14:01:04 <slaweq> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:01:05 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Apr 9 14:01:04 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is slaweq. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:06 <slaweq> hi 14:01:08 <mlavalle> o/ 14:01:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:01:12 <amotoki> o/ 14:01:17 <lajoskatona> o/ 14:01:34 <haleyb> o/ 14:01:46 <gibi> \o 14:01:54 <ralonsoh> hi 14:02:07 <viveknarasimhan> o/ 14:02:52 <slaweq> we have quorum so I think we can start now 14:02:56 <slaweq> #topic RFEs 14:03:03 <slaweq> we have 2 rfe for today 14:03:14 <slaweq> first one 14:03:15 <slaweq> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1922237 14:03:16 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1922237 in neutron "[RFE][QoS] Add minimum guaranteed packet rate QoS rule" [Undecided,New] 14:03:21 <gibi> yepp 14:03:26 <gibi> that is on me 14:03:29 <slaweq> and we have gibi to ask a questions :) 14:03:32 <slaweq> welcome gibi 14:03:45 <gibi> in short this is similar to what we already done with minimum bandwidth QoS rule 14:03:51 <gibi> but now with minimum packet rate 14:04:04 <gibi> the scope is 14:04:23 <gibi> only the OVS agent reports packet rate inventory 14:04:32 <gibi> (the rest of the backend can be considered later if needed) 14:04:48 <gibi> only the scheduling time guarantees are in scope, data plane enforecement can be added later 14:05:10 <gibi> after the packet rate limiter QoS policy is implemented (separate RFE from liu) 14:05:26 <gibi> we need both Neutron and Nova impact 14:05:34 <gibi> details are being worked on in two specs 14:05:38 <gibi> https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:bp/qos-minimum-guaranteed-packet-rate 14:06:39 <ralonsoh> just a couple of questions/requests: 14:06:41 <gibi> as it stands today, I will drive the implementation of both the Neutron and the Nova impact with helps from lajoskatona 14:06:45 <gibi> ralonsoh: sure 14:07:14 <ralonsoh> both APIs and DB changes (Liu's and yours) could be implemented at once 14:07:39 <gibi> ralonsoh: do you suggest to have a single API extension for both? 14:08:08 <ralonsoh> no but to submit the change at the same time 14:08:13 <slaweq> I think we should have 2 api extensions, just to be consistent with other things 14:08:23 <gibi> I agree on the separate extensions 14:08:29 <lajoskatona> +1 14:08:35 <gibi> Nova will depend on only one of them 14:08:57 <gibi> ralonsoh: I can try to sync with Liu about proposing the API impact around the same time 14:08:58 <lajoskatona> Lius speaks of qos_pps_limiter while gibi qos_min_pps 14:09:05 <ralonsoh> and about the spec, I don't see clear the driver enforcement part 14:09:12 <ralonsoh> lajoskatona, I know, this is what I said 14:09:28 <lajoskatona> ralonsoh: ok 14:09:42 <gibi> ralonsoh: right now the data plane enforcement of the min pps guarantee is out of scope 14:09:48 <ralonsoh> ok, ok 14:09:51 <gibi> that first need a pps limiter implementation from Liu 14:09:59 <ralonsoh> perfect for me then, thanks! 14:10:03 <gibi> cool 14:10:36 <gibi> is there any other question? 14:10:54 <amotoki> I understand it is not an easy thing to ensure min pps from POV of data plane. Ensuring min pps at the scheduling time sounds good. 14:11:09 <amotoki> it is straight forward proposal and it sounds reaosnable to me 14:11:09 <gibi> amotoki: yes, I agree 14:11:18 <slaweq> one more question 14:11:21 <gibi> (on the hardness of the data plane stuff) 14:11:30 <slaweq> You said in the rfe that resource_request will have to be changed now 14:11:33 <viveknarasimhan> +1 as dataplane enforcement can be taken up later 14:11:53 <gibi> slaweq: yes, we need a deeper nested structure 14:12:16 <slaweq> does it means that nova and neutron will need to be upgraded together? Or will it be somehow compatible to make it working with e.g. Neutron Xena and Nova Wallaby? 