14:00:11 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:12 <openstack> Meeting started Fri May 17 14:00:11 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:18 <njohnston> o/ 14:00:22 <Tengu> \o/ 14:00:25 <davidsha> o/ 14:00:30 <tidwellr> o/ 14:00:41 <doreilly> o/ 14:00:49 * Zara lurks 14:00:58 <slaweq> hi 14:01:22 <haleyb> o/ 14:01:25 <Tengu> aaand I don't remember who told me to be here for validation stuff. #smallBrain 14:02:11 <ralonsoh> hi 14:02:21 <mlavalle> doreilly: I wasn't expecting you today here 14:02:32 <mlavalle> we will try to get to you at the end 14:02:37 <mlavalle> ok? 14:02:41 <doreilly> sure - thanks 14:04:06 <slaweq> Tengu: aren't You here to talk about https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1825943 ? 14:04:07 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1825943 in neutron "[RFE] Implement "stop agent" hook script support in Neutron" [Wishlist,New] 14:04:08 <slaweq> :) 14:04:41 <Tengu> slaweq: ohh. yeah, probably, indeed :). Sorry, I'm in validations things up to the neck. 14:04:50 <slaweq> Tengu: np :) 14:05:14 <mlavalle> LOL 14:05:26 <mlavalle> #topic RFEs 14:05:55 <mlavalle> Actually, our first RFE of the day is indeed https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1825943 14:05:56 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1825943 in neutron "[RFE] Implement "stop agent" hook script support in Neutron" [Wishlist,New] 14:06:09 <Tengu> woohoo that's mine :) 14:06:35 <Tengu> so. do you want a quick summary maybe? 14:06:56 <mlavalle> sure, go ahead 14:07:03 <Tengu> so. 14:07:44 <Tengu> we discovered neutron launches container agents and instead of killing the container, it kills the running service. 14:08:14 <mlavalle> becasue Neutron doesn't know about containers 14:08:19 <Tengu> yep. 14:08:37 <Tengu> so the current situation keeps dangling containers in a failed state, and this is pretty bad 14:09:09 <Tengu> regarding disk usage, well, it's not a big deal since those containers are small, but when you get the container ps output, seeing those dead things is pretty bad. 14:09:24 <Tengu> the RFE is about making neutron aware of "kill hooks" more than "container". 14:09:57 <Tengu> basically, there's already something like this for starting the agent (wrapper scripts are being used), so it would be great to get the same kind of thing for the agent death management 14:10:14 <Tengu> (sorry, I'm multi-tasking meetings - bare with me if I'm slow) 14:10:24 <njohnston> it's a common enough idea; at a previous employer we used to call these 'dirge scripts' 14:10:47 <njohnston> in order to handle shutdowns that required some level of orchestration or multi-step cleanup 14:11:07 <slaweq> and in fact our process_monitor is ready for it https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/agent/linux/external_process.py#L98 14:11:29 <Tengu> in "our" case, a simple $container_cli stop -t 10 <container-agent> would be enough - but if we can get some cleanup ($container_cli rm <container-agent>) that would be even better. 14:11:37 <Tengu> hence the notion of "hook" 14:11:51 <slaweq> so we can pass there some get_stop_command() function which wil return such 'dirge script' 14:11:51 <Tengu> not something container-centric since it might be usefull for other things. 14:12:11 <Tengu> slaweq: that would be great :) 14:15:12 <mlavalle> when Neutron was originally implemented, we certainly didn't think of containers 14:15:17 <njohnston> and those "other things" are a very operator-friendly concept 14:15:52 <slaweq> njohnston++ 14:16:08 <mlavalle> but as containers based deployments become more prevalent, a mechanism like this becomes more and more important 14:16:21 <mlavalle> I am fine with approving this 14:16:28 <slaweq> me too 14:16:47 <slaweq> and as I said, it don't look as very hard to implement 14:16:47 <Tengu> great :) 14:16:49 <njohnston> what I like about this is we provide the places to plug in so that neutron can work with containers... but it also helps if you want to run neutron undr k8s, or in mesos, or in whatever the next framework to come down the line is 14:17:05 <mlavalle> yes 14:17:29 <mlavalle> what does haleyb think? 14:18:32 <haleyb> sorry, i wan't paying attention 14:19:38 <haleyb> reading s/b i think it's a good idea 14:19:52 <Tengu> :) 14:20:24 <mlavalle> any thoughts from others attending the meeting? 14:21:42 <mlavalle> Tengu: are you planning to implement it? 14:22:13 <Tengu> mlavalle: hm, not really in my skillset unfortunately 14:22:22 <slaweq> mlavalle: I have it added to my todo list 14:22:31 <mlavalle> ok 14:22:37 <Tengu> I'm part of the deployment framework team, so.... we just discovered this "issue" :) 14:22:40 <Tengu> slaweq: thanks! 14:22:56 <Tengu> slaweq: if you need help, I can run tests and so on, maybe review if needed. 