16:00:04 <dougwig> #startmeeting neutron lbaas 16:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 20 16:00:04 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dougwig. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_lbaas' 16:00:13 <dougwig> #topic good morning/evening 16:00:16 <dougwig> o/ 16:00:18 <ajmiller> o/ hi 16:00:24 <xgerman> o/ 16:00:30 <johnsom> o/ 16:00:44 <jamiem> o/ 16:00:52 <dougwig> agenda: 16:00:54 <dougwig> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Network/LBaaS 16:02:17 <dougwig> #topic Announcements 16:02:24 <sballe__> o/ 16:02:28 <dougwig> the usual mid-cycle reminder, kilo-2 reminder (2/5). 16:02:36 <dougwig> Next lbaasv2 review to focus on: 16:02:43 <dougwig> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/144831/5 16:02:52 <dougwig> any other announcements? 16:03:15 <blogan> lets try and get that one and the one after merged, just to reduce the insanity of the dependency chains 16:03:28 <sballe__> +1 16:03:38 <dougwig> got a link handy? 16:03:42 <dougwig> for the second. 16:03:54 <rm_work> ah, this is where people are 16:03:55 <rm_work> o/ 16:03:58 <jorgem> o/ 16:04:04 <jorgem> sorry thought it was in alt 16:04:09 <blogan> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/144832/ 16:04:46 <dougwig> #topic Mid-cycle meetup details 16:04:51 <dougwig> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/lbaas-kilo-meetup 16:05:09 <SantoshNetScaler> ## 16:05:22 <dougwig> I wanted to tear through the main areas quickly this morning. Highlight areas that need an owner, and ask current owners if there's anything blocking them or that they need before the sprint. 16:05:32 <dougwig> 1. Finish outstanding v2 reviews (dougwig, blogan) 16:05:43 <dougwig> blogan, anything blocking us? 16:06:03 <blogan> not the first 2, but the one after will need a neutron review to be merged first 16:06:16 <dougwig> ok 16:06:20 <blogan> which im sure you will be able to help on come thursday ;) 16:06:22 <dougwig> 2. Complete Agent Ref Impl 16:06:38 <dougwig> i've seen the ref driver reviews have some activity. anyone signed up to agent-ify yet? 16:07:05 * dougwig hears crickets while waiting for his tea to brew. 16:07:20 <dougwig> 3. API Improvements (blogan) 16:07:28 <dougwig> this is the one with a neutron review, right? 16:07:31 <blogan> yep 16:07:36 <dougwig> 4. Client/CLI (johnsom) 16:07:42 <dougwig> johnsom in the house? 16:07:54 <johnsom> I got in touch with Ryan, he hasn't had time to work on the client 16:08:15 <dougwig> anything you need from the team in the next 2 weeks? any progress on neutron client vs openstack client? 16:08:25 <johnsom> I looked at the openstack client docs but I haven't yet looked at how much it aligns to the API 16:08:28 <blogan> you find out more on whether we should go with openstack-client or neutron client? 16:08:34 <blogan> oh ditto 16:08:42 <johnsom> I think we should get a neutron client out and working as we can get the reviews 16:09:04 <blogan> do you have the review that ctracey already had up? 16:09:35 <johnsom> So that is the path I think we should go down. I know there is some work complete is that direction, but send me the link 16:09:55 <dougwig> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/111475/ 16:10:06 <blogan> dougwig too quick 16:10:12 <xgerman> yeah, ajmiller knows all aboit it ;-) 16:10:15 <blogan> gerrit too damn slow 16:10:21 <johnsom> Yep. 16:10:22 <dougwig> i used the etherpad. :) 16:10:30 <dougwig> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/lbaas_reviews 16:10:53 <blogan> i dont care what mestery says about you, you actually aren't that dumb 16:11:03 <dougwig> any other issues/questions/blockers with the client for this morning? 16:11:11 <dougwig> haha. 16:11:17 <johnsom> I don't have any 16:11:23 <dougwig> 5. Tests - Rama (HP QA ) 16:11:30 <dougwig> is Rama around? (what's his irc nick?) 16:11:55 <xgerman> he volunteered at one of our meetings so I pinned him down 16:12:01 <xgerman> he is still getting up to speed 16:12:03 <dougwig> xgerman: excellent. 16:12:12 <dougwig> is he able to attend the sprint, or will he be remote? 16:12:14 <blogan> are those tempest tests going into tree? 16:12:20 <xgerman> remote 16:12:21 <blogan> etherpad says he'll be remote 16:12:59 <dougwig> ok. xgerman, can you check with him as to progress/blockers/anything he needs? 