14:00:03 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Aug 31 14:00:03 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:16 <haleyb> hi 14:00:18 <mlavalle> hi 14:00:19 <slaweq> hi 14:00:35 <mlavalle> hey slaweq, elcome to your first drivers meeting 14:00:44 <slaweq> hey :) 14:00:55 <slaweq> and welcome drivers team! 14:01:15 <mlavalle> let's wait a couple of minutes for amotoki or yamamoto 14:01:18 <manjeets_> hi 14:01:26 <mlavalle> hi manjeets_ 14:02:07 <slaweq> amotoki sent email today that he will not be available 14:02:09 * njohnston spectates 14:03:14 * bcafarel joins the spectators too for slaweq's first meeting 14:03:20 <mlavalle> LOL 14:03:21 <slaweq> LOL 14:03:31 <mlavalle> ok, let's get going 14:04:07 <mlavalle> Firt one that we are going to discuss today is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1774463 14:04:08 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1774463 in neutron "RFE: Add support for IPv6 on DVR Routers for the Fast-path exit " [Wishlist,Triaged] 14:06:28 <haleyb> i don't see swami here... 14:07:57 <mlavalle> we don't need him to be here, do we? 14:08:57 <haleyb> i guess not, just thinking of what else this entails than those 2 items 14:09:21 <slaweq> I wonder what will be in case if there is IPv6 connected to instance but there is no FIP assigned 14:09:34 <slaweq> then there will be no FIP namespace on node, right? 14:09:35 <mlavalle> in principle, the idea seems sensible to me 14:10:20 <mlavalle> slaweq: yes, that would be the case 14:10:37 <haleyb> there would still be a FIP namespace, shared for IPv6 usage now as for floating 14:11:29 <slaweq> ahh, so this FIP namespace will be created even if there will be no FIP associated to port, right? 14:12:35 <haleyb> yes, and it should be able to forward IPv6, right now all IPv6 is centralized 14:13:28 <slaweq> ok 14:13:33 <mlavalle> let me point out that there is precedent as far as code: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/143917/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/138588/ 14:13:54 <mlavalle> the comments in the patches seem favourable, but pending approval of the BP 14:14:33 <haleyb> yes, and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/143917/ had some concepts that kind-of made this possible, if i remember some hacking i did with it a few years ago 14:15:09 <mlavalle> haleyb's question in regards what else is entailed seem appropriate. could you elaborate a little bit? 14:16:17 <haleyb> mlavalle: sure. today with FIP we to ARP proxy, i'd assume we'd also need ND proxy for this, since it doesn't mention BGP, etc 14:16:36 <mlavalle> right 14:16:44 <haleyb> i don't know whethere it was just a typo to say "ra proxy" 14:16:46 <haleyb> ? 14:17:06 <mlavalle> yeah, I see what you say 14:17:55 <mlavalle> so I propose to leave clarifying question in the RFE, for swami to respond so we can reconsider again 14:18:13 <haleyb> i'll add a comment 14:18:27 <mlavalle> you ok, slaweq? 14:18:36 <slaweq> yes 14:18:43 <slaweq> sounds good 14:18:43 <haleyb> mlavalle: and one other thing... 14:20:06 <haleyb> i guess maybe it's non-obvious to me that this requires subnet pool/address scopes to work (or maybe PD), since the ingress/egress rules drop traffic otherwise 14:20:19 <haleyb> or maybe it's obvious i need to ask :) 14:20:30 <mlavalle> it doesn't hurt to ask 14:21:08 <mlavalle> it's part of our job, ask questions, even seemingly obvious ones 14:21:10 * haleyb is only remembering since he found a scoping issue the other day 14:21:52 <slaweq> I agree. We should ask questions :) 14:23:53 <mlavalle> haleyb: are you planning to ask the questions now or after the meeting? 14:25:59 <mlavalle> slaweq: as you can see this meeting runs at a much slower pace. When I started attending it drove me crazy. But it is the way it should be. It's like the house of representatives and the Senate in US Congress. The Senate is much slower ;-) 14:26:15 <slaweq> :) 14:26:23 <slaweq> yes, I see but it's fine for me 14:26:24 <mlavalle> because we should conider things 14:26:33 <slaweq> I understand that 14:29:12 <mlavalle> ok, it seems we can move on, thanks haleyb for the comment 14:29:32 <mlavalle> Next one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1777627 14:29:32 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1777627 in neutron "RFE: QoS – rule's management (set,delete, show…) requires <qos-policy> parameter in addition to <rule-id>" [Wishlist,Triaged] 14:30:19 <njohnston> yamamoto's suggestion is wise 14:30:23 <slaweq> I read it yesterday and I think that yamamoto's idea is good to fix this issue 14:32:42 <mlavalle> should have it been like that since the beginning? 14:32:56 <slaweq> I think it could be like that 14:33:12 <slaweq> in fact each rule has own uuid so it's uniq 14:33:19 <mlavalle> do you remember why we went the other way? 14:33:33 <slaweq> no, I wasn't working on it then 14:33:38 <slaweq> I joined later 14:34:10 <slaweq> I can ask ajo next week, maybe he will remember something 14:34:28 <mlavalle> maybe we were a little too orthodox with our ReST design 14:34:42 <mlavalle> and the resource / sub-resource relationship 14:34:51 <njohnston> ISTR it was because we were trying to follow the pattern set in other APIs, and we did not think enough about treating rules as first class objects 14:34:57 <slaweq> that can be the reason 14:35:21 <mlavalle> yeah, that's more or lesss what I meant with my comment 14:35:56 <mlavalle> I am just trying to make sure we don't miss something obvious that they originally took into consideration 14:36:29 <slaweq> but I think that yamamoto's suggestion is good, having such aliases internally will allow us to be backward compatible and provide new URI 14:37:00 <mlavalle> yes, I think it is a sensible approach and we make life easier to the client developers 14:37:14 <slaweq> +1 14:37:15 <manjeets__> yamamoto's solution is suggestion a api change ? would that v2/qos/bandwidth_rule/id will be an alias of existing api ? 