14:01:21 <carl_baldwin> #startmeeting neutron_routed_networks 14:01:22 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 26 14:01:21 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carl_baldwin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_routed_networks' 14:01:34 <carl_baldwin> #topic Announcements 14:01:43 <carl_baldwin> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/routed-provider-networks-notes 14:02:07 <carl_baldwin> The Neutron mid-cycle is coming up. 14:02:19 <carl_baldwin> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-neutron-midcycle 14:02:58 <carl_baldwin> August 17-19 14:03:29 <carl_baldwin> We have about 4 weeks left until Newton-3. This is effectively feature freeze. 14:03:43 <carl_baldwin> #link http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html 14:04:05 <carl_baldwin> Any other announcements? 14:04:29 <carl_baldwin> Oh, August 29th. So, we have a little over 4 weeks. 14:06:45 <carl_baldwin> We've got a number of things in play to get over the finish line but things are looking pretty good. 14:07:20 <carl_baldwin> #topic Outstanding reviews 14:07:24 <carl_baldwin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/routed-networks+status:open 14:07:55 <carl_baldwin> I think we've got a lot of the major stuff either merged or close to merging. 14:09:09 <carl_baldwin> If you own patches out there, don't hesitate to ping reviewers to get them done. 14:10:12 <carl_baldwin> Are there any that anyone wants to discuss? 14:10:26 * carl_baldwin thinks this meeting is a bit one-sided today. :) 14:11:16 <haleyb> i will only say there's a lot of patches in that link :) 14:11:43 <haleyb> so we're not all asleep here 14:11:50 <john-davidge> indeed there are! 14:12:03 <john-davidge> I'll do my best to get some reviews done today 14:12:14 <carl_baldwin> Remove "+status:open". It is impressive how many have merged. 14:12:49 <carl_baldwin> Is xiaohhui around? 14:13:44 * carl_baldwin wonders if that is spelled right. 14:14:30 <carl_baldwin> rtheis: How much do you know about xiaohhui 's work in OVN? 14:14:50 <carl_baldwin> It looks like there are quite a few patches out there that could use more reviewing. 14:15:20 * johnthetubaguy lurks 14:15:29 <carl_baldwin> I should add this to the list of outstanding patches too 14:15:30 <rtheis> hi carl_baldwin 14:15:33 <carl_baldwin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/neutron-routed-networks+status:open 14:15:35 <carl_baldwin> johnthetubaguy: hi 14:15:54 <carl_baldwin> These are the Nova patches in play. 14:16:14 <rtheis> I haven't been following his changes closely 14:16:47 <rtheis> one is WIP and the other failed jenkins so they didn't show up. But I will add them to my list 14:18:11 <carl_baldwin> johnthetubaguy: How embarrassing, I have a pep8 failure in my Nova patch. I usually run "run_tests.sh -8" in Neutron before submitting. I forgot to run something similar on the Nova patch. I'll fix it up soon this morning. 14:18:24 <johnthetubaguy> so we are a bit past the freeze for Nova, I guess we agreed to look at the deferred ip one for neutron? 14:18:26 <johnthetubaguy> oops 14:18:28 <johnthetubaguy> newton 14:18:41 <carl_baldwin> johnthetubaguy: Yes, as far as I know. 14:18:46 <mlavalle> ++ 14:18:59 <carl_baldwin> I got some feedback from Matt just yesterday and spun the patch. 14:20:24 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: I wonder if you could take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/346217/ 14:20:31 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: It is a dependency for the Nova one. 14:20:44 <johnthetubaguy> so I am going to come along to the midycle to talk about the next steps, etc 14:20:50 <haleyb> carl_baldwin: sure, will look 14:21:18 <johnthetubaguy> also the live-migrate bits, and the general API changes we might need, but lets not go there right now 14:21:29 <mlavalle> johnthetubaguy: looking forward to your help and guidance in Cork 14:21:56 <carl_baldwin> johnthetubaguy: That'll be great. I know we'll have a lot to discuss. 14:22:10 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: Thanks. 14:22:59 <carl_baldwin> johnthetubaguy: So, we'll get that dependency merged in Neutron. Then, I think the Nova patch will be ready. 14:23:33 <carl_baldwin> I also have the neutron client change to produce a new exception that can abort the build teed up as we discussed at the Nova midcycle. 14:23:45 <carl_baldwin> #link https://review.openstack.org/346275 14:23:54 <carl_baldwin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/346278/ 14:23:57 <johnthetubaguy> ah, cool 14:24:20 <carl_baldwin> johnthetubaguy: Those two will take a little extra time to get the client released. 