14:23:11 <mlavalle> slaweq: I'll assign it to you. I can also help if you need 14:23:12 <slaweq> Tengu: sure, I will ping You if will need help 14:23:17 <slaweq> mlavalle: thx 14:23:24 <Tengu> slaweq: +1 14:25:37 <mlavalle> Next one is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1825345 14:25:38 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1825345 in neutron "[RFE] admin-state-down doesn't evacuate bindings in the dhcp_agent_id column" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 14:29:03 <mlavalle> zigo: if you are around, we are taking a look at ^^^^ 14:29:23 <njohnston> zigo: Can you shed some light on how the results of 'openstack network agent remove' differ from 'neutron dhcp-agent-network-remove' - might be a bug 14:29:28 <slaweq> so personally I'm not sure if setting agent's admin_state_up to False should move all networks/routers from agent immediatelly 14:29:52 <slaweq> IMO we should debug and fix bug in openstack client if it doesn't work as expected 14:30:02 <njohnston> slaweq++ 14:30:16 <slaweq> and then operator would be able to move all networks/routers from agent when needs it 14:30:44 <mlavalle> and even create some automation based on commands 14:31:16 <slaweq> mlavalle: exactly but that's something on operator's plate - we should give proper API calls to allow this 14:31:33 <slaweq> and OSC to allow to do it easily :) 14:32:46 <haleyb> this gets back at another rfe from intel (?) at doing automatic dhcp failovers, and we found it's maybe better to do outside the server code, right? 14:33:12 <slaweq> haleyb: yes, I remember that there was something like that in the past :) 14:33:15 <mlavalle> haleyb: yes, in Denver, Fall 2018 14:33:35 <haleyb> and there was an operators repo that ovh contributed to 14:34:08 <slaweq> haleyb: I think it was https://github.com/openstack/osops-tools-contrib 14:34:35 <haleyb> yes, that was it 14:35:57 <mlavalle> ok, I'll leave a commentt in the rfe and point submitter to the scripts repor ^^^^ 14:36:15 <haleyb> yes, would be good to get his feedback 14:36:40 <slaweq> mlavalle++ 14:37:04 <mlavalle> doreilly: did you want to revisit https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1817022? 14:37:05 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1817022 in neutron "[RFE] set inactivity_probe and max_backoff for OVS bridge controller" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Darragh O'Reilly (darragh-oreilly) 14:37:17 <doreilly> yes please 14:37:22 <mlavalle> go ahead 14:37:45 <doreilly> not really a whole lot to add since the last meeting 14:38:04 <doreilly> I retested with the patch that breaks up the dump_flows() and it helps 14:39:26 <doreilly> My only test case to reproduce a problem is to restart the agent when having a lot of flows 14:40:10 <doreilly> but it seems others have seen problems in places other than restart 14:40:27 <doreilly> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1821753 14:40:29 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1817022 in neutron "duplicate for #1821753 [RFE] set inactivity_probe and max_backoff for OVS bridge controller" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Darragh O'Reilly (darragh-oreilly) 14:42:16 <mlavalle> so above fix mitigates but don't fix the problem completely? 14:42:26 <doreilly> correct 14:42:52 <slaweq> IMHO we should go with this "partial fix" if we don't have anything better for now 14:43:03 <slaweq> it's better than nothing 14:43:39 <tidwellr> slaweq++ 14:44:47 <mlavalle> yeah. obondarev seems to be thinking along the same lines, although he is hesitant about the specific mix of values to tweak 14:45:02 <mlavalle> but at the very least we sould experiment with it 14:45:10 <mlavalle> especially this early in the cycle 14:46:03 <slaweq> mlavalle++ 14:46:39 <mlavalle> so I am for approving the RFE 14:46:44 <slaweq> me too 14:47:00 <doreilly> thanks guys 14:47:09 <Zara> :D 14:47:13 <mlavalle> haleyb: any thoughts? 14:47:51 <haleyb> i agree, get something in to experiment with at least 14:48:06 <mlavalle> ok, approved it is 14:48:30 <mlavalle> doreilly: thanks for your patience and perseverance. Much appreciated! 14:48:39 <doreilly> thx, I will add the docstring and repush 14:50:04 <mlavalle> ok, anything else we should discuss today? 14:50:48 <ralonsoh> only a heads-up 14:50:48 <ralonsoh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1821058 14:50:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1821058 in neutron "[RFE] Port binding event extended information for Nova" [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez) 14:51:10 <ralonsoh> Feel free to review https://review.opendev.org/#/c/645173/ 14:51:11 <ralonsoh> thanks! 14:51:20 <mlavalle> thanks ralonsoh 14:51:28 <mlavalle> ok 14:51:28 <slaweq> ralonsoh: I will try to review it next week 14:51:59 <njohnston> ralonsoh: same, will try to review next week 14:52:06 <mlavalle> don't forget that this Sunday is the last episode of Game of Thrones 14:52:14 <mlavalle> Enjoy! 14:52:17 <ralonsoh> hahahaha 14:52:36 <mlavalle> Have a nice weekend 14:52:41 <mlavalle> #endmeeting