16:13:09 <xgerman> will do! 16:13:12 <dougwig> ty 16:13:17 <dougwig> 6. TLS (ptoohill, evgeny) 16:13:38 <dougwig> ptoohill or evgenyf awake yet? :) 16:13:44 <ptoohill> Im working on updating the ref sync impl as of now 16:14:07 <ptoohill> evgenyf had a couple pieces to put together now that we have deps set up for the cert stuffs 16:14:12 <rm_work> Carlos and I have related reviews too, and all of the TLS related reviews are stuck at the end of that review chain we mentioned earlier 16:14:16 <ptoohill> and fixing tests all around 16:14:18 <evgenyf> I'm working on using real tls certificates manager code 16:14:33 <dougwig> great. anything blocking you guys besides reviews? 16:14:42 <ptoohill> No sir 16:14:45 <evgenyf> No 16:14:54 <dougwig> great. 16:14:56 <dougwig> 7. L7 (evgeny) 16:15:13 <dougwig> i saw these reviews got re-posted. are we waiting on anything else for them? 16:15:52 <dougwig> evgenyf: you're listed as tentative for the sprint. are you able to make it? 16:15:53 <evgenyf> re-proposed to neutron-lbaas, ready for review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/148232/ 16:16:05 <evgenyf> dougwig, yes, extensions code is missing 16:16:50 <dougwig> can you propose the extension code against neutron, or do you need someone else to do that? 16:16:56 <blogan> he alreayd did it 16:17:07 <dougwig> oh, ok. 16:17:19 <ptoohill> awesomesauce 16:17:23 <dougwig> so that's all in review land. 16:17:31 <blogan> with unicorns 16:17:34 <dougwig> 8. Docs 16:17:41 <dougwig> did we resurrect the v2 api docs? 16:17:46 <blogan> thats what i was wondering 16:18:00 <blogan> email on ML saying they were looking at them and i didnt know they were viewable by anyone 16:18:12 <dougwig> who was the original author? 16:18:18 <xgerman> min 16:18:19 <blogan> min i believe 16:18:29 <xgerman> we have them in a Google drive 16:18:32 <dougwig> is she going to take that back over, or do we need a new owner? 16:18:41 <xgerman> I think she can do it 16:18:51 <dougwig> great. can you close the loop with her? 16:18:57 <xgerman> yep, will do 16:19:04 <dougwig> ty 16:19:06 <dougwig> (almost done) 16:19:09 <dougwig> 9. Heat? 16:19:14 <dougwig> do we need to do anything for heat? 16:19:29 <xgerman> well, we likely need to test that it works 16:19:47 <xgerman> but I never used heat 16:19:53 <blogan> won't heat need some code updates to support v2? 16:19:53 <dougwig> anyone want to wade into that for kilo? 16:20:00 <sballe__> What do we need to test with Heat? 16:20:16 <dougwig> sballe__: that's step 1 of the task. :) 16:20:18 <sballe__> That we can orchestrate things with heat? 16:20:25 <jorgem> the spurs handled the heat just fine last year dougwig 16:20:40 <ptoohill> Out of left field 16:20:41 <sballe__> jorgem: :-) 16:20:42 <rm_work> johnsom: <_< 16:20:43 <jorgem> lol 16:20:49 <rm_work> err 16:20:52 <rm_work> jorgem: <_< 16:20:57 <jorgem> You can check that one off the list :) 16:20:57 <dougwig> sports humor in a nerd chatroom. the whooshing noise is really loud. 16:21:02 <evgenyf> blogan: regarding extensions code proposal to neutron, I did not do it. Did you mean ptoohill did it? 16:21:16 <ptoohill> did i? 16:21:23 <dougwig> blogan: the l7 extension is proposed? i missed it, if so. 16:21:31 <evgenyf> ptoohill: did you ?:) 16:21:32 <blogan> evgenyf: maybe ptoohill did, i just saw it linked in your review 16:21:35 <sballe__> I have to look into heat fro some other project so if we can agree what we want to do woth heat I can probably sign up for it 16:21:39 <ptoohill> i havnt touched anything for l7 16:21:47 <blogan> nvm 16:21:59 <ptoohill> blogan, we were going to wait for that when i was messing with it 16:22:02 <blogan> i misread it 16:22:07 <blogan> misread the comment 16:22:08 <dougwig> evgenyf: can you re-propose the extension in neutron master? 16:22:12 <ptoohill> So, yea, that still needs to be done in that case 16:22:41 <evgenyf> dougwig: I will 16:22:47 <dougwig> back to heat, we'll leave that as open and needing an owner for now. 16:22:56 <dougwig> #action evgenyf Propose L7 extension in neutron master 16:23:08 <rm_work> dougwig: i think sballe__ possibly volunteered :P 16:23:09 <dougwig> 10. Horizon? 16:23:29 <dougwig> re: heat - Oh, missed that. Sweet, thank you sable. 16:23:31 <dougwig> sballe. 