21:02:10 <russellb> #startmeeting nova 21:02:11 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Oct 3 21:02:10 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is russellb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:02:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:02:15 <melwitt> k 21:02:16 <russellb> hello, everyone! 21:02:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 21:02:25 <russellb> who's around? 21:02:32 <alaski> hi 21:02:35 <comstud> o/ 21:02:40 <dripton> hi 21:02:40 <melwitt> hi 21:02:50 <beagles> yo 21:03:03 <russellb> alright, cool, and some other lurkers i'm sure 21:03:08 <russellb> #topic havana status 21:03:14 <dansmith> o/ 21:03:17 <russellb> havana-rc1 for nova went out today \o/ 21:03:24 <russellb> #link https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/havana-rc1 21:03:30 <russellb> 5 blueprints and 167 bug fixes in rc1 21:03:31 <beagles> 254364 21:03:47 <beagles> uh sorry.. new yubikey 21:03:51 <russellb> ah, ok. 21:03:58 <russellb> so, at this point we do not have an rc2 planned 21:04:06 <russellb> but we have 2 weeks until the scheduled havana release 21:04:19 <russellb> so for any bugs that might be worth including in an rc2, please tag them with "havana-rc-potential" 21:04:20 <comstud> a 2 week vacation sounds great. 21:04:30 <russellb> and if something comes up that you feel justifies an RC2, please talk to me 21:04:40 <russellb> i wouldn't be surprised if we hit *something* in 2 weeks 21:05:09 <russellb> any questions about havana status or process? 21:05:55 <russellb> last thing, if you have some time, please take a look at bug triage 21:06:01 <russellb> we need to regularly look there for any potential release blockers 21:06:06 <russellb> next topic ... 21:06:08 <russellb> #topic Icehouse 21:06:24 <russellb> the master branch is now open for Icehouse development, feature freeze is over 21:06:35 * comstud claps. 21:06:37 <russellb> yay 21:06:46 * johnthetubaguy smiles 21:06:55 <russellb> if you -2'd stuff for the feature freeze, it's worth a pass through your review list to remove those 21:07:03 <russellb> looks like most of mine expired already, so hoping people will ping me ... 21:07:08 <russellb> i posted to the ML as a reminder 21:07:50 <russellb> If you have blueprints, feel free to start targeting them to icehouse milestones you intend to deliver them in, and blueprint review will kick off soon (probably mostly after the summit though) 21:07:59 <russellb> speaking of the summit! 21:08:02 <russellb> summit.openstack.org 21:08:14 <russellb> please propose sessions by the havana release, oct 17 21:08:20 <russellb> #note please propose design summit sessions by oct 17 21:08:30 <russellb> 23 proposals for nova so far, 32 time slots 21:08:34 <russellb> for reference, 31 time slots in portland 21:08:42 <russellb> i suspect a bunch more proposals will come in 21:08:53 * johnthetubaguy has a few sessions to submit tomorrow 21:09:01 <russellb> johnthetubaguy: cool :) 21:09:08 <russellb> i'm sure there's a lot left to come 21:09:19 <russellb> which brings me to ... i'd like help putting together the schedule 21:09:46 <johnthetubaguy> I can probably help if thats useful? 21:09:46 <russellb> i did it mostly on my own last time, which probably wasn't a great idea 21:09:50 <russellb> definitely 21:09:58 <russellb> i'd like to gather more input for the hard decisions that have to be made 21:10:02 <russellb> what sessions are in vs out 21:10:30 <russellb> we have tools at our disposal ... like merging sessions together, or just deciding that something is non-controversial or easy enough that just a mailing list thread is sufficient 21:10:49 <russellb> so, i guess i'd like to know who all would be interested 21:10:53 <russellb> and then, the best way to work together 21:11:05 <russellb> like ... just comment on the proposals? (it's public though) 21:11:18 <russellb> used a google spreadsheet to rate them? have some meetings? 21:11:23 <russellb> or any other ideas? 21:11:49 <johnthetubaguy> I wondered about a doodle poll, but its not expressive enough 21:11:57 <russellb> (this is a very good thing to jump in and help with if you have interest in leadership/PTL positions in nova or other projects in the future) 21:12:20 <russellb> johnthetubaguy: hm, i haven't used doodle for something like this 21:12:35 <russellb> i suppose it depends on how many people want to work on it 21:12:42 <russellb> if it's just a few, we could hop on the phone 21:12:46 <johnthetubaguy> russellb: yeah, probably a bad idea, just thinking out loud, yeah depends how many 21:12:58 <russellb> if a lot of people want to rate proposals, then we should probably just have some sort of simple voting set up 21:13:08 <russellb> and see how that shakes out 21:13:20 <mrodden1> google form would be how i would probably attack that issue... 