22:05:05 <armax> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:05:07 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 13 22:05:05 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is armax. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:05:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:05:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:05:49 <armax> let’s go over the list of triaged RFEs 22:05:52 <armax> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.tag=rfe 22:06:34 <armax> we discussed bug #1667877 last week 22:06:35 <openstack> bug 1667877 in neutron "[RFE] Allow DVR for E/W while leaving N/S centralized" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667877 22:06:36 <armax> there’s a new comment 22:06:45 <armax> from Swami 22:07:29 <armax> replied 22:07:40 <armax> but irrc balls was in kevinbenton’s court 22:07:48 <armax> to go approve the RFE and sprinkle his magic 22:07:51 <armax> kevinbenton? 22:08:12 <armax> same for bug #1669630 22:08:13 <openstack> bug 1669630 in neutron "Network RBAC acceptance workflow" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1669630 22:08:21 <armax> but no action since last week 22:08:42 <armax> let’s look at a new one 22:08:43 <armax> bug 1672852 22:08:44 <openstack> bug 1672852 in neutron "[RFE] Make controllers with different list of supported API extensions to behave identically" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672852 22:08:50 <kevinbenton> Slow! 22:08:52 <armax> dear to ihrachys…no longer 22:08:56 <armax> oh sorry 22:09:03 <armax> kevinbenton: you have the floor 22:09:28 * armax goes and buys a decent LTE plan for kevinbenton 22:09:45 <kevinbenton> Ok. Proceee 22:09:55 <ihrachys> d 22:09:58 <kevinbenton> I thought I needed to say something 22:10:15 <armax> oh boy 22:10:17 <ihrachys> yeah, it helps to show who's the boss 22:10:42 <kevinbenton> When you said ball was in my court 22:10:43 <armax> kevinbenton: OK 22:10:50 <armax> bug #1672852 22:10:51 <openstack> bug 1672852 in neutron "[RFE] Make controllers with different list of supported API extensions to behave identically" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672852 22:10:52 <kevinbenton> I was reading spec to see what I needed to do 22:11:08 <ihrachys> this RFE, I suggest to scrap and get back to idea in 6 cycles or so 22:11:09 <armax> ihrachys’s suggestion is to make this ‘postponed' 22:11:45 <armax> ihrachys: yeah but what does this mean for the overall rolling upgrade strategy for neutron? 22:11:51 <armax> ihrachys: is that stalled as well? 22:11:56 <kevinbenton> +1 for defer 22:12:00 <ihrachys> it means that we will get there a tad later 22:12:17 <armax> this RFE is instrumental to make that happen without side-effects 22:12:26 <armax> drop the hyphen between side and effects 22:12:28 <ihrachys> no, we work on database layer and stuff; just api may behave a tad different during rolling upgrade; that can be mitigated by sticky lb and such 22:12:28 <armax> no? 22:12:58 <armax> OK 22:13:15 <armax> ihrachys: mind you perhaps make that recommendation and mark it rfe-postponed? 22:13:31 <ihrachys> ok 22:13:35 <armax> danke 22:13:38 <armax> next one 22:13:42 <armax> bug #1682247 22:13:43 <openstack> bug 1682247 in neutron "Neutron should be able to fetch hostkeys for ports" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1682247 22:14:10 <ihrachys> have we resolved the concern around why it's neutron and not nova? 22:14:14 <armax> I think we spec stalled, but I think there’s a good consensus that this stuff does make sense and we want to do that in neutron-land 22:14:16 <armax> mordred: ^ 22:14:24 <armax> ihrachys: yes, 22:14:41 <armax> ihrachys: I think there were a number of comments on the initial draft for the spec 22:15:03 <ihrachys> is it about different finger per port? 22:15:15 <ihrachys> in multiport vm 22:15:19 <armax> and so long as we don’t make neutron bloat into a certificate authority this is enough of an enhancement that makes certain security attacks a thing of the past 22:15:31 <kevinbenton> I remember they were discussing in infra 22:15:49 <armax> ihrachys: it shouldn’t be IMO, but that’s a detail for the spec 22:15:56 <kevinbenton> And there was still question about whether there should be a more general way to get info to API 22:15:59 <mlavalle> did modred respond to your question, kevinbenton? 