14:12:27 <slaweq> or isn't such configuration supported at all? 14:13:07 <gibi> slaweq: I can make Xena Nova work with both Xena Neutron or Wallaby Neutron by keeping the old resource_request parsing logic in Nova 14:13:21 <gibi> and selecting the parse based on which Neutron API extension is enabled 14:13:36 <gibi> s/parse/parser/ 14:14:15 <gibi> I'm not sure if we really support mixing controller service versions 14:14:20 <amotoki> slaweq: is it a common case where mixed versions of nova/neutron are run except during the upgrade? 14:14:43 <slaweq> amotoki: I don't know, that's why I asked if we support that thing at all 14:14:52 <slaweq> maybe not and then there is no problem 14:14:53 <slaweq> :) 14:14:56 <ralonsoh> I don't this is supported, but server/agent version delta 14:15:05 <slaweq> ok 14:15:13 <slaweq> so that is good for me then :) 14:15:18 <rubasov> late o/ 14:15:25 <gibi> I have one more practical question 14:15:42 <gibi> do you feel the need to have a short chat with the nova team around this feature during the PTG? 14:15:47 <ralonsoh> sure 14:16:23 <gibi> OK, then I will talk to slaweq separately about a timeslot 14:16:30 <slaweq> ++ 14:16:37 <gibi> I don't think we need a whole hour for it 14:16:42 <mlavalle> I am good with this RFE 14:16:51 <ralonsoh> +1 to the RFE 14:16:53 <mlavalle> straightforward definition 14:16:58 <amotoki> +1 14:17:01 <slaweq> +1 14:17:16 <mlavalle> +1 14:17:27 <haleyb> +1 14:17:41 <viveknarasimhan> +1 14:18:19 <slaweq> ok, I will mark this RFE as approved and will sync with gibi to schedule some time slot to discuss that during ptg too 14:18:25 <slaweq> thx 14:18:30 <gibi> thank you folks! 14:18:51 <slaweq> second rfe 14:18:53 <slaweq> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1921461 14:18:54 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1921461 in neutron "[RFE] Enhancement to Neutron BGPaaS to directly support Neutron Routers & bgp-peering from such routers over internal & external Neutron Networks" [Undecided,New] 14:19:13 <viveknarasimhan> thanks for taking this up in PTG today 14:19:30 <viveknarasimhan> i can put a few words to describe what this RFE addresses, can i put in? 14:20:15 <slaweq> viveknarasimhan: sure 14:20:15 <ralonsoh> please 14:20:20 <viveknarasimhan> thanks slaweq 14:20:33 <viveknarasimhan> this RFE is raised to enhance our current Neutron BGPaas Service 14:20:58 <viveknarasimhan> to enable it to support BGP-Peering over Internal-Neutron-Networks and External-Neutron-Networks 14:21:36 <viveknarasimhan> the idea is to bring L3 connectivity to non-neutron service-addresses hosted inside VNFs for access by telco subscribers 14:22:05 <viveknarasimhan> the VNFs provide several services to subscribers over dedicated service-addresses and enabling such service-addresses to be available on ISP-PE-Routers 14:22:24 <viveknarasimhan> by enhancing BGPaaS to support peering to VNFs over Internal Networks 14:22:41 <viveknarasimhan> & by enhancing BGPaas to support peering towards ISP-PE-Routers over External Networks 14:23:24 <viveknarasimhan> The spec is here : https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/783791/ 14:23:28 <manubk39> thanks Vivek for the details. there was a network flip. just joined again 14:23:49 <viveknarasimhan> the RFE proposes 3 things: 14:23:59 <viveknarasimhan> a. Provide direct association of routers to a bgpspeaker 14:24:11 <viveknarasimhan> b. enable bgpspeakers to peer with VNFs over Neutron-Tenant-Networks 14:24:31 <viveknarasimhan> c. enable bgpspeakers to peer with ISP-PE-Routers over External-Neutron-Networks 14:24:51 <mlavalle> big changes 14:25:14 <slaweq> so IIUC You want to have bgpspeaker run inside router's namespace 14:25:27 <viveknarasimhan> it is a fair proposal, but brings in capabilities into Openstack that make it much more relevant to Telco space 14:25:33 <slaweq> and announce to the external routers IPs from the tenant network 14:25:37 <slaweq> is that correct? 