14:00:39 <ralonsoh> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:39 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Fri Apr 14 14:00:39 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ralonsoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:39 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:39 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:40 <ralonsoh> hello 14:00:43 <lajoskatona> o/ 14:00:46 <obondarev> o/ 14:01:14 <dvo-plv> hello 14:01:17 <ralonsoh> the agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers 14:01:58 <ralonsoh> ok, let's start because the agenda is packed today 14:02:05 <ralonsoh> first topic 14:02:09 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2012332 14:02:17 <ralonsoh> from liu 14:02:25 <ralonsoh> but I don't think he is here 14:02:31 <rubasov> o/ 14:02:48 <ralonsoh> do you want to discuss it? 14:03:05 <ralonsoh> or do you want me to ping the author to be present? 14:03:32 <lajoskatona> we can I suppose 14:03:46 <ralonsoh> ok then 14:03:48 <mlavalle> ralonsoh: can I make a suggestion? 14:03:52 <ralonsoh> sure 14:04:02 <lajoskatona> The idea looks ok, and as amotoki commented a similar aproach what we have for routes can be used for allowed-addresses also 14:04:10 <mlavalle> dvo-plv is here. why don't we discuss his RFE? 14:04:21 <lajoskatona> +1 14:04:49 <ralonsoh> mlavalle, we have already started with this one 14:05:18 <slaweq> I think that https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2012332 is reasonable request and I'm +1 on this 14:05:26 <ralonsoh> my question about this new API is that, eventually, you need to update the port 14:05:32 <ralonsoh> so you'll take the same time 14:05:40 <slaweq> I don't really think there is much to discuss there, amotoki basically summarized it in his comment perfectly 14:06:07 <ralonsoh> yes and we are providing the same API for routes 14:06:15 <obondarev> I also think it more about user experience than performance 14:06:19 <ralonsoh> but that will improve the server time? 14:06:20 <slaweq> time maybe yes but it will be atomic API (similar to what we have for extra routes) so 14:06:25 <ralonsoh> obondarev, exactly 14:06:35 <slaweq> ++ 14:06:37 <lajoskatona> +1 14:06:48 <mlavalle> I'm ok with this RFE 14:07:01 <ralonsoh> perfect, I think there is agreement 14:07:05 <ralonsoh> one qq: do we need spec? 14:07:06 <mlavalle> amotoki summarized well the point 14:07:12 <ralonsoh> (IMO I don't think so) 14:07:23 <mlavalle> I don't think so either? 14:07:43 <slaweq> no spec needed IMO 14:07:50 <mlavalle> +1 14:07:54 <obondarev> yeah, looks it just about adding new API extension, not much to rework 14:08:05 <ralonsoh> perfect, I'll update the bug after this meeting 14:08:09 <ralonsoh> thanks folks 14:08:42 <ralonsoh> ok, lajoskatona, if you don't mind, I'll jump to the last one 14:09:07 <ralonsoh> next topic 14:09:11 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2013540 14:09:16 <ralonsoh> [RFE] Add support for Napatech LinkVirt SmartNICs 14:09:18 <lajoskatona> to the ERSPAN RFE(https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2015471 )? 14:09:24 <lajoskatona> ok, so no 14:09:45 <ralonsoh> dvo-plv, please, go on 14:09:45 <dvo-plv> Hello, we are here 14:09:47 <lajoskatona> but sure, this one hangs since long time in nova-specs 14:10:23 <dvo-plv> we would like to add support for our nix to the openstack 14:11:09 <dvo-plv> we need to add support for dpdk vf representor port 14:11:29 <dvo-plv> base approach we disccused with Sean some time ago 14:12:02 <dvo-plv> in the first itteration we suggested to us separate os-vif plugin like Agilio 14:13:00 <dvo-plv> But during the disscussion with Sean he would like to extend default openvswitch driver with virtio-forwarder nic type 14:13:19 <dvo-plv> we provide poc code 14:13:44 <dvo-plv> from our specific we have next socket name stdvio + vf number 14:15:23 <lajoskatona> by POC you mean this series: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:Napatech_SmartNIC_support ? 14:15:35 <dvo-plv> exactly 14:15:54 <ralonsoh> so basically you are re-using the VIFPortProfileOVSRepresentor 14:16:00 <ralonsoh> when a port is created 14:16:04 <dvo-plv> yes 14:16:20 <ralonsoh> but what is different from OVS with HW offload? 