14:00:15 <slaweq> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:16 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Dec 6 14:00:15 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is slaweq. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:16 <slaweq> hi 14:00:17 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:26 <mlavalle> o/ 14:01:43 <ralonsoh> hi 14:02:43 <slaweq> lets wait few more minutes to have quorum 14:03:13 <mlavalle> ack 14:03:23 <njohnston> slaweq: I can joino/ 14:06:02 <slaweq> amotoki: haleyb yamamoto: drivers meeting, are You around? 14:06:11 <yamamoto> hi 14:07:32 <slaweq> hi yamamoto 14:07:38 <slaweq> so we have quorum now 14:07:46 <slaweq> and we can start 14:07:53 <slaweq> #topic RFEs 14:08:12 <slaweq> first of all I want to talk a bit about https://review.opendev.org/#/c/678865/ 14:08:21 <slaweq> RFE for this is already accepted 14:09:00 <slaweq> but proposal from davidsha is to move classifier framework to be in-tree service plugin 14:09:10 <slaweq> we discussed that with amotoki last week 14:09:43 <slaweq> but as today we have more drivers here, I would like to ask again to review this spec and what do You think about moving this service plugin to be in-tree plugin 14:10:04 <mlavalle> I put it yesterday in my pile of reviews 14:10:39 <haleyb> hi, sorry i'm late 14:11:34 <ralonsoh> just to point out: the scope is reduced to QoS and DSCP. In the spec we should also have the DB definition and the API (as Lajos mentioned) 14:11:50 <ralonsoh> but as I commented in QoS meeting and last week here, I'm ok with it 14:12:50 <slaweq> I'm ok with this too if there is no other easy way 14:13:09 <slaweq> but I would like to know others' opinion too 14:13:22 <njohnston> I think it makes far more sense for it to be in-tree 14:13:22 <slaweq> we can discuss that here or in the review of the spec if You want 14:14:43 <slaweq> mlavalle: haleyb yamamoto: so please review this spec soon so we can move forward with this RFE finally :) 14:14:55 <slaweq> would that be good for You? 14:15:11 <mlavalle> as i said above, it is in my pile as of yesterday 14:15:25 <haleyb> i'll put it on my pile as well 14:16:39 <yamamoto> i'll leave the spec open in one of my browser tab so that i will notice it next week 14:17:34 <slaweq> thx 14:17:38 <slaweq> lets move on than 14:17:47 <slaweq> next rfe 14:17:50 <slaweq> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1847068 14:17:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1847068 in neutron "[RFE] create option in neutron.conf to disable designate+neutron consistency" [Wishlist,New] - Assigned to Gregoire Mahe (gregoiremahe) 14:18:12 <slaweq> we talked about it few times but I want to get back to it once again and agree if we should abandon it or not 14:18:38 <slaweq> I'm for abandoning this rfe as it is trying to solve some very specific to ovh use case 14:20:34 <mlavalle> I am also for not accepting it. I just looked at it and I don't see new info in the RFE. So my position stands 14:20:45 <mlavalle> I'm open to listen to arguments, though 14:22:52 <njohnston> If designate performance is so terrible that neutron needs to treat it with such measures then I think the better solution would be for the requestor to apply effort to fixing the issues they have with designate 14:23:37 <njohnston> I think "let's make into openstack project #1 that it can never trust that project #2 is going to do it's job" is a terrible statement 14:23:42 <njohnston> *bake 14:24:01 <slaweq> njohnston: actually, from my understanding they want to do something like that because they want to use own driver in designate and they want to test that in production without breaking e.g. neutron if something would go wrong 14:24:02 <mlavalle> well, and it is not a Designate problem in general 14:24:44 <njohnston> wait, so once the testing is done they would disable this measure and not use it anymore? 14:24:49 <mlavalle> my employer uses the current Neutron - Designate integration in production every day without a problem 14:25:09 <slaweq> njohnston: idk, but that was my understanding 14:25:31 <mlavalle> this RFE is to address a specific way OVH is deploying Designate 14:27:15 <slaweq> yes, so my vote for this is: -1 14:28:25 <njohnston> -1 14:29:39 <yamamoto> -1 14:29:58 <slaweq> haleyb: any thought? 14:30:11 <haleyb> i would agree, -1 14:30:14 <yamamoto> it seems a temporal solution even for ovh 14:30:38 <mlavalle> slaweq: please tell the OVH folds that I will be available to comment in their code if they want me to 14:30:48 <mlavalle> folks^^^ 14:30:48 <slaweq> ok, so we all agreed to -1 it 14:30:51 <slaweq> mlavalle: sure 14:31:08 <slaweq> so I will abandon this rfe with comment why we decided that 14:31:10 <slaweq> thx 14:31:22 <slaweq> next one for today is from ralonsoh 14:31:24 <slaweq> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1851362 14:31:24 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1851362 in neutron "[RFE] ports do not inherit their associated network's policy" [Low,In progress] - Assigned to Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez) 14:31:50 <ralonsoh> in a nutshell: in the CLI we are not showing the network QoS policy for a port 14:32:01 <ralonsoh> a port can inherit the network QoS policy 14:32:19 <ralonsoh> and currently the agents are using it, if no port qos policy is defined 14:32:19 <slaweq> so it's only about "cosmetic" change of API, right? 