15:00:54 <carl_baldwin> #startmeeting neutron-l3 15:00:54 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 6 15:00:54 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carl_baldwin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:55 <vikram_> hi 15:00:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_l3' 15:01:00 <pavel_bondar> hi 15:01:06 <numan> hi 15:01:10 <carl_baldwin> #topic Announcements 15:01:14 <carl_baldwin> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Neutron-L3-Subteam 15:01:21 <john-davidge> hi 15:01:27 <carl_baldwin> We’re in the final month of feature development. 15:02:17 <carl_baldwin> Liberty-3 will be at the end of this month. Where has the time gone? 15:02:20 <carl_baldwin> Any other announcements? 15:02:45 <regXboi> only that we are trying to add multimode-dvr to the check queue as nonvoting 15:03:00 <regXboi> and once it is added, I'll be watching it to see if we can make it voting 15:03:08 <carl_baldwin> regXboi: Ah, yes. Thanks. Do you have a link to ther review? I think I saw a +2 pass by. 15:03:24 <regXboi> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209165/ 15:03:36 <regXboi> and it has been W+1 15:03:55 <regXboi> so ... here we go 15:04:22 <carl_baldwin> regXboi: Excelent. This should bring in some good data. 15:04:29 * regXboi crosses fingers :) 15:04:32 <carl_baldwin> Other announcements? 15:04:59 <carl_baldwin> #topic Bugs 15:05:02 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: ping 15:05:18 * carl_baldwin thanks mlavalle for his efforts in keeping up on the meeting agenda and the bugs. 15:05:39 <mlavalle> carl_baldwin: so i followed up with the owner of https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1388698 15:05:39 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1388698 in neutron "dhcp_agents_per_network does not work appropriately." [High,In progress] - Assigned to watanabe.isao (watanabe.isao) 15:06:10 <mlavalle> we didn't have any progreess report on that for a few konths 15:06:27 <mlavalle> it turns out we have a fix proposed for that and it seems it will merge soon 15:07:02 <mlavalle> also this coming week i intend to invest sometime researching https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1404743 15:07:02 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1404743 in neutron "sporadic test failures due to VMs not getting a DHCP lease" [High,Confirmed] 15:07:13 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: Thanks, I actually looked at that review recently. Was waiting for yamamoto to revisit it. 15:07:52 <mlavalle> we need to dig deeper into that. i will ask some help....... 15:08:19 <mlavalle> yeah, if yamamoto can revisit https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1388698 15:08:19 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1388698 in neutron "dhcp_agents_per_network does not work appropriately." [High,In progress] - Assigned to watanabe.isao (watanabe.isao) 15:08:32 <yamamoto> i will. 15:08:36 <mlavalle> that will help us to almost drive our bugs to 0 15:08:47 <carl_baldwin> Thanks, mlavalle ! 15:08:57 <mlavalle> other than those 2 bugs, the rest are medium priority or lower 15:09:17 <regXboi> so... there is one new l3-dvr-backlog that got made high last week 15:09:36 <mlavalle> any other bugs folks wnat to bring up? 15:09:41 <regXboi> (me goes to look for the number 15:10:09 <carl_baldwin> regXboi: Thanks for the reminder. I think this team needs to keep a better eye on that bug tag. 15:10:24 <regXboi> carl_badlwin: I'm sort of doing that 15:10:36 <carl_baldwin> At one point, l3-dvr-backlog was a subset of l3-dhcp-ipam but that is no longer true. 15:10:53 <carl_baldwin> (or is it l3-ipam-dhcp?) 15:11:11 <carl_baldwin> Anyway, I appreciate regXboi ’s help with keeping an eye on that. 15:11:18 <mlavalle> carl_baldwin, regXboi: iwans't watching the dvr one.... i'll start doing it from now on 15:11:21 <regXboi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209165/ 15:11:26 <regXboi> sorry, that's the patch 15:11:33 <regXboi> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1405910 15:11:33 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1405910 in neutron "distributed router can not add routes" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Ryan Moats (rmoats) 15:11:59 <regXboi> there we go - the patch had been abandoned - I've picked it up and am trying to shepherd it through 15:12:25 <haleyb> and a silent failure, ouch, i will keep an eye as well 15:12:34 <carl_baldwin> regXboi: Many thanks. We need a little reviewer attention on it. 15:13:02 <regXboi> carl_baldwin: ack - I need to add test cases to it 15:13:12 <regXboi> I'm still trying to get the rebase happy 15:13:18 <carl_baldwin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/144205/ 15:13:26 <carl_baldwin> ^ Reviewers 15:13:30 <carl_baldwin> Any other bugs? 15:13:47 <mlavalle> regXboi: thanks! 