21:00:47 <vishy> #startmeeting nova 21:00:48 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Sep 20 21:00:47 2012 UTC. The chair is vishy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:49 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:50 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 21:00:51 <markmc> yo 21:01:10 <vishy> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/Nova 21:01:29 <vishy> anyone else here? 21:01:41 <eglynn> o/ 21:01:42 <vishy> ttx, markmc: looks like it is just us :) 21:01:48 <vishy> oh and eglynn 21:01:48 <jog0> o/ 21:01:55 <annegentle> o/ 21:01:59 <mikal> Hi 21:02:00 <vishy> hi y'all 21:02:03 <russellb> hi 21:02:05 <annegentle> yo yo 21:02:14 <markmc> that's more like it :) 21:02:17 <vishy> #topic folsom-rc-potential buglist 21:02:23 <ewindisch> hi 21:02:45 <vishy> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=folsom-rc-potential 21:02:54 <ttx> anything in there that must absolutely be in folsom ? 21:03:00 <vishy> so a few of these are kinda nasty 21:03:25 <vishy> the 4 high ones especially 21:03:37 <vishy> IMO, they are important enough to justify rc-2 21:03:44 <ttx> vishy: I think it's safe to do a RC2 at this point... just need to start being more picky about safe fixes / high impact 21:04:18 <ttx> also, I would like to see some coordination around bug 1050359 and bug 1053364: either fix them everywhere or nowhere in Folsom 21:04:19 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1050359 in cinder "Tests fail on 32bit machines (_get_hash_str is platform dependent)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1050359 21:04:21 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1053364 in quantum "Add SIGPIPE handler to subprocess execution in rootwrap and utils.execute" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1053364 21:04:35 <vishy> going to untarget the first one 21:04:38 <vishy> not worth it 21:04:53 <vishy> going to untarget bug 1052252 as well 21:04:53 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1052252 in nova "Migration 90 removes foreign keys but does not re-add them" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1052252 21:05:26 <ttx> vishy: this last one sounds nasty by its description, but you downgraded its importance ? 21:05:40 <ttx> I suppose it's not as deadly as it sounds 21:05:46 <vishy> no it is just one foreign key 21:05:50 <vishy> and things run fine without it 21:05:56 <ttx> ohai 21:05:59 <vishy> no reason to add a new db migration for it right now 21:06:00 <mikal> And John is working on it now IIRC 21:06:15 <ttx> yes, I'd like to avoid new db migrations now if we can :) 21:06:31 <ttx> what about the SIGPIPE stuff ? 21:06:44 <vishy> i think the sigpipe stuff is a nice to have 21:06:54 <vishy> since we don't know any specific issues it is causing yet 21:07:01 <markmc> the LibvirtHybridOVSBridgeDriver and the auto-assigned floating IPs ones don't look crazy risky 21:07:08 <vishy> if we do rc2 it should go in 21:07:18 <vishy> imo 21:08:47 <markmc> the SIGPIPE thing would make me fairly nervous this late 21:09:00 <markmc> especially if we don't know of a specific serious issue it causes? 21:09:06 <vishy> markmc: I'm ok pushing sigpipe into grizzly + stable backport later 21:09:12 <ttx> markmc: sounds like something we can backport later 21:09:13 <vishy> that is probably the safe way to do it 21:09:23 <markmc> cool 21:09:30 <vishy> i will untarget 21:09:38 <ttx> lets remove folsom-rc-potential there as well 21:10:00 <vishy> removed 21:10:09 <vishy> anyone know any other bugs that have been missed? 21:10:18 <vishy> I just picked up the only one that didn't have a patch in 21:10:20 <jog0> bug 1053041 21:10:22 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1053041 in cinder "SolarisISCSIDriver does not work" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1053041 21:11:01 <ttx> vishy: want me to open a folsom-rc2 window ? I think some of your Highs should be there 21:11:15 <vishy> that is the next topic 21:11:52 <ttx> ok, lets see if we can remove more from the rc-potential list 21:12:08 <vishy> jog0: that fix looks harmless, is it going into cinder? 