14:00:18 <slaweq> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:19 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Nov 29 14:00:18 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is slaweq. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:22 <slaweq> hi 14:00:23 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:32 <davidsha> o/ 14:00:56 <ralonsoh> hi 14:00:58 <slaweq> welcome davidsha, lets wait few minutes for quorum 14:01:01 <slaweq> hi ralonsoh 14:01:09 <davidsha> kk 14:02:31 <slaweq> I know that ppl from US are off today but I hope amotoki and yamamoto will join us soon 14:02:45 <amotoki> hi 14:03:03 <slaweq> hi amotoki 14:06:33 <amotoki> sorry for a bit late. Asthma started to hit me again during the Shanghai summit and I was forced to take off a couple days this week :( hopefully I can recover soon.... 14:06:47 <slaweq> amotoki: no problem 14:06:56 <slaweq> I hope You will feel better soon 14:07:06 <slaweq> and we are still waiting for quorum 14:07:19 <slaweq> but it seems that yamamoto will not join today 14:07:23 <amotoki> yeah, this week is the thanks giving week 14:07:38 <slaweq> so as mlavalle and haleyb are off for sure we may not have quorum today 14:07:52 <slaweq> so I will not speak about new rfe today 14:08:07 <slaweq> but as davidsha is here, maybe we can speak a bit about his topic 14:08:13 <slaweq> what do You think? 14:08:16 <amotoki> sounds good 14:08:19 <ralonsoh> +1 14:08:24 <davidsha> kk, thanks! 14:08:27 <slaweq> #topic On Demand agenda 14:08:46 <slaweq> so davidsha please go on :) 14:08:49 <davidsha> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/678865/ I'm working on integration between Neutron Clssifier and Neutron QoS, specifically thes DSCP marking rule 14:09:37 <davidsha> I've submitted a spec discussing the changes to the API, from feedback I need to expand on the changes to the DB schema 14:11:18 <davidsha> Part of this spec also talks about moving the Neutron Classifier service plugin and DB models into the Neutron repo, this was the only solution I could see for creating foreign keys to the classification objects from the QoS Rule objects. 14:11:50 <slaweq> davidsha: yes, I read this spec recently and this part is also something what I wanted to raise on drivers meeting 14:12:03 <ralonsoh> (^^ that's the key point: the DB changes needed in Neutron, specially in dscp) 14:12:47 <davidsha> It's also needed because Neutron classifier's DB migration happens when other out of tree DB migration happen, after Neutrons, but QoS's DB migrations happen at the same time as Neutrons. 14:13:17 <davidsha> So they can't point to the tables because the migration haven't happened yet. 14:14:14 <amotoki> the classifier stuff would be a common base once we adopt the neutron classifier, so it sounds reasonable to have thme in the neutron repo at a glance. 14:14:34 <ralonsoh> I agree with amotoki 14:14:36 <amotoki> one question is how neutron stadium project can consume them. 14:14:51 <slaweq> amotoki: yes, it can be also used by e.g. security group rules in the future IIRC 14:15:03 <davidsha> I have a PoC patch showing how DSCP is consuming it, 2 secs 14:15:21 <amotoki> if the only reason is FFK in db models, what happens if stadium projects would like to use NC models. 14:15:25 <amotoki> NC = neutron classifiers 14:15:35 <davidsha> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/636333/ 14:15:38 <ralonsoh> slaweq, as far as I remember, the API will be the QoS one 14:16:02 <davidsha> The extension API consumes the classification API resources 14:16:47 <amotoki> In the API level, I don't see a problem as long as the change is consistent. 14:16:51 <davidsha> So you could reuse the same classification for QoS and Security Groups and SFC etc. 14:18:35 <ralonsoh> (btw, the API https://review.opendev.org/#/c/670049/) 14:18:59 <slaweq> amotoki: I think that if other stadium project will want to use NC models, it will need to depends on Neutron and than Neutron db models will be created first so stadium will be able to use them e.g. in own FK 14:20:02 <davidsha> slaweq: does that Repo already exist? 14:20:06 <amotoki> slaweq: ah. I see. I read the discussion again and noticed that the original problem davidsha raised is about db migration 14:20:35 <slaweq> davidsha: which repo? 14:21:18 <davidsha> A Neutron db models repo, or is it just Neutron-lib? 14:21:42 <slaweq> davidsha: neutron db models are in neutron repo 14:22:50 <davidsha> kk, misunderstood! 14:23:37 <ralonsoh> so, summarizing QoS meetings discussions 14:23:57 <ralonsoh> 1) are the DB changes ok? this is going to modify the dscp rule 14:24:03 <ralonsoh> 2) is the API correct? 14:24:14 <ralonsoh> 3) is the new data model and logic correct? 14:24:49 <ralonsoh> all related to classification resources and groups 14:25:19 <ralonsoh> (IMO, all three are ok for me) 14:25:27 <amotoki> I think 2 and 3 can be discussed in the review. 14:25:32 <ralonsoh> sure 14:25:43 <ralonsoh> and 1 also, in the spec 14:25:53 <amotoki> re 1, it sounds reasonble to me to have DB models in the neutron repo. 14:26:01 <ralonsoh> fantastic! 14:26:09 <slaweq> amotoki++ 14:26:14 <davidsha> Cool! 14:26:19 <slaweq> lets discuss that in gerrit comments 14:27:50 <davidsha> Would it be possible to get the rfe approved then? 14:28:21 <slaweq> davidsha: do You have link to the rfe? 14:28:52 <davidsha> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1476527 14:28:52 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1476527 in neutron "[RFE] Add common classifier resource" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Igor D.C. (igordcard) 14:29:04 <slaweq> this rfe is approved already 14:29:07 <slaweq> :) 14:29:12 <slaweq> but we need to merge spec now 14:29:40 <slaweq> next week I will ask mlavalle, yamamoto and haleyb also to review this spec 14:30:10 <amotoki> it applies to me too :) 14:30:14 <davidsha> kk, ack! 14:30:35 <slaweq> ok, thx for discussing about that 14:30:46 <ralonsoh> thanks! 14:30:54 <slaweq> my goal was mostly to talk about potentially rehoming service plugin to be in-tree plugin 14:30:55 <davidsha> Thanks! 14:30:55 <amotoki> thanks 14:31:04 <slaweq> and we talked about it a bit :) 14:31:10 <slaweq> so thanks for attending 14:31:15 <slaweq> ahh, wait 14:31:27 <slaweq> maybe You have anything else You would like to talk about today? 14:31:32 <slaweq> :) 14:31:37 <ralonsoh> no 14:31:41 <amotoki> nothing from me 14:31:52 <davidsha> I'm good, thanks 14:31:58 <slaweq> ok, so thx for attending 14:32:03 <slaweq> and have a great weekend 14:32:08 <slaweq> #endmeeting