22:01:03 <kevinbenton> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:01:04 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jun 29 22:01:03 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kevinbenton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:01:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:01:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:01:12 <kevinbenton> hi everyone 22:01:19 <kevinbenton> #topic open discussion 22:01:34 <alisanhaji> hello 22:01:35 <amotoki> hi 22:01:40 <Swami> hi 22:01:41 <kevinbenton> I think we are short a couple of drivers members this week 22:02:01 <kevinbenton> so I will defer our normal review of RFEs to next week 22:02:50 <kevinbenton> does anyone have anything they would like to discuss? 22:03:28 <amotoki> questions on some stadium inclusion patches like CLI or API reference. 22:03:34 <mlavalle> o/ 22:03:38 <kevinbenton> amotoki: go ahead 22:03:58 <amotoki> do we suggest them to propose a patch to update project aasessment to neutron-specs? 22:04:20 <amotoki> we only see vpnaas so far. 22:04:43 <kevinbenton> amotoki: yeah, i think that's the easiest method to review 22:04:52 <kevinbenton> because we can easily comment on each item 22:05:02 <amotoki> agree 22:05:17 <amotoki> i am not sure there are other projects to join in this cycle 22:05:22 <mlavalle> I saw a patchset for tap as a service yesterday by reedip 22:05:59 <amotoki> mlavalle: which repo? 22:06:26 <mlavalle> amotoki: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/454788/ 22:06:30 <amotoki> i found it. neutron-spec one 22:06:31 <mlavalle> Neutron 22:07:03 <mlavalle> seems they have a lot of work to do 22:07:05 <mlavalle> though 22:07:17 <amotoki> yeah 22:08:01 <kevinbenton> yeah, i suspect vpnaas is going to be the only one this cycle 22:08:22 <mlavalle> do they have their assesment up in gerrit yet? 22:08:40 <amotoki> https://review.openstack.org/452032 22:08:47 <amotoki> they sometimes update it 22:09:27 <kevinbenton> i need to review the latest state 22:09:44 <kevinbenton> amotoki: are you aware of any issues with their latest assessment? 22:10:08 <amotoki> kevinbenton: i haven't checked the latest status. need to check 22:10:44 <amotoki> IIRC they added their ongoing work recently but i haven't checked them 22:11:28 <kevinbenton> amotoki: ack 22:11:38 <kevinbenton> mlavalle: add that patch to your review queue :) 22:11:50 <mlavalle> I just did :-) 22:12:55 <kevinbenton> ok, anything else? 22:13:02 <mlavalle> not from me 22:13:23 <amotoki> me either 22:14:17 <mlavalle> kevinbenton: enjoy the holiday. I found out yesterday that Monday 3rd is a site holiday for IBM Austin. So I have a long weekend:-) 22:14:30 <kevinbenton> cool 22:14:33 <amotoki> nice 22:14:43 <kevinbenton> ok, talk to everyone same time next week! 22:14:48 <mlavalle> o/ 22:14:50 <amotoki> enjoy holildays 22:15:00 <kevinbenton> #endmeeting