22:15:59 <kevinbenton> From instance 22:16:29 <kevinbenton> Not yet 22:17:02 <mlavalle> so I say let's hold on this one until we hear back from modred 22:17:15 <armax> so kevinbenton this one is to be approved, assumed we have mordred respinning the spec and potentially prototyping the neutron code? 22:17:22 <armax> mlavalle: ok 22:17:45 <armax> I guess we can agree the use case and the proposal makes sense 22:17:49 <armax> ? 22:17:52 <mlavalle> I do 22:17:55 <mordred> I think kevinbenton may have actually convinced me that thereis a viable alternative 22:18:06 <mordred> but I do still want to respin/update it 22:18:21 <armax> mordred: do share! 22:18:26 <mordred> I also owe a blog post/write up of the summary of the kevinbenton discussion 22:19:06 <armax> mordred: what alternative are you referring to, if you can summarize it in a few words 22:19:07 <armax> ? 22:19:07 <mordred> armax: it would take too long to do in irc - I'll write it up and post it and then ping you - it took us AGES to get all theway to the meat of th eissue 22:20:21 <mordred> hrm. I can _try_ real quick - tl;dr is that as long as you don't expose secrets over the connection, an initial key-based (and only key-based) connection can be foud to be safe... 22:20:23 <armax> mordred: OK, but was the alternative suggesting that this be done outside neutron? 22:20:40 <mordred> if you can verify content on the host that would also identify the host as being the correct host and not a mitm honeypot 22:21:12 <armax> mordred: I suppose that would potentially lead to a more convoluted user experience? 22:21:14 <mordred> with a config-drive attached to a vm, you could, with a single command that does not send secrets over the wire, verify that content you expect to be on the host is, in fact, on the host - and therefore that the host is not a honeypot 22:21:17 <mordred> yes 22:21:19 <armax> or at least with more steps involved? 22:21:25 <mordred> it's a thing you have to do precisely correctly 22:21:43 <mordred> BUT - it _is_ possible to do precisely correctly and have confidence 22:21:56 <mordred> so I still think we should have the other thing- bcause many cloud users would like help with stuff 22:22:14 <mordred> and the more help we can give them on topics where they're more than likely otherwise to get stuff wrong the better 22:22:16 <armax> I see 22:22:32 <mordred> but the spec needs a respin - sorry I haven't followed up with it 22:22:40 <armax> I suppose it’s an alternative, but probably not as viable :) 22:23:11 <armax> in the sense that is a lot more labor intensive in the number of steps required on the user to ascertain that the host is not indeed a bogus one 22:23:13 <armax> ? 22:23:58 <mordred> yah 22:24:16 <mordred> and there's a bunch of "this only works in these exact conditions" 22:24:16 <armax> I think this might be my initial though when thinking to have this done in nova itself, either way you could potentially capture this in the alternatives section in the spec 22:24:25 <mordred> ++ 22:24:26 <mordred> will do 22:24:30 <armax> mordred: thansk 22:24:47 <mordred> in fact, honestly, I thnk having good and thorough documentation on the process that can be used wold be good 22:25:17 <armax> + 22:25:21 <armax> makes sense 22:25:44 <armax> mordred: OK, look forward to a new patchset! thanks a lot 22:26:01 <armax> if there’s nothing else on this subject 22:26:10 <armax> moving on to... 22:26:12 <armax> bug #1689830 22:26:13 <openstack> bug 1689830 in neutron "[RFE] advanced policy for allowed addres pairs" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1689830 22:28:07 <kevinbenton> So it seems like they want the allowed address pairs 22:28:11 <kevinbenton> But a subset 22:28:18 <kevinbenton> Safe to use on a shared network 22:28:41 <kevinbenton> IIUC 22:29:10 <armax> right now allowed address pairs is admin or network owner only 22:29:27 <armax> but there’s no validation on which IP is put in the pair correct? 