14:00:22 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:23 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Jun 8 14:00:22 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:27 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:32 <mlavalle> Hi there! 14:00:33 <manjeets_> hello 14:00:34 <yamamoto> hi 14:00:54 <mlavalle> Good evening yamamoto 14:01:04 <mlavalle> Good morning manjeets_ 14:01:39 <haleyb> hi 14:01:40 <manjeets_> happy friday mlavalle 14:03:13 <mlavalle> Before starting, I just want to make sure yamamoto has seen this: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131252.html 14:03:40 <mlavalle> I checked the Midonet repo and didn't seem to me there was going to be impact 14:03:54 <mlavalle> But I would like you to double check 14:04:06 <yamamoto> i haven't noticed it. i'll check later. 14:04:15 <mlavalle> yamamoto: Thanks! 14:04:21 <amotoki> hi, sorry for late. 14:04:42 <amotoki> today is a holiday special to my comany and I had some beer.... so my response might be a bit slow 14:05:03 <mlavalle> amotoki: welcome, you haven't lost anything 14:05:18 <mlavalle> #topic RFEs 14:05:19 <haleyb> mmm, beer :) to bad it's only 10am here 14:05:32 <mlavalle> LOL 14:05:35 <amotoki> :) 14:05:38 <manjeets_> 7 am here :( imagine how bad it is here 14:06:10 <mlavalle> First RFE to discuss today is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1744223 14:06:11 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1744223 in neutron "[RFE] VPNaaS: handle local side's tunnel IP in ipsec-site-connection operations" [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to Hunt Xu (huntxu) 14:07:17 <mlavalle> We discussed this RFE 3 weeks ago. We were close to approve it, contingent on one question 14:07:33 <mlavalle> The submitter has not responded so far 14:08:07 <mlavalle> I propose marking it postponed and let him / her change the status if there is still interest in pursuing it 14:10:23 <yamamoto> can he change the status by himself? 14:10:23 <amotoki> In my understanding the problem is to sync external IPs with a router operation. right? 14:12:32 <amotoki> yamamoto: what do you mean? 14:13:12 <yamamoto> my understanding is that he wants to allow changing v6 address when there are only v4 connections. and vice versa. 14:13:18 <mlavalle> yamamoto: I just propose to change the tag. If he was able to file the bug, he should be able to change the tag 14:13:54 <yamamoto> amotoki: i was concerning if he can change tags 14:14:01 <yamamoto> mlavalle: ok then sounds fine 14:15:01 <mlavalle> and yes, I share yamamoto's understanding of the request 14:15:27 * mlavalle changing the tag and leaving a comment 14:18:12 <mlavalle> Done 14:18:40 <mlavalle> Next one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1757044 14:18:41 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1757044 in neutron "[RFE] neutron L3 router gateway IP QoS" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to LIU Yulong (dragon889) 14:19:07 <mlavalle> There are two patches up for review for this: 14:19:25 <mlavalle> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/424468/ 14:19:40 <mlavalle> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/568526/ 14:20:56 <amotoki> theoretically we can apply QoS policy to a router gateway already by applying QoS policy to a gateway port 14:21:26 <mlavalle> correct 14:21:28 <amotoki> but I agree that it would be nice if we have a way via router gateway in the neutron API. 14:21:49 <mlavalle> but he makes the observation that approach is to broad 14:23:20 <amotoki> so iwhat is expected by applying qos-policy-id to a router gateway? 14:24:43 <amotoki> actually I am confused with the problem statement. "When QoS is bound to the gateway port, all north-south traffic is restricted. Such restriction is inflexible" and "Therefore, we need to provide an alternative method in the view of L3. Aka, allowing bind QoS to router gateway IP." 14:25:08 <yamamoto> i'm not sure what kind of traffic it's expected to apply 14:25:23 <yamamoto> only snat'ed traffic? 