14:00:05 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:06 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Feb 2 14:00:05 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:33 <yamamoto> hi 14:00:39 <slaweq> hi 14:00:52 <mlavalle> hey guys 14:01:15 <annp> hi 14:01:20 <SridarK> Hi 14:01:37 <mlavalle> hi annp, SridarK 14:01:48 <SridarK> mlavalle: hi 14:01:53 <mlavalle> waiting a to have quorum to get going 14:01:56 <ihrachys> o/ 14:02:06 <mlavalle> welcome ihrachys 14:02:12 <mlavalle> now we have quorum 14:02:48 <mlavalle> amotoki will join the meeting 10 minutes late 14:03:24 <mlavalle> but we can get going looking at the RC1 dashboard: https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/queens-rc1 14:03:38 <mlavalle> I spent some time last evening updating the status 14:04:06 <mlavalle> of the bugs. So I think the picture in the dashboard is pretty accurate 14:04:23 <mlavalle> as far as status 14:05:23 <yamamoto> can you update "Expected" date? 14:06:24 <yamamoto> it seems i'm not a member of drivers on LP 14:07:10 <mlavalle> I'll fix that after the meeting 14:07:51 <mlavalle> and I will monkey with the expected date also after that 14:08:05 * mlavalle wasn't paying attention to that 14:08:50 <mlavalle> SridarK and yushiro pinged me last evening because they want to add a couple of FWaaS bugs to RC1 14:09:15 <SridarK> mlavalle: yes thx 14:09:53 <SridarK> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1746404 14:09:54 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1746404 in neutron "'auto_associate_default_firewall_group' got an error when new port is created" [High,In progress] - Assigned to chandan dutta chowdhury (chandanc) 14:10:27 <SridarK> being addressed by #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/539461/ 14:10:28 <patchbot> patch 539461 - neutron-fwaas - Remove disable option for default FWG and allow on... 14:10:42 <SridarK> mlavalle: the first one 14:11:21 <mlavalle> actually jlibosva already marked them for the RC earlier this morning (my time) 14:11:33 <SridarK> mlavalle: ok perfect 14:12:09 <SridarK> I see #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1746855 14:12:10 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1746855 in neutron "FWaaS V2 failures with Ml2 is Linuxbridge or security group driver is iptables_hybrid" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Nguyen Phuong An (annp) 14:12:11 <SridarK> added as well 14:12:22 <mlavalle> wanted to see if there are any concernes from the drivers team about adding these two bugs 14:12:54 <mlavalle> both bugs have already fixes up for review 14:13:14 <amotoki> hi, i have no concern on them as far as I discussed yesterday with fwaas team. 14:13:57 <ihrachys> also this would probably be material for rc1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bgpvpn/+bug/1746996 14:13:58 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1746996 in neutron "bagpipe: IPAllocation DB query failing, engine facade mismatch" [Undecided,New] 14:14:07 <ihrachys> tmorin just asked about it in neutron channel 14:14:12 <SridarK> And both have been in review and almost ready to merge 14:14:12 <annp> amotoki, thanks 14:14:16 <SridarK> amotoki: thx 14:14:36 <ihrachys> I don't have concerns for fwaas 14:15:32 <chandanc> thanks amotoki ihrachys 14:15:40 <mlavalle> me neither 14:15:54 <yamamoto> why https://review.openstack.org/#/c/539461/ is removing a config option? (i just glanced patches) 14:15:55 <patchbot> patch 539461 - neutron-fwaas - Remove disable option for default FWG and allow on... 14:16:09 <yamamoto> otherwise no concerns 14:16:18 <annp> thanks mlavalle, ihrachys :) 14:16:22 <SridarK> ihrachys: thx 14:17:00 <mlavalle> ok, so we will add them to the RC and