14:00:11 <lajoskatona> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:11 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Fri Jul 29 14:00:11 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is lajoskatona. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:11 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:11 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:13 <lajoskatona> o/ 14:00:19 <mlavalle> o/ 14:00:22 <yamamoto> hi 14:00:27 <slaweq> o/ 14:00:27 <ralonsoh> hi 14:00:52 <obondarev> hi 14:01:58 <lajoskatona> Thanks for joining, let's start the meeting 14:02:04 <lajoskatona> We have one RFE for today 14:02:13 <lajoskatona> [RFE] OVN E/W routing for external (baremetal) VLAN ports (#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1982541 ) 14:03:03 <lajoskatona> yesterday I tried to read about it and my understanding is that we miss things in core OVN for this, am I wrong? 14:03:40 <lajoskatona> oh, I see now comment 2 mentions these from ovs dev list 14:03:56 <opendevreview> Slawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Port update will trigger less notifications to the DHCP agents https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/851523 14:04:32 <slaweq> I was reading it today and I was trying to understand what is this RFE about really and what we would need to do in Neutron with it 14:04:56 <opendevreview> Slawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/victoria: Port update will trigger less notifications to the DHCP agents https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/851388 14:05:17 <opendevreview> Slawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: Port update will trigger less notifications to the DHCP agents https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/851389 14:05:31 <opendevreview> Slawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/train: Port update will trigger less notifications to the DHCP agents https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/851530 14:06:40 <ralonsoh> I would need to confirm that, but the core OVN support is for VLAN networks in DVR 14:06:55 <ralonsoh> currently we support VLAN with a centralized chassis 14:08:22 <ralonsoh> ok, and this is why it doesn't work: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1982541/comments/1 14:08:33 <ralonsoh> because SRIOV traffic is vlan tagged 14:08:43 <ralonsoh> and must have "reside-on-redirect-chassis" 14:10:32 <lajoskatona> ok, so it is not somthing missing in Neutron but in OVN itself 14:10:40 <ralonsoh> and maybe neutron 14:10:48 <ralonsoh> but I don't have context or more info 14:10:51 <lajoskatona> ok, thanks 14:11:27 <slaweq> but is this really RFE for us? 14:11:28 <lajoskatona> I am not sure if we have "process" for such features, we have previously the smartnic for OVN from canonnical 14:11:46 <lajoskatona> I mean when first something has to be done in OVN 14:12:11 <ralonsoh> I'm pinging dalvarez and lucasagomes 14:12:20 <ralonsoh> if they can provide more info on this 14:12:59 <lajoskatona> +1. thanks 14:13:47 <ralonsoh> in any case, the description is done in https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1875852 14:13:55 <ralonsoh> there are two alternative imlpementations 14:14:08 <ralonsoh> the 2nd is the preferred 14:14:21 <ralonsoh> and implies supporting VLAN DVR traffic 14:14:28 <ralonsoh> (yes, core OVN support) 14:15:33 <ralonsoh> this, IMO, I will say +1 to this RFE **once** we can fully supported this ^^ in core OVN 14:16:33 <lajoskatona> I agree, let's wait for the OVN version which supports this 14:17:19 <lajoskatona> I add rfe-postponed tag for it in lp with comment about the discussion, what do you think ? 14:17:36 <mlavalle> sounds good to me 14:17:48 <ralonsoh> perfect 14:17:55 <slaweq> +1 14:18:18 <lucasagomes> ralonsoh, reading 14:18:40 <lajoskatona> and we can say that this is the process for such features: "Wait for the release of the feature of 3rd party product, like OVN" 14:19:33 <mlavalle> upstream dependency, I would say 14:19:57 <lajoskatona> mlavalle: perfect wording 14:20:29 <dalvarez> ralonsoh: afaict dvr and vlan works in core ovn i know that jlibosva verified that it works (with the ovn mac mappings in each chassis) but it has the issue of flooding the packets to every node connected to the ToR 14:20:38 <mlavalle> I'm also reading http://dani.foroselectronica.es/ovn-external-ports-604/ as background info 14:21:00 <dalvarez> ralonsoh: https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-discuss/2020-September/050678.html 14:21:16 <ralonsoh> yeah, right 14:21:47 <dalvarez> we can route with sriov, not sure if that's a valid use case though. Also is it working on ml2ovs? 14:22:14 <dalvarez> i guess it is, traffic will go to the gw and that's it... we can achieve that perhaps with the ovn external port too 14:22:34 <ralonsoh> no, we don't route sriov traffic with OVS 14:25:11 <lajoskatona> ok, so we need more investigation if this is supported by OVN or not? 14:26:00 <ralonsoh> I think so or at least the problems present in the current implementation 14:27:01 <lajoskatona> ok, so anyway I ask in comment for more details if it is really supported now, and if those present we can discuss it again 14:27:29 <lajoskatona> is that ok for everybody? 14:27:34 <ralonsoh> +1 14:27:44 <obondarev> +1 14:27:54 <mlavalle> +1 14:27:55 <yamamoto> +1 14:28:58 <slaweq> +1 14:30:00 <lajoskatona> ok ,thanks for the discussion 14:30:15 <lajoskatona> do you have anything which we can discuss today? 14:30:28 <mlavalle> not from me 14:30:31 <slaweq> nope 14:30:36 <ralonsoh> no 14:30:43 <lajoskatona> Just a reminder: 14:30:45 <lajoskatona> https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-July/029765.html 14:30:49 <slaweq> just wish You great holidays lajoskatona :) 14:30:59 <lajoskatona> I cancelled team and drivers meeting for the next 2 weeks 14:31:02 <ralonsoh> +1 to holidays 14:31:06 <lajoskatona> slaweq: thanks :-) 14:31:10 <mlavalle> yeah, have a restful and happy vacation 14:31:17 <lajoskatona> thanks you all 14:31:26 <lajoskatona> if nothing more we can close the meeting 14:31:30 <mlavalle> we will wreck the place in your absence 14:31:38 <slaweq> LOL 14:31:49 <lajoskatona> mlavalle: please do it, I have to do something when I am back 14:32:00 <lajoskatona> #endmeeting