14:00:26 <ihrachys> #startmeeting neutron_upgrades 14:00:27 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Nov 2 14:00:26 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ihrachys. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:30 <ihrachys> o/ 14:00:31 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_upgrades' 14:00:38 <annp_> hi ihar 14:00:53 <annp_> hi ihrachys 14:00:53 <lujinluo> o/ 14:00:57 <ihrachys> good evening folks from my good morning 14:01:09 <lujinluo> lol 14:01:14 <TuanVu> hi everybody 14:01:30 <ihrachys> for the record, we discussed moving the meeting to -1h but then figured there are schedule conflicts for some of us, so we leave the slot as-is 14:01:47 <TuanVu> thank you very much, Ihar 14:01:51 <lujinluo> ok 14:01:57 <ihrachys> though I believe some suggested that some other day could work 14:02:26 <TuanVu> yes, it could be a good idea 14:02:40 <ihrachys> do you want me to pursue that? I can check calendars if everyone is on boards and see what we can do. 14:03:19 <lujinluo> Hmm, personally I do not think it is necessary for me to move -1h. 11PM is totally fine by me 14:03:49 <TuanVu> I'm fine with current schedule, but maybe we could move -1h earlier for Luo 14:03:56 <TuanVu> oh, thank you, Luo 14:04:00 <TuanVu> it's very kind of you 14:04:03 <ihrachys> seems like lujinluo doesn't really need it :) 14:04:07 <ihrachys> ok we will leave as is 14:04:12 <TuanVu> ok 14:04:13 <lujinluo> yeah. I can deal with it 14:04:20 <ihrachys> but feel free to raise the topic again if something changes 14:04:28 <lujinluo> sure 14:04:33 <ihrachys> I don't want you to suffer from late meetings more than needed 14:04:35 <ihrachys> #topic OVO 14:04:40 <ihrachys> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/neutron+branch:master+topic:bp/adopt-oslo-versioned-objects-for-db 14:05:23 <ihrachys> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/516961/ "Router to OVO" 14:05:31 <ihrachys> that's some new patch 14:06:03 <ihrachys> was it spinned off https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307964/ ? 14:06:17 <lujinluo> Yes, I think so. 14:07:11 <ihrachys> I see some code in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307964/60/neutron/objects/router.py that is not present though 14:07:37 <ihrachys> f.e. the Router object in the new patch lacks extra_attributes field 14:07:54 <ihrachys> so it's probably a derivative but not exact copy 14:08:15 <lujinluo> Oh, yeah. Do we have Hung here today? 14:08:20 <ihrachys> I don't see him 14:08:43 <lujinluo> me neither. TuanVu and annp_ can you two pass the info to him tmr? 14:08:59 <TuanVu> sure 14:09:16 <TuanVu> I'll inform him about this 14:09:20 <ihrachys> I asked in gerrit what's the relation of those 2 patches 14:09:23 <ihrachys> thanks TuanVu 14:10:03 <ihrachys> next is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/495810/ 14:10:07 <TuanVu> it's my pleasure :) 14:10:08 <ihrachys> "Use Agent OVO in agents_db and test_agents_db" 14:10:22 <ihrachys> it seems like it needs a respin for a git conflict 14:11:06 <ihrachys> there are several small comments there but nothing huge 14:11:06 <TuanVu> yes, I'll rebase the patch 14:11:18 <TuanVu> and also update it as suggestion from Slawek 14:11:26 <ihrachys> ok, and same goes for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/501925/12 "Use Agent OVO in l3_agentschedulers_db" 14:12:07 <TuanVu> yes, regarding to that one 14:12:10 <ihrachys> those also seem to depend on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/516511/ "Reorder checks in apply_filters in db/_model_query" 14:12:17 <TuanVu> we're waiting for the patch from Luo to be merged 14:12:39 <lujinluo> I am rechecking the patch now. 14:12:41 <ihrachys> right. that patch has +W, but failed in gate 14:13:02 <ihrachys> by the look of it, the error (u'Invalid instance image.') is not neutron specifc 14:13:12 <ihrachys> http://logs.openstack.org/11/516511/3/gate/legacy-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge/150563f/logs/testr_results.html.gz 14:13:15 <lujinluo> zuul does not seem to be friendly recently 14:13:27 <ihrachys> don't get me started lol... :) 14:13:44 <lujinluo> lol. tons of complaints? haha 14:15:02 <ihrachys> TuanVu, when you say we are waiting, can't we make the patches based/depend on the other patch? 