14:04:20 <russellb> #startmeeting nfv 14:04:21 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 16 14:04:20 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is russellb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:04:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nfv' 14:04:27 <russellb> #chair nfv 14:04:28 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: nfv 14:04:29 <openstack> Current chairs: nfv russellb 14:04:29 <russellb> d'oh 14:04:33 <russellb> #undo 14:04:38 <adrian-hoban> Hello 14:04:40 <russellb> #chair sgordon 14:04:41 <openstack> Current chairs: nfv russellb sgordon 14:04:56 <russellb> agenda on this etherpad: 14:04:58 <bauzas> \o 14:04:58 <russellb> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nfv-meeting-agenda 14:05:01 <russellb> feel free to add 14:05:06 <russellb> #topic review actions from last week 14:05:09 <russellb> I don't think we had any :) 14:05:18 <russellb> oh, we did ... 14:05:27 <russellb> i was supposed to update the script running on nfv.russellbryant.net 14:05:28 <russellb> i did not. 14:05:32 <russellb> :( 14:05:44 <russellb> #action russellb to update bauzas' script on nfv.russellbryant.net 14:05:50 <bauzas> russellb: no worries, I'm just improving my script :) 14:06:00 <russellb> cloudon was going to add the latest use case to the wiki 14:06:01 <bauzas> russellb: poke me when you want to do so 14:06:03 <russellb> did that get done? 14:06:26 <sgordon> i didn't see any updates from the wiki notification systemb 14:06:31 <russellb> i didn't either 14:06:37 <russellb> #action cloudon to add newest use case to the wiki 14:06:42 <russellb> will put it back on the list 14:06:52 <russellb> #topic blueprints 14:06:58 <russellb> nova blueprint deadlines have now passede 14:06:58 <atylee> cloudon sends apologies - he didn't get to do update and is on vacation this week. Will be done by next meeting. 14:07:07 <russellb> atylee: ok, cool. thanks! 14:07:16 <russellb> neutron spec approval deadline is july 20 14:07:25 <russellb> the etherpad has a list of specs outstanding for neutron 14:07:44 <russellb> almost all of them need iteration to have any chance 14:08:00 <sgordon> right 14:08:29 <russellb> if you're the owner, please check in on it and iterate 14:08:41 <russellb> if you're not the owner, but have interest in one of them, please help chase down the owner 14:08:50 <russellb> see if they can update, or would like help updating, whatever the case may be 14:09:04 <russellb> i feel like we did a nice job getting a lot of nova specs approved 14:09:05 <adrian-hoban> Does that mean that we use the exception process for bp's that have not yet been approved? 14:09:07 <russellb> but not so much on the neutron side 14:09:21 <russellb> adrian-hoban: maybe ... but an exception won't help if they're in this state 14:09:27 <sgordon> adrian-hoban, can certainly try but i am not sure that helps here 14:09:38 <sgordon> adrian-hoban, exception is usually only granted where they were close 14:09:55 <sgordon> adrian-hoban, -1s and -2s unaddressed in these atm 14:10:22 <sgordon> adrian-hoban, any specific ones of interest from your side that missed the cut off for nova? 14:11:13 <adrian-hoban> sgordon: Yep 14:11:21 <adrian-hoban> On the agenda 14:11:29 <pczesno> Support userspace vhost in ovs vif bindings https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95805/ 14:11:58 <pczesno> we got -1s and we are working to find a solution on neutron sied 14:12:10 <russellb> looks like that one had unresolved -1s for a couple weeks before the deadline :-/ 14:12:10 <pczesno> to be discussed today at ml2 subteam meeting 14:12:22 <bauzas> russellb: hold on 14:12:38 * russellb holds 14:12:39 <bauzas> russellb: as the nova specs with -2 were abandoned, we're not seeing them in the dashboard 14:12:55 * sgordon assigns bug to bauzas 14:12:57 <sgordon> ;p 14:13:04 <sgordon> adrian-hoban, ok 14:13:07 <russellb> i think it was