14:00:04 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Aug 9 14:00:04 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:14 <yamamoto> hi 14:00:22 <haleyb> hi 14:01:09 <mlavalle> let's give the others some time to congregate 14:02:00 <slaweq> hi 14:02:05 <mlavalle> amotoki is off on PTO 14:02:13 <mlavalle> here's slaweq 14:02:22 <slaweq> sorry for being late 14:02:29 <mlavalle> np 14:02:35 <mlavalle> #topic RFEs 14:03:05 <mlavalle> last week we left off talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1838621 14:03:06 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1838621 in neutron "[RFE] Configure extra dhcp options via API and per network" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Slawek Kaplonski (slaweq) 14:03:36 <slaweq> sorry but I totally didn't have time to work on this 14:03:39 <mlavalle> did you have time to ponder about the extra dhcp options extensions and decide whether you want to pursue this RFE 14:03:44 <mlavalle> ? 14:03:53 <slaweq> so it's still waiting 14:03:55 <mlavalle> that's cool... not a problem 14:04:08 <mlavalle> so you want to leave for next week? 14:04:15 <slaweq> mlavalle: maybe lets mark it as postponed for now and I will ping You when I will be ready with this 14:04:16 <slaweq> ok? 14:04:27 <mlavalle> perfectly fine 14:04:30 <slaweq> it's not very urgent for me :) 14:04:33 <slaweq> thx 14:04:56 <mlavalle> done, postponed 14:05:06 <slaweq> thx a lot 14:05:19 <mlavalle> I'll also leave a comment that the next step is to compare your proposal with the extra dhcp options 14:05:30 <mlavalle> so you have a reminder of what the next step is 14:05:30 <slaweq> ok, sounds good for me 14:06:15 <mlavalle> next (and last) for today is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1837847 14:06:16 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1837847 in neutron "[RFE] neutron-vpnaas OpenVPN driver" [Wishlist,Triaged] 14:10:09 <mlavalle> the submitter seems to need guidance with the implementation, but in principle I don't see how an OpenVPN driver implementation can hurt 14:11:06 <slaweq> is my understanding correct that this will require some "extensions" (hook scripts) which will work on OpenVPN client's side and will talk with Neutron via API? 14:11:29 <mlavalle> that's the way he has implemented it so far, yes 14:12:22 <slaweq> ok, thx for confirmation 14:12:43 <slaweq> will those scripts be in neutron-vpnaas repo somewhere? Or somewhere else? Do You know? 14:13:13 <mlavalle> I would assume under the new drivers folder in the repo 14:13:23 <mlavalle> dirver's^^^ 14:13:39 * mlavalle can't type 14:14:31 <slaweq> ok 14:20:29 <slaweq> TBH I don't have any really strong opinion about this RFE 14:20:40 <slaweq> I'm not vpnaas expert at all 14:21:00 <slaweq> but it looks for me that it may be quite complicated workflow to implement 14:21:32 <slaweq> so maybe some spec with more details could be useful also 14:22:39 <mlavalle> yes, I think we can question the implementation approach and a spec would be good 14:22:56 <slaweq> e.g. it says that vpn secrets will be stored in Barbican, but what if there will be no Barbican in the cloud? will it just fail to create it or will store secrets in some "fallback" mode? 14:23:22 <mlavalle> but in principle the proposal of an OpenVPN driver seems ok to me 14:23:56 <slaweq> for me too 14:24:16 <mlavalle> the Barbican stuff came about from the previous attempt 4 years ago to implement an OpnVPN driver 14:24:49 <mlavalle> the administration of the time -2ed the patch indicating that we needed to wait for Barbican to store the secrets 14:26:04 <slaweq> ok, so it seems that using Barbican should be mandatory when OpenVPN driver is used 14:26:24 <mlavalle> a pre-requisite that can be documented 14:27:12 <slaweq> yes, ok 14:28:00 <yamamoto> i guess we should discuss about api/semantics more than impl details 14:28:15 <mlavalle> fair point 14:28:28 <yamamoto> the submitter is saying it's using vpnservice object 14:28:53 <yamamoto> i'm not sure how it's used to describe l2 vpn 14:28:59 <yamamoto> (i haven't read the patch) 14:31:33 <mlavalle> so your concern is that the vpnservice object might not be sufficient to descrive a L2 vpn and therefore API changes might be required? 14:31:50 <yamamoto> yes 14:32:14 <mlavalle> describe^^^^ 14:32:43 * mlavalle can't spell properly today either 14:33:35 <yamamoto> as he already has an impl, i guess we can just ask how vpnservice object looks like 14:33:44 <mlavalle> that's a very good point. What if the next step if to ask that question in the RFE and see what response we get? 14:34:04 <yamamoto> i'm interested in how/if vpnservice.router_id is used 14:34:49 <mlavalle> do you want to ask those questions directly in the RFE? 14:34:55 <yamamoto> yes 14:35:39 <mlavalle> great! let's ask those questions and we come back to this RFE next week 14:35:55 <slaweq> +1 14:36:40 <mlavalle> in that case, we are done for today unless there is some other RFE that I'm not aware of..... 14:37:33 <slaweq> not from me :) 14:38:14 <mlavalle> ok, let's call this a meeting... 14:38:18 <yamamoto> i put a question on the rfe 14:38:31 <mlavalle> thanks yamamoto 14:38:40 <mlavalle> have a great weekend 14:38:49 <slaweq> thx, have a great weekend :) 14:38:53 <mlavalle> and we'll do it all over again next week 14:38:59 <yamamoto> good night 14:39:03 <mlavalle> #endmeeting