14:17:10 <dvo-plv> we need to set dpdk port type to the ovs port 14:17:24 <dvo-plv> and past socket to the qemu layer 14:17:28 <dvo-plv> pass* 14:17:40 <dvo-plv> with custom name stdvio + vf number 14:18:11 <dvo-plv> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/869510/3/neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/mech_driver/mech_openvswitch.py#217 14:18:16 <dvo-plv> we form socket here 14:18:50 <ralonsoh> why this is not done in os-vif? 14:19:10 <ralonsoh> (we had this conversation some years ago when agilio implemented this code in ovs agent) 14:19:53 <dvo-plv> because we need to fill details for nova to create qemu command with socekt path 14:20:26 <dvo-plv> we are open for code changes according to your better vision 14:20:35 <sahid> i guess dvo-plv is just following the current implementation 14:21:22 <ralonsoh> ok, we can discuss this in the patches 14:21:22 <dvo-plv> yes, we tried to make less changes according to the Sean's vision 14:21:25 <obondarev> so you need to create neutron port with specific parameters first, and then pass it to nova? 14:22:29 <dvo-plv> We need to form socket name and pass this socket to the nova to form qemu command, also we need to form vf number for ovs command 14:22:45 <dvo-plv> ovs-vsctl add-port br-int representor6 -- set Interface representor6 type=dpdk "options:dpdk-devargs=0000:65:00.0,representor=[6] 14:22:57 <dvo-plv> this is ovs command which we need for out port 14:23:09 <obondarev> ah, I see 14:23:12 <dvo-plv> representor=[6] this vf numver forms with next formual 14:23:23 <dvo-plv> vf_num = int(slot) * 8 + int(func) 14:23:24 <ralonsoh> yes but this is provided by Nova, not in the Neutron port definition 14:23:50 <ralonsoh> the PCI address and the VF is retrieved from Nova and the VF 14:24:22 <ralonsoh> what do you need to create a Neutron port? this is related to another question: type=dpdk, this is a new datapath in OVS? 14:24:56 <dvo-plv> I believe no, this datapath is supporter by vanilla ovs 14:25:31 <dvo-plv> yes, we get pci in the nova, but neutron form details dict here 14:25:32 <dvo-plv> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/869510/3/neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/openvswitch/mech_driver/mech_openvswitch.py#193 14:26:06 <dvo-plv> so we follow the existing approach 14:26:30 <ralonsoh> so you need to set the vnic type and populate the port profile 14:26:48 <ralonsoh> I'm askign that because this is not in the nova spec 14:27:00 <ralonsoh> and I would like to have this somewhere 14:27:09 <dvo-plv> yes, we need to fill port profile with dpdk port type and socket name 14:28:03 <ralonsoh> if we agreed not to request a spec for this feature, at least we'll need some kind of documentation 14:28:03 <dvo-plv> okay, How we need to screen this information. does it should be done formwhere in the RFE? 14:28:15 <ralonsoh> ^^ folks? 14:28:29 <lajoskatona> good question 14:28:44 <ralonsoh> that could also be written in the docs, in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/869510 14:28:52 <lajoskatona> do we have now such details in contrib docs? 14:29:13 <ralonsoh> nothing 14:29:36 <lajoskatona> but anyway we can find a place for such docs, so I think we can go with it, and find a place where we can document it 14:29:57 <mlavalle> on the Nova side, sean-k-mooney has indicated that he is ready to approve the spec pending we support this RFE 14:30:45 <lajoskatona> yes he left a +1 already on it 14:30:47 <mlavalle> so I think it is ok not to request yet another spec, and add our condiferations to the existing one 14:30:57 <sahid> +1 14:31:03 <sean-k-mooney> this is the dpdk hardware offload topic. if so then yes. im not sure there is enough detailin the spec for other but readign the code the general approhc look ok 14:31:14 <mlavalle> and require good documentation on the Neutron side 14:31:38 <mlavalle> yep, we have code to look at 14:31:55 <ralonsoh> it will be needed some kind of description both in the RFE and the docs (the last one is important) 14:32:04 <sean-k-mooney> mlavalle: if there are any detail form the neutron side that you think shoudl be added to the exsitng nova spec we could add them to capture that agrement 