14:25:34 <yamamoto> or any traffic using the ip? 14:25:45 <amotoki> is he suggesting to apply QoS for SNAT traffic? 14:26:02 <mlavalle> snat was my interpretation 14:26:20 <amotoki> does this RFE request to apply QoS to traffic via gateway port only with gateway IP (not FIP) ? 14:26:29 <amotoki> ah, i see. 14:27:48 <yamamoto> i thought he meant snat. but there can be other traffic using the address. eg. vpnaas 14:28:05 <mlavalle> tthat's a good point 14:28:35 <amotoki> good point 14:29:54 <mlavalle> thinking about it, he also meant vpnaas traffic 14:29:58 <mlavalle> maybe 14:30:35 <mlavalle> I propose asking clarification as to the use case he has in mind 14:32:18 <mlavalle> ok, leaving clarification question in the RFE 14:32:42 <yamamoto> i wonder if something to specify on port can be more flexible. e.g "this qos policy on port applies only traffic with ips on this port itself" 14:36:15 <mlavalle> ok, left follow up questions in the RFE 14:37:06 <mlavalle> Our next RFE today is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1774459 14:37:07 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1774459 in neutron "RFE: Update permanent ARP entries for allowed_address_pair IPs in DVR Routers" [Wishlist,New] 14:37:30 <mlavalle> It is more a request for guidance as to how to tackle a problem in DVR 14:38:31 <haleyb> right, it's a bug that needs solving 14:41:52 <haleyb> i guess i'm not a fan of running something that is watching packets 14:42:21 <mlavalle> me neither 14:42:54 <haleyb> maybe it's possible to have something running that monitors the ARP table periodically? 14:43:52 <haleyb> ip monitor neigh (for example) 14:45:24 <mlavalle> how about adding these potential solutions to the RFE and see if we can iterate to a solution? 14:45:49 <haleyb> sure, because we already have an IPMonitor class 14:46:24 <haleyb> the keepalived state change code uses it 14:47:34 <haleyb> i'll but a commen in the bug 14:48:18 <amotoki> is this an issue with DVR and L3-HA or only with DVR? 14:48:31 <amotoki> (sorry I haven't understood the whole problem scope.) 14:48:51 <mlavalle> it's L3-HA 14:49:46 <mlavalle> haleyb: is this what you are talking about: https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/agent/linux/ip_monitor.py#L59? 14:49:54 <amotoki> thanks. I am trying to trace what is happening... 14:50:43 <haleyb> mlavalle: yeah, it runs in the l3-ha case and watches for events 14:53:43 <mlavalle> ok, added another comment pointing to the piece of code 14:54:12 <mlavalle> let's see if we can get the 'brainstorming' going 14:54:27 <mlavalle> any other suggestions from the team? 14:54:50 <yamamoto> nothing from me 14:54:58 <amotoki> me neither 14:55:01 <haleyb> join amotoki for a beer? 14:55:07 <yamamoto> good idea 14:55:22 * haleyb can't help himself from joking 14:55:36 <manjeets__> :) 14:55:39 * mlavalle has a dentist appointment i 2 hours 14:55:40 <amotoki> :) 14:55:42 <haleyb> mlavalle: i did have one comment 14:55:52 <mlavalle> shoot 14:56:21 <haleyb> and maybe it's just because i haven't followed the flow of rfe -> blueprint, etc 14:56:53 <haleyb> in a spec we had a specific testing section, but we don't seem to specifically have one for an rfe 14:57:51 <haleyb> someone here noticed that it would be good to know what type of testing was proposed so we could say "you need fullstack too" for example 14:57:53 <amotoki> RFEs request what we need to have rather than how it can be implemented. 14:58:31 <amotoki> if usecase or request is reasonbale but it needs more discussion on how to achieve/implement it, we usually discuss them in specs. 14:58:42 <mlavalle> correct 14:59:16 <mlavalle> there are RFEs that are simple enough that don't require spec, so we can proceed to implement 14:59:32 <mlavalle> But in more complex cases, once we agree on the what, we need a spec 15:00:04 <mlavalle> running out of time 15:00:09 <mlavalle> #endmeeting