22:29:33 <kevinbenton> Yeah 22:29:44 <armax> anyone else happens to recall this important detail? :) 22:30:04 <kevinbenton> But that validation isn't really needed 22:30:51 <armax> so the proposal is about relaxing the constraint, ie. allowing anyone to create an AAP for a port on a shared network only if it matches a specifc IP on that network? 22:31:07 <kevinbenton> Yeah, that was my interpretation 22:31:19 <kevinbenton> Allow regular users on shared network 22:31:41 <kevinbenton> To use allowed address pair for address they own 22:32:17 <armax> from a policy engine standpoint the implementation may look hairy 22:32:20 <armax> no? 22:32:24 <kevinbenton> Yeah 22:32:42 <kevinbenton> Would require full get_ports call 22:32:47 <armax> can RBAC be of any help here? 22:33:01 <kevinbenton> I don't think so 22:33:12 <kevinbenton> It might be easier to add another attr 22:33:20 <kevinbenton> To port 22:33:38 <kevinbenton> That is validated differently but treated like an allowed address pair 22:33:53 <armax> if the policy were to be relaxed 22:35:04 <kevinbenton> The new attr would have the relaxed policy 22:35:10 <armax> allowing any regular user to handle allowed address pairs 22:35:18 <armax> what difference would it make? 22:35:41 <kevinbenton> New attr would only allow addresses of ports the userown 22:35:45 <kevinbenton> User owns 22:36:47 <mlavalle> right, he referes to already allocated ip addresses 22:36:50 <mlavalle> to the user 22:38:09 <armax> a new attribute would create some confusion though 22:38:59 <kevinbenton> Yeah 22:39:45 <armax> is this something that might be addressed using a different policy rule? 22:40:07 <armax> like if the account has a special service role? 22:40:20 <armax> like we did for some of the advanced services? 22:40:24 <kevinbenton> Yeah, but they are basically admitted 22:40:31 <kevinbenton> Admin on the network 22:40:43 <kevinbenton> They could use service role 22:40:48 <armax> right 22:40:51 <armax> that’s what I am thinking 22:40:59 <kevinbenton> But I got the impression the user was untrusted 22:41:27 <armax> probably we need more input about the use case 22:41:29 <kevinbenton> Maybe we need that clarified 22:41:31 <kevinbenton> Yeah 22:41:32 <mlavalle> yes 22:41:38 <armax> OK 22:41:46 <mlavalle> I don't think we have enough understanding of his use case 22:41:54 <armax> I’ll capture these notes and put in o the report 22:42:14 <armax> bug #1690921 22:42:15 <openstack> bug 1690921 in neutron "[RFE] Manage Broadcast, Unicast, and Multicast traffic" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1690921 22:43:05 <armax> I suppose this is one of those RFEs that is a slippery slope 22:43:08 <ihrachys> this seems to be a job for CCF integration with sg? I understand that's vaporware right now though. 22:43:57 <armax> ihrachys: don’t think so 22:44:20 <armax> the way I understand this is that the proposal is to have more fine grained control over packet filtering 22:44:54 <armax> I suppose traffic classification would be needed in the solution 22:44:54 <mlavalle> by adding more fiedls to security group rules 22:45:04 <ihrachys> is classifier all about fine grained? 