14:01:49 #startmeeting neutron_l3 14:01:50 Meeting started Wed Feb 20 14:01:49 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mlavalle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:51 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:53 The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_l3' 14:02:00 hi 14:02:11 Good evening 14:02:30 Welcome to our first L3 meeting on Wednesday 14:02:41 #chair liuyulong 14:02:42 Current chairs: liuyulong mlavalle 14:03:16 It is not merged yet, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637900/ 14:03:41 oh yeah 14:03:55 let me ping the infra guys 14:05:36 ok, posted a review request there 14:07:52 liuyulong: this is a better time for you, right? 14:08:27 Yeah, it is 14:09:22 And it is also better for most east Asia developers. : ) 14:09:41 how ready do you feel to start running this meeting? 14:09:59 in fact, in the patch I replaced my name with yours as meeting chair 14:12:32 Yes, I noticed that, I think I need some more time, since I have a lot of works from my employer after a really long holiday. 14:14:36 ok, just let us know when you feel ready 14:14:49 But it will not be too long, I think I will talk to you guys about running this meeting in our next 1-1 conversation. 14:15:01 ok 14:15:33 I will still be attending the meetings anyway. So I can always help 14:16:02 This week I am going to take some time to clean up the etherpad 14:16:32 hi 14:16:48 sorry, I wasn't sure if that is already changed 14:17:02 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-l3-subteam 14:17:22 slaweq: I think we got caught in a bit of a gray area 14:17:47 the patch hasn't merged 14:18:07 but we mentioned last week that we were going to have the meeting this week on Wednesday 14:18:25 sure, that's fine for me :) 14:18:35 so I started the meeting and have been chatting with liuyulong 14:18:57 we are talking about him taking the chair of this eeting 14:19:02 meeting^^^ 14:19:45 yeah, I saw logs in the channel already 14:20:13 so, let's move on 14:20:23 #topic Announcements 14:20:50 We have our Stein-3 milestone around the corner, week of March 7th 14:23:22 and there is a TC election going on 14:23:53 the meeting schedule update has just been approved, so you should see it update on the schedule within the next few minutes 14:24:18 Thank you! 14:24:43 (sorry we didn't see it before your meeting time!) 14:25:10 fungi: well, sorry I jumped the gun and started the meeting anyway ;-) 14:25:11 fungi, thank you 14:25:34 it's just a formality. nobody minds as long s you're not taking up someone else's scheduled slot ;) 14:25:49 mlavalle, we do not see your TC candidacy 14:26:15 liuyulong: you are not going to see one, at least not for the time being 14:26:31 ok, let's look at bugs 14:26:36 #topic Bugs 14:29:26 we have this freshly filed bug by Swami: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1816698 14:29:28 Launchpad bug 1816698 in neutron "DVR-HA: Removing a router from an agent, does not clear the namespaces on the agent" [High,Confirmed] 14:30:39 I'll verify that this bug happens with master 14:31:24 I would like to see logs from l3 agent in such case 14:31:40 but it might be an issue with rootwrap filters also 14:33:04 slaweq: I agree that it might be a result of the rootwrap issue 14:33:18 by the way, the same with https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1789434 14:33:20 Launchpad bug 1789434 in neutron "neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario.test_migration.NetworkMigrationFromHA failing 100% times" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Manjeet Singh Bhatia (manjeet-s-bhatia) 14:33:20 mlavalle: I also today saw some similar issues on Ocata 14:33:31 but those were related to keepalived process 14:33:59 in filters we have kill filter for /usr/sbin/keepalived and L3 agent was failing with that 14:34:14 but when we changed it to "keepalived" (without full path) it worked fine 14:34:44 so, that's why I would like to see logs for that :) 14:35:51 ok 14:35:55 good points 14:36:04 mlavalle: I can take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1789434 if You want 14:36:05 Launchpad bug 1789434 in neutron "neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario.test_migration.NetworkMigrationFromHA failing 100% times" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Manjeet Singh Bhatia (manjeet-s-bhatia) 14:36:16 slaweq: yes, please go ahead 14:36:18 I will unmark those tests as unstable and check in logs how it will be then 14:36:20 ok 14:36:40 and remove the assignment to manjeets 14:37:14 ok, will do 14:37:25 and I'm working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1795870 14:37:27 Launchpad bug 1795870 in neutron "Trunk scenario test test_trunk_subport_lifecycle fails from time to time" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Miguel Lavalle (minsel) 14:38:30 which seems to be caused by the now infamous lack of rootwrap filter for killing state change monitor 14:38:37 I have a fix proposed here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636710/ 14:38:51 and I'll refine it with dougwig's comments 14:39:47 any other bugs we should discuss today? 14:39:53 yes 14:39:55 I have one 14:39:57 https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1816771 14:39:58 Launchpad bug 1816771 in neutron "Creation of router fails in devstack" [Undecided,New] 14:40:00 I just opened it 14:40:11 as frickler asked me about that 14:40:26 it failed on creating router so I added L3 tags to it 14:40:51 but it might be that it is related to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/635671/ which was merged today 14:41:15 do we need help triaging it? 14:41:39 mlavalle: I think so 14:41:49 ok, I'll probably take a look 14:41:58 tbh I have no idea why it failed like that 14:42:08 but looks like somehow related to db :) 14:42:14 This is worthy to backport to our stable branches. 14:42:33 liuyulong: are You talking about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/635671/ ? 14:42:40 Yes 14:43:01 I agree but lets first ensure that it didn't introduce any regression in master :) 14:43:11 liuyulong: let's wait a bit. Let's dig first into the bug just filed by slaweq 14:43:19 mlavalle++ 14:43:27 sURE 14:44:37 hi, i didn't know this weeks meeting was changing 14:44:46 I will update one mentioned in last l3 meeting: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1792493 14:44:47 Launchpad bug 1792493 in kolla-ansible "DVR and floating IPs broken in latest" [Undecided,New] 14:44:59 https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1792493/comments/15 14:45:02 ^^ 14:45:11 liuyulong: thanks 14:45:41 haleyb: welcome to the first ever L3 meeting on Wednesday :-) 14:45:55 :) 14:46:06 #topic Openflow DVR 14:47:10 davidsha: welcome 14:47:26 *Pretends I was here the whole tme* 14:47:30 Hey 14:47:49 probably xuubozhang didn't realize the change this week 14:48:14 so I am going to send a message to the ML to make sure everybody is aware of the change 14:48:30 Not yet, Igor is working on the linux/ovs backend part atm I think 14:48:52 yeah, that's what I thought 14:48:59 Xubo is drafting the unit tests for the ovs-dvr patch atm. 14:48:59 ok, let's move on 14:49:09 Thanks for the update! 14:49:36 #topic On demand agenda 14:49:49 anything else we should discuss today? 14:50:44 ok, thanks for attending 14:50:52 thanks o/ 14:50:54 enjoy the rest of your week 14:50:59 thanks! 14:51:01 #endmeeting