21:12:24 <vishy> ttx: refresh i just pulled 3 21:12:45 <jog0> vishy: not sure, you will have to sync with John on that 21:13:16 <markmc> O'm not sure I understand bug 1053441 21:13:16 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1053441 in nova "Instances in vm state DELETED are preventing compute restart" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1053441 21:13:21 <markmc> is it as serious as it sounds? 21:13:46 <vishy> jog0: ok I added to the list for now 21:13:53 <ttx> markmc: does bug 1053427 only affect nova, not cinder ? 21:13:54 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1053427 in nova "solidfire volume driver's sf_allow_tenant_qos option is a boolean" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1053427 21:14:15 <markmc> ttx, yes, fixed in cinder already 21:14:22 <ttx> oh, ok 21:14:33 <markmc> ttx, it's not worth rc2 for or anything 21:14:44 <markmc> ttx, just noticed when regenerating the sample config file 21:14:57 <markmc> which itself would be nice to have in folsom final, but ... 21:15:07 <vishy> markmc: it looks like a case where the db and the host got out of sync 21:15:24 <vishy> markmc: because the compute host crashed during delete 21:15:44 <markmc> vishy, any reason to think it's a regression vs essex? 21:15:48 <ttx> heh, we should really be discussing folsom-rc2 first. We have fixes that are not worth respinning, but are safe enough to be included if we did respin 21:16:01 <vishy> markmc: it makes sense to skip attempting to sync states for instances if they are in deleting state 21:16:09 <markmc> given that it's a HP bug, it's probably an issue in essex too 21:16:29 <vishy> markmc: true do you think that means we should push it to grizzly 21:17:00 <vishy> ttx: I wanted to look at the bugs first, since we need to be familiar with the bugs to decide if we need a folsom-rc2 21:17:08 <markmc> vishy, right, issues that existed in essex aren't worth breaking folsom for at this late stage 21:17:17 <vishy> markmc: fair enough 21:17:25 <vishy> lets decide then 21:17:32 <ttx> yes, and we'll need to go back to it to target the ones that are appropriate :) 21:17:56 <markmc> well, we certainly don't have any release blockers IMHO 21:17:56 <vishy> #topic go/no-go on RC2 21:18:27 <ttx> well, I would be very surprised if that RC1 survived long... so better start a RC2 window early 21:18:30 <vishy> markmc: what about broken live migration with volumes 21:18:43 <vishy> markmc: that one seems pretty important to me 21:19:01 <markmc> this is check_for_export_parameter() thing? 21:19:17 <markmc> sorry, I must have misunderstood - thought you said "not worth it" earlier 21:19:19 * markmc looks again 21:20:24 <vishy> that is the only one that i would be upset shipping without 21:20:30 <ttx> markmc: in my mind, I'd like to go into "no more RCs unless a kitten gets killed" early next week. We still have one/two days to push extra fixes 21:21:10 <markmc> well, if there's even one "we really should fix this" and we have time, then we should go for it 21:21:20 <vishy> and i would prefer to get the other high's in 21:21:25 * markmc would like to see an uptodate nova.conf.sample shipped :) 21:21:31 <ttx> so if it's mostly things that already have fixes, I'm fine 21:21:37 <vishy> markmc yeah :) 21:22:01 <ttx> ok, let's do it, but be conservative in what we put in ? 21:22:11 <vishy> good by me 21:22:24 <vishy> markmc: I will untarget the deleted volumes fix 21:22:25 <sdague> yeh, it seems there should be time to do some in tree doc things. It wouldn't hurt to take a run at the man pages starts that were added as well. 21:22:32 <vishy> markmc: any way to mark it for backport yet? 21:22:41 <ttx> i.e. things htat already have fixes... 