22:00:13 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:00:14 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Oct 5 22:00:13 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:15 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:00:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:00:22 <armax> hello 22:00:28 <mlavalle> hey 22:00:43 <ihrachys> ssup 22:00:49 <mlavalle> amotoki, yamamoto: ping 22:02:20 <mlavalle> let's wait a copuple of minutes for amotoki and yamamoto 22:02:25 <ihrachys> ok 22:03:31 <amotoki> hi, sorry for late 22:04:10 <mlavalle> np problem amotoki, thanks for attending 22:04:26 <mlavalle> I don't see yamamoto, so let's get going 22:05:01 <mlavalle> The agenda is here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers#Agenda 22:05:12 <mlavalle> #topic Alternate time meeting 22:05:41 <mlavalle> yesterday armax and I had a conversation about looking for a time slot alternative 22:06:14 <mlavalle> armax problem is that early morning hist time is when he can work with his Suse counterparts in Europe 22:06:44 <mlavalle> so he proposes to "share the pain", alternating the meeting time 22:07:11 <ihrachys> I am fine 22:07:13 <mlavalle> the same way we do with the Neutron meeting 22:07:22 <ihrachys> so this slot and some early CA, US one? 22:07:29 <mlavalle> yes 22:08:02 <mlavalle> it would have to be sustainable when we fallback to standard time in the US 22:08:03 <armax> so 2pm UTC 22:08:14 <armax> and 10pm UTC 22:08:17 <armax> every other week 22:08:31 <armax> or 1400UTC and 2200 UTC I should say 22:08:41 <mlavalle> the present meeting is at 2200utc 22:09:04 <mlavalle> does 1400UTC work for you, armax, when we fallback to standard time 22:09:06 <mlavalle> ? 22:09:29 <armax> that would be 6am, I don’t typically function at that time 22:09:34 <armax> even if I am awake 22:09:54 <mlavalle> how about 1500UTC 22:09:57 <armax> but the problem for me is that the mornings from 7am to 10am are loocked up 22:10:32 <mlavalle> armax: so on the alternate week you wouldn't attend? 22:10:55 <armax> the reason to alternate is to allow the rest of the team to meet in a time you all are comforable with 22:11:03 <armax> and I would be able to engage half the time 22:11:18 <armax> mlavalle: right, unless I happen to travel and I am in a funny timezone :) 22:11:48 <mlavalle> ihrachys: what are your thoughts? 22:12:24 <mlavalle> amotoki: does 1400UTC work for you? 22:12:27 <ihrachys> well I am fine with the change if it helps to keep armax involved and is better for Asian fellas 22:12:35 <amotoki> I am okay with either. 14or15UTC is easier to attend. 22:12:47 <ihrachys> I enjoy mornings, so it's to the better for me 22:13:12 <mlavalle> and I understand that yamamoto also prefers 1400UTC 22:13:13 <armax> right, I think we should give this a try 22:13:35 <armax> and see if we can engage a few other folks who may be interested in attending but are not in US timezones 22:13:44 <mlavalle> and at the same time, we allow people in the US East cost, Europe and Middle East to attend the meeting every two weeks 22:14:02 <haleyb> i'm in a US timezone and have trouble at this time :) 22:14:05 <mlavalle> I know haleyb is interested in attending 22:14:55 <mlavalle> ok, let's give it a try 22:15:30 <armax> haleyb: right 22:15:33 <mlavalle> next week will be our first alternate session 22:15:44 <armax> so early mornings may gather a larger crowd 22:15:59 <mlavalle> early morning US time, that is 22:16:00 <yamamoto> hi 22:16:07 <mlavalle> hey yamamoto 22:16:12 <ihrachys> mlavalle, make sure you send the patch for irc-meetings repo earlier 22:16:22 <ihrachys> so that we have ical files in advance 22:16:29 <mlavalle> ihrachys: I'll do it tonight or tomorrow morning 22:16:30 <ihrachys> and cancel meetings if there is overlap 22:16:36 <ihrachys> do we need a doodle? 