14:00:32 <slaweq> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:33 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Feb 12 14:00:32 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is slaweq. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:37 <slaweq> hi 14:00:38 <mlavalle> o/ 14:00:44 <amotoki> hi 14:01:09 <haleyb> hi 14:02:01 <slaweq> lets wait few more minutes for ralonsoh and njohnston 14:02:11 <ralonsoh> hi (sorrY) 14:02:22 <slaweq> I think that Nate is not here today 14:02:37 <slaweq> and yamamoto already wrote an email that he will not be there 14:02:41 <slaweq> so I think we can start 14:02:44 <lajoskatona> o/ 14:02:46 <slaweq> #topic RFEs 14:02:59 <slaweq> we have one RFE for today https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1915151 14:03:01 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1915151 in neutron "[RFE] There should be a way to set ethertype for the vlan_transparent networks" [Wishlist,New] - Assigned to Slawek Kaplonski (slaweq) 14:03:46 <slaweq> Sean already made some comment there and I really like his idea about new extension and attibute "qinq" for networks 14:04:04 <slaweq> something similar to "vlan_transparency" but treated separately 14:04:52 <ralonsoh> because the goal of this RFE is to accept QinQ, right? 14:05:03 <slaweq> right 14:05:23 <slaweq> but in the way that user controls C-Tag in his own 14:05:31 <slaweq> something like we have now with vlan transparency 14:05:48 <slaweq> but we now send packets with 2 vlan tags and ethertype 0x8100 14:05:54 <slaweq> so it's not really qinq 14:06:09 <slaweq> and it can work e.g in tunnel networks also if backend supports that 14:06:12 <amotoki> my memory is ambiguous. Is C-tag an internal tag right? 14:06:20 <slaweq> amotoki: yes 14:06:23 <slaweq> it's inner tag 14:06:32 <slaweq> S-tag is the outer one 14:06:41 <slaweq> and that would be controlled by Neutron 14:06:56 <ralonsoh> yeah, we discussed about this in Atlanta and other meetings. I think the idea of having something different to vlan-transparency is better. And we can control the backends supporting it 14:06:58 <slaweq> that's at least use case which we have and would like to fit 14:07:10 <slaweq> yes 14:07:31 <slaweq> in fact control mechanism would be very similar to what we have now with vlan_transparency 14:07:40 <ralonsoh> agree 14:07:43 <amotoki> so, what we would like to achive is that VM sends C-tag and neutron adds S-tag, right? 14:07:53 <slaweq> amotoki: right 14:08:05 <amotoki> and is it out of scope that we allow VM to send QinQ itself? 14:08:09 <slaweq> and packet will have ethertype 0x8a88 14:08:24 <slaweq> amotoki: yes, vm will see "just" one vlan tag 14:08:44 <amotoki> slaweq: thanks for clarification 14:08:57 <slaweq> basically we have cu who was using vlan_transparency to achieve that 14:09:14 <lajoskatona> slaweq: how this differs from trunk? 14:09:41 <slaweq> but now some Cisco switches strips one vlan tag from packets if it's ethertype 0x8a88 14:10:08 <ralonsoh> trunk ports are transparent for the VM 14:10:11 <slaweq> lajoskatona: in this case user can configure any vlan tag in the vm, no matter what is configured in neutron 14:10:28 <slaweq> lajoskatona: and packet in underlay network has 2 tags 14:10:38 <lajoskatona> ah, ok ,so no preset segment_id or similar 14:10:41 <slaweq> with trunks, tag is changed and single tag is send to the wire 14:11:22 <lajoskatona> ok, thanks, I see now why this can be useful 14:12:40 <amotoki> you says neutron adds S-tag (outer tag), so what is the difference from a normal vlan neutron network case? 14:13:10 <slaweq> amotoki: the difference is that vm see packets with vlan tag (one) 14:13:22 <slaweq> so inside vm You need to configure e.g. eth0.100 14:13:34 <slaweq> this is similar to trunks 14:13:41 <amotoki> slaweq: it is about an inter tag (C-tag) 14:14:06 <slaweq> yes, C-tag is configured by user inside vm 14:14:21 <amotoki> I wonder the relationship between outer tag and a VLAN for a neutron VLAN network. 14:14:21 <slaweq> and S-Tag is neutron's tag added on the compute node 14:14:33 <amotoki> are both same? 14:14:35 <mlavalle> hence the name QinQ 14:14:37 <slaweq> amotoki: outer vlan is Neutron's vlan 14:14:58 <slaweq> so, let's say we have in neutron network with segmentation_id=10 (vlan network) 14:15:07 <slaweq> and it has this qinq feature enabled 14:15:13 <slaweq> so user can plug instance to it 14:15:20 <slaweq> and he will have eth0 interface in vm 14:15:31 <slaweq> so far, our normal vlan network, right? 14:15:48 <slaweq> and then user can also add eth0.100 or eth0.200 or whatever inside vm 14:16:10 <mlavalle> the Q in inQ 14:16:13 <slaweq> and packets send through eth0 will have then s-tag=10 (neutron) and c-tag=100 (vm) 14:16:16 <slaweq> mlavalle: exactly 14:16:20 <ralonsoh> the point is not to enforce the user to use any specific VLAN range, depending on the infrastructure 14:16:48 <amotoki> yeah, right 14:17:37 <mlavalle> We've had proposals for this before. To me, it is clearly needed, so I say +1 14:17:45 <ralonsoh> +1 14:18:02 <mlavalle> and I like Sean's proposal 14:18:45 <slaweq> I will not vote for that as I proposed it 14:18:47 <amotoki> for my understanding, the difference from vlan_tranceparency is that in case of vlan_transparency packets from VM are sent to a neutron network without any change right? 