14:00:39 <ralonsoh> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:39 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Fri Oct 28 14:00:39 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ralonsoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:39 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:39 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:40 <mlavalle> o/ 14:00:42 <ralonsoh> hello all 14:00:50 <haleyb_> hi 14:01:12 <lajoskatona> Hi 14:01:37 <njohnsto-> o/ 14:02:00 <ralonsoh> I think we have quorum 14:02:02 <ralonsoh> let's start 14:02:07 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1994137 14:02:14 <ralonsoh> [RFE] Specify the precedence of port routes if multiple ports attached to a VM 14:02:50 <ralonsoh> there are many proposals for this RFE 14:02:57 <ralonsoh> not incompatible between them 14:03:02 <obondare_> hi 14:03:29 <ralonsoh> the first one is adding the router metric into the cloud-init 14:03:35 <ralonsoh> as commented by Sean 14:04:09 <ralonsoh> but I don't know if we can provide this info via dnsmasq 14:04:27 <ralonsoh> if we need this feature, then we'll need to use config drive 14:04:32 <ralonsoh> (that's what I think) 14:05:25 <ralonsoh> a second alternative (not incompatible with the other one): https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1717560 14:05:39 <ralonsoh> to disable the subnet default route 14:06:14 <ralonsoh> the dnsmasq won't provide the default GW, that means the kernel won't provide a default route for this subnet 14:06:17 <lajoskatona> the above one is an old RFE, wasn't that implemented? 14:06:29 <lajoskatona> or it was just forgotten? 14:06:35 <ralonsoh> no, just abandoned 14:06:41 <lajoskatona> ok 14:06:59 <ralonsoh> that requires to set a dnsmasq option 14:07:29 <ralonsoh> (let me find it again) 14:07:51 <ralonsoh> dhcp-option=3 14:08:01 <ralonsoh> that disables the default route 14:08:23 <ralonsoh> of course, that will be for any port on this subnet 14:09:18 <ralonsoh> any opinion? 14:10:39 <njohnsto_> Just out of curiosity, how would it work in OVN without dnsmasq? 14:10:54 <lajoskatona> if I understand well the first one to add metric to cloud init is more a workaround, or am I wrong? 14:11:16 <ralonsoh> njohnsto_, no, that feature will need to be implemented in the internal dhcp server 14:12:05 <obondarev> for the second option it says "API extension for a new 'default_route' attribute on the subnet resource" - can't this be for a port rather than subnet? 14:12:07 <ralonsoh> lajoskatona, not really, if you add a metric, you can have multiple default routes with different metrics 14:12:17 <ralonsoh> (not very useful) but works 14:12:41 <ralonsoh> obondarev, that will depend on the DHCP service 14:12:50 <obondarev> agree 14:12:59 <lajoskatona> obondarev: that would overwrite the gateway on subnet? 14:13:04 <ralonsoh> for dnsmasq, for example, this is for all ports in the subnet 14:13:10 <ralonsoh> because this is a config in the service 14:13:26 <ralonsoh> for OVN could be implemented independently (but just guessing, no idea) 14:13:32 <obondarev> lajoskatona: I think it's more a flag rather than actual value 14:14:29 <njohnsto_> To me, passing the metric to cloud-unit seems like the best and least intrusive solution on first look 14:14:30 <lajoskatona> obondarev: yeah, that's true 14:15:47 <ralonsoh> njohnsto_, that implies not using dhcp service 14:15:51 <mlavalle> should get more input from chateaulav? 14:16:15 <mlavalle> (the person who brought this up in the pain points etherpad) 14:17:56 <chateaulav> mlavalle: all for providing more info 14:18:21 <mlavalle> good to see you here... 14:18:38 <mlavalle> did you have an approach in mind when you brought this up? 14:18:40 <lajoskatona> chateaulav: welcome :-) 14:19:11 <chateaulav> always been here. just not a full-time openstack dev so always pulled 5 ways to the wind 14:19:15 <mlavalle> or could you provide more detail? 14:19:17 <chateaulav> lol 14:21:15 <ralonsoh> chateaulav, so do you have an implementation in mind when you proposed this RFE? 14:22:31 <ralonsoh> (am I connected?) 14:22:43 <chateaulav> ``` 14:22:43 <chateaulav> root@hack-the-power-de-ctf-dev-1-powerplant-sel351:~# ip route 14:22:43 <chateaulav> default via dev ens4 proto dhcp src metric 100 14:22:43 <chateaulav> default via dev ens3 proto dhcp src metric 100 14:22:43 <chateaulav> dev ens4 proto kernel scope link src 14:22:44 <lajoskatona> ralonsoh: yes 14:22:45 <chateaulav> via dev ens4 proto dhcp src metric 100 14:22:45 <chateaulav> via dev ens3 proto dhcp src metric 100 14:22:47 <chateaulav> dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src 14:22:47 <chateaulav> ``` 14:22:49 <chateaulav> this is an example when both subnets have dhcp enabled. 14:23:23 <chateaulav> i know we discussed the option of potentially passing through a route metric 14:24:12 <chateaulav> mulitple df gw's arent bad, they just cant all be 100. and correct me if im wrong or missing something as far as being able to accomodate this now 14:26:29 <ralonsoh> no, I can't create two default routes, using two different interfaces with the same metric 14:27:08 <ralonsoh> but the goal is just the opposite, in any case 14:27:28 <ralonsoh> how do you suggest to do this? via a config drive? 14:29:30 <ralonsoh> hello? 14:29:41 <mlavalle> we are all here 14:29:59 <mlavalle> probabble chateaulav has a bad connection 14:30:33 <lajoskatona> We can also ask for more details in the RFE, ot understand better the possibilities 14:30:47 <ralonsoh> yes, that exactly what I was going to say 14:31:01 <ralonsoh> I don't want you to spend more time on this 14:31:12 <ralonsoh> I'll update the launchpad bug requesting more information 14:31:23 <ralonsoh> if we have feedback, we'll continue with this 14:31:26 <ralonsoh> of for you? 14:31:29 <ralonsoh> ok for you? 14:31:32 <mlavalle> yeap 14:32:25 <lajoskatona> +1 14:32:42 <obondarev> +1 14:32:48 <mlavalle> +1 14:32:57 <haleyb> +1 14:33:06 <ralonsoh> ok, sorry for the lack of progress in this meeting, next time I'll try to have the owners of the requests before starting 14:33:14 <ralonsoh> have a nice weekend, see you 14:33:22 <obondarev> o/ 14:33:22 <ralonsoh> #endmeeting