22:00:43 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 22:00:44 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 8 22:00:43 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:45 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:00:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 22:00:57 <yamamoto> hi 22:00:58 <mlavalle> hi there! 22:01:08 <doude> hi 22:01:16 <mlavalle> yamamoto: how was your trip back from Dublin? 22:01:16 <SridarK> hi 22:01:30 <mlavalle> did you get stuck in Dublin? 22:01:44 <mlavalle> hi SridarK, doude 22:02:09 <yamamoto> everything was mostly on time 22:02:36 <mlavalle> great, amotoki was stranded until Tuesday morning 22:02:55 <yamamoto> i guess he enjoyed it 22:03:00 <mlavalle> he did 22:03:50 <mlavalle> SridarK, doude: is there a topic you want to bring up in this meeting? 22:04:07 <SridarK> mlavalle: yes doude has a FWaaS related RFE 22:04:32 <mlavalle> doude: what is the RFE? 22:04:46 <doude> yes mlavalle, a bug I tagged as RFE for FWaaS 22:04:57 <doude> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1702312 22:04:59 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1702312 in neutron "[RFE][FWaaS v2] Does not work with core plugin non based on Neutron DB model" [Undecided,New] 22:05:31 <doude> it's about re-work FW service plugin to allow pluggable backend 22:05:56 <doude> like it's done for other services like BGPVPN or LBaaS 22:06:43 <SridarK> mlavalle: doude has had a patch out for review as well - but with our priorities for L2 support we were a bit late to make it into Queens 22:07:13 <doude> yes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/480265/ 22:07:16 <mlavalle> SridarK: is this something that the FWaaS team wants / can support? 22:07:33 <SridarK> Also we realized that we did not have a RFE filed so we want to follow process 22:07:42 <doude> patch is big but it is mostly file renaming 22:07:45 <SridarK> mlavalle: yes we will support it 22:08:28 <mlavalle> in that case I don't have a problem approving it 22:08:34 <mlavalle> yamamoto: any concerns? 22:08:39 <SridarK> mlavalle: And we have discussed it in our meetngs extensively also 22:09:55 <yamamoto> is it about db models of fwaas itself? 22:10:19 <doude> no it does not touch the db model 22:10:37 <doude> just decouple it from the service plugin and driver 22:11:19 <doude> to allow new drivers not based on the DB model 22:11:21 <doude> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_9KkNgIbWYE6tucoym8N7J2xfcQ1XwN8Zuu-ALEUD3U/edit#slide=id.g27fa2ac987_0_0 22:11:44 <yamamoto> not based on the fwaas db models right? 22:11:50 <doude> I tried to describe that in that diagrams --^ 22:11:54 <yamamoto> vs neutron etc 22:11:58 <doude> yes 22:12:23 <doude> or new driver based on the DB model but which not used the RPC agent mechanism 22:14:01 <yamamoto> you mean the last page of the doc? 22:14:56 <doude> yes finally we prefer solution on slide 4 22:15:27 <mlavalle> so ignore slide 3? 22:15:55 <doude> which proposes 2 interface, one for driver not based on the Neutron DB model, and another one which maintain DB transaction 22:16:29 <mlavalle> and branch on the right is what is currently implemented, right? 22:16:30 <doude> the actual FWaaS implementation is based on the second interface and adds all agent RPC stuff 22:16:31 <yamamoto> i'm not sure how it's better than having a separate service plugin for contrail (with possible refactoring to share code) 22:16:38 <doude> yes mlavalle ignore 3 22:16:47 <yamamoto> but if fwaas team is fine with it, i have no problem with it. 22:17:12 <doude> yes mlavalle branch on the right is the actual implem 22:17:49 <doude> IMO, that permits to factorize some code like checks and validation 22:17:58 <SridarK> yamamoto: yes sometime in I or J release we talked abt this but we never did - so we are ok 22:18:24 <doude> and we can also imagine mixed drivers 22:18:49 <mlavalle> SridarK: do me a favor. Please indicate in the RFE that the FWaaS team wants to pursue this RFE. Include the pointer to the Google presentation. As soon as that is done, I'll move it approved 22:19:03 <SridarK> mlavalle: ok will do 22:19:20 <mlavalle> SridarK, doude: thanks for bringing this up 22:19:21 <yamamoto> doude: you mean contrail + something other which doesn't use db either? 