15:13:49 <regXboi> let's get the other ones on the table 15:14:14 <regXboi> #1365473 15:14:29 <regXboi> 1369721 15:14:37 <regXboi> 1470889 15:14:46 <regXboi> and now to make links 15:14:59 <regXboi> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1365473 15:14:59 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1365473 in neutron "Unable to create a router that's both HA and distributed" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Adolfo Duarte (adolfo-duarte) 15:15:05 <regXboi> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1369721 15:15:05 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1369721 in neutron "manually moving dvr-snat router fails" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Oleg Bondarev (obondarev) 15:15:14 <regXboi> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1470889 15:15:15 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1470889 in neutron "DVR: should not remove routers form down l3 agents on compute nodes" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Oleg Bondarev (obondarev) 15:15:35 <regXboi> iirc, those all have current patches... 15:15:56 <regXboi> that's all from me 15:15:59 <carl_baldwin> regXboi: Thanks. 15:16:18 <carl_baldwin> Here’s a link to the dvr backlog that we should add to our wiki page: 15:16:20 <carl_baldwin> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.tag=l3-dvr-backlog 15:16:39 <carl_baldwin> Yikes, looks like some triage is in order. 15:16:46 <regXboi> :( 15:16:57 <mlavalle> carl_baldwin: adding the tag now.... 15:17:56 <regXboi> carl_baldwin: I'll try and spend some time checking to see what has patches and what doesn't and ... 15:18:21 <carl_baldwin> regXboi: Many many thanks. 15:19:12 <carl_baldwin> Moving on... 15:19:15 <carl_baldwin> #topic Routed network segments 15:19:57 <carl_baldwin> This topic sure seems to be heating up! I love it but it is now clear that we’ve got some heavy lifting to do. 15:20:05 <carl_baldwin> #link https://www.mail-archive.com/openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org/msg58876.html 15:20:52 <carl_baldwin> I’ve taken an action item to write a new proposal encorporating the feedback from this thread. 15:21:36 <carl_baldwin> I guess there isn’t much to discuss here without a more fleshed out proposal. 15:21:51 <carl_baldwin> #topic BGP dynamic routing 15:22:04 <carl_baldwin> vikram_: tidwellr: ping 15:22:05 <tidwellr> hi 15:22:10 <vikram_> hi 15:23:03 <carl_baldwin> Actually, one more thing on routed networks. 15:23:04 <carl_baldwin> #undo 15:23:05 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x8294050> 15:23:25 <carl_baldwin> regXboi: Do you want to mention the operator’s meetup? 15:23:59 <regXboi> sure 15:24:01 <carl_baldwin> The details are buried in that thread that I linked. I think it was going to be on Aug 18th. 15:24:21 <regXboi> carl_baldwin: that sounds correct - let me find the right link 15:24:27 <regXboi> I'll add it later, so we can move along 15:24:28 <tidwellr> I'm will be there, that's correct 15:24:41 <carl_baldwin> I will be at linuxcon with mestery and we plan to find a corner to sit it and join the discussion. 15:25:02 <mestery> ++ 15:25:18 <carl_baldwin> My only concern is that it sounds like kevinbenton may not be able to join at the chosen time from China. 15:25:42 <carl_baldwin> kevinbenton ’s feedback has been valuable 15:25:43 <regXboi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-August/071341.html 15:25:51 <regXboi> oops 15:26:04 <regXboi> that's the email with the proposed time on 8/18 15:26:24 <regXboi> carl_baldwin: that is unfortunate, but I think we'll have to muddle through 15:26:35 <carl_baldwin> Okay, let’s move on. 15:26:41 <carl_baldwin> #topic BGP dynamic routing 15:26:48 <carl_baldwin> vikram_: tidwellr : take two 15:27:01 <tidwellr> I've been going round and round with where to insert callback notifications, anyway we've settled just inserting them where we need them for now and dealing with notifications more broadly later 15:27:28 <vikram_> I am working on the unit tests 15:27:29 <tidwellr> I think I've cleared the way for us to wrap this up now 15:28:12 <carl_baldwin> tidwellr: vikram_: Where do you need reviews? 15:28:44 <tidwellr> these reviews have gone a little quiet recently, mostly because I've been tied up and working through things in a sandbox 15:29:51 <tidwellr> I'm going to start re-building the review dependencies today or tomorrow, but start here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/201621/ 15:30:08 <carl_baldwin> tidwellr: When they pick up, be sure to ping generously. 15:30:12 <vikram_> My patches has lot of failures.. Will correct them soon .. Probably need a weeks time to get it up for review 15:30:42 <tidwellr> we're so close, but we do need to things up for review 15:31:02 <carl_baldwin> tidwellr: vikram_: thanks. 15:31:12 <baoli> tidwellr: a quick question on BGP. What network are the BGP speakers and the BGP peers running on? 15:31:24 <tidwellr> they can run anywhere 15:31:53 <tidwellr> you can deploy the agent where you need it, as long as it can connect to rabbitmq and communicate with the server 15:32:07 <baoli> tidwellr, but the peer's address must be reachable freom where the dr agent running? 