16:23:54 <rm_work> who was it that was working on horizon before? one of the paypal guys? 16:24:01 <blogan> vivek 16:24:08 <dougwig> horizon - anyone heard from vivek lately? I think we're far enough into Kilo that we'd need to do it as an add-on module for horizon in our own repo. 16:24:57 <jorgem> have not heard from him lately 16:25:10 <dougwig> ok, i'll email him. i may have someone here that can work on that, if he doesn't have any cycles. 16:25:38 <blogan> here as in your office or in the channel? 16:25:47 <dougwig> and that's the list of big areas. anything missing or any other meetup details anyone wants to talk about? 16:25:51 <dougwig> (as in my office.) 16:26:38 <dougwig> ok, moving on... 16:26:45 <dougwig> #topic Statuses (Provisioning and Operating) (blogan) 16:27:04 <SantoshNetScaler> Following is change-set addressing the earlier review comments for NetScaler Driver for neutron_lbaas v2 APIs. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/148541/ 16:27:51 <dougwig> blogan: this topic is all yours. 16:27:56 <dougwig> SantoshNetScaler: ty 16:28:07 <blogan> so dougwig last week you had mentioned that you thought the load balancer and listener objects would have operating status and everything else provisioning status 16:28:53 <blogan> currently all objects just have a status field, which means different things for each object 16:29:03 <dougwig> actually, i'd like *everything* to have both, and leave it up to the driver, but that's me. 16:29:47 <blogan> well that means the drivers have to do a lot of status management for every entity 16:29:49 <dougwig> (oh, you're going to leap on leaving it to the driver. poor phrasing. still with the automated provisioning statuses we've talked about previously.) 16:29:59 <blogan> lol 16:30:23 <blogan> what do you mean automated provisioning statuses? 16:31:19 <dougwig> in the normal cases, the plugin would manage status. in exceptional cases, the driver could just raise. some other mechanism to enable async and tell the plugin to leave it alone. but the driver always handles operational. 16:32:43 <dougwig> this has the makings of a dougwig/blogan argument. shall we take it offline and into channel later, or do we have any other opinions? 16:32:54 <blogan> well that would require some extra work to get that automated provisioning status still, and id like for the operational status to somehow be managed by the plugin as well but realize that is not realistic in a short amount of time 16:32:58 <xgerman> I am with dougwig 16:33:56 <dougwig> blogan: we'd need some way for the underlying subsystem to communicated operational state back to the plugin, for the plugin to update the status. like, maybe, updating the status? :-) 16:34:21 <xgerman> also how does that all work wgen we say share pools 16:34:39 <blogan> i know, or other ways ive thought about but in the end it is the plugin reacting on something the driver did 16:35:05 <dougwig> xgerman: that goes back to the good argument to only have status trees in the LoadBalancer object. 16:35:06 * blogan jedi mind tricks xgerman 16:36:09 <xgerman> but that is a different discussion than having two fields 16:36:14 <xgerman> ;-) 16:36:19 <dougwig> i think one of us needs to write up a short proposal and try to converge on a plan. we've had this discussion about 5 times now in a vacuum. :) 16:36:41 <sballe__> dougwig: +1 16:36:44 <blogan> well if we have two fields on a pool, then we enable sharing then we'll have to remove those fields and cause a break in contract, which would cause a new version of the api 16:37:02 <dougwig> blogan: +1 16:37:20 <dougwig> nothing says we can't have two statuses, but only in the LB (or just one set in the LB) 16:37:37 <blogan> well one thing needs to be decided on, do we want to leave this version open to sharing objects? 16:37:59 <dougwig> i'm against sharing, and always have been. :) 16:38:38 <blogan> well im against it right now as it is a big blocker and has been for a while 16:39:00 <xgerman> ok, no sharing works for me 16:39:02 <dougwig> seems to be a solution searching for a problem, to me. 16:39:16 <dougwig> i can see merit, but not enough to offset the implementation woes. 16:39:19 <blogan> well the problem is especially with L7 rules 16:39:27 <dougwig> autocorrect just made that "implementation whores" 16:39:31 <blogan> lol 16:39:48 <dougwig> i'd rather see M:N on an l7 parent object than of pools. 