14:00:04 <mlavalle> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Aug 16 14:00:04 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:13 <njohnston> o/ 14:00:36 <slaweq> hi 14:01:10 <mlavalle> let's wait a couple of minutes 14:07:35 <mlavalle> mhhhh, maybe the others are off today 14:07:45 <mlavalle> amotoki most likely 14:08:18 <mlavalle> let's wait a few more minutes 14:09:08 <haleyb> hi 14:09:14 <mlavalle> there he is 14:09:23 <mlavalle> now we have quorum 14:09:29 <slaweq> \o/ 14:09:30 <haleyb> there was a shiny object nearby :) 14:09:40 <mlavalle> so let's get going 14:10:04 <mlavalle> #topic RFEs 14:10:14 <mlavalle> we will start today with https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1832526 14:10:15 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1832526 in neutron "[RFE] Network segmentation support for edge deployments" [Wishlist,New] 14:14:09 <slaweq> mlavalle: I have some questions to Your last comment in this RFE 14:14:16 <mlavalle> sure 14:14:35 <slaweq> mlavalle: about point "2. Admin creates a Neutron network associated with the "Small Edge" host" -- isn't this done already by bridge mappings? 14:15:23 <mlavalle> yes and no 14:15:27 <njohnston_> reading your analysis on the bug mlavalle it strikes me that this is really a subset or a special case of availability zones, is it not? 14:16:27 <slaweq> and informations about bridge_mappings are already send to the placement with info about bandwidth, am I right? 14:17:14 <mlavalle> yes, but are you suggesting that this has to be associated with QoS? 14:18:24 <mlavalle> so some of the mechanisms may be already in place, but I think we need to repurpose them for this use case 14:18:24 <slaweq> mlavalle: no, just saying that this should be eventually easy to accomplish as we have necessary bits already 14:18:37 <slaweq> IIUC of course :) 14:19:01 <mlavalle> I think we are saying the same thing 14:19:18 <mlavalle> much of the machinery is in place, but we need to adapt it 14:19:30 <slaweq> ok 14:19:51 <mlavalle> njohnston_: I hadn't thought of that perspective 14:20:54 <mlavalle> but maybe taking that perspective might help us... tell me more please 14:21:25 <mlavalle> slaweq: good points though 14:22:54 <njohnston> mlavalle: Well the thrust of AZ is that instead of a single L2 domain spanning the entire region, L2 domains are bounded by the AZ which correlates to a specific set of compute/network capacity 14:23:40 <mlavalle> so one availability zone per "Small edge"? 14:24:38 <njohnston> yes, precisely. The biggest hint that this RFE aligns with AZs is the explicit statement that connectivity between small edge sites cannot be guaranteed, which matches up with how the mesh does not stretch across AZ boundaries 14:25:22 <mlavalle> so if we take that perspective, do we get this RFE for free? 14:25:52 <njohnston> I am thinking it through but I don't see any gaps yet 14:25:57 <slaweq> I don't think we will have this RFE for free then 14:26:56 <njohnston> I'm not an expert in availability zones so I am glad for those with more expertise to weigh in 14:26:58 <slaweq> as now networks in neutron are not aware of availability zone and can works in many zones, so still You will need IMO some mechanism to assign network to the AZ, right? 14:27:30 <mlavalle> slaweq: that is also my understanding 14:27:32 <slaweq> currently in Neutron only L3 and DHCP agents are somehow aware of AZs but I'm not sure exactly how this works tbh 14:28:17 <njohnston> Isn't there a network_availability_zone extension that provides support of availability zone for networks? 14:28:29 <njohnston> https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/network/v2/?expanded=list-all-availability-zones-detail#network-availability-zone-extension 14:29:03 <slaweq> njohnston: tbh I don't know :) 14:29:20 * mlavalle looking quickly at the code 14:29:28 <slaweq> one more thing, there is also this rfe https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1808062 which might be somehow related to what we are discussing now 14:29:29 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1808062 in neutron "[RFE] Limit VXLAN to within Neutron availability zones" [Wishlist,New] - Assigned to Kailun Qin (kailun.qin) 14:30:18 <njohnston> slaweq: Yes, I was thinking about that RFE, I was not sure if that had been implemented yet. I think that would be necessary. 