21:13:23 <johnthetubaguy> yeah: +1 to that, depends on the number of people 21:13:45 <russellb> ok, so I guess I'll post to the mailing list to get a wider audience to the question and figure out how many people want to provide input 21:14:19 <russellb> i suspect if i do that we'll get a bunch of people saying they'd like to vote ... 21:14:56 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, thats true, but then someone group has to read through the vote, and combine duplicate sessions to start with I guess 21:15:17 <cyeoh> if voting might be worth allowing everyone -2/-1/0/+1/+2 not to actually block or approve but get a better feeling of how strongly they feel about a session 21:15:27 <johnthetubaguy> I wondered about putting it up in gerrit, lol 21:15:32 <russellb> ha 21:15:46 <russellb> how would we do that ... a new "project" and each session is a gerrit change? 21:15:52 <russellb> that's kinda funny. 21:16:02 <russellb> and i kinda like it 21:16:12 <johnthetubaguy> it could actually work 21:16:20 <russellb> indeed 21:16:31 <clarkb> you don't even need a new project. just a magical nova branch 21:16:37 <russellb> clarkb: ooh 21:16:41 <johnthetubaguy> nice 21:16:53 <johnthetubaguy> summit/icehouse 21:17:00 <russellb> clarkb: how do you create the branch? just push it? 21:17:02 <clarkb> (though that might be interesting to sort out gate jobs for) 21:17:05 <russellb> heh 21:17:07 <russellb> noop 21:17:10 <cyeoh> There is also something like: http://zookeepr.org/ - which we've used for linux.conf.au paper review but might be overkill for this... 21:17:26 <clarkb> russellb: no, you need to create it in UI. I should think the branch idea through a little more 21:17:33 <russellb> clarkb: ok 21:17:34 <clarkb> just to make sure it doesn't make zuul stuff more painful 21:18:00 <russellb> clarkb: ok, should I start a thread on the infra list? or just let you ponder it for a while? 21:18:10 <clarkb> russellb: a thread would be great 21:18:14 <russellb> ok 21:18:38 <russellb> #action russellb to start a thread on the infra list to explore possibility of using gerrit to gather summit proposal feedback 21:18:48 <russellb> you know ... that could result in sessions becoming a popularity contest 21:18:55 <russellb> email your company and ask them all to go +1 your thing 21:18:56 * russellb sighs 21:19:21 <comstud> only +2s from cores count 21:19:27 <comstud> that's wrong too 21:19:29 <comstud> heh 21:19:37 <russellb> yeah, crossed my mind, but there's a whole bunch of +1s i'd want to count 21:19:42 <comstud> yep 21:19:44 <russellb> if only we could limit it to nova ATCs 21:19:53 <comstud> nod 21:19:53 <johnthetubaguy> maybe attendees only, but thats harder to do I guess 21:20:06 <comstud> maybe gerrit needs a +1, +2, and +3 21:20:19 <comstud> hehe 21:20:35 <russellb> well, we have about 2 weeks to sort out the method used for this 21:20:36 <dansmith> have we had anyone throw a fit in the past because their session was maliciously ignored in the schedule? 21:20:42 <tjones> Can u toss votes from people who r not ATC? 21:20:45 <russellb> dansmith: ummm, sort of 21:20:54 <dansmith> russellb: okay then :) 21:21:08 <russellb> dansmith: i got lots of grumbling about sessions getting merged, mostly 21:21:17 <dansmith> sigh 21:21:34 <russellb> so this time i think i'd actually lean more towards saying no than merges (except for obvious duplicates) 21:21:54 <russellb> find more cases where a live discussion doesn't seem really useful (the ones where it's an obvious good idea) 21:22:33 <russellb> and yeah, i think some people were offended when i rejected theirs 21:22:40 <cyeoh> if you decide to have a vote, probably a good idea to say up front if you'll follow the results of the vote strictly or just use it as guideline for what you decide to include 21:22:41 <russellb> it's mighty political :-) 21:22:49 <russellb> cyeoh: +1 21:23:04 <russellb> so if you want to get more involved in the political side, come right up! 21:23:24 <russellb> well it's not political to me, but people take it that way 21:23:42 <russellb> but anyway, it's