14:19:13 <slaweq> amotoki: difference is in fact in the ethertype which packets have 14:19:29 <slaweq> in vlan transparency it is 0x8100 (802.1q which is "normal" vlan) 14:19:48 <slaweq> and in that qinq case we want to send 0x8a88 which is really qinq 14:20:11 <slaweq> and also this qinq will be possible only for vlan networks 14:20:16 <amotoki> slaweq: packets you talk about is at the neutron network layer. 14:20:18 <slaweq> otherwise it doesn't makes sense 14:20:25 <amotoki> slaweq: what about packets from VM? 14:21:11 <slaweq> amotoki: I would need to check that but IIRC inside the vm it would be 0x8100 as there would be one vlan 14:21:19 <slaweq> hmm, that is good question 14:22:25 <amotoki> I think we need to clarify three cases (this prposal, trunk and vlan_transparency) from both of neutron network and a NIC in a guest VM. 14:22:41 <amotoki> * perspectives. 14:23:13 <slaweq> true 14:23:30 <slaweq> I will check all those cases and will update RFE next week 14:24:23 <amotoki> sounds fine. thanks 14:24:40 <slaweq> thx amotoki++ 14:24:47 <slaweq> that's very good point to clarify 14:25:01 <slaweq> anything else do You want me to check before we will get back to that? 14:29:27 <amotoki> nothing else from me. If we can clarify the need and we dont' support it now, the RFE would make sense. 14:30:09 <slaweq> I will update it next week and we can get back to it 14:30:15 <slaweq> are You all ok with that? 14:30:20 <mlavalle> +1 14:30:24 <ralonsoh> yes 14:30:25 <amotoki> sounds good 14:30:29 <slaweq> thx 14:30:40 <haleyb> +1 14:30:51 <slaweq> if You would have any additional questions/doubts, please write a comment there 14:31:01 <slaweq> ok, that's all what I had for today 14:31:18 <slaweq> on demand agenda is also empty 14:31:29 <slaweq> so I think I can give You 30 minutes back today 14:31:40 <mlavalle> Just one point 14:31:40 <slaweq> thx for attending the meeting and have a great weekend :) 14:31:43 <slaweq> mlavalle: sure 14:31:58 <mlavalle> As soon as https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-lib/+/774929 merges, can we do a neutron-lib release? 14:32:17 <slaweq> yes, I actually wanted to ask You about it today :) 14:32:29 <mlavalle> You are welcome ;-) 14:32:32 <slaweq> amotoki: are You ok with that? 14:33:12 <amotoki> slaweq: I am okay with that, but is it okay to add a new attribute to an existing API extension? 14:33:37 <slaweq> I was thinking about it 14:33:43 <lajoskatona> technically it will be a new extension if I understand well, or not? 14:33:54 <slaweq> but in that case IIRC we never really finished that address groups feature yet 14:34:01 <lajoskatona> which extends the previous extension 14:34:02 <ralonsoh> that's correct, this extension is not released yet 14:34:04 <slaweq> so IMHO in that case it would be fine 14:34:24 <mlavalle> that was our thinking 14:34:34 <lajoskatona> oh I see now, yeah I have the same understanding, it is the feautre of this cycle, not an older one 14:34:51 <slaweq> so I tried to be more practical and not fall into "extensions madness" again ;) 14:34:59 <amotoki> good point. If we don't release it, we can do it. 14:35:23 <slaweq> btw, there is also one my patch waiting for review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-lib/+/770612 14:35:41 <slaweq> it's not critical so we don't need to wait for it but maybe You can take a look at it too? 14:36:04 <slaweq> I would then be able to work on the neutron part of fix for that issue 14:37:25 <amotoki> back to the first topic, the address group neutron extension is shipped as part of victoria release but is it incomplete right? 14:37:37 <slaweq> amotoki: right 14:37:59 <amotoki> thanks, so the current neutron-lib patch makes sense. 14:40:31 <slaweq> mlavalle: bad news is that it seems that we will not merge it without https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/775357 14:40:54 <slaweq> as neutron-tempest-plugin-api is failing on that patch due to oslo_policy 3.6.2 :/ 14:41:48 <mlavalle> ok, we need to work on that patch then, right? 14:42:06 <slaweq> I hope it can be merged soon 14:42:13 <slaweq> it is needed also to unblock other things 14:43:10 <slaweq> it's now in the check queue in zuul 14:43:16 <slaweq> so we need to be patient :) 14:43:46 <mlavalle> ok 14:43:47 <slaweq> mlavalle: but I will keep an eye on it and will try to merge all through the weekend to propose release of neutron-lib asap for You :) 14:43:48 <mlavalle> np 14:43:57 <mlavalle> thanks! 14:44:12 <slaweq> anything else to discuss today? 14:45:08 <mlavalle> not from me 14:45:41 <slaweq> if not, thx for attending and have a great weekend :) 14:45:46 <ralonsoh> have a nice weekend 14:45:48 <slaweq> see You online o/ 14:45:51 <slaweq> #endmeeting