14:33:16 <mlavalle> here's the extension definition in nuetron-lib https://github.com/openstack/neutron-lib/blob/master/neutron_lib/api/definitions/network_availability_zone.py 14:34:20 <slaweq> so IIUC this availability zones for networks can be used to assign it to proper dhcp agent 14:34:33 <slaweq> and router to proper L3 agent 14:35:20 <slaweq> according to https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/0cde163967e6b1d3f7bc499dfbfbdd2c7e09930b/doc/source/admin/config-az.rst 14:35:49 <mlavalle> looking at the code it seems it is only used for agents 14:36:41 <slaweq> but maybe this rfe can be driven in this direction to extend usage of availability zones concept there 14:36:56 <njohnston> Hmm, it just occurred to me - in it's interactions with neutron, is placement AZ-aware? 14:37:08 <mlavalle> https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/db/agentschedulers_db.py#L492 14:37:38 <njohnston> I like framing this as an AZ solution because it is a generalized solution that helps edge but also can be applied in other solutions. 14:38:08 <mlavalle> so yeah, I agree that the AZ approach framing gives us a more generalized approach 14:38:25 <mlavalle> so it boils down to what we said earlier.... 14:38:52 <mlavalle> we have bits and pieces that we have to put together to meet this RFE / use case 14:38:59 <mlavalle> right? 14:39:17 <slaweq> that is at least my understanding of this rfe 14:39:37 <mlavalle> and then we need to make sure that the placement / Nova scheduler is aware 14:39:54 <mlavalle> placement / Nova scheduler comobo^^^^ 14:40:01 <njohnston> +1 14:41:08 <slaweq> and if we would somehow reuse concept of AZs in Neutron, there would be no API changes required, right? 14:41:43 <mlavalle> most likely, but let's leave it as an open question 14:42:23 <slaweq> +1 14:43:01 <mlavalle> given that we need anyway to get the Nova / Placement combo guys on board, here's what I propose: 14:43:25 <mlavalle> 1) Since the use case makes sense, let's approve the RFE, with the understanding that: 14:44:01 <mlavalle> 2) We will write a spec to explore how to weave all the pieces together and identify gaps. This might involve a PoC 14:44:51 <mlavalle> 3) Let's try to make progress in the spec in time to discuss it in Shanghai in the session with Nova / Placement 14:45:14 <mlavalle> 4) I volunteer to work on 2 and 3 14:45:47 <njohnston_> +1 14:45:50 <slaweq> +1, sounds like a plan :) 14:49:49 <mlavalle> what do you think haleyb? 14:50:18 <haleyb> +1 from me 14:50:24 <mlavalle> cool 14:50:29 <mlavalle> approved it is 14:51:03 <mlavalle> next one for today is https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1837847 14:51:04 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1837847 in neutron "[RFE] neutron-vpnaas OpenVPN driver" [Wishlist,Triaged] 14:51:16 <mlavalle> we discussed it last week 14:51:29 <mlavalle> and yamamoto posted questions 14:51:38 <mlavalle> which the submitter responded 14:52:06 <mlavalle> submitter will be off the next two weeks, so we have time to look at his response carefully 14:52:21 <mlavalle> why don't we do that and come back to it next week? 14:53:16 <njohnston_> makes sense 14:54:04 <slaweq> I will try to read it today and I will wrote a comment if I will have anything to add there 14:54:22 <mlavalle> yes, I know slaweq will be off the next two weeks 14:54:30 <mlavalle> don't worry too much about it 14:54:41 <slaweq> mlavalle: actually next week only regarding this meeting 14:54:52 <slaweq> I should be back on meeting in 2 weeks :) 14:54:55 <mlavalle> ahhh, good to know 14:55:07 <mlavalle> anyways, enjoy the beach! 14:55:19 <mlavalle> and the family! 14:55:24 <slaweq> thx a lot 14:55:43 <mlavalle> ok team 14:55:52 <mlavalle> great discussion today 14:56:15 <mlavalle> I think we made a lot of progress as team with the edge case 14:56:31 <mlavalle> have a great weekend! 14:56:40 <slaweq> thx, You too :) 14:56:40 <njohnston_> o/ 14:56:43 <mlavalle> #endmeeting