really quite a bit of work, so i'd like to get help and include more people on the decisions :-) 21:23:59 <russellb> and generally thing the more open the better 21:24:05 <russellb> think* 21:24:28 <johnthetubaguy> all sounds good 21:24:31 <russellb> cool. 21:24:37 <russellb> I think that's really all I had on Icehouse right now 21:24:40 <russellb> just getting things moving there 21:25:01 <russellb> #topic sub-team reports 21:25:09 <russellb> haven't done this in a few weeks, sorry 21:25:15 <russellb> anyone want to give a report on a specific area? 21:25:31 <russellb> johnthetubaguy: tjones1 21:25:44 <johnthetubaguy> no xenapi update really, planning the roadmap session next week 21:26:23 <johnthetubaguy> smokestack is proving useful, looking at tempest based stuff too 21:26:40 <russellb> so you think we should include plugin versioning if we do an rc2? 21:27:07 <johnthetubaguy> its probably worth it, just to help support people with that first time setup 21:27:19 <johnthetubaguy> its low risk, given smokestack worked 21:27:23 <russellb> johnthetubaguy: ok, i'm sort of neutral on it, but with your support i'm good with it 21:27:38 <russellb> johnthetubaguy: help me remember if we make rc2 though :) 21:27:51 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, its a close call, I will try to :) 21:28:05 <russellb> k, i should remember when i go over the havana-rc-potential list, so shouldn't have to worry ... 21:28:17 <johnthetubaguy> cool 21:28:24 <russellb> there was talk of smokestack eventually gating 21:28:28 <russellb> is that still moving? 21:28:39 <johnthetubaguy> I think so, not totally sure what the blocker is now 21:28:51 <dripton> Is smokestack fast enough to get to every change in time yet? 21:29:00 <johnthetubaguy> I think thats the issue, thinking about it 21:29:10 <russellb> there seemed to be concerns at first about it not being official infrastructure 21:29:16 <johnthetubaguy> it used to be, its just that the gate got faster recently 21:29:18 <russellb> but that was at the beginning of the conversation, and i haven't followed 21:29:41 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, I kinda lost track of that, leaving BobBall to push it though, I will follow up with him and Dad 21:29:43 <johnthetubaguy> lol 21:29:45 <johnthetubaguy> Dan 21:29:47 <russellb> kinda seems like the same sorts of tests should just be run under the same job scheduler (jenkins, zuul) ... 21:29:51 <russellb> ok 21:30:01 <russellb> well definitely glad it's at least running non-gating, so we get heads up 21:30:08 <russellb> i'm happy with that for all the drivers 21:30:10 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, I kinda like it doing tempest and devstack, but there are issues down that route 21:30:35 <russellb> cool, well thanks for the updates 21:30:39 <russellb> tjones: tjones1 around? 21:30:41 <tjones> We are very close to posting +1 for changes that pass our CI tests. We just have some small issues to take care of. 21:30:44 <russellb> do you know how the vmware CI is coming? 21:30:44 <russellb> ha 21:30:51 <russellb> good to hear 21:30:53 <russellb> how about -1s? 21:31:12 <tjones> We will do that too once we are confident in the results 21:31:17 <russellb> cool 21:31:23 <tjones> Making sure our infra is solid 21:31:24 <russellb> one thing to consider short term is something that smokestack did 21:31:30 <russellb> which is for -1s, they had to be manually reviewed 21:31:35 <russellb> and if approved, a -1 got posted 21:31:42 <russellb> it may still work that way, not positive 21:31:45 <dansmith> tjones: and logs of runs too, I hope? 21:31:52 <russellb> dansmith: +1 21:31:56 <tjones> Yes exactly. Don't want false negatives. Yes - with logs 21:32:00 <dansmith> cool 21:32:27 <russellb> alexpilotti: you aren't around by chance are you? curious about CI on hyper-v. ping me later to chat if not around now 21:32:43 <russellb> i know there's active work on CI for baremetal with the other triple-o elements 21:32:52 <alexpilotti> russellb: hi 21:32:56 <russellb> alexpilotti: hi there :) 21:33:09 <russellb> alexpilotti: was just talking through hypervisors and CI status, was wondering about hyper-v 21:33:15 <russellb> since that's something we want to require before the icehouse release 21:33:35 <alexpilotti> russellb: primeministerp is coordinating this effort 21:33:51 <russellb> ah ok 21:33:55 <alexpilotti> russellb: I can tell you anyway that we will have it ready 21:34:02 <russellb> ok great :-) 21:34:12 <alexpilotti> russellb: what's the deadline 21:34:23 <alexpilotti> russellb: I3 or the actual Icehouse release :-) 21:34:27 <alexpilotti> ? 