14:25:53 <viveknarasimhan> slaweq: yes, once a bgpspeaker is associated to a router, the speaker will run inside the router-namespace 14:26:28 <viveknarasimhan> and speaker will connect to external(aka ISP) and internal entities (VNFs) through the routers interface in the namespace 14:26:43 <mlavalle> nothing wrong with a big change in principle 14:26:58 <viveknarasimhan> yes the speaker will recieve external router IPs enabling reachability by VNF 14:27:24 <amotoki> but from the perspective of routers outside of openstack (i.e. neutron), there is no need to run BGPspeaker in a router ns. why do you need to run a speaker in a router ns? 14:27:26 <viveknarasimhan> and same way speaker will advertise internal-non-neutron-service-addresses to ISP router for enabling reachability of such addresses by Telco subscribers on ISP side 14:27:41 <amotoki> I am not sure what VNF you mean. where is VNF run? 14:28:06 <lajoskatona> I think we can translate VNF to an application inside the VM 14:28:17 <amotoki> Is a VNF run on a VM on nova? 14:28:19 <viveknarasimhan> amotoki: VNF is a VM, Virtual Network Function 14:28:24 <viveknarasimhan> VNF is a VM fired by Nova 14:28:31 <amotoki> okay 14:28:39 <viveknarasimhan> we use VNF as more common terminology in Telco domains rather than VMs 14:29:01 <viveknarasimhan> the router we are talking about is a Neutron Router which is also a Gateway Router 14:29:18 <amotoki> I know what is VNF. I just would like to clarify it based on OpenStack terminology :) 14:29:46 <viveknarasimhan> a Gateway Router for a DC today has capabilities like BGP, BFD, multiple external networks. Our RFE would enable a Neutron Router to become a Neutron Gateway Router 14:29:49 <viveknarasimhan> when need be 14:30:18 <slaweq> will Your proposal be compatible with what we have now? 14:30:33 <slaweq> now there is one DrAgent on compute node IIRC 14:30:35 <viveknarasimhan> For a bgpspeaker to peer with VNFs, it can access such VNFs through the neutron router 14:30:39 <slaweq> and it is bgpspeaker 14:30:46 <slaweq> correct? 14:30:56 <viveknarasimhan> in our RFE , we won't be using the DrAgent 14:31:19 <viveknarasimhan> the L3Agent will drive the functionality of a DrAgent as the BGPSpeaker is coupled with Router 14:31:32 <amotoki> Is the API compatible with what we have now? 14:31:54 <viveknarasimhan> the API we proposed is compatible with existing API 14:32:05 <viveknarasimhan> we can associate a provider-network to a bgpspeaker today 14:32:10 <viveknarasimhan> that will remain and work as is with DrAgent 14:32:12 <manubk> yes and there will be new API which will be created for associating BGP speaker to router 14:32:27 <viveknarasimhan> when the tenant associates neutron router to a bgpspeaker, the realization will happen through the L3Agent 14:32:45 <mlavalle> will this replace neutron dynamic routing? 14:32:55 <viveknarasimhan> BGPServicePlugin will work with L3Plugin to in turn drive the L3agent to manage BGPSpekaer 14:33:09 <viveknarasimhan> mlavelle: it is not replacing anything 14:33:24 <viveknarasimhan> we are offering an enhanced BGPPlugin that can support network-association and router-association 14:33:33 <viveknarasimhan> similar to how BGPVPN in Openstack provides today 14:33:47 <viveknarasimhan> network-association will work through current path of ServicePlugin -> DrAgent -> Speaker 14:34:05 <viveknarasimhan> router-association will work through enhancedBGPServicePlugin -> L3Plugin -> L3agent -> Speaker 14:34:12 <amotoki> I think we need some new l3 agent ext in neutron-dynamic-routing too, right? 