22:45:48 <ihrachys> *isn't 22:46:13 <ihrachys> I mean this in case it's not clear: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/333993/ 22:46:19 <kevinbenton> I think classifier might make sense though 22:46:31 <kevinbenton> Rather than bolt on more options to sg directly 22:46:56 <armax> ihrachys: right, I think a classifier would be needed in the solution, but the user facing API would still be security groups 22:47:04 <armax> at least in this RFE, no? 22:47:18 <ihrachys> that's what's proposed but I don't think we should go there 22:47:24 <kevinbenton> Well the API is the classifier 22:47:30 <ihrachys> CCF provides a api resource that you tangle to sg 22:47:56 <kevinbenton> So only change to sg is maybe reference to CCF 22:48:20 <mlavalle> why not suggest to the submitter to look at the CCF spec and provide feedback? 22:48:25 <ihrachys> yeah. problem is, there is no CCF api right now, and realistically, we can only hope for Q if not R 22:49:12 <armax> ihrachys: I’d be wary to use that as an argument though 22:49:38 <armax> to allow an RFE such as this to proceed 22:49:48 <armax> wouldn’t you agree? 22:49:54 <ihrachys> no I don't suggest that at all. I feel CCF is the way to go. 22:50:21 <mlavalle> so let's steer the submitter in that direction.... 22:50:54 <armax> ihrachys: do you know that the CCF proposal is enough to allow the classification of the traffic as proposed by this RFE? 22:51:26 <ihrachys> would need to look at details but that shouldn't stop us if some small bit is missing 22:51:32 <ihrachys> we can extend 22:51:48 <ihrachys> I can dig and report to LP tomorrow with proper reply 22:51:59 <armax> ihrachys: ack 22:52:06 <armax> so shall we leave this to you? 22:52:19 <ihrachys> yea 22:52:27 <ihrachys> made a todo note 22:52:28 <armax> okey-dokey 22:52:44 <armax> bug #1690937 22:52:45 <openstack> bug 1690937 in neutron "[RFE] Support allowed address pairs without ip address" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1690937 - Assigned to Ruslan Gustomyasov (rusik) 22:53:19 <armax> btw can I make a general remark? 22:53:46 <ihrachys> sure 22:53:55 * ihrachys is prepared for a slap 22:53:58 <armax> RFEs are supposed to provide use cases, benefits to the use cases etc 22:53:59 <armax> not solutions 22:54:06 <armax> with no context whatsoever 22:54:14 <mlavalle> ++ 22:54:27 <armax> this is the second if not the third RFE that is marked as triaged without comments 22:54:36 <armax> that tend to clarify what the proposal is for 22:54:54 <ihrachys> ack, my fault. :) 22:54:55 <armax> that I am seeing right now 22:55:08 <armax> ihrachys: I still love you 22:55:39 <mlavalle> Timecheck: we have 5 minutes left 22:55:52 <armax> mine is just a suggestion so that we can have more meat on the bone when we do come to talk about the RFE during this meeting 22:56:01 <mlavalle> we all love ihrachys 22:56:33 <ihrachys> this one totally slipped through cracks somehow, I feel embarrassed. don't we allow already? 22:56:34 <armax> in this case, I am not sure I am able to parse this RFE 22:57:15 <armax> also this one 22:57:18 <armax> bug #1694165 22:57:19 <openstack> bug 1694165 in neutron "Improve Neutron documentation for simpler deployments" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1694165 22:57:21 <armax> why is it even an RFE? 22:57:53 <armax> I removed the RFE tag 22:58:25 <armax> OK, 3 mins left let’s ask on bug 1690937 more clarity 22:58:27 <openstack> bug 1690937 in neutron "[RFE] Support allowed address pairs without ip address" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1690937 - Assigned to Ruslan Gustomyasov (rusik) 22:58:33 <armax> for now I suppose we shall wrap up 22:58:42 <ihrachys> ok. you want me to ask? 22:58:49 <armax> ihrachys: yes, please 22:58:51 <ihrachys> ok 22:58:54 <armax> I’ll commetn as well 22:59:01 <armax> anything else before we close? 22:59:06 <armax> #chair kevinbenton 22:59:07 <openstack> Current chairs: armax kevinbenton 22:59:10 <armax> close the meeting 22:59:16 <armax> kevinbenton: ^ 22:59:18 <armax> :) 22:59:27 <armax> show us you were paying attention 22:59:32 <kevinbenton> #endmeeting