21:34:29 <russellb> good question 21:34:38 <russellb> i suppose the idea was that if it's not done we'd be pulling drivers out 21:34:49 <russellb> so really needs to be done by feature freeze, or shortly after 21:34:58 <russellb> so, icehouse-3 ideally 21:34:58 <alexpilotti> russellb: oki 21:35:03 <russellb> with a little bit of slack 21:35:31 <russellb> docker is a new driver in havana 21:35:44 <alexpilotti> russellb: is there a common design / implementation among the driver's CIs? 21:35:45 <russellb> they added devstack suppot (i asked for it so we'd have an easy path to CI) 21:36:09 <russellb> alexpilotti: no, the idea is just to use gerrit's interface for voting for test results 21:36:32 <alexpilotti> russellb: ok, and for the rest each driver can do whatever is needed? 21:36:40 <russellb> alexpilotti: you basically could either try to get hooked into jenkins/zuul, join in with smokestack, or build your own (like vmware is doing) 21:36:42 <russellb> yes 21:37:00 <alexpilotti> russellb: yep, the zuul part is clear 21:37:05 <russellb> i don't mind, if it's easier to build your own thing, i'm OK with that, as long as the test results are available 21:37:14 <russellb> basically, act like smokestack 21:37:35 <russellb> but really, the *best* thing IMO is see if you can work with the infrastructure team 21:37:36 <alexpilotti> russellb: are there requirements, like doing a triple-o deployment 21:37:37 <dansmith> russellb: and the goal is 'running tempest' right? 21:37:46 <russellb> dansmith: good point, yes 21:37:56 <russellb> i guess i haven't been especially clear on details here :) 21:37:58 <dansmith> because that's not what smokestack does, just to be clear 21:38:12 <russellb> dansmith: good point ... 21:38:12 <dansmith> and while it's a good step, I definitely think running tempest is what we should shoot for 21:38:12 <alexpilotti> dansmith: yep, we're already working on tempest 21:38:18 <dansmith> alexpilotti: cool 21:39:20 <russellb> so on docker, it *should* be easy to add to the existing infra 21:39:30 <russellb> blocker i hit was that the images we use right now don't have a new enough kernel 21:39:54 <russellb> so either i need to convince infra to upgrade the kernel in the image everything uses, or get a new image created just for the docker runs 21:39:54 <alexpilotti> russellb: during H3 I saw a real massive peak of jobs 21:40:00 <russellb> alexpilotti: for sure :) 21:40:18 <russellb> and i would prepare for even more in icehouse 21:40:33 <alexpilotti> russellb: do you know how many bare metal servers are being used for smokestack? 21:40:35 <russellb> more contributions, and an improved infrastructure will result in a bunch more, just like havana 21:40:45 <russellb> alexpilotti: talk to dan prince for details on smokestack 21:40:55 <alexpilotti> russellb: I will, tx 21:40:57 <russellb> np 21:41:23 <russellb> only driver we haven't discussed is powervm 21:41:40 <russellb> i've heard rumors of CI for that being worked on, don't know details or status though 21:41:47 <dansmith> mriedem: mrodden ? 21:41:52 <mrodden> :) 21:41:52 <mriedem> muwahaha 21:41:57 <mriedem> was just about to head out 21:42:05 <russellb> too bad, now you have the spotlight 21:42:07 <mriedem> it's a WIP, working with dansmith's old team on details 21:42:21 <mriedem> we already run something like smokestack and tempest internally 21:42:21 <dansmith> mriedem: really? 21:42:44 <mriedem> dansmith: yup, it's a bit *confused* at the moment 21:42:57 <dansmith> humkay :) 21:43:02 <mrodden> the biggest worry is being able to keep up with community patchsets coming it at the moment 21:43:18 <russellb> yeah, it's quite a flow 21:43:19 <mrodden> coming in* 21:43:25 <russellb> and only going to increase 21:43:48 <mrodden> thats true 21:44:13 <russellb> well, let me know if you need anything from me 21:44:19 <russellb> #topic open discussion 21:44:27 <russellb> any other topics you fine folks would like to discuss? 