15:32:13 <tidwellr> yes 15:32:26 <baoli> tidwellr, ok, sounds like the mgmt net, then 15:32:36 <tidwellr> well, not necessarily 15:32:41 <tidwellr> depends on your environment 15:33:02 <tidwellr> mgmt net means different things to different people 15:33:32 <tidwellr> but it's typically a mgmt net of sorts 15:33:40 <baoli> tidwellr, got it, thanks 15:34:00 <carl_baldwin> #topic IPAM 15:34:08 <carl_baldwin> Pluggable IPAM is all merged! 15:34:22 <johnbelamaric> Yes, indeed. :) 15:34:23 <pavel_bondar> great! 15:34:27 <pavel_bondar> :) 15:34:32 <carl_baldwin> johnbelamaric: pavel_bondar: Anything for today? 15:34:37 <regXboi> the eagle has landed!!!! 15:34:59 <johnbelamaric> We are working on our driver and have created networking-infoblox repo - but i am having trouble getting attention from anyone in infra to add me to the core/release groups for it 15:35:02 <carl_baldwin> From my perspective, we’ve got the switch over to pluggable by default in Mitaka. Any other future directions? 15:35:03 <johnbelamaric> any suggestions? 15:35:27 <carl_baldwin> johnbelamaric: Hmmm. I’m not sure how to get that kind of attention. mestery ? 15:35:45 <johnbelamaric> No, not for this - i think the migration for Mitaka and then it's a wrap. 15:35:55 <mestery> johnbelamaric: Let me help with this, thanks for tagging me here carl_baldwin 15:36:00 <mestery> johnbelamaric: We'll get it sorted ASAP 15:36:02 <johnbelamaric> mestery: thank you 15:36:09 <mestery> johnbelamaric: Do you happen to have a link to the gerrit group for me? 15:36:13 <mestery> That would be awesome if so :) 15:36:22 <carl_baldwin> On another note, I was just wondering yesterday about DHCP relays. But, we can talk about that another time. johnbelamaric: Any plans around this? 15:36:59 <johnbelamaric> mestery: #link https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1009,members 15:37:17 <johnbelamaric> mestery: and #link https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1010,members 15:37:39 <johnbelamaric> carl_baldwin: well, we still have the issue that the ISC patch we need is not upstream yet - i can check into that 15:38:06 <carl_baldwin> johnbelamaric: It is all coming back to me. I had forgotton about that ISC patch. 15:38:09 <johnbelamaric> Our current implementation is less than ideal, though, since it runs a relay per namespace 15:38:32 <johnbelamaric> ideally we would have a relay that pokes into all the namespaces to avoid so many processes 15:39:14 <carl_baldwin> johnbelamaric: Maybe we could find some time in Tokyo to chat about it. 15:39:16 <johnbelamaric> we also still run dnsmasq for dns proxy in our case, so it's adding to the load not offloading - though you avoid the disk I/O associated with dnsmasq config files 15:39:50 <johnbelamaric> carl_baldwin: Ok, let's try - i am about 75% certain I will make Tokyo 15:40:21 <carl_baldwin> johnbelamaric: Thanks. Once again, thanks for your persistence and patience with pluggable IPAM 15:40:27 <carl_baldwin> pavel_bondar too 15:40:45 <carl_baldwin> #topic DNS 15:40:57 <mlavalle> carl_baldwin: after your review to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/200952/ 15:40:58 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: Hi 15:41:14 <mlavalle> I am feeling that it is close to merger 15:41:40 <mlavalle> i will finish ading ut's today and address your concerns 15:41:51 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: I think so. 15:41:54 <mlavalle> after that i think it is very close 15:42:19 <carl_baldwin> I won’t be able to review again until next week but hopefully other reviewers can add it to their list. 15:42:19 <mlavalle> so i think statrting tomorrow my focus will shift mainly to the external side of this project 15:42:47 <mlavalle> i hope to be able o push the first patchset middle of next week 15:43:03 <mlavalle> so all in all making good progress 15:43:04 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: That is great. I plan to run the patch in devstack next week. This was my first blueprint, I’m excited to see it working. 15:43:28 <mlavalle> thansks to regXboi, who keeps revieweing each one of my revisions :-) 15:43:45 <regXboi> mlavalle: yw 15:43:46 <carl_baldwin> Request reviewers to watch for an update to this patch in the next day. 15:44:04 <mlavalle> yeah, i'll push tonight again 15:44:07 <carl_baldwin> regXboi is all over the place! 15:44:23 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: Anything else? 15:44:28 <mlavalle> that's all for today 15:44:35 <regXboi> carl_baldwin: I think I've been accused of being an AI because of that 15:45:09 * carl_baldwin will look in to adding captchas to regXboi ’s reviews. 