14:02:16 <_mlavalle_1> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:02:17 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Mar 1 14:02:16 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is _mlavalle_1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:02:27 <slaweq> hello 14:02:31 <yamamoto> hi 14:02:32 <njohnston> o/ 14:02:32 <davidsha> Hi 14:02:37 <amotoki> o/ 14:03:02 <_mlavalle_1> sorry for the delay. I was having connection problems 14:03:11 <_mlavalle_1> as you can tell by my nick ^^^ 14:03:52 <_mlavalle_1> and today we have a light agenda 14:04:10 <_mlavalle_1> #topic RFEs 14:04:37 <_mlavalle_1> Our only RFE to discuss today is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1815933 14:04:38 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1815933 in neutron "[RFE] Allow bulk-tagging of resources" [Wishlist,New] 14:05:14 <haleyb> hi 14:05:37 <amotoki> I had an action item and sent a mail on this to API-SIG http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/thread.html#3116 14:05:46 <_mlavalle_1> excatly 14:05:59 <amotoki> We agree to support 'tags' attribute in POST request. 14:06:04 <_mlavalle_1> thank you very much for the follow up 14:06:21 <amotoki> I will follow up API-SIG document for documentation too 14:06:24 <_mlavalle_1> we got an affirmative answer from the community 14:06:43 <njohnston_> so the feedback from the LM seemed to be that we may do as we like in this regard 14:06:58 <_mlavalle_1> edleafe is one of the prominent members of the API SIG 14:07:02 <njohnston_> s/LM/ML/ 14:07:10 <_mlavalle_1> and he saiud pretty much as njohnston_ says 14:08:04 <_mlavalle_1> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/003140.html 14:08:36 <slaweq> and nova already allows to create resource with tags in one call IIUC jaypipes mail there 14:08:58 <_mlavalle_1> correct 14:09:01 <amotoki> that's my understanding 14:09:45 <amotoki> we agreed on tags support in port creation. 14:09:50 <amotoki> regarding this RFE, I think it is better to support tags in POST request for all resources with tag support now. thought? 14:09:54 <slaweq> so, now my question is: do we want to add possibility to create resource with tags in one call, or add possibility to bulk add tags to resources? or both? 14:10:14 <slaweq> ahh, amotoki You were faster and already answered me :) 14:10:47 <_mlavalle_1> yeah, I think amotoki's suggestion is the right one 14:11:17 <_mlavalle_1> so we wnable tags during POST 14:11:24 <njohnston> +1 agreed 14:11:38 <_mlavalle_1> and the work we are doing with bulk port creation takes care of the rest 14:11:55 <_mlavalle_1> is that the coorect interpretation of your suggestion amotoki ? 14:12:01 <amotoki> _mlavalle_1: I didn't get your last point. 14:12:33 <_mlavalle_1> njohnston is already working on speeding up port creation in bulk, right? 14:13:08 <amotoki> The logic of bulk creation is same as for a single resource, so if we support tags in POST request we will support tags in resource creation for both bulk and single resource creation. 14:13:29 <_mlavalle_1> exactly, we are saying the same thing 14:13:48 <njohnston> so bulk tagging support could be added in _create_bulk_ml2 whiuch is the function anything but ports uses for bulk creation https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron/tree/neutron/plugins/ml2/plugin.py#n802 14:13:54 <amotoki> ah, I see. 14:14:03 <amotoki> at first I didn't get what "the work we are doing with bulk port creation" mean.. 14:14:34 <amotoki> njohnston: I think so at a glance. 14:14:42 <njohnston> otherwise we need to add the bulk tagging at the layer abpve the ML2 plugin 14:14:49 <njohnston> which might be right, I don't know 14:15:23 <_mlavalle_1> I say let's finish bulk port creation in this cycle and we worry about the tagging in the next 14:15:28 <njohnston> or we'd need to add it to the _create_%s_db method for each object type 14:15:47 <njohnston> _mlavalle_1: yes, agreed, especially it is very late in the cycle 14:16:04 <_mlavalle_1> for the time being I propose to move ahead with this RFE 14:16:25 <amotoki> _mlavalle_1: +1 14:16:29 <yamamoto> +1 14:16:31 <slaweq> +1 14:18:01 <_mlavalle_1> haleyb: what do you think? 14:20:35 <_mlavalle_1> ok, I'llmove ahead approving the RFE 14:20:50 <_mlavalle_1> but you don't have to wait for me.... 14:21:03 <_mlavalle_1> we don't have any other RFEs for today 14:21:12 <_mlavalle_1> does anyone want to bring anything up? 14:21:35 <yamamoto> nothing from me 14:21:41 <slaweq> me neighter 14:21:49 <davidsha> I have nothing 14:22:00 <njohnston> not here 14:22:17 <_mlavalle_1> ok, have a great weekend! 14:22:29 <_mlavalle_1> thanks for attending 14:22:34 <_mlavalle_1> #endmeeting