14:25:58 <carl_baldwin> Anything else on outstanding patches? 14:27:12 * carl_baldwin trying to decide what topic to go to from here. 14:27:32 <carl_baldwin> I think DHCP is looking pretty good. blogan anything more here? 14:28:47 <carl_baldwin> reedip: ping 14:28:51 <carl_baldwin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/304647/ 14:29:00 <reedip> carl_baldwin: hi 14:29:01 <carl_baldwin> reedip: Any ideas about the test failures on this one? ^ 14:29:15 <reedip> carl_baldwin: checking ... 14:29:20 <carl_baldwin> reedip: I haven't looked very closely but it seems we're having trouble getting a good test run on it. 14:29:43 <reedip> carl_baldwin: lemme check it out 14:29:51 <carl_baldwin> I'd like to get this one across the finish line soon. I think it is our last API change that needs to merge (unless there is something I'm forgetting) 14:29:56 <carl_baldwin> reedip: Thanks. 14:30:32 <reedip> carl_baldwin : The Name and Desc code is also an API change(??) 14:30:32 <carl_baldwin> I'll ping xiaohhui today. I heard he switched companies. He might just be settling in. 14:30:41 <carl_baldwin> reedip: Yes, it is! 14:30:52 <reedip> so I have 2 blocking patches for the API 14:30:58 <carl_baldwin> reedip: Thanks for the reminder. 14:31:50 <carl_baldwin> rtheis: Is there anyone who could step in and help out xiaohhui. He's got a lot of work in progress. I wonder if someone could also reach out to him from the OVN side. 14:32:08 <reedip> carl_baldwin : the problem seems to be this (??) : http://logs.openstack.org/47/304647/13/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge/971e4c4/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2016-07-22_20_49_31_958 14:33:04 <carl_baldwin> reedip: We might just be unlucky victims of gate breakages. That doesn't look related. 14:33:30 <reedip> carl_baldwin: I know, thats why I have rebased the code, and trying another run at jenkins 14:33:49 <reedip> carl_baldwin: if this fails, I will reach out on the #openstack-neutron 14:33:54 <rtheis> carl_baldwin: I'm not sure. I may be able to help with some but that won't be until at least next week 14:33:58 <carl_baldwin> reedip: Thanks. Could you keep an eye on it? I'd like to see a clean Jenkins run before taking another look. 14:34:17 <carl_baldwin> rtheis: Ok, thanks. I'll try reaching out too. 14:34:30 <rtheis> thanks 14:34:43 <carl_baldwin> Ok, let's move on. I think we've got a decent handle on most of this stuff. 14:34:46 <carl_baldwin> #topic Nova Scheduler 14:34:47 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: ping 14:34:50 <mlavalle> hi 14:35:21 <mlavalle> So this past weekend I finished implementing all the resoures and operations for the generic resource pools python client 14:35:33 <mlavalle> #link https://github.com/miguellavalle/python-placementclient/tree/adding-grp-support 14:35:43 <carl_baldwin> Nice! 14:35:52 <mlavalle> All the resources and operations in the spec are implemented: 14:36:08 <mlavalle> #link openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/newton/approved/generic-resource-pools.html 14:36:35 <mlavalle> sorry, this is the correct link: 14:36:41 <mlavalle> #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/newton/approved/generic-resource-pools.html 14:36:54 * carl_baldwin extrapolated 14:37:18 <mlavalle> with this client, this week I am prototyping the interaction with Nova from Neutron 14:37:44 <mlavalle> I hope to have an early patchset in gerrit next week 14:38:19 <mlavalle> That's it from me in this front 14:39:20 <carl_baldwin> Cool. A good start for next cycle. 14:40:25 <carl_baldwin> #topic Service Subnets 14:40:35 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: jschwarz: ping 14:40:49 <jschwarz> carl_baldwin, hello 14:41:02 <carl_baldwin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/service-subnets+is:open 14:41:36 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: Did you mean me? :) 14:41:48 <mlavalle> lol 14:41:50 <haleyb> we currently just have those two patches up - one for CRUD, one for OSC 14:41:58 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: Yes, didn't pay attention to tab complete. 14:42:05 <jschwarz> XD 14:42:21 <john-davidge> Haha, no worries. I fixed the merge conflict on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/337851 14:42:35 <carl_baldwin> Also, jschwarz said hi at the beginning, so your nick was fresh on mind. :) 14:42:36 <john-davidge> Thanks for the +1 on the previous patchset, hopefully this one is now good to go 14:43:08 <john-davidge> The followup to add the port creation logic should be much more starightforward 14:43:08 <haleyb> carl_baldwin: i do have to say i'm a little confused now on the OSC change I did - I see some doing things in OSC repo, others in neutronclient, I don't know which is preferred 14:43:12 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: I'll take a look again today. Was just waiting for the merge conflict to be resolved. 