15:00:20 <ralonsoh> #startmeeting neutron_qos 15:00:20 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 17 15:00:20 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ralonsoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:23 <ralonsoh> Hello 15:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_qos' 15:00:28 <davidsha> Hey! 15:00:31 <slaweq> hi (again :)) 15:01:37 <ralonsoh> Hello again, I think we can start 15:01:47 <ralonsoh> #topic RFEs 15:01:53 <ralonsoh> first the easy one 15:01:59 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1851362 15:01:59 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1851362 in neutron "[RFE] ports do not inherit their associated network's policy" [Low,In progress] - Assigned to Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez) 15:02:12 <ralonsoh> The n-lib patch is merged, waiting for a new n-lib release 15:02:22 <ralonsoh> neutron, OSsdk and OSclient patches waiting for it 15:02:41 <ralonsoh> I'll ping you once the n-lib version is out to review the other patches 15:02:43 <ralonsoh> that's all 15:02:55 <ralonsoh> next one 15:02:57 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1476527 15:02:58 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1476527 in neutron "[RFE] Add common classifier resource" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Igor D.C. (igordcard) 15:03:09 <ralonsoh> there is a request in the SPEC 15:03:13 <ralonsoh> to add the DB definitions 15:03:20 <ralonsoh> and the relationships 15:03:25 <ralonsoh> make sense for me 15:03:38 <ralonsoh> but IMO the spec should be merge soon 15:03:53 <ralonsoh> about the first patch 15:03:56 <davidsha> Yep, Does that include the classifier ones, ie, classifications, groups, ipv4,ethernet, etc? 15:04:11 <ralonsoh> IMO that should be like in the NC spec 15:04:18 <davidsha> Or do I just reference the original spec? 15:04:25 <davidsha> ack. 15:04:44 <ralonsoh> the classification groups table and the other one.... 15:04:49 <ralonsoh> (I dont; remember now) 15:05:01 <slaweq> I'm looking at this spec so as soon as comments will be addressed I will review it again 15:05:13 <ralonsoh> classification_groups_mapping <-> classification_groups 15:05:18 <ralonsoh> this ^^ 15:05:28 <ralonsoh> exactly what is in NC spec 15:05:46 <davidsha> kk, I'll have another version pushed tomorrow. 15:05:50 <ralonsoh> thanks! 15:05:59 <ralonsoh> for me is almost ready (with those changes) 15:06:10 <ralonsoh> about the first patch 15:06:14 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/670050/ 15:06:28 <ralonsoh> IMO is ready, but you need to change it to ussuri 15:06:31 <ralonsoh> the DB migration 15:07:04 <davidsha> I have that done locally already, just updating the classification helper atm to let it use native rather than ofctl 15:07:27 <davidsha> Wait sorry, that another patch 15:07:47 <ralonsoh> the NC first one, to add the DB definitions 15:08:29 <davidsha> ack 15:08:30 <ralonsoh> (will talk about the ofctl later this meeting) 15:08:42 <ralonsoh> and that's all for me! 15:08:51 <davidsha> same, thanks! 15:08:54 <ralonsoh> please, update the spec to merge it asap 15:09:43 <ralonsoh> ok, something else in this topic?? 15:10:14 <davidsha> not from me. 15:10:33 <ralonsoh> let's move on 15:10:37 <ralonsoh> #topic Bugs 15:10:42 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1845176 15:10:42 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1845176 in neutron "Removing of QoS queue in neutron-ovs-agent fails due to existing references" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez) 15:11:01 <ralonsoh> as commented, the patch is ready 15:11:04 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/687922/ 15:11:10 <ralonsoh> and the FTs problems solved 15:11:19 <ralonsoh> so please, if you have time, review it 15:11:23 <ralonsoh> thanks! 15:11:54 <ralonsoh> next one 15:12:00 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1853840 15:12:00 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1853840 in neutron "Neutron fails to create bandwidth providers if CONF.host is set" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Bence Romsics (bence-romsics) 15:12:27 <ralonsoh> this bug was raised by Nova guys 15:12:49 <ralonsoh> instead of using the conf parameter, we should retrieve the host name form the driver 15:12:57 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/696600/ 15:13:05 <ralonsoh> the patch has +2+w 15:13:24 <ralonsoh> and the stable patches for S and T are uploaded too 15:13:31 <ralonsoh> just waiting for the CI 15:13:48 <ralonsoh> good job by Bence 15:14:05 <ralonsoh> (is he here now??) 15:14:29 <ralonsoh> anyway, thank you very much 15:14:36 <ralonsoh> next one 15:14:42 <ralonsoh> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1853171 15:14:42 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1853171 in neutron "Deprecate and remove any "ofctl" code in Neutron and related projects " [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to David Shaughnessy (david-shaughnessy) 15:15:02 <ralonsoh> the DSCP code is ready 15:15:12 <ralonsoh> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/695479/ 15:15:15 <ralonsoh> davidsha, thanks! 15:15:21 <davidsha> np! 15:15:36 <ralonsoh> apart from n-sfc, is there any other project using ofctl? 15:15:47 <ralonsoh> networking-bagpipe 15:15:48 <davidsha> I think there was one more 15:15:57 <davidsha> Ya, I think thats it 15:16:06 <ralonsoh> ok, just another heads-up 15:16:12 <ralonsoh> the OVS firewall 15:16:26 <ralonsoh> in the FTs (or UTs, I don't remember now) 15:16:32 <ralonsoh> it uses ofctl 15:16:52 <ralonsoh> it's ok because the test application is not running inside the os-ken context 15:16:59 <ralonsoh> so it's easier to use ocftl 15:17:08 <ralonsoh> and in FTs it doesn't matter 15:17:26 <ralonsoh> but we should move this to the testing FW, instead of having it in the ovslib 15:17:34 <ralonsoh> accessible to everyone 15:17:56 <ralonsoh> but this is after the networking-bagpipe change 15:18:25 <ralonsoh> slaweq, do you know who is the maintainer? 15:19:12 <slaweq> ralonsoh: for bagpipe it's lajoskatona and tmorin 15:19:14 <ralonsoh> tmorin 15:19:27 <ralonsoh> perfect, I'll ping them 15:19:42 <ralonsoh> but I'll try to push a patch to solve it first 15:20:38 <ralonsoh> ok, any other bug to be discussed here? 15:20:49 <davidsha> none from me. 15:21:10 <ralonsoh> let's move then 15:21:13 <ralonsoh> #topic Open Discussion 15:21:34 <ralonsoh> next meeting (I'll send a mail) I will be in PTO 15:21:55 <ralonsoh> because the backlog is not big at all 15:22:02 <ralonsoh> I think we can skip next meeting 15:22:06 <ralonsoh> is that OK for you? 15:22:14 <ralonsoh> or you can chair it 15:22:16 <ralonsoh> as you wish 15:22:26 <davidsha> Next neeting is the 31st is it? 15:22:35 <ralonsoh> exactly 15:22:40 <ralonsoh> very baaad date 15:22:42 <slaweq> +1 to skip it 15:22:44 <ralonsoh> for a meeting 15:22:50 <davidsha> +1 to skip 15:22:52 <ralonsoh> hehehehe OK 15:22:57 <ralonsoh> I'll send a mail 15:23:06 <slaweq> thx 15:23:07 <ralonsoh> something else you want to add? 15:23:24 <slaweq> I'm good 15:23:29 <davidsha> Same 15:23:40 <ralonsoh> thank you all! see you here next year! 15:23:42 <ralonsoh> bye! 15:23:50 <slaweq> o/ 15:23:53 <ralonsoh> #endmeeting