15:45:13 <john-davidge> regXboi: That’s exactly what an AI would say… 15:45:34 <regXboi> rotfl 15:45:43 <regXboi> folks - ask mestery - he know's I'm real 15:45:57 <regXboi> he's watched me throw reading glasses across a room in a fit of pique 15:45:59 <mestery> lol 15:46:04 <mestery> I can confirm regXboi is indeed an actual person 15:46:06 <carl_baldwin> mestery might be an AI too. 15:46:15 <regXboi> rotflmao now 15:46:21 <mestery> rofl 15:46:27 <mlavalle> i've suspected that of mestery for a long time 15:46:30 <carl_baldwin> #topic Address Scopes 15:46:35 <mestery> rofl 15:46:44 <carl_baldwin> rofl too 15:47:24 * john-davidge suggests adding Turing Test to OpenStack contributors agreement 15:47:25 <carl_baldwin> So, address scopes. The l3 agent code is mostly finished in a local sandbox. That was my story three weeks ago, I know. 15:48:06 <carl_baldwin> But, I’m going to wrap this up before moving on to routing networks redesign next week. 15:48:18 <carl_baldwin> vikram_ ’s and numan ’s patches have been making good progress. 15:48:23 <numan> Caleb--, there is one review - to associate subnetpool to addresscope : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/197552/ 15:48:27 <numan> carl_baldwin, ^ 15:48:28 * regXboi suggests adding Turing Test to OpenStack contributions workflow 15:48:42 <numan> just need another core reviewer to review :) 15:49:15 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: ^ 15:49:43 <carl_baldwin> ZZelle is on vacation by the way. Otherwise, I would’ve welcomed him as our newest core earlier in the meeting. 15:49:56 <haleyb> carl_baldwin: will look 15:50:19 <carl_baldwin> thanks 15:50:29 <carl_baldwin> #topic IPv6 15:50:49 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: Thank you for your tireless work on prefix delegation. 15:51:06 <carl_baldwin> The first patch merged. 15:51:31 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: Thank you for your tireless reviewing on prefix delegation 15:51:37 <john-davidge> HenryG: Too 15:52:16 <john-davidge> I actually have a quick fix patch up for an error I didn’t catch until testing the second patch this morning #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209978/ 15:52:36 <john-davidge> It’s very small, so hopefully it can merge quickly 15:52:54 <carl_baldwin> The next one is a big one but it is mostly new code with what looks like light integration with the existing code. So, I’m not sure it would make sense to break it up. 15:53:37 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: Thanks for your review on #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/185977/ already. I’m working through it now, will possibly have a new patch up sometime tomorrow 15:53:38 * carl_baldwin is a bit embarassed by the that bug. I thought I checked for that specifically in my last review. 15:54:06 * HenryG is equally embarassed 15:54:11 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: I won’t be able to review until late next week. Encourage other reviewers to add it. 15:54:12 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: Me too! I suspect a bit of “Let’s get this in already” fever caught us there 15:54:25 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: will do 15:55:10 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: I agree that it doesn’t make sense to split the second patch. I did try it at one point and it was a lot of overhead 15:55:34 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: agreed 15:55:45 <HenryG> ack 15:56:09 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: Do you think a UT could be added for the bug? 15:56:52 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: Could do. iirc there are no existing tests for update_subnet so I didn’t initally see the value in creating one just for PD 15:57:26 <carl_baldwin> ouch! 15:57:38 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: In this case it’s a misnamed function call rather than a logical error, so perhaps a UT is a bit much? 15:58:02 <regXboi> um 15:58:05 <carl_baldwin> HenryG: thoughts? 15:58:29 <carl_baldwin> I think it is worth a shot. UTs in python are useful for catching such things. 15:58:37 * regXboi admits to being somewhat disturbed that there are no tests for update_subnet 15:58:47 <HenryG> It might be worth throwing together a minimal test for update_subnet 15:59:01 <carl_baldwin> 1+1 15:59:03 <carl_baldwin> +1 15:59:10 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: As in, perhaps a test for that one function is a bit much. But testing of the workflow in #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/185977/ should absolutely catch it. 15:59:15 <carl_baldwin> == 2 lol 16:00:06 <regXboi> wow, where has the time gone? 16:00:07 <HenryG> Also wondering: do we functional testing for dibbler? I am not sure how to emulate a PD server. 16:00:12 <carl_baldwin> We need to end the meeting now. 16:00:17 <carl_baldwin> We’ll take the discussion to the review. 16:00:24 <carl_baldwin> Thanks, all! Great work! 16:00:26 <john-davidge> okey dokey 16:00:26 <regXboi> oom 16:01:49 <regXboi> carl_baldwin: #endmeeting? 16:01:52 <numan> bye 16:02:18 <carl_baldwin> #endmeeting