22:19:26 <mlavalle> and good luck with the review 22:19:36 <doude> thanks mlavalle 22:19:42 <mlavalle> seems like a big patch to me 22:19:55 <yamamoto> big patch but mostly mechanical it seems 22:20:06 <doude> yes yamamoto but not sure it's realistic 22:20:49 <mlavalle> doude: will this approach be usable by other plugins that are not Contrail? 22:21:06 <doude> yes it is 22:21:11 <mlavalle> cool 22:21:19 <mlavalle> thanks 22:21:23 <SridarK> mlavalle: done added comments 22:21:43 <SridarK> mlavalle: yamamoto: we have discussed breaking up the patch as well 22:22:13 <mlavalle> SridarK, doude: I just marked it approved 22:22:15 <SridarK> for easier review but as stated yes mostly mechanical 22:22:24 <SridarK> mlavalle: yamamoto: thanks 22:22:34 <doude> thanks 22:23:34 <yamamoto> it's for contrail monolithic plugin, not contrail ml2 driver, right? 22:23:49 <yamamoto> (just curious) 22:24:23 <doude> yes it is yamamoto 22:24:25 <mlavalle> yamamoto: yeah it is the monlithic plugin 22:24:36 <mlavalle> otherwise it would use the DB 22:24:54 <yamamoto> i got it, thank you 22:25:03 <doude> but the ML2 plugin will also benefit to that patch because it will have to use the DB interface 22:25:29 <doude> like the FirewallAgentDriver 22:26:12 <doude> we did the same work on the BGPVPN service plugin 22:26:28 <doude> I mostly copy the idea here 22:26:40 <mlavalle> yamamoto: we don't have quorum. it seems amotoki is too tired after all the fun he had in Dublin 22:26:49 <mlavalle> doude: cool, the approach is tested 22:27:16 <mlavalle> yamamoto: but have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1743480? 22:27:18 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1743480 in neutron "[RFE] No way to differentiate beween floating IP networks and external provider networks" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 22:27:27 <mlavalle> what are your thoughts on that one? 22:27:31 <yamamoto> i guess we went to ops meeting after that (2 days event in tokyo) 22:27:47 <yamamoto> even more tired 22:28:42 <mlavalle> ahhh, yeah, smcginnis was there, right? 22:28:57 <yamamoto> i don't know. i wasn't there 22:29:01 <mlavalle> ok 22:29:23 <yamamoto> i'm not sure about the use case. wondering if auto-fip fits it. 22:30:20 <mlavalle> but he has a point, doesn't he? 22:30:27 <yamamoto> after all it seems what they want is a marker for the network which is the default for floating ips 22:31:05 <yamamoto> yea, i agree there's no suitable mechanism for them right now 22:31:23 * smcginnis waves from Tokyo 22:31:45 <mlavalle> the network can have router:external=True and still not be suitable for fips, correct? 22:31:51 <yamamoto> yes 22:32:02 <mlavalle> hey smcginnis hope I didn't wake you up 22:32:02 <yamamoto> smcginnis: hi! 22:32:34 <smcginnis> Nope, just getting up and checking in and happened to see your comment. ;) 22:39:51 <mlavalle> yamamoto: thanks for showing up and your comments 22:39:59 <yamamoto> my understading of the situation is 1. they want to mark some networks for fip allocations 2. gman already has "default" attribute for a similar purpose 3. auto-fip might or might not use the "default" attribute 22:40:30 <mlavalle> gman? 22:40:41 <yamamoto> i wonder if we can avoid having a lot of similar default-for-xxx attributes :-) 22:40:52 <yamamoto> get me a network 22:40:57 <mlavalle> ahhh 22:41:03 <yamamoto> auto-allocated-topology 22:41:09 <mlavalle> yeah 22:42:19 <mlavalle> and yes, I agree, about the default-for-xxx attributes 22:43:08 <mlavalle> yamamoto: closing the meeting now 22:43:14 <yamamoto> sure 22:43:16 <mlavalle> thanks for the attendance 22:43:18 <yamamoto> thank you 22:43:25 <mlavalle> #endmeeting