14:32:23 <ralonsoh> exactly 14:32:25 <ralonsoh> only 14:32:36 <ralonsoh> see c#1 14:34:26 <slaweq> Personally I'm ok with such change 14:34:35 <slaweq> ofcourse it has to be discoverable 14:34:50 <slaweq> so new api extension will be needed 14:35:11 <ralonsoh> for sure, see first patch https://review.opendev.org/#/c/693234/ 14:35:49 <mlavalle> so, from the Neutron code perspective, is it just a matter of populating the port response with the network's policy id? 14:36:03 <ralonsoh> exactly 14:36:12 <ralonsoh> and then use it in the SDK and the OSclient 14:36:23 <ralonsoh> this parameter will be read-only 14:36:45 <mlavalle> yeap, I see the extension definition in the patch ^^^^ 14:37:05 <mlavalle> so yeah, let's do it 14:37:25 <mlavalle> in fact, it might be considered a bug 14:37:28 <slaweq> yamamoto, haleyb: any thoughts about this one? 14:37:45 <slaweq> mlavalle: yes, but as it require api change I wanted to treat it as rfe and discuss here 14:37:48 <mlavalle> because, as the filing of this RFE shows, it confuses users 14:38:11 <mlavalle> cool, let's do it 14:38:15 <ralonsoh> thank you all 14:38:47 <yamamoto> it seems reasonable. i'm not sure it's what the submitter wants to see though. 14:39:21 <ralonsoh> yamamoto, I talked to him and this is the problem: they can't see what's the qos policy on this port 14:39:51 <ralonsoh> (the one in use, in this case, the network one, inherited ) 14:39:51 <yamamoto> ralonsoh: ok, then it's fine for me 14:39:55 <haleyb> sorry, got sidetracked, but based on the bug and conversation looks good to me 14:41:50 <slaweq> ok, so I will approve it just after the meeting 14:41:56 <slaweq> as we all agreed with that 14:42:07 <slaweq> ralonsoh: You will implement that, right? 14:42:07 <ralonsoh> thanks 14:42:14 <ralonsoh> I'm on it now 14:42:29 <slaweq> thx 14:42:37 <slaweq> ok, lets move on 14:42:40 <slaweq> next one for today 14:42:43 <slaweq> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1851609 14:42:43 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1851609 in neutron "Add an option for graceful l3 agent shutdown" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Oleg Bondarev (obondarev) 14:43:03 <slaweq> haleyb: I know You were discussing with Oleg about this 14:44:05 <haleyb> slaweq: yes, i had some questions for him, hopefully didn't confuse him with my container comments 14:45:04 <slaweq> thx haleyb for taking care of it 14:45:10 <haleyb> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/693323/ is the review btw 14:46:17 <slaweq> for me this rfe sounds reasonable for use cases when L3 agent is running in container and in the same container also child processes are running 14:46:22 <haleyb> i don't think my employer needs it, but it could be useful for others perhaps 14:47:12 <slaweq> exactly as haleyb said, it's not the case e.g. in TripleO but for other deployment tools it can be useful 14:48:37 <mlavalle> good discussion in the RFE 14:49:06 <mlavalle> you didn't create confusion haleyb 14:49:42 <haleyb> i just didn't have a good answer for how we did it, some of that stuff is black magic to me 14:51:06 <haleyb> it does solve a problem that can happen in a single-pod neutron deployment 14:51:24 <mlavalle> is there a chance that it is described somewhere in the TripleO docs? 14:52:06 <slaweq> mlavalle: I can ask beagles for that, it's his "baby" 14:52:07 <slaweq> :) 14:53:17 <mlavalle> I don't say reject this RFE for now, but maybe if we reseacrh it a bit, we could find a way to re-use what TripleO did 14:53:51 <mlavalle> maybe it is not that complicated and we save Neutron of another config option 14:54:24 <slaweq> mlavalle: good point, I will ask beagles for details about how it's done in TripleO and we will get back to this discussion next week 14:54:24 <mlavalle> BTW, I am an advocate of Neutron supporting containers as much as possible 14:55:19 <slaweq> are all ok with this plan? 14:55:21 <mlavalle> if you can get beagles to comment in the RFE, it would be good 14:55:44 <haleyb> mlavalle: neutron isn't aware it's happening AUIU, it just spawns things as it always did, but there should be info around to give to Oleg and see what he thinks 14:56:16 <mlavalle> oh yeah 14:56:24 <mlavalle> and that's the way it should be 14:57:07 <mlavalle> my comment above is just meant to say that we in the Neutron team should try to support the growth of Neutron in containers as much as we can 14:57:21 <haleyb> ack 14:58:27 <slaweq> ok, we are almost on top of the hour 14:58:40 <slaweq> so lets ask beagles to comment on this rfe and we will get back to it 14:58:51 <slaweq> thx for attending the meeting and have a great weekend 14:58:53 <slaweq> o/ 14:59:08 <mlavalle> cool, have a nice weekend! 14:59:15 <slaweq> #endmeeting