14:00:59 <slaweq> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:01:00 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Oct 4 14:00:59 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is slaweq. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:04 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:01:07 <mlavalle> o/ 14:01:09 <yamamoto> hi 14:01:14 <slaweq> hi 14:01:14 <gregoiremahe> Hello 14:01:41 <slaweq> hi gregoiremahe 14:02:09 <amotoki> hi 14:02:42 <slaweq> ok, I think we have quorum now so we can start :) 14:03:00 <slaweq> #topic RFEs 14:03:14 <slaweq> first on my list is one from last week: 14:03:22 <slaweq> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1843211 14:03:22 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1843211 in neutron "network-ip-availabilities' result is not correct when the subnet has no allocation-pool" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to yangjianfeng (yangjianfeng) 14:03:30 <slaweq> thx mlavalle for Your input about that 14:04:37 <njohnston> o/ 14:05:38 <slaweq> and thx amotoki for Your comment there too 14:06:06 <ileixe_> o/ 14:07:07 <slaweq> personally I agree with Your comments - I first though about this as a bug because IMO we shouldn't use one attribute to provide 2 different informations conditionaly 14:07:30 <slaweq> but if You are saying that it is like that by design and we should keep it like that, than I'm ok with this 14:08:09 <slaweq> so IMO we should just update api-ref information about "total_ips" to reflect this conditional change of meaning for this attribute 14:08:11 <mlavalle> well, if you look at the code, that was clearly the intent of the developers and revieiwers who approved it 14:08:23 <slaweq> mlavalle: yes, I saw Your links :) 14:08:49 <slaweq> IMO it's more like "broken by design" but I can definitely live with it :) 14:08:56 <amotoki> I see two things: (1) the current API behavior looks intended (2) the current API response looks confusing and there is a room to add more information to provide detail information. 14:09:27 <amotoki> so I agree not to change the current behavior based on (1). 14:09:45 <mlavalle> yeah, even though the code is doing its original intent, I agree that that intent is a little confusing 14:09:59 <amotoki> what do you think about adding more attributes? 14:10:17 <slaweq> amotoki: with change proposed by You in last comment we would change current behaviour of "total_ips" value, right? 14:10:37 <slaweq> so we would do something what mlavalle didn't want to do 14:10:40 <mlavalle> in principle I'm open to it, but to be honest, I haven't seen yet a use case properly articulated 14:10:53 <amotoki> slaweq: what I think is not to touch "total_ips". 14:11:11 <amotoki> I am thinking to introduce new attributes in the response. 14:11:38 <njohnston> amotoki++ yes that is the only way to deal with developers that depend on the current behavior; Hyrum's Law strikes again 14:11:58 <slaweq> amotoki: but do You still want to keep current behaviour of total_ips, so if there is allocation pool it will have number of ips from allocation pools, and if not, number of ips based on cidr? 14:13:20 <amotoki> total_ips keep the current conditional behavior. subnet_total_ips and allocation_pools_total_ips can provide more information. 14:13:23 <slaweq> amotoki: because IIUC Your comment, first 2 proposed values from Your comment are in fact now covered by "total_ips", depends if allocation pools exists or not in subnet 14:13:44 <slaweq> ahh, ok 14:13:45 <amotoki> if allocation_pools exist total_ips will equal to allocation_pools_total_ips 14:13:50 <slaweq> amotoki: I understand now 14:14:01 <amotoki> :) 14:14:19 <slaweq> so You propose to keep total_ips as it is now, and add 2 new "total_ips_something" attributes 14:14:21 <slaweq> correct? 14:14:39 <amotoki> yes (on "total_ips" things) 14:15:01 <slaweq> ok, IMO it's very good idea 14:15:08 <amotoki> If we go to this route, "used_ips" can be improved too. 14:16:30 <slaweq> yes, I agree 14:16:55 <slaweq> so in fact we would need to add 3 new attributes according to Your proposal: 14:17:13 <slaweq> "subnet_total_ips" 14:17:19 <slaweq> "allocation_pool_total_ips" 14:17:21 <slaweq> and 14:17:31 <slaweq> "allocation_pool_used_ips" 14:17:37 <amotoki> yes 14:17:50 <slaweq> and we already have "used_ips" which is something like "subnet_used_ips" 14:18:11 <slaweq> I'm ok with this proposal 14:18:16 <slaweq> what do You all things? 14:18:23 <slaweq> *thinks 14:18:43 <amotoki> I am not sure we need "subnet_used_ips". if we need more consistent naming of attributes, "subnet_used_ips" makes sense even though it is dupicate to "used_ips". 14:19:31 <slaweq> yes, I also though that maybe we can add "subnet_used_ips" as duplicate of "used_ips" just to have more consistent naming of new attributes 14:19:36 <mlavalle> so, "total_ips" and "used_ips" refer to the entire network, eight? 