15:00:48 <ralonsoh> #startmeeting neutron_qos
15:00:49 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 22 15:00:48 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ralonsoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:51 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:53 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_qos'
15:00:55 <ralonsoh> hello
15:00:57 <davidsha> Hey
15:02:09 <ralonsoh> so I think this is just you and me, in the O.K. corral
15:02:29 <davidsha> yup
15:02:40 <ralonsoh> let's start
15:02:41 <ralonsoh> #topic RFEs
15:02:47 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1476527
15:02:47 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1476527 in neutron "[RFE] Add common classifier resource" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Igor D.C. (igordcard)
15:02:54 <ralonsoh> As commented offline
15:03:06 <ralonsoh> this SPEC is going to be proposed in drivers meeting
15:03:15 <ralonsoh> to have more quorum and visibility
15:03:24 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/678865 : Spec dscp + classifier
15:03:24 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/670049 : Neutron-Lib - classifier migration
15:03:24 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/670050 : Neutron Classifier migration into Neutron
15:03:24 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/636330 : DSCP + Classifier neutron-lib
15:03:24 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/636333 : DSCP + Classifier neutron
15:03:35 <ralonsoh> those are the links for this RFE
15:03:51 <ralonsoh> the first one, IMO, can pass the filter
15:04:02 <ralonsoh> but of course we need more feeback
15:04:11 <davidsha> ack
15:04:13 <ralonsoh> that's why I proposed to present it in the drivers meeting
15:04:21 <ralonsoh> is that ok?
15:04:29 <davidsha> yup thats perfect
15:04:50 <ralonsoh> any question about the comments in the patches?
15:05:29 <davidsha> Not really, just for fleshing out the example, I'd do just the DSCP commands or the Classifier commands to create the classifications and groups?
15:05:52 <davidsha> At the moment I'm doing both
15:06:12 <ralonsoh> I don;t understand the question?
15:06:44 <davidsha> This comment: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/678865/3/specs/train/qos_classifier.rst@71
15:06:46 <ralonsoh> the classification objects (classifications and groups) should be created by this extension adn the API
15:07:02 <davidsha> "Can you format this as code"
15:07:22 <ralonsoh> ahhh
15:07:25 <ralonsoh> ok ok
15:07:27 <davidsha> related to the class_1 to class_5 example of overlap without priority
15:07:31 <ralonsoh> class_1 ethernet ether_type 0x0800(IPv4) and tcp destination port 80
15:07:32 <ralonsoh> class_2 ipv4 destination host
15:07:32 <ralonsoh> class_3 ipv6 destination 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:a00:5 and udp destination port 21
15:07:32 <ralonsoh> class_4 ethernet ether_type 0x0806(ARP)
15:07:32 <ralonsoh> class_5 treated as classification_group_id None
15:07:38 <ralonsoh> this should be ....
15:07:45 <ralonsoh> (let me chheck rst formats)
15:07:57 <davidsha> openstack network classification create ethernet --ether-type 0x0800
15:07:57 <davidsha> --name eth_ipv4
15:07:58 <davidsha> openstack network classification create tcp --dst-port-max 80
15:07:58 <davidsha> --name tcp_80
15:07:58 <davidsha> openstack network classification group create --classification tcp_80 eth_ipv4
15:07:58 <davidsha> --name class_1
15:08:05 <davidsha> This is what I've started
15:08:05 <ralonsoh> ahhh ahhh
15:08:13 <ralonsoh> ok ok
15:08:19 <ralonsoh> I would prefer this way
15:08:22 <ralonsoh> as OS commands
15:08:23 <ralonsoh> yes
15:08:33 <davidsha> Cool, I'll finish that out asap
15:08:37 <ralonsoh> (and  formated as shell scripts or something)
15:08:43 <davidsha> kk
15:08:49 <ralonsoh> thanks!
15:09:27 <ralonsoh> so I think we are done here (for the RFE section)
15:09:36 <davidsha> yup
15:09:41 <ralonsoh> let's move on
15:09:42 <ralonsoh> #topic Bugs
15:09:47 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1845176
15:09:47 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1845176 in neutron "Removing of QoS queue in neutron-ovs-agent fails due to existing references" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez)
15:10:26 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/687922/
15:11:09 <ralonsoh> what I'm doing there is adding the qos cache for the min BW rules
15:11:19 <ralonsoh> something missing before (bug mistake)
15:11:34 <ralonsoh> this is the same as max BW and DSCP
15:11:44 <davidsha> kk
15:11:52 <ralonsoh> ahh
15:11:59 <ralonsoh> and I added https://review.opendev.org/#/c/687922/7/neutron/agent/common/ovs_lib.py
15:12:33 <ralonsoh> just to document, in case of error while deleting a queue register, what happened and which QoS registers had this queue
15:12:52 <ralonsoh> but I didn't change the behaviour because I still raise the exception
15:12:59 <ralonsoh> and that's all
15:13:14 <ralonsoh> next one
15:13:16 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1845161
15:13:16 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1845161 in neutron "Neutron QoS Policy lost on interfaces" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez)
15:13:29 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/690098/
15:13:36 <ralonsoh> I have proposed a WIP patch
15:13:40 <ralonsoh> (10 mins ago)
15:13:52 <ralonsoh> the patch description is quite long
15:14:01 <ralonsoh> (and descriptive)
15:14:22 <ralonsoh> if we have two events (removed, added) in the same iteration
15:14:23 <davidsha> This was related to the other bug from last meeting correct?
15:14:27 <ralonsoh> yes
15:15:13 <ralonsoh> so I made a quick analysis, documented in
15:15:16 <ralonsoh> (one sec)
15:15:31 <ralonsoh> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/684457/, PS1 comment
15:15:39 <ralonsoh> and that's why I proposed another patch
15:15:52 <ralonsoh> trying to catch the real problem and fix it
15:16:07 <davidsha> understood
15:16:15 <ralonsoh> as commented, the commit message is descriptive
15:16:19 <ralonsoh> and that's all!!
15:16:38 <ralonsoh> I don't have more bugs
15:16:56 <davidsha> kk, I'll add these to my reviews!
15:17:38 <ralonsoh> and last section
15:17:39 <ralonsoh> #topic Open Discussion
15:17:49 <ralonsoh> so David, tell me your problems...
15:18:18 <davidsha> My 3d printer doesn't print fast enough for halloween...
15:18:32 <ralonsoh> hahahaha
15:19:02 <davidsha> But I'll survive!
15:19:11 <davidsha> yourself?
15:19:33 <ralonsoh> bahhh I'm fine, too much work
15:19:35 <ralonsoh> hehehe
15:19:38 <ralonsoh> anyone lurking has another topic to be discussed?
15:20:31 <ralonsoh> Thank you very much and see you in two weeks
15:20:34 <ralonsoh> bye
15:20:40 <davidsha> see ya!
15:20:41 <ralonsoh> #endmeeting