16:40:50 <blogan> anyone stongly in favor of sharing objects? (if only sam was here) 16:41:12 <jorgem> I need to understand the problem better 16:41:15 <ptoohill> speak of the devil 16:41:19 <ptoohill> jk 16:41:22 <jorgem> Is this on the ML somewhere? 16:41:25 <dougwig> short write-up to ML? short, because no one reads long. 16:41:31 <blogan> its been a discussion for a long time 16:41:37 <rm_work> have we been using the ML for the past several months? >_> 16:41:38 <blogan> ill write it up 16:41:49 <rm_work> if so, i have some catching up to do 16:41:49 <jorgem> blogan: It was a discussion a long time ago you mean? 16:41:51 <blogan> im not sure i can keep it short though, but i will try 16:42:01 <blogan> no its been ongoing, peaks and valleys 16:42:32 <blogan> it always comes up bc it is a big decision that affects the api in a major way 16:42:35 <rm_work> ah i see posts about it from sam as recent as a month ago 16:42:42 <dougwig> #action blogan Two status/status tree/sharing of objects writeup to ML 16:43:10 <jorgem> blogan: Has the dust settled a bit on it at least. (i.e do we have a couple of options to compare?) 16:43:17 <dougwig> we just need to close on a plan and not be blocked, even if we can't get perfect consensus. 16:43:18 <blogan> yes 2 options 16:43:22 <jorgem> k 16:43:41 <blogan> one sam has proposed and the other option is no sharing and provisioning and operating statuses remain on the entities 16:44:03 <jorgem> okay ML it is 16:44:49 <blogan> so aside from that, we can still decide on which entities have provisioning and operating statuses 16:45:13 <xgerman> yeah, having two statuses shouldn't impact where they live 16:45:21 <dougwig> i'd suggest you pick one and just say that, instead of asking the ML to decide. if you pick the wrong one, everyone will scream. 16:45:34 <xgerman> + 1 16:45:40 <blogan> pick one of the sharing models or where the entities live? 16:45:46 <dougwig> yes. 16:45:49 <blogan> lol 16:45:54 <ptoohill> :P 16:46:02 <xgerman> we can have two sttauses and put them on an lb tree 16:46:08 <blogan> well im going to just go with what is there, which is similar to octavia 16:46:30 <dougwig> is that two status no sharing? 16:46:35 <blogan> xgerman: no point if we have two statuses on the entities and then introduce a tree, the statuses on the entities won't make sense if they're being shared 16:47:17 <blogan> unless you mean just a status tree on the lb without sharing 16:47:46 <xgerman> yep, there are just a ton of permutations 16:47:50 <blogan> two status is independent of sharing, its just where the statuses live that is dependent 16:47:56 <xgerman> yep 16:48:06 <dougwig> we could also put a status tree on the lb without sharing, and status helper methods in the sub-objects that go look in the parent. 16:48:31 <xgerman> exactly - and that might make it easier to got to sharing if we ever need to 16:48:43 <dougwig> 2 minutes, then we need to move on to other topics. 16:48:51 <blogan> and in the db it can remain on the entities, the api just doesn't show it in the entities 16:49:54 <blogan> thats going to look messy but i can go for that 16:50:20 <dougwig> ok, gotta move us along now. blogan will take this up on the ML. 16:50:21 <xgerman> well, ML 16:50:25 <dougwig> #topic Add constraint that V1 and V2 cannot be enabled at the same time 16:50:31 <dougwig> another one for blogan! 16:51:08 <blogan> this came up with the client ctracey was writing and I believe we all agreed that we can put that constraint in, just wanted to bring it up if anyone disagrees with it 16:51:21 <jorgem> Hmm... 16:51:30 <jorgem> so this hits on the topic of versioning going forward 16:51:33 <jorgem> what are the plans there? 16:51:48 <ptoohill> What would you need v1 for if v2 is enabled? 16:51:51 <dougwig> i hate it as unnecessary. it came up because some folks wanted to overload the CLI/api endpoints between v1/v2. i think i got out-voted. 16:51:51 <jorgem> For example, are we going to be able to host multiple versions, deprecate, etc.? 16:52:29 <xgerman> at one point we have to... 16:52:29 <rm_work> can we do versioning in our URL now? 16:52:34 <blogan> jorgem that will go into the neutron microversioning discussion, which is in its infancy but will probably follow the nova model which i dont fully understand 16:52:53 <dougwig> ptoohill: operationally, I'm not sure you would. it's handy from a dev perspective. might also make lazy upgrades a possibility, though i'm not sure we have to worry about upgrades. 