22:16:45 <ihrachys> to pick a day 22:17:17 <mlavalle> before that, maybe Thursday already works 22:17:28 <mlavalle> that was my assumption 22:17:34 <armax> mlavalle: we should look at what’s available in the openstack calendar 22:17:44 <amotoki> as far as I checked, 1400UTC Thursday next week is only used by one meeting, so it would be no problem 22:17:50 <armax> but I assume you already thought of that :) 22:18:07 <mlavalle> ^^^^ 22:18:07 <amotoki> sorry.... I see a wrong slsot 22:18:43 <ihrachys> neutron-upgrades meeting is in the same slot 22:18:49 <ihrachys> on Thu 22:18:51 <amotoki> all five meeting channels seems to be used already.. 22:19:48 <ihrachys> US mornings are usually packed because of sync with Europe 22:19:58 <mlavalle> ok, so I have to fix the meeting room problem 22:20:24 <mlavalle> I'll work on that as soon as we finish this meeting 22:20:41 <mlavalle> yamamoto: does 1400UTC work better for you? 22:20:42 <armax> we need to increase timezones 22:20:58 <yamamoto> mlavalle: it's fine 22:21:00 <armax> by moving to mars 22:21:03 <ihrachys> armax, or just get another channel 22:21:06 <mlavalle> the idea is to alternante between 2200UTC and 1400UTC 22:21:09 <armax> ihrachys: too simple 22:21:12 <ihrachys> or hold them in #openstack-neutron channel 22:21:16 <armax> ihrachys: you gotta think bolder 22:21:20 <ihrachys> actually, that wouldn't be that bad 22:21:26 <armax> ihrachys: there’s no nice logging that way 22:21:38 <armax> is there? 22:21:47 <amotoki> we can use a project channel for meetings now. meeting bot is there 22:22:16 <armax> amotoki: that makes it hard to index the meeting logs 22:22:19 <armax> though, no? 22:22:25 <amotoki> fwaas team moved their meeting to #neutron-fwaas and it works. 22:22:42 <ihrachys> I think it was even encouraged somewhere, but I struggle to find the email 22:22:56 <amotoki> armax: we can use the same title, but I am not sure how gerrit bot can pollute our logs.. 22:22:57 <armax> um 22:22:59 <mlavalle> I'll ask xgerman and sridar thei experience 22:22:59 <armax> that might work 22:23:13 <armax> it’s worth a try at least once 22:23:23 <armax> and see how we do 22:23:24 <ihrachys> the "[openstack-dev] [tc][all] Move away from meeting channels" thread 22:23:36 <ihrachys> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-June/118899.html 22:23:37 <armax> ihrachys: I still think we should move to mars 22:23:46 <ihrachys> armax, well, it's 2024 no? 22:23:52 <armax> it’s not impractical at all 22:23:54 <ihrachys> gotta have some interim solution 22:23:55 <armax> actually 22:23:59 <armax> let me try something 22:24:19 * ihrachys fastened seatbelts 22:24:35 <armax> so 22:24:56 <armax> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2017/neutron_drivers.2017-10-05-22.24.log.txt 22:24:58 <armax> we’re good 22:25:06 <amotoki> I was surprised that two same name meetings can be started 22:25:18 <mlavalle> ok, let's give it a try next week 22:25:19 <armax> the danger is the noise that comes from people interleaved messages 22:25:27 <armax> unless we tell them to BACK OFF! 22:25:34 <armax> a tad rude, but that works 22:25:40 <mlavalle> in the alternate time slot 22:25:50 <mlavalle> I'll still see if I can get a meeting room 22:25:56 <armax> mlavalle: sounds good to me 22:26:15 <armax> mlavalle: shall I get quotes for tickets to mars? 22:26:17 <armax> who’s coming? 