21:44:34 <beagles> ahem 21:44:40 <russellb> zuul is really bored 21:44:52 <dansmith> I'm about to fix that 21:44:52 <russellb> so we should go review or write more code, heh 21:44:53 <beagles> I do.. actually 21:44:59 <russellb> beagles: cool! what's up 21:46:07 <beagles> okay, so I've been out in quantum/neutron land for the past. The idea was to provide some continuity or something but that quickly got subverted by... 21:46:09 <beagles> other thiings 21:46:53 <jog0> russellb: what happens when this deadline passes http://www.mail-archive.com/openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org/msg00835.html 21:47:10 <russellb> jog0: pull the drivers out of the tree IMO 21:47:21 <russellb> jog0: that's why i'm trying to over-communicate about this to the driver maintainers 21:47:25 <beagles> anyways, the goal of bringing it up to snuff and deprecating nova-networking afaik remains 21:47:34 <jog0> russellb: ++ it may be worth making that public since that is only 6.5 months away 21:47:40 <russellb> jog0: OK 21:47:47 <jog0> err more public 21:47:49 <russellb> #action russellb to send an update on the driver CI requirement to the ML 21:47:51 <beagles> there is no actual roadmap for that... so I've started trying to make sense of that 21:48:12 <beagles> I started a doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E9CiG8fmcn0FMI15zpE0dRQ1CcFhXV8TxL7mU7vgWv8/edit 21:48:32 <russellb> wow 21:48:37 <beagles> the notion is to start a productive conversation around what it is going to take to meet that goal 21:49:00 <russellb> sidenote: can we move it to the wiki? :-) 21:49:24 <beagles> there is still a lot of librarian work to do on cataloging particular points... but that is perhaps besides the point 21:49:26 <beagles> (yes) 21:49:37 <dripton> That is a ton of detail to absorb. Can we all read it and discuss again next week? 21:49:38 <jog0> beagles: I didn't see tempst anywhere in that doc, a little surprised 21:49:46 <beagles> dripton, yes 21:49:47 <jog0> tempest* 21:49:49 <russellb> beagles: how would you like feedback on this? 21:49:55 <beagles> jog0, it is implied 21:50:03 <beagles> at the bottom 21:50:18 <russellb> #note Check out beagles' doc on nova-network and neutron --> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E9CiG8fmcn0FMI15zpE0dRQ1CcFhXV8TxL7mU7vgWv8/edit 21:50:24 * jog0 doesn't do well with implicit 21:50:28 <russellb> yeah, i need some time to read through it 21:50:32 <beagles> russellb, not sure really. Does the wiki provide mechanisms for comments 21:50:40 <russellb> beagles: no 21:50:47 <russellb> does google? i haven't used that if so 21:50:51 <beagles> jog0: :) truth be told I didn't get to the point of pointing all tha tis broken 21:50:59 <beagles> russellb, I think so 21:51:02 <russellb> heh 21:51:16 <tjones1> yes google does 21:51:45 <russellb> just trying to keep everything in one place is all 21:51:49 <beagles> fwiw: when I started this doc, it was meant to be a four pager, but each time I bring it up I find out something else that needs to be at least summarized 21:52:03 <russellb> so doesn't have to move now, can move later when you have collected feedback if that works best 21:52:10 <beagles> russellb, k 21:52:20 <russellb> Ok, so, we should all review this and discuss next week? 21:52:42 <beagles> yup.. feel free to email me or comment or ping me on irc or whatever 21:52:46 <russellb> cool 21:53:08 <jog0> beagles: is there a summery anywhere? 21:53:17 <russellb> but this is by far the most detail on the topic i've seen, so nice work 21:53:23 <jog0> ++ 21:53:29 <beagles> jog0: not at the moment... it will need a blueprint 21:53:32 <russellb> jog0: the end has a section on what to do from here 21:53:40 <jog0> russellb: ahh nice 21:54:02 <russellb> beagles: gathering feedback from the neutron side as well? 21:54:54 <russellb> guess that's a silly question 21:54:58 <beagles> russellb, yes... I introduced this earlier this week.. no feedback yet. I'm also planting seeds that any discussions of Icehouse endeavors for neutron have to take this into account very seriously 21:55:24 <beagles> planting seeds? no, I've just said it outright actually :) 21:55:31 <beagles> and will continue to do so 21:55:38 <russellb> huge +1 21:55:43 <russellb> i feel like we as a project sort of dropped the ball on this in havana 21:56:35 * beagles shrugs 21:56:42 <russellb> beagles: well thanks a lot for bringing this up, and i'll be sure to read soon 21:56:48 <johnthetubaguy> +1 we need to make progress on this, this looks like a good step forward :) 21:57:17 <beagles> no hurry for the weekend, rewrites in progress :) 21:57:45 <beagles> s/for/before/ 21:57:56 <russellb> alrighty 21:58:01 <russellb> well, good meeting everyone, thanks a lot! 21:58:10 <russellb> bye for now 21:58:12 <russellb> #endmeeting