21:22:57 <vishy> doc fixes should be fair game until we actually ship rc2 imo 21:23:12 <markmc> vishy, I guess we don't have a folsom series to target it at, just tag with folsom-backport-potential 21:23:17 * markmc adds that to official tags 21:24:15 <ttx> vishy: adding to rc2 bugs that are already fixed in master, there is little risk of overflowing 21:24:36 <jog0> sdague: the version in the man pages should be bumped up 21:25:11 <ttx> vishy: if you ack I'll create the milestone so we can start playing targeting 21:25:30 <vishy> ack 21:26:19 <vishy> ok next topic 21:26:32 <vishy> #action ttx to open RC-2 21:26:40 <ttx> https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/folsom-rc2 21:26:41 <vishy> #topic sample testing path 21:26:57 <ttx> go wild 21:26:57 <vishy> so we got a lot of the sample tests in but there are a bunch more to go 21:27:13 <vishy> I want to discuss where they should go. 21:27:38 <vishy> The issue is that we may be adding new extensions during the grizzly release and potentially be improving/adding to existing extensions 21:28:11 <vishy> but i think api.openstack.org should be for the current release 21:28:16 <vishy> as opposed to trunk 21:28:28 <russellb> so api.openstack.org could just pull from stable/folsom then? 21:28:33 <vishy> so in that sense it makes sense to generate them from stable/folsom 21:28:38 <russellb> and just backport additions that are applicable 21:28:43 <vishy> but then we have to backport stuff into stable/folsom 21:28:56 <sdague> is there a way to version api.openstack.org? so you could see stable as well as head? 21:28:57 <vishy> the question is is that ok? they are just tests and docs 21:29:13 <russellb> sdague: yeah, that'd be even better 21:29:14 <annegentle> sdague: hm. thinking. 21:29:25 <markmc> question is whether backporting api tests to folsom is ok? 21:29:30 <vishy> sdague: I think we could do that. The question is more about whether it is ok to backport api_sample_tests to folsom 21:29:33 <vishy> markmc: right 21:29:37 <sdague> api.openstack.org/folsom api.openstack.org/grizzly, and a redirect from the default 21:29:41 <russellb> just tests, seems fine to me 21:29:47 <annegentle> honestly originally api.openstack.org always tracked try stack, unfortunately that's not panning out :) 21:29:49 <russellb> that shouldn't risk breaking the code :-) 21:29:51 <markmc> we're doing it for a good reason, I don't see why not 21:30:14 <vishy> markmc: ok I just wasn't sure it fit perfectly with the definition of stable-maint 21:30:25 <markmc> vishy, it doesn't exactly :) 21:30:33 <markmc> vishy, but updating the docs is a good reason 21:30:39 <sdague> there shouldn't be any impact, they are also helpful in nailing down behavior, to figure out if things actually changed in the way they worked from folsom to grizzly 21:30:47 <vishy> in that case I will merge any of those are completed by rc2 in as well 21:30:59 <vishy> and port all of them over to api.openstack.org 21:31:14 <vishy> btw if anyone wants to help with the porting I would love it :) 21:31:14 <markmc> sounds good 21:31:30 <annegentle> This patches api.openstack.org with the tested samples: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/13201/ 21:31:31 <sdague> vishy: I thought annegentle push a big chunk the other day 21:31:34 <vishy> basically copying files over and updating the wadl's with any broken params 21:31:50 <annegentle> however in the actual bringing them over I'm finding there are far more samples than api.openstack.org actually presents to users 21:31:50 <vishy> annegentle: you are a superstar! 21:32:05 <annegentle> why thank you. But but but… not sure what to do with all the awesome samples. 