14:19:43 <mlavalle> right^^^^ 14:19:51 <slaweq> mlavalle: not exactly 14:20:02 <slaweq> mlavalle: total_ips would still be conditional 14:20:06 <slaweq> as it is now 14:20:31 <mlavalle> yeah, I understand that, but refer to the aggregation of the subnets in the network 14:20:49 <mlavalle> whether they have allocation pools or not 14:21:16 <amotoki> ah.. good point 14:21:35 <slaweq> yes, but I think that new attributes would also refer to aggregation of subnets in the network but would be non conditional 14:22:00 <mlavalle> I am looking at these lines: https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/92f7484d2a59f0ee900eca7280f92f6c1c0de35e/neutron/db/network_ip_availability_db.py#L110-L111 14:22:11 <slaweq> this whole extension is to indicate number of IPs in the network, so it aggregate values from subnets 14:22:36 <mlavalle> so yes, we are saying the same thing 14:23:47 <mlavalle> so say a network mixes subnets with allocation pools and no allocation pools 14:24:06 <slaweq> yes 14:24:28 <mlavalle> the current behavior captures correctly the total-ips and the used-ips 14:24:46 <mlavalle> at the network level 14:25:12 <amotoki> mlavalle: yes, as long as IP address outside of allocation pools are not used 14:25:37 <mlavalle> now, if we want to do this at the subnet level, I think it is a completely different extension 14:25:58 <mlavalle> otherwise we are going to make a mess of this extension 14:26:10 <slaweq> but do we want to do it "per subnet"? I thought that those new values would be also "per network" 14:26:35 <amotoki> mlavalle: what I think is to add new attributes both to network-level and subnet-level (as a new API extension) 14:27:14 <mlavalle> and I'm ok with that. do we have the use case to justify that new extension, though? 14:27:48 <mlavalle> here's how I see the current situation: 14:28:05 <slaweq> so, to be clear, do You want to have now new API like: 14:28:09 <slaweq> /v2.0/network-ip-availabilities/{subnet_id} 14:28:11 <slaweq> also? 14:28:27 <slaweq> which will provide those ip availabilities info per subnet 14:28:39 <mlavalle> 1) We have an extension that is slightly confusing because, IMO, after looking at the history, it was developed to suit the needs of a particluar operator 14:29:11 <mlavalle> 2) Since current extension is slightly confusing, we can think of ways to improve it here 14:30:09 <mlavalle> 3) But if we lack the evidence of a strong use case, aren't we risking to add to the confusion in the enitre "ip availability realm", whether at the network or the subnet level 14:30:29 <mlavalle> ? 14:30:49 <slaweq> I'm really not sure about this ip availaibility per subnet - what would be the use case for that? 14:31:10 <mlavalle> I am not opposing improving the API, but I would like to do it based on a solid use case 14:31:14 <amotoki> on 3), at least I know a few cases where operators implemented custom tools due to the confusing behavior of the current API. 14:31:19 <slaweq> Per network it may tell operator that he is going to be out of IP addresses which users can use so should add new subnet to the network 14:31:20 <mlavalle> which so far this RFE hasn't articulated 14:31:58 <amotoki> in that cases, the reason was due to "used_ips". I can add an RFE on that if you want. 14:32:10 <mlavalle> amotoki: if you have the operator level evidence, I trust you. Let's just be careful articulating it 14:32:42 <amotoki> mlavalle: okay, let me add cases I know on "used_ips". 14:32:58 <yamamoto> amotoki: does the tool query db directly? 14:33:20 <amotoki> yamamoto: no, it was thru the API but we need more query on API. 14:33:43 <amotoki> like listing ports :p 14:35:11 <mlavalle> what if we start a spec and "cook it" slowly all the way to "well done" with the community assistance? 14:35:36 <slaweq> mlavalle +1 14:35:39 <amotoki> +1 14:35:49 <slaweq> I thnink that this becoming more and more "complicated" :) 14:35:55 <slaweq> so spec would be good probably 14:36:00 <njohnston> +1 14:36:19 <yamamoto> +1 14:36:20 <slaweq> mlavalle: will You propose such spec? 14:36:58 <mlavalle> yeah I can push an inital patch. Not necessarilly by neext week, but soon 14:37:06 <slaweq> mlavalle: great, thx 14:37:24 <slaweq> so I will write comment with summary of our discussion about it in bug report 14:37:50 <slaweq> ok, I think we can move on to the next one on the list 14:37:54 <mlavalle> in the comment, ask submitter for a better articulated use case 14:38:03 <slaweq> mlavalle: sure, I will ask 14:38:09 <mlavalle> we want to know the why, not the how 14:38:22 <slaweq> yes, I agree 14:38:33 <slaweq> how is quite easy in this case IMO :) 14:38:48 <mlavalle> yeah, just read the damn code 14:38:48 <slaweq> ok, next rfe now :) 14:38:52 <slaweq> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1843218 14:38:52 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1843218 in