14:43:38 <john-davidge> haleyb: For new commands, it's OSC I believe 14:44:05 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: Last I heard, we were going to put stuff in the python-neutronclient repo. But, don't take my word for that. 14:44:07 <john-davidge> haleyb: Modifications to existing is.. both? 14:44:11 <carl_baldwin> rtheis: ^ Any insight? 14:44:25 <haleyb> john-davidge: this is the other way, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/340624 14:44:48 <rtheis> carl_baldwin: core resource related commands are in OSC 14:45:18 <rtheis> advanced services and other advanced features will be OSC plugins within neutronclient 14:45:33 <rtheis> right now network segment is part of core and is in OSC 14:46:00 <haleyb> rtheis: so as this work is updating the subnet, it should live in OSC 14:46:35 <rtheis> haleyb: yes, OSC has the subnet commands 14:46:52 <carl_baldwin> rtheis: Thanks. I hadn't heard quite that explanation before. I've noted it though I might still be a little fuzzy on where the line is drawn. But, at least I know there is a line and roughly where it is. 14:47:09 <rtheis> haleyb, but are you actually updated those command or created a new resource? 14:47:35 <john-davidge> rtheis: It's just a new property being added to subnet create/update 14:47:40 <rtheis> carl_baldwin: the line was roughly draw ... armax wanted folks to reach out with questions 14:47:50 <carl_baldwin> rtheis: ack 14:48:00 <haleyb> rtheis: thanks, that trunk change was confusing to me. It's adding a new argument, like john said 14:48:49 <carl_baldwin> haleyb: john-davidge: What steps need to come after the CRUD patch merges? 14:49:25 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: The next step will be to have the service type play a part in the port creation workflow 14:49:58 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: I don't think anything else is required after that 14:50:11 <haleyb> carl_baldwin: ipam and tests if you go by the spec basically 14:50:12 <john-davidge> haleyb: Any thoughts on that? 14:50:50 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: That sounds about right. 14:51:03 <haleyb> john-davidge: i think we said the same thing - change the thing that will make use of the subnet type 14:51:21 <mlavalle> lol 14:51:41 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: Assuming you're happy with the latest CRUD patch i'll get started on the followup immediately 14:51:50 <john-davidge> haleyb: :) 14:52:19 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: I'll give it another review today but it was getting very close. So, I don't expect to find much. 14:52:35 <haleyb> john-davidge: i'll review again as well, and update my OSC patch 14:52:59 <john-davidge> carl_baldwin: haleyb: Thanks 14:53:18 <carl_baldwin> john-davidge: haleyb: Thanks. 14:53:29 <carl_baldwin> We've got to move on. Time's getting short. 14:53:32 <carl_baldwin> #topic Testing 14:53:36 <mlavalle> Hi 14:53:40 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: hi 14:54:06 <mlavalle> Last Thursday yb, janzian and I updated the testing section of the etherpad 14:54:19 <mlavalle> We specified the tests that we are developing 14:55:11 <mlavalle> In fact, yb pushed earlier today the first patchset for the scenario test: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/347188 14:55:31 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: Great. 14:55:33 <mlavalle> It is still WIP, but we want early and constant feedback 14:55:49 <mlavalle> I will review it today and we will refine it over the next few days 14:56:10 <carl_baldwin> mlavalle: I hadn't noticed it. I wonder if we should put it on the bp/routed-networks topic. 14:56:33 <mlavalle> Yes, that is going to be part of my feedback :-) 14:57:05 <mlavalle> yb is also helping consolidating tempest tests and he concluded we needed a bug 14:57:13 <mlavalle> we'll fix that in the next revision 14:57:37 <mlavalle> janzian is working on adding segments support to the Neutron rest client in tempest 14:57:42 <mlavalle> to add api tests 14:58:01 <mlavalle> and for the sake of time, that is what we have on this subject this week 14:58:59 <carl_baldwin> Sounds like good progress. I'll check out the additions to the etherpad. 14:59:38 <carl_baldwin> I guess that's about all the time we've got. 14:59:47 <carl_baldwin> Thanks, all! Great work. 14:59:59 <carl_baldwin> #endmeeting