14:16:07 <TuanVu> sure 14:16:14 <TuanVu> I'll do it 14:16:44 <ihrachys> ok cool 14:16:50 <ihrachys> next is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/321001/ "objects: get, update and delete converted to Subnet OVO usage" 14:16:54 <ihrachys> and I already +2d it 14:16:59 <ihrachys> we are waiting for the second vote 14:17:12 <ihrachys> I believe mlavalle was going to have a look in next days 14:17:46 <TuanVu> cool 14:18:10 <lujinluo> cool. 14:18:25 <ihrachys> next is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/396351/ "Integration of Floating IP OVO" 14:18:30 <ihrachys> also has +2 14:18:47 <ihrachys> there is -1 from ZhaoBo but I believe it's not valid 14:20:06 <lujinluo> thanks for answering those 2 comments Ihar. I have not had time to check them 14:20:06 <ihrachys> I added Miguel to reviewers there too 14:20:31 <ihrachys> next is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/407868/ "Integration of (Distributed) Port Binding OVO" 14:21:08 <lujinluo> so I modified my devstack env, and was able to do some debugging (though no big progresses yet 14:22:09 <ihrachys> so you can reproduce it now? 14:22:33 <lujinluo> yes 14:22:49 <lujinluo> i am seeing many tempest failures now :( 14:23:22 <ihrachys> that's good in a twisted way 14:23:30 <ihrachys> now you can debug it 14:23:34 <lujinluo> yeah... 14:24:54 <ihrachys> next is https://review.openstack.org/507772 "Use Network OVO in db_base_plugin" 14:24:56 <ihrachys> it's WIP 14:25:07 <TuanVu> yes 14:25:22 <TuanVu> I'm still working on it 14:25:32 <ihrachys> I assume you will cover for Network? 14:25:38 <ihrachys> not just for this file? 14:25:51 <TuanVu> yes, not just for this file 14:26:10 <TuanVu> you're correct, Ihar 14:26:55 <ihrachys> ok, there are lots of other patches that are not in shape 14:27:05 <ihrachys> I want to look at https://review.openstack.org/307964 "Router, RouterPort and FloatingIP to OVO" 14:27:23 <ihrachys> I believe now that we have Router patch and FIP patch, and RouterPort already merged, we can abandon it? 14:27:39 <lujinluo> yes! let's abandon it 14:28:02 <ihrachys> ok done 14:28:35 <hungpv> Hi Ihar, for patchset https://review.openstack.org/#/c/516961/ for router ovo, pleas e help me for review 14:28:54 <ihrachys> hungpv, hey! yeah I will 14:29:16 <ihrachys> hungpv, we were wondering, what's the relation of this patch to the other patch we had: https://review.openstack.org/307964 14:31:46 <ihrachys> hungpv, ? 14:31:52 <hungpv> Hi, my patch is a break-down patch for Router OVO only. We have looked it for some reference 14:32:12 <ihrachys> oh ok, so it's not exact copy then 14:32:23 <ihrachys> I mean, for Router pieces of course 14:32:25 <hungpv> But built new patch from our own knowledge 14:32:33 <hungpv> Yes, 14:32:58 <ihrachys> makes sense. I will have a look. 14:33:18 <hungpv> Thank you very much 14:33:25 <ihrachys> the list of objects being worked seems to have shrinked lately 14:33:38 <ihrachys> I will do a revision of objects still needed till next meeting 14:33:48 <ihrachys> #action ihrachys to review objects still missing from the radar 14:34:15 <lujinluo> cool. thanks! 14:34:17 <ihrachys> #topic Open discussion 14:34:31 <ihrachys> more topics? 14:34:57 <lujinluo> ihrachys: are you traveling to Sydney? 14:35:10 <ihrachys> no I don't. too much of a hassle for me. 14:35:15 <ihrachys> do you? 14:35:27 <lujinluo> i do.. 14:35:35 <lujinluo> seems you are only off for PTG now? 14:36:04 <ihrachys> well, it's not strict. it's just that going to Australia would trigger lots of bureaucracy for me both for US and AUS visa 14:36:23 <ihrachys> though I tend to skip summits since they split 14:36:42 <lujinluo> yeah, i recalled that you did not go to Boston either 14:36:43 <ihrachys> afaik we will have like 2-3 people from our redhat networking team there 14:36:52 <ihrachys> which is an all time low I believe 14:37:11 <ihrachys> the location and 4 events per year are tough asks 14:37:34 <lujinluo> yeah, I did not see many names in the etherpad that Miguel put either 14:37:46 <lujinluo> seems we won't have a lot of people this time 14:38:17 <ihrachys> have fun there. maybe take a safari or smth, they have weird animals there. :) 14:38:45 <lujinluo> well, anyway, I was hoping we can meet in person this time. hopefully some time in the near future then 14:39:00 <ihrachys> yeah. that's unfortunate we won't. 14:39:49 <ihrachys> I guess we can call it a day. we will still have a quick meeting next week to check status of patches and any questions. 14:40:17 <ihrachys> unless everyone feels like skipping 14:40:21 <ihrachys> tell me if you do 14:40:24 <ihrachys> #endmeeting