14:37:20 <mlavalle> and we even save a rountd trip 14:37:26 <mlavalle> API round trip 14:38:27 <mlavalle> manjeets__: yes, that's my understanding 14:38:46 <slaweq> manjeets__: IIUC he is proposing to add new aliases for existing API 14:39:24 * haleyb re-joins after a vpn outage 14:39:31 <mlavalle> LOL 14:39:44 <manjeets_> ah ok gotcha make sense ! if we change client that'll be two calls 14:39:54 <slaweq> manjeets_: exactly 14:40:02 <mlavalle> haleyb: we are considering https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1777627 14:40:02 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1777627 in neutron "RFE: QoS – rule's management (set,delete, show…) requires <qos-policy> parameter in addition to <rule-id>" [Wishlist,Triaged] 14:40:06 <manjeets_> I'm also facing vpn outages today 14:40:17 <mlavalle> manjeets_: in your case we noticed 14:40:21 <manjeets_> have to look logs anyway after meeting 14:40:21 * njohnston got skunked by the same vpn outage as haleyb 14:40:32 <slaweq> LOL 14:40:42 <slaweq> global disaster :D 14:40:55 <mlavalle> with haleyb and njohnston I just thought they were thinking deeply 14:41:13 <haleyb> my proxy in inside redhat, so noone probably noticed 14:41:13 <mlavalle> which they usually do ;-) 14:44:16 <haleyb> i'm fine with this alias, if you're waiting for me 14:44:33 <manjeets__> ++ 14:44:35 <mlavalle> haleyb: we were waiting for you 14:44:39 <njohnston> ++ 14:44:51 * slaweq also had some vpn issues now :/ 14:45:14 <mlavalle> the only question is whether the submitter will pitch in with the implementation. If he doesn't, I'll take it up 14:45:20 <slaweq> for me idea of this mirroring of calls and make them easier is good 14:45:33 * mlavalle writing comment in RFE 14:45:46 <slaweq> I don't think he will do it as he is workig on different things IIRC 14:47:25 <njohnston> It should be a pretty simple change 14:48:00 * njohnston wonders if the old "low-hanging-fruit" tag is used anymore for changes that are good for more junior members 14:48:19 <slaweq> njohnston++ 14:48:45 <slaweq> that could be good for someone new IMO :) 14:49:02 <mlavalle> I assigned it to me already. If he wants to implement, he can change the assignment 14:49:09 <njohnston> and in the neutron world the fruit is so often placed very, very high 14:49:51 <manjeets__> fruits and cakes are lie 14:50:25 <mlavalle> slaweq, njohnston: you are making a good point. If he says he won't implement it, I will advertise it in the weekly meeting. If nobody steps up, then I'll take it 14:50:48 <slaweq> mlavalle++ 14:51:07 <mlavalle> Next one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1785213 14:51:07 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785213 in neutron "[RFE] Automatically allow incoming DHCP traffic for networks which uses external dhcp server" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Slawek Kaplonski (slaweq) 14:51:35 <slaweq> yes, this one is mine :) 14:53:19 <slaweq> should I explain it? 14:53:55 <mlavalle> mhhh, it seems pretty clear to me 14:54:05 <mlavalle> maybe answer some questions 14:54:12 <slaweq> sure 14:54:34 <mlavalle> the subnets on that network, would become no-dhcp with that option? 14:54:50 <haleyb> it seems straightforward to me too, and i had the same question ^^^ 14:55:18 <slaweq> no, I was thinking that this would work only if enable_dhcp would be set to false 14:55:37 <slaweq> or even differently 14:56:13 <slaweq> in fact this flag would be "equal" to configure proper security groups to allow dhcp traffic going from outside 14:56:31 <slaweq> so if that flag would be set such traffic would be allowed for all ports in network 14:56:54 <njohnston> allowed regardless of security group settings? 14:56:56 <slaweq> and ports then could accept dhcp responses from both internal and external dhcp server - depends on user 14:57:06 <slaweq> njohnston: yes 14:57:29 <slaweq> basically problem with using external dhcp server is that response from such server is blocked by default by SG 14:57:31 <mlavalle> ahhh! 14:57:46 <slaweq> it can be unblocked by adding proper SG rule 14:58:02 <slaweq> but it's not "user friendly" (at least I had such feedback) 14:58:06 <mlavalle> so just allowing the traffic from the external dhcp server, let the instance / user handle the response from external and internal 14:58:24 <slaweq> mlavalle: yes 14:58:42 <slaweq> dhcp traffic outgoing from instance is allowed always currently 14:58:45 <slaweq> it's hardcoded 14:58:56 <slaweq> but response will be blocked by default 14:59:12 <mlavalle> we won't make a decision on it because we need another vote in this case, but I would add this clarification to the RFE 14:59:16 <haleyb> do we want neutron dhcp running? would that cause a race? i.e. first answer wins ? 14:59:37 <slaweq> haleyb: it may 14:59:44 <haleyb> slaweq: and how would metadata work? 14:59:51 <slaweq> but this flag would be by default disabled 15:00:04 <slaweq> haleyb: metadata would not work in such case 15:00:08 <mlavalle> ok, let's continue the discussion in the RFE 15:00:21 <mlavalle> the relases guys will mad at us otherwise 15:00:26 <smcginnis> :) 15:00:26 <mlavalle> thanks for attending 15:00:30 <manjeets__> thanks :) 15:00:31 <mlavalle> #endmeeting