14:34:48 <viveknarasimhan> amotoki: at this moment, we think neutron-dynamic-routing will have enhancement only on teh BGPplugin 14:34:57 <viveknarasimhan> but, it will need to make calls to L3Plugin 14:35:12 <viveknarasimhan> we won't bring l3agentext into neutron-dynamic-routing as we donot see that is necessary 14:35:22 <slaweq> you mean to L3 service plugin? 14:35:27 <viveknarasimhan> yes L3 service Plugin 14:35:56 <viveknarasimhan> slaweq: we will retain L3ServicePlugin as the owner of Router, we just enhance the BGPServicePlugin to talk to L3Plugin to accomplish BGPspeaker managed 14:36:08 <viveknarasimhan> in that namespace of the router-associated-to-bgp-speaker 14:36:27 <mlavalle> my question was poorly phrased.... do you need to make changes to neutron dynamic routing or this is only on the Neutron side? I don't think this is clarified in the RFE 14:36:33 <slaweq> I'm not sure if I understand all that concept, I though that it will require some enhancement on the agent's side 14:36:39 <slaweq> not in the server/db side 14:36:41 <viveknarasimhan> we have a prototype demo recording of how this works for the tenant, and we are willing to share the recording for upstream friends here 14:36:58 <viveknarasimhan> the enhancmeent for us is in just 3 places: 14:37:02 <viveknarasimhan> a. Enhanced BGPServicePlugin 14:37:36 <viveknarasimhan> b. Enhanced L3 Plugin as it needs to pass the BGPSpeaker-associated-to-router towards the L3Agent 14:38:02 <viveknarasimhan> c. Enhanced L3Agent that will note that the router is BGPaas-wrapped, and will manage a single BGPSpeaker for that router namespace 14:38:18 <viveknarasimhan> We are supporting only one router-to-be-associated per BGPspeaker 14:38:25 <amotoki> I have a concern on the approach regarding b and c 14:38:33 <viveknarasimhan> which is unlike networks today where we allow tons of networks to be present on a bgpspeaker 14:38:36 <amotoki> it will introduce BGP stuff in L3 plugin and L3 agent. 14:38:43 <slaweq> amotoki: exactly 14:38:52 <amotoki> theoretically it should be implemented as l3 agnet extension 14:38:59 <viveknarasimhan> amotoki: Would it be better if BGPPlugin talks directly to L3Agent? 14:39:08 <slaweq> for c) IMO it could be l3 agent extension, like we have for fip qos or port_forwardings now 14:39:29 <viveknarasimhan> slaweq and amotoki: The implementaation we can work out, we request your feedback about our concept 14:39:32 <lajoskatona> which will work only if ndr is enabled? 14:39:38 <viveknarasimhan> please let us know twhat you think 14:40:08 <ralonsoh> can you share the code? 14:40:12 <slaweq> viveknarasimhan: I would like to see that demo if it would be fine for You 14:40:14 <viveknarasimhan> we also want to put here that this is one of the most common use-case for 5G-service-capable-VNFs that we host for Telco providers 14:40:37 <viveknarasimhan> slaweq: Wonderful, we can forward you the demo-recorded link 14:40:38 <mlavalle> who is we? 14:41:00 <slaweq> viveknarasimhan: can You put it in the comment to the LP RFE? 14:41:20 <viveknarasimhan> mlavelle: that is great question. We here is manubk, myself and our other co-community colleagues Lajos & Bence 14:41:37 <viveknarasimhan> slaweq: yes we will put the demo link in the LP RFE 14:41:51 <lajoskatona> yes it is an Ericsson backed feature request 14:42:06 <mlavalle> that helps 14:42:36 <viveknarasimhan> in the near future, most of 5G-capable-VNFs and CNFs will serve tons of addresses all of them brought through EBGP towards ISP 14:42:50 <viveknarasimhan> enabling Telco subscribers to get high-end services exposed by VNFs 14:43:07 <lajoskatona> I started to add lines of these things to the PTG etherpad, to have more feedback 14:43:11 <mlavalle> that is interesting and exciting.... 