16:52:54 <rm_work> if we can version in our URL, it doesn't matter, the client can just take a VERSION setting (just like keystone, nova, etc) 16:53:05 <blogan> rm_work: no, still beholden to neutron's, unless we did neutron.com/v2.0/lbaas/v2.0 16:53:17 <rm_work> blogan: hmm, i don't mind that TOO much 16:53:24 <rm_work> it's not ideal... 16:53:27 <xgerman> microversions don't need the URL - they do so with the ACCEPT header 16:53:35 <rm_work> ok, so, that 16:53:39 <rm_work> header versioning 16:53:43 <blogan> ah 16:53:55 <rm_work> win? 16:54:08 <blogan> id still like to know how they version all their models and api entities 16:54:11 <blogan> in code 16:54:20 <rm_work> ugh 16:54:30 <rm_work> table-name prepend? 16:54:32 <rm_work> v1_ 16:54:34 <rm_work> v2_ ? 16:54:35 <rm_work> lol 16:54:40 * blogan barfs of rm_work 16:54:45 <blogan> *on 16:54:55 <xgerman> nova also has sub_modules ewith their own verisons 16:55:04 <xgerman> but again I don't know how that works 16:55:12 <rm_work> yeah that's how web-shit always did it in the past (back when everyone coding for the web hated their lives -- oh wait that hasn't changed much) 16:55:13 <blogan> well lets tackle what we need to right now 16:55:28 <dougwig> i think we're too far along to stop and micro-version v2. unless someone disagrees with that, can we pull back to v1/v2 simultaneous or not? 16:55:46 <xgerman> we should go v2 only 16:55:51 <ptoohill> +1 16:55:54 <blogan> dougwig: thats honestly going to be up to the neutron code 16:55:55 <sballe__> +1 16:56:12 <rm_work> i feel like every time this comes up we ask "does anyone actually run v1?" <_< 16:56:27 <blogan> im all for v1 and v2 being mutually exclusive 16:56:39 <ptoohill> ^^ It would be nice if we could get hold of those magical unicorns that do run it and talk with them 16:56:52 <dougwig> i just pinged kevin to ask if neutron will require it. i doubt that it would, as existing extensions would all break. 16:57:11 <dougwig> ptoohill: what questions would you like to ask? 16:57:30 <rm_work> "do you care about running v1 and v2 at the same time?" 16:57:36 <rm_work> for starters 16:57:38 <ptoohill> oh, you are magical unicorn??? 16:57:40 <ptoohill> but yea, that 16:57:49 <dougwig> i know many unicorns. 16:57:58 <dougwig> none of them would care. 16:58:03 <ptoohill> Would like to hear their opinion on that, 16:58:08 <ptoohill> well that settles that i suppose 16:58:11 <ptoohill> :P 16:58:11 <rm_work> k, well, that's an easy answer then 16:58:24 <dougwig> or rather, i'm sure they'd be fine running it on separate hosts. 16:58:35 <rm_work> ^^ holy shit this 16:58:47 <rm_work> who would even want to run it all on the same host <_< 16:58:58 <rm_work> and then, it doesn't matter at all 16:59:36 <rm_work> lbaas.myhost.com + v2.lbaas.myhost.com 16:59:40 <rm_work> done 16:59:59 <jorgem> eek 17:00:07 <blogan> well its the api node that decides which version to run 17:00:13 <blogan> or which plugin to run 17:00:19 <dougwig> yeah, that's what i'm pondering. 17:00:31 <blogan> so usually you just have one consistent api, two hosts for the api 17:00:33 <rm_work> ugh and neutron has to be our API host? 17:00:34 <dougwig> db tables need stay separate. 17:00:47 <dougwig> rm_work: for kilo, yes. 17:00:50 <blogan> for neutron-lbaas, for now yes 17:01:10 <rm_work> so they'd need different neutron hosts of the same version, for two different lbaas versions >_< bah 17:01:36 <blogan> which is what we had 17:01:43 <dougwig> yeah, i'm not liking that much. different agent nodes, fine. but then we get back to needing separate CLI commands. 17:01:46 <blogan> well what we had when we allowed both versoin to be running 17:02:14 <blogan> i think we're in a consensus, other than dougwigs reservations 17:02:16 <dougwig> maybe if we use a similar CLI namespace, but require an environment variable if they want to access v1 while v2 is loaded? 17:02:32 <dougwig> i can take my questions offline. 17:02:34 <dougwig> oops, we're over. 17:02:37 <dougwig> thanks and by folks. 17:02:39 <ptoohill> Ill work on the agent-ified driver BTW dougwig, forgot to respond earlier. 17:02:46 <dougwig> ptoohill: awesome, thanks. 17:02:50 <dougwig> #endmeeting