14:00:31 <haleyb> #startmeeting neutron_drivers 14:00:31 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Fri Feb 14 14:00:31 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is haleyb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:31 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:31 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' 14:00:41 <haleyb> Ping list: ykarel, mlavalle, mtomaska, slaweq, obondarev, tobias-urdin, lajoskatona, amotoki, haleyb, ralonsoh 14:00:42 <mlavalle> \o 14:00:45 <obondarev> o/ 14:00:53 <lajoskatona> o/ 14:01:18 <slaweq> o/ 14:02:33 <sahid> o/ 14:02:39 <haleyb> just waiting for ralonsoh 14:02:48 <haleyb> the item on the agenda is his change 14:02:53 <haleyb> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/941511 14:02:55 <ralonsoh> hello 14:03:07 <ralonsoh> yeah, did you check the mail? 14:03:23 <haleyb> no, not yet 14:03:28 <ralonsoh> I commented that it would be better just to take this conversation offline 14:03:32 <ralonsoh> I commented in the LP bug 14:03:33 <ralonsoh> one sec 14:03:49 <ralonsoh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2098109/comments/11 14:03:55 <ralonsoh> so is worst than expected 14:04:07 <ralonsoh> we have the default API that is currently broken 14:04:13 <ralonsoh> using "external_gateway_info" 14:04:26 <ralonsoh> that should be fixed with https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-lib/+/941631 14:04:36 <ralonsoh> but that requires some additional changes in the tempest tests 14:04:52 <ralonsoh> and we have the multihoming extension, that uses "external_gateways" 14:05:08 <ralonsoh> that extension does not enforce at all any policy nor we have any defined 14:05:12 <ralonsoh> that will take more time 14:05:19 <ralonsoh> and that's all basically 14:06:11 <ralonsoh> so I think, as commented in the mail, that we can continue the investigation, testing and reviews offline 14:06:33 <mlavalle> so no need to meet today? 14:06:40 <haleyb> ok, i'm still reading the bug comments but we can look offline 14:06:53 <haleyb> your email came at 2am my time, so i had not seen it 14:06:58 <ralonsoh> no, no meeting today is needed 14:07:10 <ralonsoh> yes, I finished the investigation today early (for me) 14:07:38 <haleyb> does anyone have any questions? 14:08:05 <ralonsoh> (I do... but I'm trying to find the answers myself) 14:08:16 <lajoskatona> so we need to disable some tempest tests till the n-lib fix is merged? 14:08:28 <ralonsoh> no, we'll need to change the client to admin_client 14:08:44 <lajoskatona> ah, ok, that's good 14:08:48 <ralonsoh> this is because https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-lib/+/941631 CI result, right? 14:08:57 <ralonsoh> these calls must be done by an admin 14:09:13 <ralonsoh> for example, create a router with GW and snat flag 14:09:32 <ralonsoh> (e.g.: https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_656/941631/1/check/neutron-tempest-plugin-ovn/65617f7/testr_results.html) 14:10:01 <ralonsoh> I'm proposing a patch right now. That's all from me! 14:10:23 <lajoskatona> for tempest this is the patch am I right: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin/+/941545 ? 14:11:00 <ralonsoh> not really, that was for the reverted patch 14:11:29 <ralonsoh> this one will be needed but in a second phase, once we implement the multihoming policies and API changes 14:11:58 <lajoskatona> ah, ack 14:13:41 <haleyb> ralonsoh: one of the other reasons i'm confused is even the openstackclient --enable-snat help text doesn't say admin only, and the api ref doesn't show it as an argument 14:14:27 <ralonsoh> about the API doc, I need to check that 14:14:32 <ralonsoh> we have this rule (one sec) 14:14:57 <ralonsoh> https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/neutron/conf/policies/router.py#L120-L131 14:15:21 <ralonsoh> except for the network_id, any other parameter inside "external_gateway_info" can be modified/created only by an admin 14:15:40 <ralonsoh> that means: a non-admin user can add an external GW to a router, selecting the network 14:16:02 <ralonsoh> but cannot to this (or modify) the enable_snat or external_fixed_ips 14:16:52 <haleyb> the add_external_gateways section needs an update, and probably something needed for external_gateway_info as well, fyi 14:17:03 <haleyb> and update* of course 14:17:21 <ralonsoh> these new commands, related to external_gateways, are related to the new extension 14:17:31 <haleyb> right 14:17:34 <ralonsoh> and yes, doc, API and policies are in bad shape 14:17:55 <ralonsoh> (in ml2/ovs this is not used by default, but it is in ml2/ovn) 14:18:17 <mlavalle> haleyb: do we need to stay in the meeting? Do we have something else to discuss? Or can we continue the conversation in LP and Gerrit? 14:18:28 <ralonsoh> let's close the meeting 14:18:35 <haleyb> sure 14:18:38 <haleyb> #endmeeting