3 binding extensions. 22:55:41 <kevinbenton> ihrachys: i think they are orthoganal and IMO multiple port bindings is more important so i don't want to drag that spec down fleshing this out as well 22:55:54 <kevinbenton> because there are dragons in the implementation details of this one 22:55:55 <ihrachys> as for implementation, it seems to be largely driven from nova side, so we will just accommodate. 22:56:12 <kevinbenton> (on the nova side) 22:56:20 <ihrachys> ok 3 extensions then. since they are admin, maybe it's not that bad. 22:56:52 <kevinbenton> yes 22:57:01 <kevinbenton> i doubt this will land on the nova side this cycle anyway 22:57:24 <kevinbenton> so we would probably be forced into another extension anyway 22:57:42 <kevinbenton> i said anyway too many times in a row :) 22:58:00 <armax> 3 minutes left, anyway 22:58:01 <ihrachys> so you want to approve but don't plan to land anything? 22:58:03 <armax> 2 now 22:58:09 <kevinbenton> approve and wait for spec 22:58:14 <kevinbenton> let nova folks drive the priority 22:58:19 <kevinbenton> because neutron side should be simple 22:58:33 <kevinbenton> basically pick from a list of vif types 22:59:06 <ihrachys> I guess we won't have problems with resources once it gets to it 22:59:46 <kevinbenton> ok, approved and waiting on spec then 22:59:53 <mlavalle> + 23:00:27 <armax> ok 23:00:29 <armax> time 23:00:34 <kevinbenton> #endmeeting