14:00:15 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:16 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Oct 12 14:00:15 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:17 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:01:04 <yamamoto> hi 14:01:33 <mlavalle> amotoki: ping 14:01:41 <mlavalle> hi yamamoto 14:05:07 <numans> lucasagomes, if you take a look at this http://logs.openstack.org/28/511428/3/check/legacy-tempest-dsvm-py35/bc56e74/ara/ and http://logs.openstack.org/28/511428/3/check/legacy-tempest-dsvm-py35/bc56e74/ara/ 14:05:15 <mlavalle> #topic Announcements 14:05:25 <numans> mlavalle, sorry. 14:05:35 <mlavalle> numans: no problem 14:06:19 <mlavalle> First announcement is that I made a mistake with the shceduling of the new meeting time :-( 14:07:23 <mlavalle> I thought we had settled for 1400UTC. But at least one team member indicated this time slot conflicted with other meeting he attends 14:07:36 <mlavalle> so the proposal was to do a doodle 14:09:01 <mlavalle> so I will send a doodle to the drivers team members to settle on a new meeting 14:09:01 <yamamoto> this doodle? http://doodle.com/ 14:09:53 <mlavalle> yamamoto: yeah, that doodle 14:11:11 <mlavalle> yamamoto: maybe we don't have quorum today due to my mistake 14:11:27 * mlavalle feels like a sucker 14:12:08 <yamamoto> postpone? 14:12:33 <mlavalle> yeah, let's postpone.... would you be available at the old time? 14:13:07 <yamamoto> today? "maybe" 14:14:34 <mlavalle> yamamoto: ok, if it is too difficult, then let's postpone to next week 14:15:04 <mlavalle> btw, thanks for the feedback you left in some of the RFEs 14:16:00 <yamamoto> not too difficult. i can try if you want to have it today. 14:16:39 <mlavalle> yamamoto: I have to ping the other team members. Is there a way I can let you know? and email maybe? 14:18:06 <amotoki> hi, sorry for late. train delayed 14:18:16 <yamamoto> i'll go to bed and will get up before the old time. i guess i will not read the email. :-) 14:18:36 <yamamoto> amotoki: hi 14:19:36 <mlavalle> amotoki: I made a mistake with the scheduling 14:19:52 <amotoki> i looked through the log so far. we are discussing the meeting time slot 14:19:59 <mlavalle> yeah 14:20:19 <mlavalle> would you be available tomorrow morning at the old time? 14:20:29 <amotoki> mlavalle: i am okay 14:20:54 <mlavalle> ok, let me ping armax and ihrachys to see if they are available later today 14:21:08 <amotoki> this time slot has multiple neutron-related meetings as ihrachys said. fwaas meeting as well 14:21:32 <mlavalle> yeah, I got confused 14:21:34 <mlavalle> my bad 14:21:49 <mlavalle> I'll send the doodle in a bit 14:21:49 <amotoki> mlavalle: no worries 14:22:00 <mlavalle> thanks for joining guys 14:22:09 <amotoki> thanks 14:22:14 <mlavalle> #endmeeting