a bad idea to abandon, personally 14:13:09 * bauzas is pleased to work on that bug 14:13:10 <russellb> i don't see the point of that 14:13:16 <bauzas> russellb: agreed 14:13:18 <russellb> i need to talk to people about that 14:14:09 <russellb> someone added a glance spec to the agenda too 14:14:13 <russellb> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104904/ 14:14:27 <russellb> ah, Adri2000 14:14:27 <sgordon> i think that might be adrian-hoban as well 14:14:28 <adrian-hoban> russellb: That was me. 14:14:30 <russellb> err, adrian-hoban 14:14:34 <sgordon> does glance have similar cut off dates? 14:14:37 <sgordon> not as familiar 14:14:45 <adrian-hoban> I don't know. Less familiar too 14:14:52 <russellb> i don't think so 14:14:56 <russellb> glance is a much less active project 14:15:03 <russellb> so doesn't need strict deadlines/process as much 14:15:31 <russellb> may need to ping markwash (glance PTL) on that one 14:15:44 <russellb> make sure he has seen it 14:15:45 <adrian-hoban> The idea behind this blueprint is to offer a method to auto import some feature requests that NFV apps may need 14:16:01 <russellb> yeah that's an interesting idea 14:16:05 <adrian-hoban> russellb: Thanks, I'll reach out to markwash 14:16:38 <sgordon> +1 14:16:44 <russellb> i like the idea at least :) 14:16:48 <russellb> hadn't considered this issue 14:17:37 <adrian-hoban> There's an additional, related bp that will target the image properties filter in Nova to leverage the additional meta-data. 14:17:40 <sgordon> it is an important piece 14:18:00 <sgordon> we concentrate a lot on the infra level but once that is in place you need to be able to share the applications 14:18:22 <russellb> yeah 14:18:42 <russellb> adrian-hoban: if you reach out to markwash, feel free to invite him here if he'd like to discuss the use cases some more 14:18:53 <adrian-hoban> I guess this Nova filter extension will not make Juno now either based on the spec cut off. 14:19:06 <adrian-hoban> russellb: Sure thing. 14:19:32 <russellb> yeah, nova has already approved more than i think we can review 14:19:38 <russellb> we'll have a hard time getting more in i think 14:20:49 * bauzas has to check if glance reviews are not filtered in the dashboard... 14:21:09 <russellb> bauzas: might not be on the wiki page yet, too 14:21:46 <bauzas> russellb: I still have to check this possible flaw :) 14:21:51 <russellb> k 14:21:57 <russellb> anything else on blueprintsw? 14:22:09 <russellb> #topic openstack summit 14:22:16 <russellb> general session submissions are open now 14:22:27 <russellb> sgordon put the info of one of the tracks on there that is very relevant to this group 14:22:30 <sgordon> i think the OVF one was on the wiki 14:22:38 <russellb> "Telco Strategies" 14:22:40 <sgordon> yes the foundation have been promoting it pretty hard on twitter 14:22:45 <sgordon> so i thought i would highlight it to this group 14:22:48 <russellb> "Telecommunications companies are one of the largest areas of growth for OpenStack around the world. In this track, we'll feature content relevant to these users, addressing the evolution of the network and emerging NFV architecture, the global IaaS market and role of telcos, industry regulation and data sovereignty, and industry cooperation around interoperability and federation. " 14:23:01 <russellb> awesome :) 14:23:02 <sgordon> submissions for general summit sessions close on the 28th 14:23:10 <sgordon> so i assume we will all be submitting on the 28th ;) 14:23:18 <russellb> sounds about right 14:23:19 <adrian-hoban> July? 14:23:25 <sgordon> adrian-hoban, yeah 14:23:31 <sgordon> time flies when you are having fun... 14:23:33 <russellb> i think a talk on the nova specific improvements would be cool too 14:23:37 <russellb> i'm a chair on the compute track ;) 14:23:40 <adrian-hoban> :-) 14:24:34 <russellb> and once the design summit opens, we'll coordinate around that 14:24:40 <russellb> but that won't be until much closer to summit 14:24:48 <bauzas> right 14:24:55 <russellb> we don't open that earlier, as we want devs focused on finishing up Juno :) 14:25:08 <russellb> before thinking about Kilo 14:25:15 <bauzas> nah, Kourou :p 14:25:20 <russellb> speaking of Kilo, the vote for the K release name ends in a matter of hours 14:25:42 <russellb> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack/2014-July/008342.html 14:25:44 <russellb> (vote for Kilo!) 14:26:03 <russellb> #topic open discussion 14:26:26 <russellb> any other topics for today? 