maybe we can address yamomoto's question in the review 14:17:04 <mlavalle> is that ok? 14:17:07 <annp> yamamoto: thanks. long time no see. how are you? :) 14:17:19 <ihrachys> mlavalle, + 14:17:33 <yamamoto> mlavalle: sure 14:17:39 <SridarK> yamamoto: earlier we thought we need an option to enable/disable applying default fwg - but this can pose issues due to conntrack 14:18:17 <yamamoto> annp: hi, i'm fine 14:18:19 <SridarK> yamamoto: we can discuss on gerrit as well so we dont take more time here 14:18:37 <yamamoto> SridarK: ok 14:19:04 <annp> yamamoto: :) 14:19:09 <mlavalle> SridarK, annp: thanks for showing up to the meeting :-). I know is really early for SridarK and maybe very late for annp 14:19:29 <SridarK> mlavalle: no worries at all thx 14:19:46 <annp> mlavalle: no worries, in vietnam just 9PM 14:20:05 <mlavalle> going back to the bagpipe bug, it makes sense to have it in the RC 14:20:26 <mlavalle> we've been fixing the same thing on the Neutron side 14:20:46 <ihrachys> right. it's just that the fix may be convoluted there. 14:20:51 <amotoki> +1. it must be fixed 14:20:58 <ihrachys> because of the ordering issue that is described in comments 14:21:10 <ihrachys> bgpvpn was caught in the middle of revert 14:21:23 <tmorin> precisely yes 14:21:27 <tmorin> (hi everyone) 14:21:30 <ihrachys> tmorin, I guess the silly question would be: can we revert yours? 14:22:15 <tmorin> ihrachys: basically, all our queens release depends on the switch to OVO, so reverting is not an option 14:22:54 <tmorin> ihrachys: but I can see if the one specific query for IPAllocation could be done with a plain SQLAlchemy query -- that would work the issue around, wouldn't it ? 14:22:57 <ihrachys> ok. I have some convoluted suggestions in mind. 14:23:02 <ihrachys> but we can discuss off base 14:23:09 <tmorin> ihrachys: wfm 14:23:33 <ihrachys> I meant off band btw 14:23:47 <ihrachys> anyway. I will reach out. 14:23:52 <mlavalle> LOL 14:24:08 <mlavalle> thanks ihrachys for helping with this 14:24:41 <mlavalle> so I think we will add it to the RC. 14:24:46 <tmorin> yes, many thanks! 14:25:21 <mlavalle> ok, done 14:25:28 <mlavalle> it is now in the RC dashboard 14:26:37 <mlavalle> any other topics related to our RC1? 14:27:11 <amotoki> one thing i would like ask your opinion. azaid asked me several times on bug 1405057 14:27:12 <openstack> bug 1405057 in neutron "Filter port-list based on security_groups associated not working" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1405057 - Assigned to Ahmed Zaid (ahmedzaid10) 14:27:27 <amotoki> it is port filtering based on SG. it is half feature. 14:28:17 <mlavalle> yeah, I have taken a look a couple of times at the patchset and given feedback 14:28:46 <mlavalle> I personally don't think it's an urgent thing to have in Queens 14:28:53 <mlavalle> what do others think? 14:29:26 <yamamoto> it doesn't seem urgent 14:29:31 <amotoki> it is cost operation filtering ports by SG, so personally it is worth having it, but I agree it is not urgent. 14:29:51 <ihrachys> wait. don't we already support this filtering? I remember smth in Port object for that that was added for agent sake to mimic previous behavior. 14:29:58 <ihrachys> regardless it's not urgent indeed 14:30:20 <slaweq> ihrachys: I did patch for OVO filtering based on SG 14:30:24 <amotoki> ihrachys: the patch depends on OVO port filtering by SG 14:30:28 <slaweq> but this is about filtering in API calls 14:30:46 <ihrachys> oh ok 14:31:10 <ihrachys> yeah I get that it's for api; what I mean is when we switch to port OVO, it should just work. 14:31:11 <slaweq> and in fact I think that this part of ML2 code is not switched to OVO yet so it makes some filters query currently 14:31:37 <amotoki> i was a bit wrong. slaweq is correct 14:32:26 <mlavalle> ok, I think we can move on and continue this piece of the conversation in gerrit 14:33:00 <ihrachys> yes 14:33:29 <amotoki> personally it is less risk from impl perspective, so I don't have any concern on this point. 