14:00:19 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:20 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Jan 25 14:00:19 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:23 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:28 <njohnston> o/ 14:00:39 <slaweq> hi 14:01:03 <mlavalle> o/ 14:01:22 <mlavalle> we know amotoki won't be able to join today 14:01:31 <mlavalle> neither haleyb 14:02:16 <slaweq> so we are waiting for yamomoto :) 14:02:24 <mlavalle> pretty much 14:08:47 <yamamoto> hi 14:08:58 <mlavalle> hi yamamoto 14:09:03 <mlavalle> good to see you 14:09:10 <slaweq> hi 14:09:24 <yamamoto> sorry for being late 14:10:05 <mlavalle> This is what we have to discuss today: 14:10:11 <mlavalle> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.tag=rfe-triaged 14:10:19 <mlavalle> let's get going 14:10:29 <mlavalle> #topic RFEs discussion 14:10:56 <mlavalle> From the top of the list, let's revisit https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1808062 14:10:57 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1808062 in neutron "[RFE] Limit VXLAN to within Neutron availability zones" [Wishlist,New] 14:12:09 <haleyb> mlavalle: sorry i'm late 14:12:29 <mlavalle> haleyb: hey good to see you. we are discussing ^^^^ 14:12:32 <mlavalle> just started 14:18:21 <slaweq> about this vxlan limit to one AZ, I think that this makes sense but IMO it will require quite big changes, like connect network with specific AZ, changes in the way how vxlan endpoints are "calculated" and so on 14:19:06 <mlavalle> yeah, if approved, we are going to need a spec 14:19:12 <slaweq> also what in case if on one host there will be 1 VM connected to such "separate AZ" network - so vxlan tunnels have to be limited only to this AZ 14:19:32 <slaweq> and also if there will be on this host vm connected to other network which isn't limited to one AZ 14:19:58 <slaweq> as You said mlavalle, I think we need spec for that as it's pretty complex change IMHO 14:20:50 <mlavalle> but conceptually I think it makes sense, especialy in light of the trend towards edge computing, which the RFE seems to reflect 14:21:29 <slaweq> mlavalle: I agree 14:21:43 <haleyb> yes, it seems good overall to me, drilling down into the details in a spec would be good 14:21:45 <slaweq> this makes sense but there is a lot of things to consider 14:25:19 <mlavalle> any thoughts yamamoto? 14:26:39 <yamamoto> is it specific to vxlan? 14:27:07 <mlavalle> yes 14:28:26 <yamamoto> how? the concept looks tunneling protocol agnostic 14:29:21 <mlavalle> well yeah, once you get to the description, seems tunneling protocol agnostic 14:29:43 <mlavalle> he chose to to scope it to vxlan in the title, though 14:30:01 <mlavalle> you have a point 14:30:48 <yamamoto> i don't think it makes much sense to have rfes for each protocols 14:31:09 <mlavalle> you are right 14:31:27 <mlavalle> we can request the spec to be written having tunnels in general as the scope 14:32:20 <yamamoto> i guess it's ok for the submitter as he seems interested in geneve as well 14:33:01 <mlavalle> yes, there is a separte rfe that mentions geneve, although he scoped that one for ovn exclusively 14:33:32 <mlavalle> but again, we can request the spec to be developed for tunnels in general 14:35:09 <yamamoto> the use case makes sense 14:35:46 <yamamoto> i'm not sure if (ab?)using az is the best way though 14:36:34 <mlavalle> what would you suggest? 14:37:12 <yamamoto> i have no alternative suggestion right now 14:37:58 <mlavalle> so maybe let's move ahead requesting a spec so we can dig further and have a discussion with the broader community. 14:38:01 <mlavalle> makes sense? 14:38:09 <yamamoto> yes 14:38:14 <slaweq> yes 14:38:18 <mlavalle> cool 14:38:36 <mlavalle> let me leave a comment in there 14:40:11 <mlavalle> done 14:40:42 <mlavalle> next one in the list is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1809037 14:40:43 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1809037 in neutron "[RFE] Add anti_affinity_group to binding:profile" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Hongbin Lu (hongbin.lu) 14:43:58 <slaweq> is it only matter of adding information to binding:profile in port? Or some bigger changes on Neutron side are required? e.g. reporting to nova/placement about what PFs are no host or somethig like that 14:44:35 <mlavalle> it seems it is only adding informnation to the binding profile 14:45:39 <slaweq> if that would be all to do on our side, then it would be great :) 14:45:40 <mlavalle> there is no need to count resource consumption, so placement is not needed 14:46:02 <slaweq> but nova don't need to know how many PFs is still available on host? 14:46:13 <slaweq> how nova will schedule instance to good host? 14:48:41 <yamamoto> is this the right nova spec for this? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/626055/ 14:49:10 <mlavalle> ahh, you beat me to it 14:49:16 <mlavalle> yes, it seems it is 14:50:51 <slaweq> ok, so it looks that nova will somehow handle that :) 14:51:14 <mlavalle> yes, looking here, it seems that is the case: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/626055/8/specs/stein/approved/sriov-bond.rst@52 14:51:52 <slaweq> if so, I'm ok with adding such field to port's binding:profile 14:52:46 <mlavalle> yes, seems a simple change for us 14:53:08 <mlavalle> so I think we can move ahead with it 14:53:49 <slaweq> +1 14:54:50 <yamamoto> give me a few min 14:55:00 <mlavalle> sure 14:55:44 <mlavalle> any thoughts haleyb? 14:56:34 <yamamoto> +1 14:56:35 <haleyb> mlavalle: sorry, someone was asking a question here... 14:56:51 <mlavalle> no problem haleyb 14:57:11 <haleyb> +1 from me 14:57:26 <mlavalle> ok so we can move ahead with this one 14:57:51 <mlavalle> since we are close to the top of the hour, I'll use the remaning few minutes to leave a comment in the RFE 14:57:58 <mlavalle> THanks for attending 14:58:07 <yamamoto> thank you 14:58:10 <mlavalle> see you next week, same time, same channel 14:58:10 <slaweq> thx, have a great weekend guys :) 14:58:16 <mlavalle> have a great weekend 14:58:25 <mlavalle> #endmeeting