14:26:38 <sgordon> well we kind of alluded to it earlier talking about the dash dropping -2s 14:26:49 <sgordon> i think it would be good to track everything down closer to j-3 14:27:02 <sgordon> and have a consolidated list of what did or didn't make it (or i can just update the status in the wiki i guess) 14:27:12 <sgordon> try and have a clearer picture of what we achieved 14:27:19 <bauzas> sgordon: right, I can add a section with Abandoned patches 14:27:22 <russellb> bauzas: i suppose you could have another section for state:abandoned 14:27:24 <russellb> for now 14:27:27 <russellb> bauzas: jinx 14:27:34 <sgordon> and more importantly what we didnt 14:27:35 <bauzas> :) 14:27:58 <bauzas> russellb: put me an action please 14:28:25 <russellb> #action bauzas to add a section to our dashboard for abandoned specs 14:28:51 <bauzas> on an different topic, I would like to briefly talk about the scheduler split 14:29:08 <sean-k-mooney> can i ask why they were abandoned? shouldnt that have been done by the summiter not the review? 14:29:28 <russellb> sean-k-mooney: after deadline passed 14:29:41 <russellb> i don't think they should have been abandoned, i think we have a thread on openstack-dev going about it 14:30:00 <sgordon> i have only seen the one about the fact it doesn't auto abandon after two weeks anymore 14:30:17 <bauzas> sgordon: it has been done today 14:30:31 <bauzas> sgordon: I mean by reviewer's hand (or script) 14:30:42 <sgordon> right 14:30:45 <russellb> sgordon: Tim Bell, "how to continue spec discussion" 14:30:47 <sgordon> which is a separate issue 14:30:49 <sgordon> ah right 14:31:19 <bauzas> yeah, that's a global question 14:31:48 <bauzas> not exactly saying why the patches have been abandoned 14:32:00 <bauzas> I guess it's for reviewers dashboard clarity 14:32:30 <russellb> meh 14:32:35 <russellb> you can filter those out easily 14:32:56 <bauzas> russellb: I'm not saying it's the good thing, I'm just saying that's probably the reason :p 14:33:02 <russellb> heh, right. 14:33:09 <russellb> anyway, i think we've covered everything for today 14:33:12 <bauzas> nah 14:33:20 <russellb> if anyone would like to chat, #openstack-nfv is always open 14:33:20 <bauzas> just one sec, about the sched split 14:33:24 <russellb> oh sure 14:33:27 <sean-k-mooney> russellb: thanks i understand that they were -2 for passing the deadline. i think abandoning them should have been left to the origninal submitter /drafter. thanks for clarifiying 14:33:42 <bauzas> so, the rationale for the scheduler split is currently being debated 14:33:44 <russellb> sean-k-mooney: agreed fwiw 14:33:50 <sgordon> sean-k-mooney, i think we are mostly in agreement on that point 14:34:14 <bauzas> some discussion raised about why we should do that, and the possible usecases 14:35:15 <bauzas> as it was mentioned here that the split would help (and if I remember, there is one NFV spec asking for the split), it would be cool if people could provide usecases related to NFV here https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SchedulerUseCases 14:35:32 <bauzas> the more people voice their ideas, the more we get attention here 14:36:16 <bauzas> that's it for me :) 14:36:31 <russellb> ok cool, thanks for that info, hope we can get that sorted soon enough ... 14:36:33 <russellb> thanks everyone! 14:36:35 <russellb> #endmeeting