14:32:30 <mlavalle> sean-k-mooney: yeah, that was my point. lt's use the same spec 14:32:37 <sean-k-mooney> ack 14:32:37 <obondarev> +1 14:32:40 <mlavalle> you expect us to review it anyways 14:32:49 <lajoskatona> +1 14:33:02 <sean-k-mooney> in which case ya i was about to say i would like to see +1s form the neutron core team before we merge it 14:33:18 <mlavalle> yeap, I got that message :-) 14:33:23 <ralonsoh> ok, I'll add this spec to the list to be tracked weekly 14:33:25 <mlavalle> loud and clear 14:33:33 <sean-k-mooney> :) 14:33:39 <ralonsoh> so please, Neutrinos, check and review this spec 14:33:52 <lajoskatona> ack 14:34:01 <mlavalle> it's here: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/859290 14:34:08 <slaweq> ack 14:34:09 <sean-k-mooney> one thing i was wondering about is do wew want to detail what tests shoudl eb run in the third party ci in the spec or not 14:34:25 <ralonsoh> we discussed that in the PTG 14:34:36 <ralonsoh> first is to implement the CI 14:34:44 <ralonsoh> it doesn't matter if we run basic tests 14:34:56 <ralonsoh> but at least it should run in real HW 14:35:11 <dvo-plv> we are open to provide third-party ci/cd 14:35:23 <dvo-plv> But we would like what type of the teset we need to execute 14:35:43 <opendevreview> Slawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: WIP [S-RBAC] Switch to new policies by default https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/879827 14:36:05 <sean-k-mooney> the netwroking basic ops senario tests and test cover span, attach/detach and move operations 14:36:06 <ralonsoh> I'll reply to this in the spec, but is expected to run basic tempest/neutron-tempest-plugin tests 14:36:09 <dvo-plv> Also we need to know to understand setup configuration for those tesets 14:36:16 <dvo-plv> okay 14:36:23 <mlavalle> in that case, let's formalize it in the spec, as suggested by sean-k-mooney. it will serve to document the approach and provide guidance to dvo-plv and his team 14:36:45 <dvo-plv> great, thank you 14:37:00 <ralonsoh> just as a formality, is the RFE approved? 14:37:02 <ralonsoh> +1 from me 14:37:06 <mlavalle> +1 14:37:11 <lajoskatona> +1 14:37:20 <obondarev> +1 14:37:22 <slaweq> +1 14:37:32 <ralonsoh> thanks folks, I'll comment that in the bug after the meeting 14:37:41 <dvo-plv> so, what is the conclustion, Does community need something from our side 14:38:08 <mlavalle> dvo-plv: let's contnue the conversation in the spec and the rest of the patches 14:38:12 <ralonsoh> the conclusion is that 1) Neutron accepts this RFE 14:38:19 <dvo-plv> okay, thank you 14:38:21 <ralonsoh> 2) we agreed on reviewing a common spec 14:38:35 <ralonsoh> and 3) we are expecting some kind of CI to test the code 14:38:44 <mlavalle> good summary 14:39:11 <mlavalle> 3 points, like very good summary 14:39:21 <mlavalle> every^^^ 14:39:27 <dvo-plv> We think that we will be ready to provide ci in 1-1.5 month from today 14:39:51 <ralonsoh> that will be perfect, we can review and accept the code meanwhile (I guess) 14:40:05 <ralonsoh> if that doesn't break any existing functionality 14:40:19 <dvo-plv> Should we join to some additional meeting ? 14:40:35 <dvo-plv> for code or doc or ci review ? 14:40:44 <ralonsoh> dvo-plv, not really (but you can attend to any Neutron or Nova meeting) 14:40:45 <mlavalle> you are always welcome to the neutron meeting on tuesday 14)) utc 14:40:52 <mlavalle> but not a requirement 14:41:07 <mlavalle> gerrit is our medium of communication 14:41:07 <ralonsoh> ok, let's move 14:41:19 <ralonsoh> the agenda is packed today 14:41:22 <ralonsoh> next topic 14:41:23 <dvo-plv> thank you, have a good day 14:41:25 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2015471 14:41:30 <ralonsoh> [RFE] Add ERSPAN for tap-as-a-service with OVS and OVN 14:41:32 <ralonsoh> lajoskatona, please 14:41:39 <lajoskatona> thanks 14:42:11 <lajoskatona> So tap-as-a-service currently can mirror OVS or SRIOV ports' traffic to another Neutron port 14:42:44 <lajoskatona> but there is the ERSPAN which is basically also mirroring but mirroring in a tunnel (a GRE variant) 14:43:19 <lajoskatona> and both OVS and OVN support ERSPAN, so the idea is to add this kind of mirroring to taas 14:43:48 <opendevreview> yatin proposed openstack/neutron master: [DNM] Validate ovn grenade fix https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/878761 14:44:13 <lajoskatona> I tried to summarize this in the RFE, so there are questions how this can be used with current API and similar things 14:44:42 <ralonsoh> so, add an extra driver for OVS and create a new one for OVN 14:44:43 <lajoskatona> and for OVN a new driver is necessary for sure as that is not there in taas currently 14:44:44 <ralonsoh> is that correct? 