21:32:11 <vishy> annegentle: yes we need to add more sections to the wadls 21:32:25 <vishy> annegentle: I don't think there are any for xml stuff in the extensions for example 21:32:33 <annegentle> I do get a drop down list, I wonder if something like the "create server" section could just have a bunch in the drop down? 21:32:44 <annegentle> yeah that patch only does core also, doesn't touch extensions yet 21:33:15 <sdague> vishy: so one thing I was always confused about on api.openstack.org, there really isn't any documentation on error returns for api calls. And samples doesn't really address that. How do we get that added in in the future 21:33:41 <vishy> sdague: I'm not sure about that, I think there is data in some of the wadl's about that 21:33:57 <sdague> ok 21:34:14 <vishy> just getting the happy path stuff in first will be a huge + but there is a lot of room to continue to improve 21:34:26 <vishy> sdague: we really need someone to drive this from a tech side 21:34:32 <annegentle> sdague: yeah I've been tracking that omission in this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/975232 21:34:33 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 975232 in openstack-manuals "Need response codes displayed on api.openstack.org" [Medium,Triaged] 21:34:35 <annegentle> but no one has picked it up 21:34:48 <ttx> vishy, off-topic, but for bug 1053041 you should coordinate with jgriffith: either in both or in none ? 21:34:52 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1053041 in cinder "SolarisISCSIDriver does not work" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1053041 21:34:55 <vishy> sdague: so if you want to come up with a plan and recruit help at the summit 21:35:01 <annegentle> sdague: also would like navigation for these LONG lists tracked with 21:35:02 <annegentle> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/1039163 21:35:03 <sdague> vishy: yeh, that might be an option 21:35:03 <annegentle> and 21:35:03 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1039163 in openstack-manuals "api.openstack.org needs permalinks to individual items" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 21:35:08 <annegentle> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/980228 21:35:09 <vishy> ttx: yes I put rc-potential so I wouldn't lose it 21:35:09 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 980228 in openstack-manuals "Need anchor tags for headings built on api.openstack.org so pointers can be more exact" [Low,Confirmed] 21:35:14 <vishy> was going to ping him after 21:35:17 <sdague> I won't sign up quite yet, but don't let me forget about it :) 21:35:20 <annegentle> if you know people who'd like to work on it I can certainly connect 21:35:22 <jgriffith> ttx: I was planning it for RC2 21:35:40 <ttx> jgriffith: ok, then should also be in nova rc2 21:35:45 <vishy> the anchor tags thing looks pretty simple 21:36:00 <vishy> and it would definitely help 21:36:04 <annegentle> vishy: for sure 21:36:14 <vishy> we are getting a little off topic though 21:36:18 <vishy> lets move on 21:36:38 <vishy> #action api samples to be backported to stable to improve documentation 21:36:55 <vishy> #topic release notes 21:37:55 <ttx> http://wiki.openstack.org/ReleaseNotes/Folsom 21:38:20 <vishy> thanks i was looking for that 21:38:24 <vishy> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/ReleaseNotes/Folsom 21:38:36 <vishy> so I would love some help writing this 21:38:54 <vishy> I think we should put it in an etherpad so we can all work on it 21:39:14 <jgriffith> +1 on etherpad 21:39:37 <vishy> #link http://etherpad.openstack.org/nova-folsom 21:40:00 <vishy> I will add all relevent data I have today and tomorrow 21:40:14 <vishy> but anyone who has input please help so we can make them as complete as possible 21:40:29 <vishy> #topic open discussion 21:40:37 <vishy> anyone have anything else? 21:40:52 <ttx> vishy: targeted bug 1053041 to rc2 21:40:53 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1053041 in nova "SolarisISCSIDriver does not work" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1053041 21:40:55 <sdague> vishy: I'll pop over tomorrow and take a look 21:41:04 <ttx> vishy: since jgriffith added to to his 21:41:13 <vishy> ttx: great thanks 21:41:24 <ttx> vishy: wil let you pick the other ones 21:41:38 <ttx> and will help with the backporting tomorrow 21:41:52 * ttx goes to sleep 21:42:19 <vishy> ttx: thanks 21:42:25 <vishy> ok sounds like we are done 21:42:38 <vishy> thanks everyone! 21:42:42 <vishy> #endmeeting nova