14:33:32 <mlavalle> so let's go to RFEs 14:33:37 <amotoki> okay 14:33:55 <mlavalle> First one for this morning is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1715386 14:33:56 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1715386 in neutron "[RFE]Support routing traffic based on subnet" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to zhaobo (zhaobo6) 14:34:54 <mlavalle> I have made 2 or 3 passes on this spec trying to help the author to clarify the use cases 14:35:05 <mlavalle> yamamoto has also provided feedback 14:36:49 <mlavalle> keep in mind that the question at this point in time is not to approve the spec. it is to see if we have enough info to mark the RFE to approved and continue refining the spec 14:40:34 <yamamoto> i wonder why the author added dest ip match in the latest version of the spec 14:41:08 <mlavalle> that probably is a consequence of a comment I made two reviews ago 14:41:45 <mlavalle> for the second use case the routing decision would need a combination of source subnet and destination 14:42:17 <mlavalle> my comment was actually: with this API can you fully support use case 2? 14:42:37 <mlavalle> the truth is I am speculating a little bit 14:44:51 <yamamoto> for the "Dst MMMM via NN"? 14:45:12 <mlavalle> yeah, I have the same question 14:45:38 <amotoki> sounds like SR 14:45:47 <mlavalle> but last night I ran out of time so didn't get to that specific 14:45:57 <mlavalle> SR = source routing? 14:46:05 <amotoki> segment routing 14:46:46 <mlavalle> it is clearly routing not based exclusively on the destination 14:52:40 <ihrachys> what's the silence about 14:53:00 <mlavalle> I was assuming folks were going over the spec 14:53:05 <mlavalle> any feedback? 14:53:24 <yamamoto> i'm still awake :-) 14:53:30 <mlavalle> LOL 14:54:39 <mlavalle> ok so maybe we are not ready to take the next step with this RFE 14:54:51 <amotoki> controlling traffic based on source/dest IP is similar to SFC and use case 2 might be achieved by SFC, but it sounds too much to use SFC only for this purpose. supporting it in router might make sense though i haven't looked thru all. 14:55:35 <amotoki> let's move on 14:55:57 <mlavalle> ok so please provide feedback in the spec 14:55:59 <yamamoto> i'm still not sure if i understand (or agree) if these complex setup described in the use case are really necessary. but i can understand source routing is convenient in some cases. 14:57:16 <mlavalle> I think we can talk about this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1717560 14:57:17 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1717560 in neutron "[RFE] allow to have no default route in DHCP host routes" [Wishlist,Triaged] 14:57:35 <yamamoto> maybe the rfe description needs an update after feedbacks on spec? at least "based on subnet" part 14:58:17 <mlavalle> yamamoto: can you clarify 14:58:57 <yamamoto> as it seems it's now about src/dst ip prefixes rather than subnet 14:59:06 <mlavalle> ok 14:59:45 <mlavalle> so we ran out of time 15:00:01 <yamamoto> are we waiting for armax finishing mulling? 15:00:18 <mlavalle> no, I think we can move ahead with this one 15:00:39 <yamamoto> i think it's fine to move ahead 15:00:43 <mlavalle> I just want to formalize the decision with the team 15:00:51 <mlavalle> amotoki, ihrachys? 15:01:05 <ihrachys> yes let's move to bug 15:01:19 <mlavalle> cool 15:01:33 <mlavalle> thanks for attending have a great weekend! 15:01:38 <yamamoto> thank you 15:01:45 <mlavalle> #endmeeting