22:26:29 <mlavalle> I'll go 22:26:32 <armax> sweet 22:26:59 <mlavalle> #topic Triaged bugs 22:27:19 <mlavalle> Triaged bugs to discuss today are here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.tag=rfe 22:27:47 <mlavalle> First up is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1653932 22:27:48 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1653932 in neutron "[rfe] network router:external field not exported" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:28:29 <mlavalle> The way I see this one is that we have an agreement on how to move it forward 22:29:30 <armax> yup 22:29:38 <armax> we lack hands that can crack code up 22:29:54 <mlavalle> he is not to do it? 22:30:10 <mlavalle> at least we could ask 22:30:25 <armax> we could try 22:30:48 <mlavalle> unless someone in the meeting wants to go for it 22:31:09 <armax> it’s straighforward work 22:31:16 <armax> it only takes time 22:31:22 <ihrachys> does the description reflect the final idea? 22:31:26 <armax> actually I’d say this is almost low-hanging fruit 22:31:38 <armax> and it’s a great starter bug 22:31:46 <armax> because it touches many parts of the system 22:31:50 <ihrachys> it tells what's bad but doesn't say what's expected 22:31:50 <armax> but the ‘easy’ ones 22:32:35 <armax> ihrachys: what do you mean? 22:32:57 <ihrachys> armax, well from looking at the description, it's not clear what you actually agreed on in comments 22:33:15 <armax> oh 22:33:21 <ihrachys> there are multiple ideas there, and I think we need capture the final one in description so that whoever is going to implement it knows the path 22:33:30 <armax> we said we’ll expose a new API that shows the subnets for the floating IP ranges avaialble 22:33:39 <armax> ihrachys: I can do that 22:33:45 <ihrachys> go for it 22:34:41 <armax> I suggest we mark it approved and also introduce a new tag 22:34:43 <armax> rfe-ready 22:35:04 <ihrachys> define difference to rfe-approved? 22:35:09 <mlavalle> what do we want to signal with that? 22:35:15 <armax> and start advertising that with rfe-ready are approved ready that are in need of volunteers 22:36:02 <armax> the original workflow assumed that rfe-approved was for bugs that had owners on both sides of reviews and contributions 22:36:26 <mlavalle> so we transition from rfe-ready to rfe-approved once we get volunteers? 22:36:32 <armax> if we mark this one approved but no-one picks it up it’s just gonna linger 22:36:58 <armax> or we simply mark it approved without assignee 22:37:02 <amotoki> what is the difference from rfe-postponed? 22:37:16 <armax> and start advertising on the ML and team meetings for volunteers 22:37:38 <mlavalle> we can also use it in the on-boarding sessions during summits 22:37:46 <armax> rfe-postoned was for bugs that were considered worthy but had dependencies that prevented them from being worked on straightaway 22:38:19 <mlavalle> armax: are definitions (except rfe-ready) documented somewhere? 22:38:40 <amotoki> okay, rfe-postponed means it is not ready. 22:39:03 <amotoki> rfe-ready is a new proposal, so we need to document it if we use it 22:39:09 <armax> https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/contributor/policies/blueprints.html, 22:39:15 <armax> but I don’t see the rfe-postponed 22:39:30 <mlavalle> I can update that document 22:39:38 <armax> mlavalle: there’s a link on the wiki page 22:39:45 <armax> and it looks like there are a few 22:39:46 <armax> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.tag=rfe-postponed 22:39:54 <armax> we should go back and see which ones are still relevant 22:40:04 <mlavalle> ihrachys, yamamoto, haleyb: thoughts? 22:40:23 <ihrachys> re new tag, just post a patch and we can then discuss 22:40:24 <armax> mlavalle: anyhow, leave this with me and I’ll put some notes together and see if this can get traction 22:40:28 <mlavalle> I like the idea of a category that we can advertise for work ready to b done 22:40:38 <ihrachys> I think rfe-approved without assignee would work same, but let's take a look 22:40:49 <armax> ihrachys: agreed 22:40:53 <armax> I actually prefer that 22:41:10 <armax> so long as we’re proactive in seeking for help 22:41:14 <armax> it’s worth a try 22:41:20 <mlavalle> I am not so hung up on the tag itself 22:41:41 <ihrachys> + for advertising broadly 22:41:45 <mlavalle> I like the concept of have something ready to be picked up, though, and advertiseing it 22:42:30 <mlavalle> any other comments? 