15:00:00 <ralonsoh> #startmeeting neutron_qos 15:00:01 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 2 15:00:00 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ralonsoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:04 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_qos' 15:00:07 <ralonsoh> Hello again! 15:00:18 <rubasov> hello 15:00:19 <slaweq> hi ralonsoh 15:00:29 * slaweq will be only lurking here 15:00:32 <ralonsoh> the meeting today is going to be very short 15:00:50 <ralonsoh> davidsha, are you ready for the Open Discussion? 15:00:59 <rubasov> I do not have updates for today's meeting and may need to drop off early 15:01:01 <ralonsoh> (let's wait 30 secs more) 15:01:08 <ralonsoh> rubasov, np 15:01:11 <davidsha> ralonsoh: yup! 15:01:17 <ralonsoh> let's start 15:01:20 <ralonsoh> let's start 15:01:24 <ralonsoh> #topic RFEs 15:01:28 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1578989 15:01:29 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1578989 in neutron "[RFE] Strict minimum bandwidth support (egress)" [Wishlist,Fix released] - Assigned to Bence Romsics (bence-romsics) 15:01:39 <ralonsoh> The only missing piece here is #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/629253/ 15:01:51 <ralonsoh> Lajos told me to say this in the meeting 15:02:06 <rubasov> that was merged I think 15:02:24 <ralonsoh> 10 days ago..... so I don't understand 15:02:26 <ralonsoh> hmmmm 15:02:31 <ralonsoh> ok, rubasov, any update? 15:02:49 <rubasov> so I think we have no more open changes for that rfe 15:03:01 <ralonsoh> I think we can remove this RFE from the agenda 15:03:04 <ralonsoh> what do you think? 15:03:18 <rubasov> yep, the neutron side is all done 15:03:25 <ralonsoh> if you have any new update, you can write it in the etherpad agenda (https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron_qos_meeting_chair) 15:03:31 <ralonsoh> or just you can ping me 15:03:57 <rubasov> okay, we may come back with related news in nova when that happens 15:04:01 <ralonsoh> cool! 15:04:07 <ralonsoh> and again, thank you! 15:04:24 <rubasov> thanks to lajoskatona for these last patches 15:04:29 <ralonsoh> sure 15:05:03 <ralonsoh> ok, let's move on 15:05:04 <ralonsoh> #topic Bugs 15:05:14 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1826695 15:05:15 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1826695 in neutron "[L3][QoS] cache does not removed when router is down or deleted" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to LIU Yulong (dragon889) 15:05:19 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/656105/ 15:05:23 <ralonsoh> not too much activity 15:05:35 <ralonsoh> I'll ping liuyulong in the review 15:06:27 <ralonsoh> ok, let's move to the next one 15:06:27 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1834484 15:06:29 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1834484 in neutron "[QoS] qos_plugin._extend_port_resource_request is killing port retrieval performance" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez) 15:06:49 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:bug/1834484+(status:open+OR+status:merged) 15:06:53 <liuyulong> Actually no much review activity from the community. We run such code locally for some times long. 15:07:34 <ralonsoh> liuyulong, but the CI is still failing 15:07:48 <ralonsoh> anyway, I'll try to review this patch today 15:08:11 <liuyulong> Let me rebase it once more. 15:08:17 <ralonsoh> liuyulong, thanks! 15:08:56 <ralonsoh> ok, about the second bug, 1834484 15:09:03 <ralonsoh> the problem in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/667998/ 15:09:31 <ralonsoh> I found the issue and I'm both writting the problem description in the patch and implementing the solution 15:09:40 <ralonsoh> I'll push it ASAP 15:09:43 <rubasov> ralonsoh: thank you for working on that 15:10:06 <ralonsoh> rubasov, np! We had some testers in my company complaining about 15:10:09 <ralonsoh> about this 15:10:15 <ralonsoh> but it was easy to solve 15:10:35 <ralonsoh> (and now we have more information in the port DB object and OVO) 15:10:54 <ralonsoh> --> the network qos policy, always good to have it! 15:11:25 <ralonsoh> ok, no more bugs in the list (good!!) 15:11:32 <ralonsoh> Am I missing something? 15:11:50 <ralonsoh> cool 15:11:52 <ralonsoh> #topic Open Discussion 15:12:04 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1476527 - Adoption of Neutron Classifier API into QoS 15:12:05 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1476527 in neutron "[RFE] Add common classifier resource" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Igor D.C. (igordcard) 15:12:07 <ralonsoh> davidsha, 15:12:50 <davidsha> I've been a bit locked waiting for feedback, but I might pre-empt one approach by making a patch thats moves Neutron classifier's resources into neutron/neutron-lib 15:13:06 <ralonsoh> yeeees 15:13:08 <davidsha> and rebase the main QoS patch on top of it 15:13:14 <ralonsoh> I support this idea! 15:13:37 <davidsha> Thanks, I'll try to get that up asap! 15:13:43 <ralonsoh> please, submit this patch and let the community comment about this 15:13:54 <davidsha> will do! 15:14:06 <ralonsoh> IMO, although that means increasing the complexity of QoS (just a bit, and only for DSCP) 15:14:27 <ralonsoh> this feature is difficult to be integrated outside Neutron, as a side project 15:14:50 <ralonsoh> the DB changes (related to DSCP policies) should be integrated in Neutron 15:14:52 <ralonsoh> and 15:15:01 <davidsha> Hopefully though the complexity would make it easier if we ever wanted to extend classification to other qos rules in the future, do it right once and all that 15:15:15 <ralonsoh> sure, that's right! 15:15:20 <ralonsoh> of course: 15:15:37 <ralonsoh> you should provide a code ready NOT to use the classification 15:15:40 <ralonsoh> that means 15:15:50 <ralonsoh> the code should with and without classification 15:15:51 <davidsha> of course 15:16:05 <ralonsoh> DO NOT BRAKE ANYTHING!!! 15:16:09 <ralonsoh> hehehehe 15:16:14 <davidsha> Only a little ;P 15:16:18 <ralonsoh> broke 15:16:30 <ralonsoh> break 15:16:35 <ralonsoh> sorry!! my bad english 15:16:39 <davidsha> np! 15:17:08 <ralonsoh> ok, so waiting for your n-lib patch, integrating the classification groups in the QoS 15:17:15 <ralonsoh> and the DB modifications in Neutron 15:17:44 <ralonsoh> am I missing anything here? 15:17:53 <davidsha> just to be sure, the prference is for Neutron classifier to go into Neutron-lib? 15:18:11 <ralonsoh> well, the API yes 15:18:26 <ralonsoh> the neutron classifier is going to be used outside Neutron? 15:19:03 <ralonsoh> the classifier should be a Neutron service, depending on QoS 15:19:03 <davidsha> kk, njohnston mentioned a while back that putting all of it into neutron-lib made sense to him, just wanted to see if that was what you meant 15:19:33 <ralonsoh> yes, but what are you going to put in n-lib? 15:20:11 <davidsha> I suppose just the API definitions, you need the db models and migrations in neutron. 15:20:34 <ralonsoh> yes, the DB model will be only in Neutro 15:20:44 <ralonsoh> and the service definition 15:20:50 <davidsha> kk 15:21:24 <ralonsoh> something else?? 15:22:10 <davidsha> nope, thats all for me 15:22:47 <ralonsoh> ok, thank you all folks, see you in IRC and in two weeks here 15:22:58 <davidsha> thanks! 15:22:59 <ralonsoh> #endmeeting