14:45:10 <lajoskatona> for OVS it is just the extension of the current driver 14:45:17 <ralonsoh> ah ok ok 14:45:40 <ralonsoh> just out of curiosity (if that doesnt' take too much time) 14:45:48 <ralonsoh> what changes in OVS implementation? 14:46:39 <ralonsoh> (related to the ERSPAN and current model in the RFE) 14:46:44 <lajoskatona> with OVS you can create a port which is the source port on the bridge (br-int) for the mirror like ovs-vsctl add-port br-int -- ....... 14:47:30 <lajoskatona> currently the driver creates frlows and there's an extra bridge br-tap with more flows, and that filters and directs the traffic to be mirrored to the destination port 14:48:35 <lajoskatona> but with this ERSPAN OVS creates the tunnel from the erspan port on br-int and the admin is responsible to be something on the other end of the tunnel (it can be for example a floatin-ip also, but usually something outside the cloud 14:49:13 <lajoskatona> just if you are courious I tried to doc how the current mirrring works with OVS: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tap-as-a-service/+/828382 14:49:58 <mlavalle> in the rfe you state that "With ERSPAN this model is not that useful:" in regards to the N:1 relationship between tap-flows and tap-services. can you elaborate a bit? Why is it not that useful? 14:50:34 <mlavalle> and thanks for the doc. Yes, I've always felt taas was light on docs 14:51:42 <lajoskatona> with OVS/OVN ERSPAN there will be one new port for every source 14:52:15 <mlavalle> because that is the way it is defined? 14:52:59 <slaweq> is the intention here to replace "legacy" mirroring with this new solution or just add new possibility and keep both maintained? 14:53:07 <lajoskatona> yes both the OVS and OVN implementation do that 14:53:18 <rubasov> lajoskatona will correct me if I misunderstood, but with erspan the mirror destination would be an arbitrary IP:port and not a neutron port 14:53:29 <ralonsoh> ^^ same question 14:53:30 <mlavalle> I think we will keep the legacy and add a new additional way to do it 14:53:31 <lajoskatona> It's an extension of the old/legacy 14:53:45 <lajoskatona> rubasov: yes exactly 14:54:20 <mlavalle> rubasov: ahhh, that is a good clarification. thanks 14:54:22 <lajoskatona> as I said the destination for erspan would be out of the cloud 14:54:36 <mlavalle> yeap, now I get it 14:54:41 <rubasov> and the current tap flow + tap service can refer to neutron ports only (both source and destination) 14:54:51 <lajoskatona> yes that is an important difference, thanks 14:55:36 <mlavalle> that clarification is important because provides the rationale as to how to model this in the API 14:56:15 <mlavalle> now I lean towards "to introduce a new API for ERSPAN to make as simple as possible" 14:56:24 <ralonsoh> ok, I see the difference now but the implementation (including the alternatives proposed), API changes and mech driver prticulars, demand a spec 14:56:38 <lajoskatona> ack 14:57:26 <ralonsoh> in any case, I'm in favor of this improvement (both for OVS and OVN) 14:57:32 <obondarev> +1 for this rfe and a spec 14:57:35 <mlavalle> yeap 14:57:38 <ralonsoh> +1 14:57:42 <mlavalle> good proposal 14:57:44 <mlavalle> +1 14:57:53 <slaweq> +1 14:58:02 <lajoskatona> Thanks for the discussion 14:58:18 <ralonsoh> perfect then, I'll update the launchpad bug 14:58:29 <lajoskatona> thanks ralonsoh 14:58:34 <ralonsoh> there is one more but let's keep it for the next week 14:58:43 <ralonsoh> we had enough for today and this week 14:58:48 <mlavalle> we made good progress this week 14:58:55 <ralonsoh> so let's close for today and have a nice weekend! 14:58:56 <mlavalle> more than I expected 14:59:03 <mlavalle> o/ 14:59:05 <rubasov> o/ 14:59:07 <ralonsoh> #endmeeting