22:42:36 <armax> I suppose it’s important that the RFE being advertised is somewhat well scoped 22:42:43 <mlavalle> yeap 22:43:04 <mlavalle> the same applies to low hanging fruit bugs 22:43:20 <ihrachys> yes, that's why I asked to update description in that bug. if you think it's low hanging, you should expect people that are not in context of the project enough to understand what is expected. 22:43:24 <armax> OK, 40 mins in, we’re just 1 in 22:43:29 <mlavalle> armax: will you document this? 22:43:38 <armax> mlavalle: this being the bug? 22:43:46 <armax> mlavalle: yes 22:43:55 <ihrachys> and the process? 22:44:04 <mlavalle> the process 22:44:04 <armax> ihrachys: the process too? Oh boy, ok 22:44:06 <ihrachys> I mean, the unassigned + focus on scope 22:44:19 <armax> you guys take the whole arm with the finger 22:44:20 <ihrachys> that's how bureaucracies work 22:44:33 <ihrachys> they expand and waste ink 22:44:33 <armax> if you know what I mean 22:44:52 <mlavalle> ok, so this RFE is approved 22:45:21 <armax> mlavalle: I’d say so 22:45:42 <mlavalle> Next up is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1689830 22:45:43 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1689830 in neutron "[RFE] advanced policy for allowed addres pairs" [Wishlist,Triaged] 22:46:15 <armax> this is also another one where we said that another API might solve the use case 22:46:42 <armax> I am not particularly fond of the approach, but I suppose I get by 22:46:42 <mlavalle> yeap 22:47:01 <mlavalle> and the submitter agreed with kevinbenton's comment 22:47:26 <armax> this is also another starter bug 22:47:33 <mlavalle> I'd say so 22:49:29 <amotoki> i almost agree, but have one thing to clarify 22:49:43 <amotoki> do we suggest to add a new attribute to allowed_address_pair dictionary or add a new attr to the port dict? 22:50:13 <mlavalle> the comment says to the port 22:50:22 <armax> mlavalle: +1 22:50:25 <mlavalle> comment #16 22:50:58 <amotoki> yeah, the comment says so. 22:51:25 <amotoki> on the other hand, it is a variation of allowed-address-paris, so I wonder which is easier to understand for end-users. 22:54:29 <amotoki> thought? 22:55:05 <amotoki> either would work and achieves the goal requested in this bug 22:55:15 <mlavalle> but I think the intent is that we are saying in the new attributes the ports from which we can take addresses for allowed-address-pairs 22:55:56 <mlavalle> in other words, the new attribute would express the range of possiblities for allowed address pairs 22:56:02 <mlavalle> does that make sense? 22:56:45 <armax> yes 22:56:54 <ihrachys> ok please update the description 22:57:00 <ihrachys> it does suggest something very different 22:57:06 <ihrachys> a new policy rule or smth 22:57:17 <mlavalle> yeah, agree with ihrachys 22:57:25 <armax> that’s why people who files RFE should refrain from making proposals 22:57:28 <armax> :( 22:57:41 <ihrachys> yeah, stick to use case 22:57:42 <armax> they should stick to describing the problem 22:57:44 <amotoki> it works for me 22:57:57 <armax> but it doesn’t matter how LOUD we said it 22:57:57 <ihrachys> who's to update 22:58:01 <armax> it doesn’t sink in 22:58:10 <mlavalle> I'll update it 22:58:13 <amotoki> so end-users will see addresses from ports specified in the new attribute? 22:58:18 <armax> mlavalle: +1 22:58:26 <armax> 2 mins to the top of the hours 22:58:30 <armax> hour* 22:58:48 <mlavalle> amotoki: no, they will see port UUID's that they can impersonate 22:59:13 <amotoki> okay 22:59:25 <mlavalle> we ran out of time 22:59:41 <mlavalle> please remember next week will try the alternate time slot 22:59:56 <mlavalle> I will send message to the ML 23:00:12 <mlavalle> Thanks for attending 23:00:19 <mlavalle> #endmeeting