14:43:58 <viveknarasimhan> mlavelle , slaweq, amotoki: we request collaboration from community as the use-case is exciting and it brings a highly scalable bgpaas for use by lot of tenants and their VNFs 14:44:35 <mlavalle> mlavalle not mlavelle 14:44:43 <mlavalle> sorry, 3rd time 14:44:48 <viveknarasimhan> sorry thanks 14:45:03 <viveknarasimhan> mlavalle: Thanks for correcting 14:45:27 <mlavalle> as I said, I find this interesting and exciting... 14:45:42 <viveknarasimhan> thanks mlavalle 14:45:55 <mlavalle> I am inclined to explore it further, especially from the perspective of this new %G uses cases 14:46:04 <mlavalle> 5G^^^^ 14:46:05 <slaweq> lajoskatona: You will add this topic to the PTG, correct? 14:46:07 <viveknarasimhan> ralonsoh: we can share the prototype code 14:46:33 <ralonsoh> perfect, that will provide some answers to amotoki questions 14:46:40 <lajoskatona> slaweq: yes, I started to list these with links, and manubr can add details where it can 14:46:43 <lajoskatona> be 14:46:56 <mlavalle> so it would be very helpful if we start working on a spec that helps us to envision these 5G use cases in more detail 14:47:06 <viveknarasimhan> the demo recording link shows you how an ISP-hosted-user is able to access a VNF neutron primary IP that is backed by Neutron Gateway Router 14:47:08 <mlavalle> and discuss them in the specing process 14:47:12 <viveknarasimhan> simply through enhanced Neutron BGPaas 14:47:21 <viveknarasimhan> please feel free to keeps questions posted in the RFE 14:47:56 <slaweq> this indeed seems like very interesting idea for me 14:48:02 <viveknarasimhan> mlavalle: as we speak here, we are expanding the spec to provide more context to enable better collaboration 14:48:25 <mlavalle> I would be ok +1 the RFE with the understanding that we are going to have a written spec 14:48:33 <slaweq> and I'm ok to approve that rfe as a concept, and later discuss details of the implementation in the spec and code review really 14:48:33 <amotoki> it is an interestiing idea. in my understanding, the main heart of this proposal is to make a neutron router a BGP router which can talk with routers on both external/internal networks. 14:48:36 <mlavalle> that we discuss and refine in gerrit 14:48:47 <viveknarasimhan> amotoki: you caught this 100% right :) 14:48:54 <amotoki> hopefully the spec can simplify what you would like to achieve. 14:49:32 <viveknarasimhan> amotoki: yes, we will take your and community guidance on the same 14:49:56 <amotoki> I am okay with this RFE and the spec would help us understand it more. 14:50:04 <viveknarasimhan> amotoki: the last I have worked in Openstack neutron was for Distributed Router and now its full circle for us doing Centralized-BGP-enabled-Router :) 14:50:40 <slaweq> ralonsoh: haleyb: any comments? seems like only You didn't vote yet :) 14:50:56 <ralonsoh> +1 to the RFE and waiting for this spec 14:51:11 <haleyb> no comments, +1 from me just haven't read it all yet 14:51:20 <manubk> an initial spec is ready https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-specs/+/783791/11/specs/wallaby/bgpaas-enhancements.rst 14:51:27 <slaweq> ok, so I will mark rfe as approved 14:51:37 <slaweq> thx for the proposal viveknarasimhan and manubk 14:51:50 <slaweq> please now work on the spec and then implementation of that feature 14:52:01 <viveknarasimhan> slaweq: thanks to the community for giving us this opportunity 14:52:06 <manubk> sure, thanks 14:52:18 <slaweq> that's all what I have for today 14:52:35 <slaweq> so I will give You few minutes back today 14:52:40 <slaweq> thx a lot and have a great weekend 14:52:41 <slaweq> o/ 14:52:44 <ralonsoh> bye, have a nice weekend 14:52:45 <slaweq> #endmeeting