neutron "[RFE] allow to create record on default zone from tenants" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Gregoire Mahe (gregoiremahe) 14:39:09 <slaweq> gregoiremahe: Your turn :) 14:40:02 <gregoiremahe> Ok, so today at OVH we have many users, and we want to enable default zone for them 14:41:07 <gregoiremahe> So basically, we just want to parse domain setup on network, and replace <tenantid> by the user tenant 14:41:48 <mlavalle> I have interacted with gregoiremahe over the past few weeks over this RFE 14:42:29 <mlavalle> and it identifies correctly, IMO, a gap in the current DNS integration extension 14:43:04 <mlavalle> the current functionality was geared to tenants who have their onw networks 14:43:42 <mlavalle> and want to publish DNS records of ports and VMs in that tennt network 14:44:10 <mlavalle> gregoiremahe's use case referes to a ituation where the network is shared by all the users / tenants 14:44:25 <mlavalle> one big network or a limited number of them 14:44:31 <mlavalle> right gregoiremahe? 14:45:02 <gregoiremahe> yes, that's right, so we would like to setup <tenantid>.defaultzone.com. on the network with openstack network set --dns-domain 14:45:33 <mlavalle> --dns_domain == defaulzone.com, right? 14:46:13 <gregoiremahe> either this, either <tenantid>.defaultzone.com., and just parsing and replace <tenantid> in dns integration 14:46:44 <gregoiremahe> That's will create a better flexibility to do so 14:46:58 <mlavalle> in fact, at my employer, we have a downstream implementation that does just that 14:47:30 <mlavalle> for example, my zone is 'mlavalle01-home.bf2.ows.oath.cloud.' 14:48:15 <mlavalle> and the dns_domain attribute of the share network is 'bf2.ows.oath.cloud.' 14:48:37 <mlavalle> so I've seen it work and makes sense to me :-) 14:48:47 <amotoki> do you mean to pass some format string as "dns_domain" like <tenantid>.example.net? 14:49:08 <amotoki> or is <tenantid> part added automatically? 14:49:26 <amotoki> anyway the use case makes sense to me. 14:49:50 <gregoiremahe> amotoki : I implemented the fact to have <tenantid> in dns_domain to replace by the tenantid, but both might be okay 14:50:07 <slaweq> this makes sense for me too 14:50:12 <slaweq> one question 14:50:47 <slaweq> if You want to implement replacement of <tenant_id> with tenant_id, why not add also some other "keywords" like "user_id", or "user_name" for example? 14:51:44 <gregoiremahe> Yea, I already though about that, but the tenantid variable was directly accessible, so I first implemented a feature this way 14:52:11 <slaweq> ahh, ok 14:52:31 <slaweq> other values would require api calls to e.g. keysone 14:52:43 <gregoiremahe> yep right 14:52:53 <amotoki> perhaps we can support replacements for fields which are availabel in neutron.context. 14:52:59 <slaweq> ok, so <tenant_id> as for now makes sense 14:53:32 <slaweq> and we can always extend this list of "keywords" in the future if that will be needed 14:53:36 <yamamoto> mlavalle: where is the "mlavalle01-home" part? 14:53:40 <yamamoto> what's 14:53:51 <mlavalle> gregoiremahe: fwiw, this is an example of the A record of one of my VMs: 8e871e12.mlavalle01-home.bf2.ows.oath.cloud. 14:54:36 <mlavalle> yamamoto: mlavalle01-home is associated to my certificate 14:54:48 <gregoiremahe> mlavalle : And what is 8e871e12 ? Is that your server name ? 14:55:12 <mlavalle> x.509 certificate that we use internally to authenticate 14:55:34 <mlavalle> and yes 8e871e12 is just a VM name 14:56:28 <mlavalle> since this is for upstream, the 'mlavalle01-home' may be changed to the project id 14:56:46 <mlavalle> or tenant id, whatever your naming preference is 14:57:15 <amotoki> I think we can use these keywords https://github.com/openstack/neutron-lib/blob/master/neutron_lib/context.py#L74-L85 14:57:26 <amotoki> they looks enough for our need discussed here. 14:57:57 <slaweq> amotoki: ohh, if we have all of that available in context, that would be nice IMO :) 14:58:50 <slaweq> anyway, we are almost on time with this meeting 14:59:04 <slaweq> IMO we can approve this RFE 14:59:09 <mlavalle> +1 14:59:13 <amotoki> it looks good to me to approve this and the next step would be to write a spec on this 14:59:27 <mlavalle> yeap, a spec would be good 14:59:33 <slaweq> with either using only project_id for now, or using all those keywords pointed by amotoki if that is possible to get in extension 14:59:34 <yamamoto> +1 to have a spec 15:00:00 <slaweq> ok, so let's approve that rfe for now 15:00:09 <slaweq> gregoiremahe: will You write spec for this? 15:00:09 <amotoki> just in time :) 15:00:26 <slaweq> ok, thx for attending and have a great weekend 15:00:32 <yamamoto> good night 15:00:32 <gregoiremahe> Yep, just need to know how to do this and what format cause that will be my first one 15:00:32 <slaweq> we have to finish for today 15:00:38 <njohnston> \o 15:00:41 <slaweq> #endmeeting